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Dog training in New Hampshire for the 1932 Winter Olympics
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Paramount |
Negative # | 1700 |
Clip | SR002022_01_01.mov |
Date | 1/1/1932 |
Title | Dog training in New Hampshire for the 1932 Winter Olympics |
Description | Title card: "Mush, Balto! Mush! Wanalancet, N.H.- To Represent U.S. in Olympics! Train Huskies for Dog-team Races in 1932 Winter Sports Competition" / CU woman on ground with two dogs says "The team that I am training for the Olympics is a team that is composed of all husky dogs, dogs that were descended from the north. They are called the Malamutes" / Pan dogs and sleds in wooded area / CU dog "Mad Monk" on leash howls / CU woman holds 2 Siberian Husky puppies / 8 month old dogs being harnessed for the first time / Note: exact month/day not known |
Country | United States |
Province/State | New Hampshire |
City | Wanalancet |