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World War II: Waddy's Wagon
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 20395 |
Clip | SR002227_01_02.mov |
Date | 12/01/1944 |
Title | World War II: Waddy's Wagon |
Description | World War II / the Pacific / US 20th Air Force on Saipan Island / officer, Walter R. "Waddy" Young, standing by a plane before 11 men, the crew / more than a dozen war correspondents in a barracks, playing cards, typing, sleeping / side of a plane, Waddy's Wagon with artwork of the crew and a dog and signatures / crew works on plane’s engine at night on scaffolding / Note: exact day not known |
Personality | Walter Young, Jack Vetters, John Ellis, Paul Garrison, George Avon, Bernard Black, Kenneth Mansie, Lawrence Lee, Wilbur Chapman, Corbett Carnegie, Joseph Gatto |
Country | Northern Mariana Islands |