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In 1936 Chicago, Pres. Franklin Roosevelt delivers impassioned campaign speech
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 10841 |
Clip | SR002789_01_02.mov |
Date | 10/14/1936 |
Title | In 1936 Chicago, Pres. Franklin Roosevelt delivers impassioned campaign speech |
Description | President Franklin Roosevelt speaking from behind podium with microphones; he speaks of monopolies causing Depression and federal government remedying it; he wipes face with handkerchief and puts it back in pocket, some audience members directly behind him, including Eleanor Roosevelt, can hear applause and cheering; he wipes face with handkerchief |
Personality | Franklin D Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt |
Country | United States |
Province/State | Illinois |
City | Chicago |