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Trained eagle and its owner, Capt. C. W. R. Knight
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | SIL 695 |
Clip | SR003520_12_01.mov |
Date | 1/1/2029 |
Title | Trained eagle and its owner, Capt. C. W. R. Knight |
Description | Famed falconer Captain C. W. R. Knight displays a large eagle on a protective leather glove / CU side profile the eagle / eagle flies from rail to Knight's arm to display its wing span in flight, which Knight claims is not accurately depicted on the US eagle quarter coin / Knight puts eagle on ground / Note: exact month/day not known |
Personality | C W R Knight |
Country | United States |
Province/State | New York |
City | New York City |