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Dickinson wins women's swim race
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 1191 |
Clip | SR003764_02_01.mov |
Date | 8/20/1930 |
Title | Dickinson wins women's swim race |
Description | Title card: "Mermaids Meet in Ocean Marathon-Ventnor City, NJ-Star women swimmers compete in the 2-mile race for Atlantic championship" / swimmers in line on beach covering skin with probably oil, spectators at railing above / looking down on swimmers, spectators and officials, can see American flag; women run into ocean / women in ocean starting swim / women swimming / title card: "Two-time winner Dorothea Dickinson retains her title" / Dickinson swimming in, official standing in surf, spectators watch in fg / she swims past official and stands up / she runs out of surf up to official looking chilled |
Personality | Dorothea Dickinson |
Country | United States |
Province/State | New Jersey |
City | Ventnor City |