
Footage Information

Sherman Grinberg
31818 R1
Man in US operating special movie cameras shooting time-lapse footage of flowers
Close shot of man checking camera / the word äóìTitleäó backwards / two shots of same man walking into garden / same man looking at plants / same man looking at flowers / man entering building in garden / shot inside of man entering building, walking down steps and checking out time-lapse movie camera set up with other cameras in front of flowers / flowers with row of lights above them / row of movie cameras set up in front of row of flowers / two shots of row of flowers / man pressing switch in machine / row of lights above flowers comes on, then turns off / closer shot of row of lights coming on, then turning off / time-lapse footage of flower opening up, then manäó»s hand holds flower / CU manäó»s hand holding same flower / same man getting camera ready to shoot footage of flowers / time-lapse footage of two flowers opening up / row of movie cameras set up in front of row of flowers / man operating camera / time-lapse footage of group of flowers opening up / man removing glass case from around special movie camera / same man looking through viewfinder of camera / man looking through viewfinder, tilt down camera / Note: exact day not known
United States


movie cameras
time-lape footage
glass cases