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Radio City Music Hall Ballet performs at the Garden of Nations at Rockefeller Center
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 9501 |
Clip | SR004255_02_01.mov |
Date | 1/1/1936 |
Title | Radio City Music Hall Ballet performs at the Garden of Nations at Rockefeller Center |
Description | Title: "Where rhythm rules" superimposed on women dancing / Woman with long wigs with sequins and skimpy gowns dance around a fountain / A wide shot of the women dancing in a manicured garden with the Empire State Building in the distance and the Chrysler Building at left / Elevated view of the women, some on the ground, and others around the fountain; the women on the ground raise their legs in unison; and they perform an intricate dance / Note: exact month/day not known |
Country | United States |
Province/State | New York |
City | New York City |