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Magicians meet for beer and magic in Berlin
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 38028 |
Clip | SR005349_05_02.mov |
Date | 9/1/1933 |
Title | Magicians meet for beer and magic in Berlin |
Description | Title: "It's a Beery Treat When Mystics Meet" superimposed on people in grotesque masks / At a table with mugs of beer with men doing 'magic tricks' at the same time / A waiter puts beer mugs on table, another magician pulls 'bouquet' of flowers from waiter's jacket/ magician holds hands over mug that contains playing cards and jack of spades rises from mug / A magician smokes a cigarette, discards it, and more cigarettes 'magically' appear in quick succession / magician places small dog in box with two tiers of panel above it / A magician removes top two tiers and hands them to assistant, revealing a wagging tail / magician removes tail and front panel and dog has disappeared A man places glass over cork and a sheet of newspaper over a glass, he smacks the glass, and glass has vanished and cork remains / Note: exact day not known |
Country | Germany |
Province/State | Berlin |