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Historic Films
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NEWSFEED: 7/14/2005 WHITE HOUSE PROTESTERS KARL ROVE, HOWARD DEAN NAACP, MICHAEL CHERTOFF HOMELAND SECURITY, MEXICO VOLCANO ASH DX-INT: GW BUSH, enters to Hail to the Chief, speech at Indiana Black Expo, London Bombings of last week, 50 million people free DX-INT: MICHAEL CHERTOFF, HOMELAND, speech, jet liner and bombs in subway cars, priorities in national security ;DX-EXT: WHITE HOUSE, PROTESTERS placards against Karl Rove, march in front of white house against cover up, chanting Rove Has To Go DX-INT: WI, SEN. HOWARD DEAN SPEAKS TO NAACP, speech on investment in your community, stand up for what we believe ;DX-INT: PARKING METER THIEF, bags of coins in back of car, cu of coins in plastic bags, hand pushes coins into parking meter DX-INT: MINI TRAIN, elaborate mini train set up running amongst, cities, mountains, idyllic scenes, snow scenes, etc...; DX-EXT: SWEDEN, MUD SOCCER, teams play in really muddy fields, crowds watch, black mud, slipping and sliding, sprinklers, roll in mud ;DX-INT: NYC MAYOR BLOOMBERG COMMENTS ON BLDG. COLLAPSE, Bloomberg, speech, at podium on bldg. collapse; DX-EXT: IL RESCUE HERO COPS, T/H police on street patrol, fire burned out apt. shell, children interviewed ; DX-INT: MICHAEL CHERTOFF, HOMELAND SECURITY, TX on border security speech, boarder agents inspect truck, check id's, t/h; DX-INT: LA SOLDIER AWARDED SILVER STAR, Smith soldier, pinned with star, given certificate, t/h soldier, cu of star DX-EXT: STORE MERGER, NAME CHANGE, MARSHALL FIELDS, T/H SPEECH, pan of ext. of Marshall Fields stores ;DX-EXT: IL ABBOTT LABS ANNOUNCE LAYOFFS 700, pill tableting machines, researchers, vials, technicians ;DX-EXT: GAZA ROCKET ATTACK, bug in corner, rockets launched, primitive launching devices, do not use DX-INT: COLEMAN AND HUTCHINSON ON ROVE, PRESS CONF, urge special council to do its work, press conference nothing done by ROVE DX-EXT: IA FUNERAL FOR CHILD MILLER, parents leave church, get into car, int of church large display of flowers, pics, blocks etc ;DX-EXT: TX STORMS, cars barrel thru water, rain falling down, cars spray up water as go by, heavy rain falls, cars w/lights on slow traffic ;DX-EXT: TX STORMS, WEATHER 2, cu of water in streets, flooding, water races past camera, heavy downpour; DX-EXT: TX STORMS, WEATHER 3, RAIN, truck goes thru downpour, cars follow under bridge, get flooded and stuck, idiots stuck ;DX-EXT: HELICOPTER CRASH, CA 2 deputies killed, aerial rugged hillside, crash debris, Sheriff logo in brush; DX-INT: DICK CHENEY HANDS OUT MEDALS, SPEECH, awards medals to public safety officers in US, hands out medals ;DX-EXT: IN HANDSTAND TOURNEY, 100 gymnasts compete, signing, crowd in street compete for handstand records, legs in air, happy crowd DX-EXT: CA SCORCHING TEMPS, traffic to camera heat waves, fans whirling, int. garage air conditioning service, hot asphalt dumped DX-INT: VA, ENVIRONMENT MISSING FISH, T/H about fisheries and putting people out of business, not huge commercial companies ;DX-INT: VA, MISSING CHILD, pics, house, t/h of parents, police in front of home, police cars pull up, crime scene tape; DX-EXT: IN, CHOPPER CRASHES, aftermath, copter tipped on side on bridge, rescue and fire aerial views landed on roof DX-EXT: MEXICO, VOLCANO AND ASH, w/s of exploding volcano, clouds of ash, and smoke, sign Puerto De Reunion, traffic; DX-EXT: CA TODDLER SHOT SECURITY CAM, police shooting, Susie Pena, shows dad holding toddler and dad with Gun surveillance cam ;DX-INT: SC RADIO PERSONALITY WOUNDED IN SHOOTING, police at crime scene, t/h of officers, police looking for clues, crime scene tape DX-INT: IL DJ JAY SCOTT ACCUSED OF CHILD MOLESTATION, ext of home, t/h of officials, radio board, t/h mostly ;DX-EXT: MA GATORS FOUND, people gawking at alligator sightings, bait alligator, people in boats hunt, head pokes up ;DX-EXT: ANIMAL, PIT BULLS ATTACK, CT, t/h neighbor, beware of dog, pan of house, playground, animal control, ext. dog owner DX-EXT: GA FIRE STATION FRAME OF BLDG COLLAPSE, new bldg construction collapses wooden beams lie around like matchsticks ;DX-EXT: NYC Bastille Day, balloons, crowds, contest winner, waiter winner of carrying tray, bocce ball games ;DX-INT: NYSE FLOOR, ipod success, busy floor activity, Ipod logo and apple campus, commercial, cu of IPOD, people with ipod on street ;DX-EXT: NJ CAR ACCIDENT, smashed windshield, glass on floor of car, damaged car, caved in roof, bible on seat saved driver, t/h ;DX-INT: NYC SUBWAY TERROR THREAT, revolving turnstile doors, crowds, t/h from peds, people talk about turnstiles DX-EXT: OH TRAIN AFTERMATH, MANGLED TRAIN
2000s NEWS