
Footage Information

Historic Films
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NEWSFEED 8/10/05, DERAILED TRAIN, PLANE CRASH, BUS CRASH, PRESIDENT BUSH, PROTESTERS, HILLARY CLINTON, MARS, TURTLE FLIES FIRST CLASS;INT suspect Mark Cohn in courtroom;DX EXT care packages loaded for Iraq;DX EXT aerial over accident scene--wilderness, ambulance arrives, z-in tree;DX EXT aerial over derailed train, long white train, most cars off track;INT OUCH! cu man places bare feet in box of glass, students look on in disbelief;DX EXT aerial over accident involving day-care bus, man taken away on gurney;INT woman shows perogi w/the face of Jesus on it, husband thinks it's funny, wife is attached to it; DX EXT boat pov along low-levels of Mississippi River, see lots of river boats passby; DX EXT crew of shuttle discovery waves as they walk along red carpet, man give speech in honor of their return;DX EXT man plays trumpet during Little Milton funeral march, bus honks horn in honor, archive footage Little Milton; DX EXT turtle in cage, T/H animal expert;INT surveillance footage of man robbing convenience store w/machete;INT man walks through airport w/turtle in cage, places turtle cage on plane--in first class;INT worlds largest mango in bowl, mango placed on scale, weighed, registered at 5 pounds 8 ounces;DX EXT cattle drive, T/H cowboys, cattle, T/H city slickers explain why they joined cattle drive, cows moo; DX EXT kids marching parade, band, peds stand for Star Spangled Banner; DX EXT thousands pray at whaling wall;Photo of murdered cop, cop's precinct, photo of suspect, T/H black woman recalls cop when he was a boxer; INT bullet holes in Texas city hall, worker recalls details of shooting at briefing, sheriff briefs press;DX EXT cops investigate triple-fatal car crash on forest road, crashed cars, skidmarks, shattered windshields;DX EXT aerial over plane wreckage in wilderness, chopper hovers above trees;DX EXT search party in wilderness for missing girl, stills Galamendi, suspect in handcuffs, smiles as he enters courtroom; DX EXT more boat POVs of Mississippi river--possible repeat from earlier on tape;DX INT T/H car dealer discusses how he and co-workers miss out on $16 million jackpot;DX EXT pan across mountains, map, man explains where possible fires might be, firefighters in brush;DX EXT flooded streets in Texas during storm, cop car near flood, flooded highway, cop talks to driver, more flooding; NX EXT tropical cyclone blows boats in Brazil harbor, DX many shots of damage after cyclone, plane on runway, waves;DX EXT more debris in Brazil, houses destroyed, rescue workers;DX EXT foreign embassy reopens, US flag over bldg, armed guards, cars at checkpoint, muslim peds in courtyard;DX EXT lots of Bush protesters, T/H code pink woman wants troops home now;DX EXT aerial over truck explosion in Utah--don't see truck, just huge smoldering hole and debris, chopper on ground;DX EXT floods in Lithuania, locals try to walk through them, house flooded, areas look like bogs;INT Jeanne Pirro announces her candidacy for Senate, EXT Hillary Clinton meets w/supporters, signs autographs;DX EXT Bill and Hillary Clinton walk, Monica Lewinsky, Bill testifies, more of Jeane Pirro's speech; CGI graphics of mars, INT Bush tells us human beings are going to cosmos,ice shelves breaking;INT lab workers on computers, CGI of astronauts working on mars, EXT images of Mt. St. Helens erupting;