
Footage Information

Historic Films
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NEWSFEED: 11/15/02, PT. 2, WORLDCOM CREEPS, TERRORISM FREAK OUT FOOTAGE; WORLDCOM: INT WS Stage w/Worldcom logo on screens w/people in audience milling around, z-in Man at podium talking head ; WORLDCOM: CU Spokesman (I don't know this dude.. or any Worldcom execs for that matter) talking head for a long time; ..Just noticed the slogan under the name Worldcom: 'Moving Forward'.. does this mean the company's not run by crooks anymore? ;.. cuz if that's not what it means, I don't see how you can claim forward motion, dawg ..WORLDCOM: MS New exec takes the stage & paces around as he goes about talking head & gesturing; DX CU Unknown old man in suit talking head (no audio, y'all) ; DX CU Unknown younger man in suit talking head at podium (no audio, y'all) ; TERRORIST FREAKOUT (AKA HOW BAD CAN THE US GOVT SCARE US ABOUT THE THREATS TO OUR SECURITY GENERATED BY ITS OWN ACTIONS)::CU text of what a terrorist attack will look like (one brilliant observation: 'mass casualties') ;TERRORISM FREAK OUT: VAR Condoleeza Rice talking head at podium, VAR Joe Lieberman talking head; TERRORISM FREAK OUT: VAR DX Terrorist al-queda training camps in desert, VAR Blown-out car on road (carbomb incident?) ;TERRORIST FREAK OUT: CU Photo of Osama Bin Laden from Aljazeera, VAR Bin Laden talking head ;.. previous freak out footage repeated here ..NX VAR Ambulance w/ lights on leaves station (all the signs are in Arabic.. I don't know where this hospital is .... but it ain't Kansas) ;