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NEWSFEED: 10/14/04 COPS W/HANDCUFFED PRISONERS, PRINCE HARRY, COPS IN BODY ARMOR,PEOPLE REGISTER TO VOTE, OIL SPILL, FALL FOLIAGE DX Robert Blake walks into courthouse, crazy guy with anti-Bush sign follows him. Aerial of school, kids running out of school; DX, Cops evacuate grade school kids, cops lead out handcuffed black man, 20s. Michael Jackson's lawyers arrive at courthouse; DX, Jackson's many lawyers walk through metal detectors into court. Bush & McCain gives candid interview inside Airforce One; NX, parking lot, cop exit house. DX cops lead out hand cuffed woman, 40s. Cop walk past crime scene tape; DX, TX health dept. head announces they are out of flu vaccine. Var Old people receiving flu shots, crying children get shots;DX, CU flu vaccine. in bottle. Cops in fatigues, helmets, bullet proof vests & rifles walk in woods, Cop helicopter, VAR squad cars; DX, Cops blocking streets, surrounding wooded area, cop puts vest on dog. Cops surround a house, cops in woods;DX, Trooper talks about suspect. Cops walking in wooded area, squad cars drive through woods. Lion cubs get a check up; DX, group of officials applaud as NYSE closing bell rings. Pan across NYSE floor, people leaving. NX firetruck on street; DX, Firemen come out of smoking house. Residents wait outside. Firemen spray smoky window. Paramedics put people in ambulance; DX, Cops lead handcuffed suspect, male, 20's into squad car. Dave Ramsey DJ in booth, continuous logo. Chairs in furniture store; DX, In furniture store: couches, table, desk, sleigh bed, coffee table. Voter registration form, people fill out paperwork; DX, people register to vote. Empty soccer field & playground. Empty forest preserve. Rotweiller wears harness; DX, Puget Sound: oil spill on water for miles, containment boats use nets. Sandra Bullock & lawyers arrive at courthouse;DX, Police chopper view of suspect in tree, he is arrested logo visible. Tall building on a rainy day, armed guard is outside; DX, fronts of VAR downtown buildings: banks, insurance companies, Starbucks. Tennessee Representative denies negative ad campaign;DX, Prince Harry coaching kids playing rugby. Teacher who accused him of cheating. Prince loads thing into Range Rover; DX, Harry, age 13, at Eton, Harry in Africa. Bush poses for photos w/ Pakistan officials, Pakistan off. speaks to reporters; DX, State Dept. official responds to green zone bombing in Iraq. Leaves changing: red maple trees in front of house; DX, Aerial zoom into orange tree, bright red leaves, car drives past changing trees, red maple leaves, deep red leave; DX, street w/colorful leaves, orange leave, man rakes leaves, birch tree, leaves falling, VAR shots of colorful foliage;DX, NV republican party headquarters, VAR of voter registration documents. Woman, 40's, on witness stand. Lawyers ask questions; DX, Bank of America sign, ATMs, man, 50s, at desk on office phone. Man reads papers at desk, skyscraper office building;DX, Anti smoking poster w/pit bull. Collection of used cigarette butts. People walk down city sidewalk. Striking hotel workers; DX, Fairmont hotel employees w/strike signs. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger greets people at restaurant, signs autographs. Woman w/Arnold doll; DX, casino slot machines, black jack table, women at slot machines, Gov. talk about taxing casinos. Arnold says Hasta La Vista; DX, Family of soldier killed in Iraq speak about him. Legal document on table. Voting Ballot, Middle aged woman on phone; DX, Campaign workers on phone, CU man's hands, Man w/glasses reads papers. Fingers searching through files. Woman, 50s on stand; DX, Lawyers in courtroom present exhibits to woman on stand. Lawyer gives opening comments. CU of blue pills; NX, police & emergency cars block street, squad cars w/flashing lights, people being evacuated on sidewalks, firetrucks; DX, State Trooper in guard office, prisoner in orange jump suit led by cops into prison compound
2000s NEWS