
Footage Information

Historic Films
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NX - ATLANTIC CITY, NO NEGATIVE, WS night, pov boat from marina, atlantic city bldgs reflected in water, trump castle in the middle, boats in marina; MS woman on lighted modeling runway kicks up leg, and takes off her skirt, wearing black leotard underneath; MS night, red casino sign with arrow pointing up; VAR lights flashing; VAR cash piled into stacks with paper around each bundle, i.e. bundles of money, var. denominations; VAR 'THE DONALD' sitting at his desk, shows a check made out to 'the winner' for one million dollars; VAR 'THE DONALD' sitting at his desk signing the check for one million dollars to the winner, CU his signature; VAR CU dice thrown across screen, black bg; VAR cash piled into stacks with paper around each bundle, variou deominations, red sign for Trump Castle hotel & casino; VAR woman standing in front of lighted make up mirror applies blusher w/ brush, she smiles at camera; VAR CU chorus girl's legs, several leggy chorus girls run onto stage from wings and perform a routine, faces; TILT UP PAN night, TRUMP CASTLE, flags in front; MS int. Trump Castle, lights everywhere, stairs & escalator, women in semi-formal dress model on stairs, other peds; VAR back of woman in tight black mini skirt & purple sweater, dances & plays large slot machine, face turns to camera; MS row of people playing slot machines, CU hands pulling down slot machine levers; VAR back of woman in tight black mini skirt & purple sweater dances & plays large slot machine, turns face toward camera; HS VAR black jack table at TRUMP CASTLE, dealer shuffles cards & deals; CU roulette wheel; TILT DOWN, CU , bets placed on numbers for roulette wheel, little gold statue placed on top of stack of chips; VAR limo in front of TRUMP CASTLE, door man opens limo door for woman, woman's date opens door, man & woman enter bldg.; MS woman on lighted modeling runway kicks up leg; VAR PAN signs, BACCARAT crystal sign, change sign, lights, cashier sign, Atlantic City bus sign, Trump Castle bus sign; VAR TRUMP CASTLE coat of arms on silk cloth, cloth pulled away to reveal gambling table underneath, hands of dealer; CU castle wheel w/ bills in various denominations & numbers @ the edge spinning, number 45 reads 'castle' w/ no bill; VAR CU black marble bg, coins stamped w/ word 'CASTLE' on font & the TRUMP CASTLE insignia on back are spilled across bg; TL night, bridge over highway reads 'WELCOME TO ATLANTIC CITY' Atlantic City in bg, TL traffic w/ lights on highway; VAR busty, blonde cocktail waitress in red outfit pops up onto screen and serves martini, chest shot; VAR TRUMP CASTLE coat of arms on silk cloth, cloth pulled to reveal gambling table underneath, hands of dealer, CASTLE wheel; VAR signs, cash sign, night, rain, charter bus sign, Atlantic City bus sign, Trump Castle bus sign; CU TRUMP CASTLE coat of arms on silk cloth; VAR back of woman in tight black mini skirt & purple sweater dances & plays large slot machine; CU gold coins w/ 'CASTLE' on the front & insignia on the back ; CU gold coins w/ 'CASTLE' on the front & insignia on the back; VAR AERIALS 'TRUMP CASTLE' hotel & casino in Atlantic City, shaky ;