
Footage Information

Historic Films
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DVD NEWSFEED: 6/3/2008, CAMPAIGN 2008 IMAGES, PRINCE WILLIAM AND KATE MIDDLETON, ROBOTIC GM PLANT INT AUTO MFG ;DX-INT HILLARY CLINTON, PEOPLE AT VOTING BOOTHS, t/h reporter, Barack Obama, She and I Hillary working together in November; SWITZERLAND RIOT TRAINING, SOCCER PLAYERS, RIOT POLICE IN TRAINING AGAINST FANS AND PLAYERS ;DX-INT ITALY ZIMBABWE MUGABA ADDRESSES FOOD SUMMIT, comes to podium makes address to Summit ;DX-INT ITALY SUMMIT EGYPT ADDRESSES FOOD SHORTAGES, speech, pics of Egypt market, shoppers, cityscape Cairo;DX-INT ITALY SUMMIT Italian Jews protest Ahmadinejad at food summit, protesters Italy, banners, signs ;DX-EXT CAMPAIGN 2008 DC, HILLARY CLINTON, WAVES, signs autographs, speaks, voting booths, t/h reporter ;DX-EXT NJ SEN ROB ANDREWS VOTING, with family walks to polls, casts votes ;DX-EXT CHAPPAQUA, NY CLINTON HOME EXTERIORS, cars enter gates to estate, gates close, press setup, os, black suv's exit; DX-EXT NJ SEN ROB ANDREWS REAX AFTER VOTING, T/H ;DX-INT NV CRASH INVESTIGATION CONF, surveillance from police cars simulated crash scenes and police training videos; DX-CAMPAIGN 2008, REPEAT HILLARY...DX-EXT PRINCE WILLIAM NAVAL EXERCISE FOOTAGE, ON SMALL BOATS, NAVAL DRUG PATROLS, KATE MIDDLETON FOOTAGE ; DX-EXT ELECTRIC CHEVROLET CAR PLUGGED IN woman starts car in garage, drives off in sporty electric vehicle;DX-INT CHENEY JOKES ABOUT WVA, Obama 8th cousin, national press conf,DX-EXT CAMPAIGN 2008, sign vote on bldg, vote here, deposit absentee ballots, people voting ;NX-EXT NASA STS-124 BEG 1ST SPACE WALK, space footage, men o/s space station floating around, b/w images from space ;PRINCE WILLIAM REPEAT/NAVAL TRAINING DX-EXT NYC TATUM O'NEAL LEAVES COURT, DRUG CHARGES holding hand of man, paparazzi follow, gets into car, leaves ;CHENEY REPEAT VA DX-WI GM PLANT, int. auto mfg, robotic welding, cars being spray painted robots, dash being affixed, engine set ;DX-EXT IL R KELLY TRIAL, VAN ALLEN DEPARTURE, exits courtroom, down steps to waiting car;DX-INT DC PRESS CONF,I ISRAEL/PALESTINIAN PEACE PROCESS t/h ;DX-EXT MO ANIMAL DU JOUR BEAR IN TREE, cu of black young bear in tree,people on ground take photographs, t/h ;DX-EXT PAKISTAN BLAST AT METAL BUSINESS KILLS 5 CHILDREN, bombing aftermath and local officials/military view ;DX-EXT NETHERLANDS, AIRPORT CLOSED WWII BOMB UNEARTHED, empty runways, roadblocks, police guard roadblock ;