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Historic Films
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NEWSFEED OCTOBER 6-7, 1998 KOSOVO: international flag on pole in wind, roundtable of UN (?) meeting, talking heads, WS UN building, people vote; talking head, pans of var UN documents, Clinton sits in crowded press conference, VARshots of shanty town in Kosovo; Yeltsin shakes hands with Jonathan Katz (?), sit at grand table and talk, WS funky looking vast, round UN conference room; talking head (William Daniels?), woman walks into mental ward, CU nurse count spills, long line of people wait for medicine; CU gaunt looking old man, aerial shot of battleship at sea, planes taxis on ship with skull/crossbones (jolly roger) on tail; missiles loaded onto plane, pan shot of battleship control room, radar screen, crewman signals to plane for take off; sidewinder missiles attached to jet, jets takes off, fly in tandem, MIDEAST: Madeline Albright arrives among crowd, waves; Netanyahu gets out of limo, then Arafat, they shake hands at dinner, they all speak, WS Middle Eastern village, dig holes; DAY OF PROTEST: WS of Russian protest on snowy day, group of police approach camera, military trucks on snowy street, riot gear ;talking heads, t/u statue of Stalin(?), VAR WS of protesters with snow covered banners, police hold protesters back; MS cathedral-like building, Yeltsin and Dr. Katz again, protesters hold picture of Stalin, mob begins to get violent; WS thousands of protesters in square, GREENSPAN: Alan Greenspan speaks to assembly for quite some time, junior; BLAIR/DISSIDENT: Tony Blair shakes hands w/ Chinese man, cameras flash, they enter building, press conference, Blair speech; OTS of chinese man on computer, CU of screen (Human Rights in China web page), CU hand on mouse, Chinese web page; Chinese man speaks to camera from chair, KOSOVO CRISIS: WS mansion thru trees, American flag blows on pole in wind; men chat behind security fence, cars pull out thru gate, Slobodan Milosovic, young boy waves to passing traffic ; pan down official Yugoslav building, CU Yugoslav emblem, talking head, small camp of immigrants, woman washes clothes; men unload sacks of food, talking head (Richard Burton?), pan of storage area, military jet prepares to take ofF; jet takes off, VAR in flight, KOSOVA TALKS: NX Passenger jet coming to terminal, white car drives past camera; EST Royal Windsor Hotel, VAR talking heads, limp US flag, Madeline Albright speaks, Clinton speaks, passjet taxis; CLINTON: WS House of Representative podium, VAR talking heads, Clinton in press room, talking heads; IMF/BANK: WS IMF meeting, photographers, talking heads, WS reporters audience, DROWNINGS: drowned bodies on raft; people carry corpse away, search helicopter lowers to river, rescuers try to revive victim, dead bodies along beach; fat lady survivor in towels is lead away, NOBEL PRESSER: goofy smiling lady, pan of books on display, author is mobbed; DIPLOMACY: talking head, then gets in limo, smiling Clinton speaks, military jet is pulled by truck, VAR of same jet; military talking head, military radar dish, VAR missiles launchers, jet takes off under cover of the night; stealth bomber takes off, VAR in flight, small mountainside village, kids climb thru rubble, shots of town in rubble ; inside small ruined home, serb woman cooks on gross old stove with gross old pots and pans, makes a hell of a torte i bet; young boy looks over countryside sadly, KOSOVO: protesters with flags, protest signs in Russian, man on microphone; building emblem (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), man and dog enter thru security gate, more protester shots; official looking meeting room, talking heads, Yeltsin, CLASHES SHARON: mob of protesters crashes down street, violent ;riot police with guns get pelted with rocks, one takes aim, injured protester carried to ambulance ;riot police on street w/ burning car, WS hospital, Netanyahu speaks, is that Mel Torme?, LS of small Israeli village; tanks roll past, one with Jewish star, b/w photos of military men, MARKETS: Japanese Stock experts around round computer; CU stockboard, VAR shots of board of trade, stock board, people applaud at NYSE, bear and bull statue outside of NYSE; German stock board, German stock exchange, ITALY: Pan down from ceiling of Italian Parliament(?), VAR shots of people; ITALY: fashion show, skinny models in slinky slylish dresses, one judge has scornful look on her face (jealous); designer walks thru w/ boyfriend, more models, Naomi Campbell, model with disgustingly skinny legs........;