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NEWSFEED 1/24/2000, 2000. ELIAN GONZALES. THAT'S ALL. SOME PRESIDENTIAL election 2000 CAMPAIGNS, PLUS SOME COLD WEATHER; ? black celebrity/athlete stepping off plane at international airport. MIAMI: Elian Gonzales stuff, sign: Elian must stay; Elian stepping out of car coming home from school, crowd of demonstrators, police officer walking around uncertainly; IOWA: first presidential caucus, GW Bush buys coffee at greasy spoon, people behind counter look really touched; Bush campaign, Steve Forbes, Bush, Al Gore campaign, caucus race, EST farmhouse. Whole segment repeats ; IOWA: straw pole. WASHINGTON: anti-abortion demonstrators 'March for Life', Republican presidential hopefuls, John McCain; Bill Bradley & Gore debate w/bug, more protesters. Segment repeats w/o voice over. IOWA: Steve Forbes campaign talk head; MIAMI: HS Learn landing, Elian Gonzales' grandmothers, protesters outside house, grandmother on TV. ILLINOIS: Rev Jesse Jackson ; DECATEUR: high school boys before press w/Jesse Jackson. NORTH CAROLINA: cars tire spinning stuck in snow, cars drives off; DX POV driving car in snow on highway, talk head having trouble on icy road. More: feet walk in snow, scraping ice from windshield; DX POV driving car in snow, snowplow, tire tracks in snow, speed limit sign covered w/frost snow, kids make snowman; More cars in snow, AERIAL cars & school buses outside school. MIAMI: Elian Gonzales' grandmothers. Talk head on grandmothers visit; MIAMI: very creepy men in suits come out of house w/Elian Gonzales & caretakers & everybody gets into shiny black car; Press & demonstrators outside house. LOS ANGELES: AERIAL Belmont Learning Center on toxic site, INT school board meeting, protest; VAR costruction, construction worker carrying plans, demonstrators protesters BG LA SKYLINE; MIAMI: 'Elian Today' HS police officer walks past stopped black car, car drives along to swanky house, helicopter on tarmac; Car drives thru gated driveway, Elian Gonzales & co. get out of car greeted by people, lear jet on tarmac; Elian & co. enter large Spanish style house. MIAMI: Learjet landing, arrival of Elian Gonzales' grandmothers, talk head; Elian & co. leave house, VAR generic looking security. ARKANSAS: talk head hearings American Airlines flight 1420 crash; DALLAS: sleet cold & bad weather...WS cars on highway headlights on in fog. Traffic cop directing traffic in intersection; Little girl in snow covered front yard. Crashed airplane being hosed down, crashed lear jet, mechanic's garage full of tires/sleet; ARKANSAS: also having bad weather, traffic moving slowly in snow, FG large U.S. flag; MIAMI: Jewish (wearing yarmulke) attorney for Elian Gonzales' relatives saying the INS has chutzpah,stuff relating to case; Press conf outside courthouse, speech in Spanish, creepy P-IN great uncle whispers into other man's ear, man repeats in English; OKLAHOMA CITY: bad weather here too- could it be 'cause its winter? man shovels snow, videocamera adds its own snow, kids sledding; Mail truck drives by snow covered house - nice, too bad black specks all over, happy smiling postal carrier closes back of truck; CU feet walking thru snow, carrier delivers mail with smile. Gore & Bradley debate, re Gore's stance on abortion ;