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DX EXT Boat sinking in river
Source | Historic Films |
Link | View details on Historic Films site |
File | STS-81534 @ 15:05:08 |
Reel Summary | NEWSFEED: 9/16-19/05 SLAUGHTERHOUSE, WILDFIRES, HURRICANES KATRINA/RITA, JOHN KERRY, 92 WINS JACKPOT, IRAQ, NEW ORLEANS, RAY NAGIN;INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse, T/H lawyer discusses rotten meat at meat factory, T/H meat packer; DX EXT serbians leave AZ courthouse after immigration arrest, T/H lawyers discuss case;INT black man recalls living through Hurricane Ivan, huge church choir, var priests speak, congregation, priest sings;DUSK EXT ws wildfires burning in forest, lighting up sky; INT hands play slot machine, T/H 92 year old man discusses winning megabucks jackpot--$21 million;DX EXT aftermath of bombing in Lebanon, building destroyed, soldiers inspect ruins, break glass; INT guys open locker w/money inside, DX EXT workers load money bags onto armored car, car drives away; DUSK EXT huge ceremony, protest in South American city, leader (president?) speaks, candlelight vigil on steps; DX EXT Lil' Kim enters jail, lots of press around her; DX EXT South American cargo ship in dock, INT press conference, EXT sheets of ice and glaciers in cold ocean;INT UN session, Hispanic man speaks, US section is empty, Cuban delegates applaud, WS conference room; DX EXT T/H man, 50s, discusses possibility of Hurricane Rita striking, Katrina damage in trailer park;INT Mayor of Miami holds briefing regarding Rita, T/H police chief, T/H mayor; DX EXT black man discusses damage to home from Katrina, CU flies, var shots of mold, damage and broken power lines; T/H woman recalls her dog killed and skinned, photo of dog, EXT scene of crime, more photos of dog, T/H man, 20s; DX EXT wildfires burn mountain, car drives away, man hangs out at tractor, Grants Gymnasium;DX EXT T/H reporter in yellow shirt discusses Rita hitting Bahamas, var shots of storm, T/H local, var shots around Caribbean; DX EXT NO Saints fan in parking lot at Meadowlands, discusses impact of Katrina on football team, Red Cross drive; DX EXT boat sinking in river; NX EXT HUGE CROWD thousands swarm Shiite festival in downtown Karbala, lights, candles, fireworks; DX EXT traffic on NO freeway, buildings w/shattered glass, soldiers de-board bus, damaged Hyatt Hotel, empty downtown streets; INT T/H Mayor Nagin, T/H female soldier, more shots of Nagin; DX EXT T/H Richard Hatch interviewed by press regarding court case;INT T/H Lyndie England, STILLS of England participating in prisoner abuse at Abu Gharib; DX EXT var shots of storm hitting, T/H man gives briefing on RIta, evac in progress, high angle of Katrina damage, cars on highway; REPEAT segment with Saints fan at Giants game; INT T/H Cindy Sheehan speaks out against war at briefing, signs for march on Washington, anti-war signs, more Cindy; INT AZ Governor visits USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, shown oil stains on floor, T/H Gov (female), throws flowers into water; INT Sen. John Kerry gives speech in Rhode Island; INT huge line of women waiting to see Sarah Jessica Parker promote her fragrance, Parker poses for photos; DX EXT Family Express gas station, crime scene, lots of cop cars, cops surround scene |
Description | DX EXT Boat sinking in river |
Genre | 2000s NEWS |
Color | color |
Year | 2005 |