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NT-3115 @ 00:19:01
The Eleventh Hour, Show #115 Title: Talk Radio Guests: Eric Bogosian, Actor /Lynn Samuels, Barry Farber, Bob Grant - Radio Talk Show Hosts. Secret "former" unidentified Radio Talk Show Host. Description: Talk Radio Show Hosts discuss the controversies around the themes, pros and cons, of their type of programming. Original Broadcast Date: 1-27-89
Inserted Interview Continues: Bob Grant: In other words you're saying- Barry Farber: You know, David Duke is a media confection? Bob Grant: Well. Look, I don't want to talk about David Duke, because the last time David Duke approached me to be on the show, I said, No, that's it over and out. Cut. Finit. So David Duke is not an issue here. I don't know what the heck. Barry Farber: He's a winner in Louisiana, Bob Lynn Samuels : We don't want to legitemize that! Bob Grant: I don't want to turn this program into random on David Duke! Robert Lipsyte : Let me let me ask you this, because in terms of reaping this kind of whirlwind of hate that that is out there. Do you yourselves ever feel fearful for your own personal safety? Bob Grant: If I did, I wouldn't do the program the way I do. You know, it's interesting, Bob, when Alan Berg was shot down, June 18th, 1984, he Robert Lipsyte : He was front of a left wing shot by the aryan nation Bob Grant : Forget about politics Robert Lipsyte: No just to explain, Bob Grant : But the thing is when he was shot, three networks all in the same day came after me. And for for an egomaniac it was a great day, although I felt sorry for Alan Berg they all wanted to interview me the Daily News, except for the New York Times, which has boycotted me for whatever reason, everybody wanted to interview me. They thought of Bob Grant, and I was asked by a reporter, what "aren't you afraid?" And I said, if I was afraid I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. It has never occurred to me to be afraid. Robert Lipsyte: But there is that hate Lynn, there? Lynn Samuels : I'm just fine. I'm too because my feeling is is what do you want Alan Berg? Oh, I'm not telling my listeners I'm gonna be on. But my feeling is is that it's the right wing. It's the area nation types who's assassinated Alan Berg who would assassinate someone. I don't think anyone on the left would ever go after Bob Grant. Barry Farber: I have one fear only. And that is if somebody does to me what that person in the last part of this movie did to Eric Bogosian, namely 18 bullets at point blank range. My only fear is that people will say were you see he thought he was a real showbiz dandy. He thought there were no consequences. There's no tomorrow. Everything's a free ride. It's real. It's just show biz- I want to make clear right now that if that's the way I wind up, I knew at every single stage what I was doing, and I chose to do it so like airline pilots and bus drivers on mountain roads. Robert Lipsyte: And you're not afraid now of course not. But the what what is your robot I've talked about filling the void out there and you the sense of hate. And there's that kind of sense that there's a safety valve factor in what you do is that is that valid? Bob Grant : I don't have a mission beyond, beyond speaking my mind and hoping that perhaps I can persuade enough people of the rectitude of my position. But I didn't come into this with a mission. And if anybody is going to sit here and tell you, they are doing this because they have a mission, that I think they're frauds, fakes, and phonies. Lynn Samuels: I'm a fraud, a fake, and a phony. Robert Lipsyte: Well tell us about- tell us about that. Barry Farber : Look, if you weren't getting paid, you'd still come in? Lynn Samuels : I did it for years on a non-commercial radio station. It's that I like Robert Lipsyte : Now, Bob, very well, as I told you earlier several times I nearly drove off the road listening to you, what is your mission? Lynn Samuels : I really think that that surrounded as I am at ABC with with people that I consider very far to the right that I, I think i hope i'm teaching people to be more tolerant of gays of homeless people or black people of poor people and bringing some kind of left wing perspective. Robert Lipsyte: But let's give a chance in terms of that sort of political slanted you have, you know, struggling against the forces a dark forces of of the right, how do you feel about Bob Grant's show? Lynn Samuels: I, I have been listening to Bob since he came to New York and Bob is my hero. As, as a show business broadcaster I disagree with everything he says. And I think he's a bigot. Barry Farber: I don't mind it that Lynn is so far on the left, I think we got to keep a few people like her around for research, if not for breeding purposes. But, but for a man with no mission, Bob Grant has certainly given the best mouth to mouth resuscitation to what I consider our side, centrist right of center side.
1980s NEWS