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Historic Films
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BLESSING OF ANIMALS, PLAZA NEAR OLIVERA ST HAVING PETS BLESSED BY CARDINAL MAHONEY, LOTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS SOME UNUSUAL PETS; DX CU little girl looking at booth, Tortoise Rescue booth, sign 'These Baby Turtles Are Illegal', seniors looking at booth; Parents & kids looking at booth, attendant, small plastic vivarium on booth, people looking at American Tortoise Rescue booth; People setting up arch made of ribbons & flowers, could be preparing for a wedding. Women leading pet llamas, CU llamas face; Men in Mexican costume leading & riding fine horses. Man w/pretty black & white cow (actually polled bull, no horns); CU cow's hoof. MS bull pulling on halter. Latino kids watching, MS cow on halter (county fair image). People walking dogs together; Track little dog on leash prancing. Woman putting up decorations with staple gun. Mounted police on quarter horses; CU iguana in woman's hand (bright green), CU iguana looks at camera. CU turtle in woman's hand, turtle crawling on turtle booth; Reptile lovers - huge lizard on man's shoulder. Kids looking at vivarium. CU lizard wearing sombrero. Turtle mobile full of turtles; Owner introducing turtles. Cu turtle shaped candles in woman's hand. Several people at turtle booth. People leading llamas; CU turtle in woman's hands, decorated with ribbon. Worried looking dachshund on leash, CU dachshund looking at camera; People sitting along sidewalk. People with dressed-up dog. P-In little girl holding balloon animal, sitting in mother's lap; Couple with dog wearing bandana. Men wearing Aztec costumes. Man in old West costume riding Arabian horse; Flowers and ribbons in mane, MS horse champing on bit. Looks like Diagon Alley. Tilt-U sun overhead. Renaissance fair rejects; Oddball man and goth chicks comparing pet pythons or boa constrictors. Young woman putting flowers in friend's hair ;Man fixing pony's forelock, man pets pony and pony flinches. Various people with dogs. Woman carrying little goat; Rennaisance fair rejects chatting. Great shot of crowd waiting behind barrier. Goose inside cage. Big yellow python on ground; CU python on ground flicking its tongue. CU woman wearing jester cap. Little girl in wagon with chihuahua on her lap; MS large dog black and white spotted dog, great dane, maybe a mastiff. Grey pony next to trailer. POV being videotaped by a dork; Several pygmy goats, girls carrying goats, girls leading ponies. People preparing for procession, wagons decorated with greenery ;People waiting alongside of road, waiting for parade. Mexican fiesta image, Folklorico dancers visible over heads of crowd; Riders in Mexican costume, nervous horse stomping. Gaudy middle aged woman emcee. Crowd watching event. Family with Dalmatian; Procession approaching headed by pretty brown cow wearing banner, Cardinal Mahoney and entourage, mariachis playing ;Men leading pretty cow, cow moos &looks around as if waiting for an answer. Crowd along sidewalk applauding, crowd watching parade; MS cow in the middle of mooing, licks her nose. Mariachis, Cardinal Mahoney standing under arch, CU cow again, Mahoney; Mahoney speaking with man carrying kid on his shoulders, kid is covering his ears. MS mariachi playing trumpet ;Assistant holding holy water and juniper branch. CU Mahoney smiling. MS mariachis playing guitars, mariachi playing trumpet; P-Out as mariachis finish song. Mahoney clapping. Woman speaking at mike. Man w/kid speaks at mike, Tom Labanch from the DWP; CU cow on halter moos! then blinks a few times & looks around. Woman speaking at mike. MS woman holding Pomeranian; Mahoney takes mike, no bullcraping, calls for ceremony to begin, reads prayer in Spanish. Men beside cow. Parakeets in cage; CU cow's fuzzy muzzle. MS Mahoney making sign of the cross, then reads prayer again in English. Men standing around cow; Mahoney making the sign of the cross. MS Mahoney using branch to fling water on cow, blessing people and their pets as they walk by; MS Mahoney flinging water at people, looks like he's having fun! People filing by with and without animals; People approaching cardinal, dogs on leash, woman carrying cat, turtles in wagon (cute!), seeing-eye dogs and other working dogs; P-In Scotty & Pomeranian sniffing each other. Scotty looking around. Mahoney looking around during lull in ceremony; Cheerful mounted police riding thru crowd, waving. People petting dogs. Girl riding pony. VAR people holding dogs. Mexican riders; Man in Mexican costume with lasso, la riata. Another rider, more people with pets in line. WS Mahoney blessing people & pets; Back of head of guy with spiked hair. Mahoney splashing away. Good generic shot of crowd watching, facing away from camera ; WS crowd & Mahoney. Kid sleeping in stroller. Little girl on father's shoulders leans over & kisses mother, cute happy family; More people with pets arriving, man helps Pomeranian wave at camera. Kid pointing up at sky. Mounted police. People carrying chihuahuas. Turtle in wagon. That turtle information booth. Turtle walking across table. Mahoney under arch, Mahoney walking away with police escort...