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Back in Studio INTERVIEW RESUMES: David Susskind you spend your life sticking out celebrities photographing them, when they're not aware they're being photographed? How do you feel about them? Do they fake their resentment at being photographed being interviewed, Dick Corkery I myself, I find them more, I don't know, more compassionate life than most people are more sensitive. And most people were in the theater and they'd like some more privacy than actually what we give them. But I don't know if it's I don't care what Ron Galella the publicity they love it. Especially when our anonymous they they want to be recognized. They want their picture taken. They want their names in a paper. But it's when they become superstars that it becomes ambiguous and contradictory. David Susskind Jacqueline Kennedy, she could avoid half of the pictures and publicity she gets. She didn't have to go to that party. She didn't have to see a movie at the theater, she could have a screening, Ron Galella right? She goes to openings now. Ballet David Susskind she wants the publicity Dick Corkery their private life. See once they become public when they come to it. Yeah, an affair that's going to be covered by newspapers and TV, then it's public, what their private lives I thought you were talking about when we wait outside their homes, and go to their estates where they're riding horseback and whatnot, and somehow sneak into it and get in there and capture them. David Susskind Which of the big stars really sabers publicy the most loves it. Even though she gives you or he gives you a hard time Gene Spatz , Suzanne Somers loves. And she's very gracious about it, she makes sure that she stops and make sure that everybody gets Ron Galella All the Charlie's Angel. Girls love it, right. In fact, most of the TV stars like you'd hardly find one bad TV star. Tell me one caveat. Dick Corkery Jackson was just in here last week in New York. And like, she didn't want the publicity, she was talking, she came out of the elevator. And she hid immediately and then caught herself, and then thought that wait a second image image. And she smiled and walked out a little fast while she wasn't going to run because we want to be cool at Ron Galella that point we want to make here is that they want the publicity, but they want it on their terms. They want to control it, you see. And we on the other hand, we want to control it. We say we the artists were the press. And if there's freedom of the press, we have a right to say what we want when we want to photograph them in public areas. It's fair game. That's the conflict. The controversy is they want to control a picture they say like that Barbra Streisand, she wouldn't like that picture that we showed, because it's not a flattering picture. Adam Scull But getting back to the question you asked, you said how do we feel about it? We always think that it's a problem because we don't like having to bother them. We know that some people are very, very conservative for the press. And they don't want any. It's always on our minds, but that we're not there to dwell upon that. We have to go out and do an assignment or a job or that's our business. We have to do it. David Susskind Is That somebody can't stand that you Adam Scull Oh there quite a few. David Susskind Who can't you stand? Adam Scull I don't know I can't stand I find it frustrating to work with someone like Woody Allen or Warren Beatty David Susskind Why do you dislike Warren Beatty, Adam Scull because he is so much in the public eye. He won't stop for a moment and have a picture taken over. David Susskind Are you jealous of him and frustrated by him? Adam Scull Not at all. I just want to know, Dick Corkery but he doesn't push for publicity ever. I think Sylvester Stallone is a fellow who you could sort of dislike. I mean, he's sort of Ron Galella went to his head I think fill me fill me. Rocky went to his head. It really Dick Corkery is he his bodyguards intimidate. He plays I'll never have that trouble. Warren Beatty, Warren Beatty will just walk by he'll put his head down. He's not gonna cooperate for the picture. But yeah, push anyone. He'll never intimidate anyone. So true. There are levels to David Susskind it. In other words, you don't like him even though he doesn't push you. You don't like him because you think he's a snob or I don't Gene Spatz like him because he won't give us a decent picture. He's at an event. He could just be nice enough to walk by with his head up instead of trying to spoil on David Susskind well, he has just spotted some lady up there. A hurry. Hurry, you should get Joan Collins autobiography and read Adam Scull one night. One night Beatty and Diane Keaton were together and think it was in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This new exhibit opened up, I forget, which Dick Corkery wasn't it Abbot de Lebanon Adam Scull And they barrel through it, we started to chase them. And he they're going full steam ahead and they and they walk right into the elevator, they could have taken the staircase and they didn't. So they're in a sense, they give us the opportunity, even though he keeps his head kind of low. These elevators are very slow. So we were there for five minutes. And then we walked into the elevator with him. Although he wasn't helping, he still gives the opportunity even though he seems not to want. Ron Galella Yeah, I caught them in Beverly Hills restaurant. And that's the Shot Show when they were walking. And he did say to Diane Keaton, he says Keep your head down. Don't make it easy. He said don't make it easy for him to get pictures. And he likes me too. I mean, he's not bad. And he and they try to duck me in another restaurant for coffee or drink. But I went in and got a drink myself. And they sneak out the back way and I think that the back way after them. And I got the shot of them walking across Beverly Wilshire Boulevard when I went to the hotel, and I anticipated they have to look up to the traffic and that's how I got that shot because they had to look for the traffic. And I caught them. Adam Scull We always have to try and second guess them because they're always trying. David Susskind Who else gives you a high Who else do you dislike actively? How do you feel about Streisand? Sinatra? Brando? Adam Scull What now you're talking about the three big leaguers that are just awful. You've named them all. As far as photographs go. Gene Spatz I don't think Streisand's awful, she'll come out and well, Adam Scull and I don't know. I mean, there was a party at the local watering hole and John Peters, your boyfriend wouldn't let us in dig tried to get in the back way. And he was personally thrown up by John Peters. He didn't care what the reason was. Said no press. They finally come out the door. They still won't stop. They just climb into a limousine. So we have a matter of five to 10 seconds to make photograph of these people. Ron Galella Well they have reasons these celebrities for not wanting pictures or cooperating for interviews. And some of them they usually start out like Streisand wanting it but then they come across bad press bad things about them. They concentrate more on her physical makeup rather than her talent. So in this shatters their egos? Dick Corkery Well, I'm glad you mentioned that because that's very true with Barbra Streisand. She had named the publication, I was going to set up a picture shoot with her. And she had said, Okay, I want to in writing that I have approval of the pictures before they're published. I want it and also you cannot sell to such and such national distributed weekly, magazine newspaper type thing, because she said they'll take that picture of me thrown on their front cover and lie the whole story will be a lie, she says, definitely has been writing. And that was the condition that David Susskind Any experiencith Sinatra. Dick Corkery I had an experience with him. He was with the governor and he had his charting for a time he was really nice. He's very good find his journey going with Governor Kerry and he had a bowl he invited us all in and we spent about an hour with him taking pictures and joking and laughing and it's the best I've ever seen. I've heard I mean I'm Ron Galella Sinatra the turning point where he was anti press was when he split with Ava Gardner. The press really played it up and he hurt his feelings you see and they become anti press when I when that happens. It's just too much to take and a lot of it is lies that the press especially the writers I have to say it is more irresponsible writers that they create lies and black and white print. And we suffer we photographers and we the reason why we suffer is because where they are physically in front of the camera and vandal slugs me or what the writer is not there. It's written in the paper and sometimes a pseudo name I don't even know who wrote David Susskind Did you ever catch your Mr Sinatra in an elevator with the the body guards he travels with? Gene Spatz Oh yeah, I've seen him coming out of clubs like that. David Susskind I mean, they're kind of scary Gene Spatz they absolutely are. David Susskind They look as if if you did something your Ron Galella way. All the stars. When we photographed them, you play it by ear, you know whether there's going to be trouble. You see, they give you a dupe they do give you a warning. Except Randall didn't. But most of them do. You could read their emotion. David Susskind I mean, when when you saw Sinatra in the elevator, you know it was coming out of 21 coming out of 21 Did the bodyguard say get out of my way? Oh, Ron Galella absolutely. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's a woman photographer. Guy keys wife. Gene Spatz That's right. That's right. Adam Scull they make no discrimination. They think you're in your way and I'll make a point of pushing it out of the way. Ron Galella many negative things said about us like Sinatra, he would say We're parasites. And he said, What do you make a living? He looks down upon us. And I think he lacks humility. Because not all of us could sing. Gene Spatz Tell you, David, I had Burt Reynolds body guard grabbed me through a car window and nearly pull my arm out of my shoulder, because I had been following them on for a movie set and trying to get pictures of him. And so I got out of the car and had to tell him that he wasn't allowed to do this. And you know that I would call a cop and he damn well flatten me. Okay, real close to just annihilating me. Dick Corkery But burt Reynolds is kind of cooperative, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. himself, he's really professional. And he'll smile through the ordeal of 1000 places and it's like an assault. He get 13 photographers on someone in flashing and, you know, he's just coming to the theater to enjoy the theater and some of the theater will tip off the press and paparazzi that hey, so and so's coming for publicity for the theater, not for him. So everyone waits for the celebrity show up 20,000 flashes go off the portfolio, don't know where he is something get angered. But Burt Reynolds handles himself. Ron Galella Most of the celebrities are professional, you know, it's just about 15 or 20 that we discussed, the elusive ones who are anti press, Dick Corkery but they seem to be the top ones they seem to at some point get fed up Ron Galella with some of them also played a game that the more rare that picture is taken or the interview, the more their stock goes up, you know, the more the create the demand for their pictures and cetera David Susskind at the end of the thought, because I was gonna throw it away. Yeah. Commercial now. While you think of another fun, we'll be right back.
Footage Information
Source | Historic Films |
Link | View details on Historic Films site |
File | DS-249 @ 00:21:43 |
Description | Back in Studio INTERVIEW RESUMES: David Susskind you spend your life sticking out celebrities photographing them, when they're not aware they're being photographed? How do you feel about them? Do they fake their resentment at being photographed being interviewed, Dick Corkery I myself, I find them more, I don't know, more compassionate life than most people are more sensitive. And most people were in the theater and they'd like some more privacy than actually what we give them. But I don't know if it's I don't care what Ron Galella the publicity they love it. Especially when our anonymous they they want to be recognized. They want their picture taken. They want their names in a paper. But it's when they become superstars that it becomes ambiguous and contradictory. David Susskind Jacqueline Kennedy, she could avoid half of the pictures and publicity she gets. She didn't have to go to that party. She didn't have to see a movie at the theater, she could have a screening, Ron Galella right? She goes to openings now. Ballet David Susskind she wants the publicity Dick Corkery their private life. See once they become public when they come to it. Yeah, an affair that's going to be covered by newspapers and TV, then it's public, what their private lives I thought you were talking about when we wait outside their homes, and go to their estates where they're riding horseback and whatnot, and somehow sneak into it and get in there and capture them. David Susskind Which of the big stars really sabers publicy the most loves it. Even though she gives you or he gives you a hard time Gene Spatz , Suzanne Somers loves. And she's very gracious about it, she makes sure that she stops and make sure that everybody gets Ron Galella All the Charlie's Angel. Girls love it, right. In fact, most of the TV stars like you'd hardly find one bad TV star. Tell me one caveat. Dick Corkery Jackson was just in here last week in New York. And like, she didn't want the publicity, she was talking, she came out of the elevator. And she hid immediately and then caught herself, and then thought that wait a second image image. And she smiled and walked out a little fast while she wasn't going to run because we want to be cool at Ron Galella that point we want to make here is that they want the publicity, but they want it on their terms. They want to control it, you see. And we on the other hand, we want to control it. We say we the artists were the press. And if there's freedom of the press, we have a right to say what we want when we want to photograph them in public areas. It's fair game. That's the conflict. The controversy is they want to control a picture they say like that Barbra Streisand, she wouldn't like that picture that we showed, because it's not a flattering picture. Adam Scull But getting back to the question you asked, you said how do we feel about it? We always think that it's a problem because we don't like having to bother them. We know that some people are very, very conservative for the press. And they don't want any. It's always on our minds, but that we're not there to dwell upon that. We have to go out and do an assignment or a job or that's our business. We have to do it. David Susskind Is That somebody can't stand that you Adam Scull Oh there quite a few. David Susskind Who can't you stand? Adam Scull I don't know I can't stand I find it frustrating to work with someone like Woody Allen or Warren Beatty David Susskind Why do you dislike Warren Beatty, Adam Scull because he is so much in the public eye. He won't stop for a moment and have a picture taken over. David Susskind Are you jealous of him and frustrated by him? Adam Scull Not at all. I just want to know, Dick Corkery but he doesn't push for publicity ever. I think Sylvester Stallone is a fellow who you could sort of dislike. I mean, he's sort of Ron Galella went to his head I think fill me fill me. Rocky went to his head. It really Dick Corkery is he his bodyguards intimidate. He plays I'll never have that trouble. Warren Beatty, Warren Beatty will just walk by he'll put his head down. He's not gonna cooperate for the picture. But yeah, push anyone. He'll never intimidate anyone. So true. There are levels to David Susskind it. In other words, you don't like him even though he doesn't push you. You don't like him because you think he's a snob or I don't Gene Spatz like him because he won't give us a decent picture. He's at an event. He could just be nice enough to walk by with his head up instead of trying to spoil on David Susskind well, he has just spotted some lady up there. A hurry. Hurry, you should get Joan Collins autobiography and read Adam Scull one night. One night Beatty and Diane Keaton were together and think it was in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This new exhibit opened up, I forget, which Dick Corkery wasn't it Abbot de Lebanon Adam Scull And they barrel through it, we started to chase them. And he they're going full steam ahead and they and they walk right into the elevator, they could have taken the staircase and they didn't. So they're in a sense, they give us the opportunity, even though he keeps his head kind of low. These elevators are very slow. So we were there for five minutes. And then we walked into the elevator with him. Although he wasn't helping, he still gives the opportunity even though he seems not to want. Ron Galella Yeah, I caught them in Beverly Hills restaurant. And that's the Shot Show when they were walking. And he did say to Diane Keaton, he says Keep your head down. Don't make it easy. He said don't make it easy for him to get pictures. And he likes me too. I mean, he's not bad. And he and they try to duck me in another restaurant for coffee or drink. But I went in and got a drink myself. And they sneak out the back way and I think that the back way after them. And I got the shot of them walking across Beverly Wilshire Boulevard when I went to the hotel, and I anticipated they have to look up to the traffic and that's how I got that shot because they had to look for the traffic. And I caught them. Adam Scull We always have to try and second guess them because they're always trying. David Susskind Who else gives you a high Who else do you dislike actively? How do you feel about Streisand? Sinatra? Brando? Adam Scull What now you're talking about the three big leaguers that are just awful. You've named them all. As far as photographs go. Gene Spatz I don't think Streisand's awful, she'll come out and well, Adam Scull and I don't know. I mean, there was a party at the local watering hole and John Peters, your boyfriend wouldn't let us in dig tried to get in the back way. And he was personally thrown up by John Peters. He didn't care what the reason was. Said no press. They finally come out the door. They still won't stop. They just climb into a limousine. So we have a matter of five to 10 seconds to make photograph of these people. Ron Galella Well they have reasons these celebrities for not wanting pictures or cooperating for interviews. And some of them they usually start out like Streisand wanting it but then they come across bad press bad things about them. They concentrate more on her physical makeup rather than her talent. So in this shatters their egos? Dick Corkery Well, I'm glad you mentioned that because that's very true with Barbra Streisand. She had named the publication, I was going to set up a picture shoot with her. And she had said, Okay, I want to in writing that I have approval of the pictures before they're published. I want it and also you cannot sell to such and such national distributed weekly, magazine newspaper type thing, because she said they'll take that picture of me thrown on their front cover and lie the whole story will be a lie, she says, definitely has been writing. And that was the condition that David Susskind Any experiencith Sinatra. Dick Corkery I had an experience with him. He was with the governor and he had his charting for a time he was really nice. He's very good find his journey going with Governor Kerry and he had a bowl he invited us all in and we spent about an hour with him taking pictures and joking and laughing and it's the best I've ever seen. I've heard I mean I'm Ron Galella Sinatra the turning point where he was anti press was when he split with Ava Gardner. The press really played it up and he hurt his feelings you see and they become anti press when I when that happens. It's just too much to take and a lot of it is lies that the press especially the writers I have to say it is more irresponsible writers that they create lies and black and white print. And we suffer we photographers and we the reason why we suffer is because where they are physically in front of the camera and vandal slugs me or what the writer is not there. It's written in the paper and sometimes a pseudo name I don't even know who wrote David Susskind Did you ever catch your Mr Sinatra in an elevator with the the body guards he travels with? Gene Spatz Oh yeah, I've seen him coming out of clubs like that. David Susskind I mean, they're kind of scary Gene Spatz they absolutely are. David Susskind They look as if if you did something your Ron Galella way. All the stars. When we photographed them, you play it by ear, you know whether there's going to be trouble. You see, they give you a dupe they do give you a warning. Except Randall didn't. But most of them do. You could read their emotion. David Susskind I mean, when when you saw Sinatra in the elevator, you know it was coming out of 21 coming out of 21 Did the bodyguard say get out of my way? Oh, Ron Galella absolutely. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's a woman photographer. Guy keys wife. Gene Spatz That's right. That's right. Adam Scull they make no discrimination. They think you're in your way and I'll make a point of pushing it out of the way. Ron Galella many negative things said about us like Sinatra, he would say We're parasites. And he said, What do you make a living? He looks down upon us. And I think he lacks humility. Because not all of us could sing. Gene Spatz Tell you, David, I had Burt Reynolds body guard grabbed me through a car window and nearly pull my arm out of my shoulder, because I had been following them on for a movie set and trying to get pictures of him. And so I got out of the car and had to tell him that he wasn't allowed to do this. And you know that I would call a cop and he damn well flatten me. Okay, real close to just annihilating me. Dick Corkery But burt Reynolds is kind of cooperative, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. himself, he's really professional. And he'll smile through the ordeal of 1000 places and it's like an assault. He get 13 photographers on someone in flashing and, you know, he's just coming to the theater to enjoy the theater and some of the theater will tip off the press and paparazzi that hey, so and so's coming for publicity for the theater, not for him. So everyone waits for the celebrity show up 20,000 flashes go off the portfolio, don't know where he is something get angered. But Burt Reynolds handles himself. Ron Galella Most of the celebrities are professional, you know, it's just about 15 or 20 that we discussed, the elusive ones who are anti press, Dick Corkery but they seem to be the top ones they seem to at some point get fed up Ron Galella with some of them also played a game that the more rare that picture is taken or the interview, the more their stock goes up, you know, the more the create the demand for their pictures and cetera David Susskind at the end of the thought, because I was gonna throw it away. Yeah. Commercial now. While you think of another fun, we'll be right back. |
Color | color |
Year | 1979 |