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DS-4 @ 02:09:40
INTERVIEW RESUMES: David Susskind 10:02 The thing you just did reminds me must have been born out of your years as a social director in the Catskills. Mel Brooks 10:07 Yes I was a pool tumbler David Susskind 10:09 What is that? Mel Brooks 10:09 Well, I an entertainer, I wasn't a real comic yet, I was allowed to entertain the guests at the pool. After lunch, I would come out with a derby and a heavy alpaca coat in the middle of July. Two heavy suitcases filled with bricks. And I would jump off the diving board screaming I don't want to live and that would give them a laugh after lunch to settle down with us to serve food in the mountains. They served me a thing when I don't know what it was. It was like something wrapped in something you know what the heavy dough and it was like undercooked with a little noodle with a little meat. I don't know what it was. I called it Harold. And it laid onto my heart for three years. And every day I'd say good morning Harold. How are you? Remember when I ate you your little devil? Worst food in the world? David Susskind 11:04 What was that? You know, everyone today says that that was the great breeding place. Mel Brooks 11:08 It was a sporty place for a lot of Jewish comedians, David Susskind 11:12 because we're those tough people to please. I mean Mel Brooks 11:15 Tough? they liked nothing. I used to do an hour and a half in one. With taps with everything I'd sing I dance, I tell stories and jokes. I do Jolie. I kill myself. And I say I don't like me, folks. You stink your state. And they were the critics. Atkinson and Crowder in their equivalents that Jewish Jewish lady would be in the tea room in the tea room, a little sponge cake and tea and you go by and they say never mind we like you'll never mind. That comment. I don't mind doing Don't worry. You. Never mind. You don't have to be good for us. David Susskind 11:49 that'll break your heart Mel Brooks 11:53 They like nothing. They only said all I ever heard was $16 a day. Let's breathe. David Susskind 12:01 Oh, you were in high school in college. You had a jazz band it Bruno Lynch and his Imperial Jazz Band. BRUNO Lynch. George Segal 12:09 Bruno Lynch Yes. i In all honesty, I did change my name at one time in my career. David Susskind 12:14 So you did George Segal 12:15 Yes, I did. Because I felt that George Segal in his Imperial jazz band didn't have the rhythm didn't have the spunk didn't have to go. BRUNO Lynch and his Imperial jazz. What do you think? David Susskind 12:25 Which is why Bruno Lynch became a household word and a great record seller. Yes. Mel Brooks 12:29 Did you kidnap that Lindbergh baby? David Susskind 12:32 Where you, were you uh? Oh Lord. Were you a success a lot of places George Segal 12:48 Yes I had some success. Yes, I saying I wish I could show me that. I was the vocalist also for the band and I was the organizer and leader of the band which was the only way that I could play with the band. Since I was the worst musician in the band. They were very good musicians David Steinberg 13:01 George, would you do something for us now? George Segal 13:05 I wish I could Jimmy like my sister Kate. Oh, she takes it like cupola jelly on a plate and all the boys in the neighborhood. They know she does it and it's mighty going oh I know I'm late but I'll be up to date if I can take it David Susskind 13:15 you're all right it's it's it's it's a ghastly way to go the trouble is you never know when he's acting. George Segal 13:42 What are you doing? David Susskind 13:44 I'm just I'm putting your mic and putting your mic back up. Mel Brooks 13:49 George, you're on the David Susskind show. you'll be home in a half hour David Susskind 13:57 when did you and how did you get the show business? You alright, George George Segal 14:02 I'm okay I'm okay. David Susskind 14:05 You won't have to sing again. David Mel Brooks 14:08 I think God heard you sing and said.. David Susskind 14:16 David, how and when did you get the show business bug? David Steinberg 14:19 Oh it's not an interesting story. David Susskind 14:23 Weren't you were being prepared for being a Rabbi David Steinberg 14:26 yes they used to salt me two hours every day prepared? No i i studied that. I took a degree of Hebrew literature but that's not rabbinical. That's Mel Brooks 14:41 you learn the mother tongue did your mother tongue is yet when you want to hear the real mother tongue Yes. When you come up already at six o'clock What am I gonna just keep it hot all the time for you. You're not gonna eat. That's all your everybody's eating but you that is the mother tongue David Susskind 15:01 I remember you had a brief fling on Broadway Stan Herman 15:04 Yeah, I did. David Susskind 15:05 tried to be in Stan Herman 15:06 I got out of the dress business I decided to be a singer I was in on. I was Pierre Olaf's under study that was my big claim to fame. I saw myself as Rock Hudson and they saw me as Pierre Olaf so I got out of show business. I also did George I sang I did you know those 12 hits for $1 that used to buy in the in the five and 10 where you think it was Elvis Presley and you think I was the Everly Brothers both of them? I was telling Della Reese because they're Mel Brooks 15:33 Notice the way he's looking for the next question. Yeah Stan Herman 15:39 that was my that was my Mel Brooks 15:40 intention. How cruel. How sharp this business, how evil really? I mean the band's the middle of a very terribly boring story for the next question, burying you're ready to turn out terrible I think God has taken a dislike to you and you know his punishments are terrific. David Susskind 16:06 Could you project what will happen? Mel Brooks 16:10 A flood. he's very good at what you do as you can see here, alright, without standing without you guys. Without standing and they give us four bars. I don't see anything you know, Joe. You know Joe Greene's work, don't you? Yes. That's Joe. Great. Do a little Giuseppe version. Be Wayne, that's easy. Stan Herman 16:42 Okay Daddy domani not that serious. Mel Brooks 16:47 That was very good, by the way Stan Herman 16:54 Not bad, if you want to come down to the Bowery and watch me sing at the Bowery Mel Brooks 16:57 I've got a maroon Buick parked outside. If you want to go down the Bowery David Susskind 17:04 as you talk about your Mothers Day Mel Brooks 17:06 As you talk, I didn't say a word Dan Greenburg 17:08 The question begins as you talk about your mothers. Read the question please David Susskind 17:21 Were your mothers really the original. Original women's liberation is you know, I mean, it's not Kate MILLETTE. And, Bella, Dan Greenburg 17:30 no, I don't think they know what to make of that. I don't really think they know what to make of that. No, but their mother's mother's mother's David Susskind 17:37 Father was the provider Mel Brooks 17:42 what's the status quo? Right? That's traditionalists. And if this is a movement, they're against any movement, per se, I think Jewish mothers. Dan Greenburg 17:51 Yeah. But also it's really the whole opposite of what a Jewish mother is all about. I mean, women's liberation is so one to equal rights and so on. Mothers don't want equal rights. The duty Mel Brooks 18:02 they want domination David Susskind 18:05 When you see once a week, you see your folks. Oh they live in Chicago. When you do see your folks, do you discuss Dan Greenburg 18:11 We eat a lot George Segal 18:12 I met Dan's dance folks on the beach. You possibly didn't know that? Mel Brooks 18:16 I didn't. Even as you speak I don't know. George Segal 18:20 So tell us I met I met the MR. MRS. Greenberg. And they're lovely. Quiet cuties. Mel Brooks 18:26 What was your mother upset with the book? I mean, did she think that anything was you know? Dan Greenburg 18:30 No, because I told her it wasn't about her. It isn't. My mother is a nice English lady. A wonderful accent very charming. My mother Mel Brooks 18:42 did not watch what she did. She you know, asked you about Dan Greenburg 18:45 she said what is this place? And no, I totally was a very gentle, loving book and everything. And some people whispered in the ear that it wasn't quite that but no she she really loved when she got to be a kind of a local celebrity in her Hebrew school. She teaches Hebrew school and people stop in the Hebrew school and ask for her autograph. It's very cute. Mel Brooks 19:06 Did they did she sign it from right to left? That's pretty lovely. She does. She teaches you teaches you I will be in Chicago. I'm promoting. We're opening Dan Greenburg 19:16 look her up Mel Brooks 19:16 We're opening 12 chirs in Chicago. Dan Greenburg 19:20 You want a nice brisket. call my mother a nice brisket with noodle kugel. Mel Brooks 19:25 I would love it. Will it lay on to my heart like Harold? I will seriously Yeah, I will say hello to you folks. When I get happy people. Happy people. David Susskind 19:34 That's lovely aside you've had David Steinberg 19:37 Will you say hello to my folks when we get to Chicago too Mel Brooks 19:39 I didn't know you're from Chicago. David Steinberg 19:40 I know my folks are in LA Mel Brooks 19:41 but can you call them long distance while I'm in Chicago? David Steinberg 19:45 No, there I moved my family to Los Angeles with a thought that I would never be there. physically from Canada and now I find myself in Los Angeles every second weekend. We're just in the same hassle field. Mel Brooks 19:57 Where do they live in LA? What area David Steinberg 19:59 My mother lives across. It's really interesting. There's a big reformed temple in in Los Angeles, Mel Brooks 20:06 like to stay close to God. David Steinberg 20:08 Close to the temple. Yeah. But, but what's interesting about it is that in Los Angeles, I think there is this rabbi who went to school for 12 years to get his degree of Rubik's. He has a degree of Hebrew literature. He went to Hebrew University for four years to get an MA in English Literature comes to Los Angeles as the leading congregation. And as people pass by the seat that's Buddy Hackett shul David Susskind 20:40 that's funny hold it a minute back in a minute