
Footage Information

NFB Archives
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Beatlemania; TILT DOWN from "no parking" sign to MCS of two girls wrapped in sleeping bags on sidewalk. Shots of Beatles fans sitting along wall waiting for their idols. Shot of sign reading "ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL". PAN to teenagers sitting on curb. Several shots from various angles of large crowd, of policemen, of placards bearing Beatles pictures. LASs of policemen on horseback controlling crowd. Shots of teenagers with Beatles haircut, of girls wearing Beatles sweater, of girls with binoculars looking up at King Edward Sheraton Hotel windows. Several CUs of faces looking up. Various shots of teenagers milling about in highly agitated state nudging at camera, screaming. Shots of police on horseback, on motorcycles, of limousines parcked in front of hotel, of packed teenagers crowding in. HAS of crush, of policemen picking up girls who have fainted. MS of Beatles poster on wall. PAN to adjoining poster showing Benito Mussolini.
National Film Board
16mm neg b&w; 35mm neg b&w
Digital Video Disk; Reel 16 mm; Digital Bétacam
720 x 486 (SD)
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