
Footage Information

NFB Archives
Struggle for Oil
AERIAL SHOTs over vast stretches of tar sands lining both sides of Athabasca River. Shot of visiting oil men walking towards Bitumount Processing plant. CU of foot squeezing oil in sand. Shot of trapped bird being removed from tar sand. Shots of oil engineers inspecting area. Shot of audience watching 16mm movie in small screening room. Night shot of oil truck moving through residential district of Edmonton. Shot of several oil men on barge moving down Athabasca River. AERIAL SHOTs over prairie showing wheat fields and oil pumps. CU of Dr Convey of Mines and Technical Survey Department squeezing tar sand. HAS of tar sands pit. AERIAL SHOT over prairie and town of Devon, Alberta where oil workers live. AERIAL SHOTs over Edmonton. Night shots of oil derrick in operation, two farmers chatting, well gushing fire in background. Shot of wild well gushing skyward. Shots of Dr Blair of University of Manitoba, Dr Clarke of University of Alberta, Dr Bredwold, president of Sicony Oil Limited chatting and discussing.
National Film Board
Edmonton;Alberta Heartland;Alberta;Prairie Provinces;Athabasca River;Alberta Heartland;Alberta;Prairie Provinces
35mm fine grain b&w
Digital Video Disk; Reel 35 mm; Digital Bétacam
720 x 486 (SD)
View details on NFB Archives site