
Footage Information

NFB Archives
Burns Bog - A Road Runs Through It
Series of shots of various birds found in largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. CU of immature bald eagle (0:28). CS, CUs of American kestrel, holding dead mouse in its beak (0:54). CSs, CUs of barn owl, LAMCSs, CSs of four barn owls perched on ceiling joist inside barn looking at camera (1:21). CU of eye and face of great horned owl (0:30). CU of snowy owl turning its head to look at camera (0:41). CUs of great grey owl (0:21). CUs of long-eared owl (0:20) CUs of barn owl's face (0:20). CUs of grey hawk (0:35). CUs of immature bald eagle (0:12). CUs of male bald eagle (0:24). CS of bufflehead duck in pond (0:23). MS of bald eagle on ground in marsh, MS of eagle standing in mud on shore of pond, many ducks in background (0:16). CS of two long-eared owl perched in tree (0:17). MS of hawk holding prey on ground, LASs of it perched on electrical wire (0:28). CS of white-crowned sparrow foraging in leaves on ground (0:50). LAMCS of great blue heron perched in tree (0:12).
National Film Board
Vancouver (city);British Columbia;Canada
Digital Betacam; 16mm eastman color neg
Digital Video Disk; Reel 16 mm; Digital Bétacam
720 x 486 (SD)
View details on NFB Archives site