
Footage Information

NFB Archives
Banff Festival
HASs of grain pouring down chutes in elevator. Several shots of men and women, mostly young, swimming in Banff swimming pool. Front MS of artist drawing scenery (off frame) as girl watches. Shot of mountain scenery. HAS of large crowd of delegates walking in general direction of camera and away from camera towards buildings in background. Shots of several artists sitting on slope in the shade, sitting on lakeshore, sketching. CU of young girl painting, of painting. Interior shots of ballet group rehearsing on stage. LALS of young people climbing a mountain, hand in hand. MS of young people talking and pointing to the horizon. Young people climbing a mountain hand-in-hand. MS of young people discussing and pointing at the horizon. MLS of boy and girl paddling in canoe past camera. Interior shots of three women working at loom. Interior shots of leather working class, including CU of unfinished handbag being exhibited by instructor.
National Film Board
Banff;Alberta Rockies;Alberta;Prairie Provinces;Canadian Rockies;British Columbia;Alberta;Alberta;Prairie Provinces;Canada
35mm fine grain b&w
HDCAM SR; Digital Video Disk; Reel 35 mm
1920 x 1080 (HD)
View details on NFB Archives site