
Footage Information

British Pathé
Shepperton, Middlesex.

M/S of a group of Girl Horse Rangers wandering about a 'Wild West' set with a stage coach and a 'Ranger Stores', in the background is the big top of a circus tent. M/S of three Girl Rangers attending to a skewbald pony. Frontiersman Captain Shoosmith enters and examines the pony's saddle - "because of the qualifications needed before a man can be admitted to the select legion of Frontiersmen, there are comparatively few young men in it, and so many of the tricks that would otherwise be lost are passed on to these enthusiastic youngsters". One of the girls, Jill Scoble, mounts the pony. C/U of Captain S. talking. C/U of Jill looking downwards - Captain S. is giving them a lesson "in the use of spurs". C/U of Captain S. fastening spurs to Jill's boots. Captain S. moves Jill's feet in the stirrups, digging her spurs into pony's side. Low angle C/U of the horse flinching in pain. M/S of five Frontiersmen looking on - they are dressed in Mountie style uniforms and some have rows of medals. C/U of a frontiers man with a goatee beard and a monarch - Stacey Marks. M/S of the 'Wild West' set, Captain S. pats the hind quarters of the pony to send Jill on her way.

M/S of Jill riding past a line of Girl Rangers. A man rides in, dressed as a cowboy -"Captain Edward Gray, popularly known as Buffalo Bill the Second. M/S of Captain G. on horseback addressing the Girl Rangers. He dismounts and leads his horse over to the girls. M/S of a group of giggly Girl Rangers. The girls pet the Captain's horse (in fact a 25 year old horse from the Rangers stable, 'Grey Lady'). C/U of the elderly Captain G., who has "dedicated his life to keeping the memory live of that famous pioneer" by staging Western-style shows all over the world. M/S of Jill and another girl chatting. M/S of Captain G. standing in front of a row of Girl Rangers. He has a bunch on long knives in one hand which he throws at a board.

M/S of a Girl Ranger, Joan Lay, going to stand in front of the board. M/S of the Girl Rangers watching Captain G. throwing knives. C/U of a Girl Ranger jumping with surprise. M/S, taken from behind Captain G., of the knifes sticking into the board around Joan. C/U of Joan wriggling to get free from the knives that are wedging her to the board. M/S of Captain G. helping Joan slide from between the knives.

C/U of Captain G. placing the bunch of knives on a table and picking up one of three rifles. M/S of Captain G. putting the rifle up to his eye. C/U of a Girl Ranger, Georgina Bennet, fixing a balloon to the board. C/U of Captain G. looking through the rifle. M/S taken over Captain G.'s shoulder as he fires. C/U of the burst balloon, Georgina replaces it with another. C/U of Captain G. holding the rifle upside down. C/U of the balloon bursting on the board. M/S of three Girl Rangers smiling shyly. M/S, looking over Captain G's shoulder, of Georgina standing on a chair to fix balloons on the end of three revolving prongs. M/S of Captain G. hitting the moving target. C/U of Captain G. holding the rifle to his eye. M/S of Captain G. shooting the second and third moving balloons. M/S of the group of Girl Rangers applauding. Captain G. walks over and hands them his rifle to look at.

This issue has been transferred twice - also found on tape PM0109.
British Pathe


Shepperton Middlesex Girl Horse Rangers Legion Of Frontiersmen Captain Shoosmith Jill Scoble skewbald ponies Stacy Marks uniforms Captain Edward Gray Buffalo Bill horses animals weapons Wild West cruelty models traditions teenagers horse riding stunts retrospectives youth movements eccentrics animal grooming Joan Lay Georgina Bennet shocks surprises balloons Shepperton Middlesex Girl Horse Rangers Legion Of Frontiersmen quirky