
Footage Information

British Pathé
Full title reads: "London. West End Big Night".

Warner Brothers Cinema, Leicester Square, London. Premiere of the film 'Fanny'.

SV Howard Keel and Nicole Maurey in the foyer. CU Keel pan to Nicole Maurey.

SV group of people with George Cole on the right. CU Cole.

SV Yvonne Buckingham and Jock McGregor (Member of the CEA). CU Yvonne.

SV Dennis Lotis and his wife coming into the foyer. CU Dennis Lotis.

SV Leslie Carron with unknown escort. CU Leslie Carron.

SV Bob Hope and wife coming into the foyer.

SV People watching.

SV Jackie Rae and Janette Scott. CU Janette Scott.

SV Maurice Chevalier and Hayley Mills.

SV Ron Randall and his wife Laya Raki. CU Laya, she is wearing a very low cut dress.

SV Lord Boothby (Bob Boothby) getting himself another plate of oysters and handing over the dirty plate.

SV Maurice Chevalier and Hayley Mills with others drinking toast.
British Pathe
Black & White


Warner Brothers cinemas Leicester Square London films film stars personalities Fanny Howard Keel Nicole Maurey George Cole Yvonne Buckingham Jock McGregor Dennis Lotis singers entertainment Leslie Carron Bob Hope Jackie Rae Janette Scott Hayley Mills Ron Randall Laya Raki Lord Boothby Bob Robert oysters Maurice Chevalier