
Footage Information

British Pathé
This is duplicate of STARTING IN LIFE - version 1, but with jumpy sound and shots in a different order. Some sequences may be incomplete. Use version 1 - 1825.01.

Version one description follows.

Pro Patria presentation. Produced by British Instructional Films Ltd.

A poppy seed head is turned and hundreds of seeds drop out. Dandelion clock seen in C/U. Time lapse photography showing how the seed parachutes open and close depending on the weather. Seed flying over dry ground. When it comes upon a wet area the parachute closes and seed drops down. Alternate sunshine and dew can make the parachute open and close so that it finds the right spot. The thistle reaches its home by a bomb dropping device. C/U of the seed pod. Parachute will open and drop seed when it hits a tree or flower. The stonecroft (?) seeds are attached to flowers which bounce on the rocks to find a home.

Nightshade seeds have hooks so they can "hitch a ride" with passing animals. Burdock seed pods sticks to a coat sleeve. A balloon like seed pod is seen under a microscope. Its hooks are strong enough to grip a piece of paper. We see this illustrated. There are also "stings" on the seed pod which ensure that pods carried in animal fur will be scratched out. Seeds carried on coats of animals usually have "wool" attached to them. This attracts dew which feeds the young plant. Majority of seeds have hard outside case. This is illustrated by a runner bean seed. Cucumber seed clamps itself to the ground.

Cress seed absorbs water, a sticky jelly forms which glues the seed down. The heronsbill seed is like a living corkscrew. Seen in C/U. Changes in the atmosphere affect the handle at the top causing the seed to be screwed into the ground. Dandelion (?) seeds have hooks to hold it down. Sunflower uses seed case as a battering ram. Various saplings grow in time lapse. Cress plants strangle a rival. House leek (?) stores moisture in its thick leaves. Grass stores moisture rations in underground bulbs. Grass growing. Farmer's oat, if sewn upside down it cannot grow. If falls on surface of ground cannot move to a better position. Wild oat however is armed with long filaments which push its neighbours off the parent's stem. Time lapse. The seed heads move around the ground (presumably on currents of air). When a head finds a suitable hole it takes root.

Time lapse of root growing. C/U of bristles around its neck. Moral of the film: "Be very careful how you sow wild oats - for as you've seen, once sown they are practically certain to take root and grow".
British Pathe
Black & White


nature oats wild camera techniques time lapse sex