
Footage Information

British Pathé
London's May Queen crowned.

Children / holidays / contests. A little girl is being crowned 'May Queen of London'. She sits on a platform/'dais' wearing a white gown with lettering on the front proclaiming 'The Chosen'; she holds a long sceptre; around her on the ground and also on the platform are other children; dressed in a variety of costumes with a spring seasonal floral or woodsy theme - - girls with wreaths of flowers in their hair; a boy in a sort of Robin Hood outfit and some sort of plant life attached to his cap; etc. A kid in an ancient costume with cape etc. places the crown upon the new May Queen. Behind her someone holds up a standard with her title.

Next; shot of a procession of kids -- a bunch of little girls in white walk along; the first holds sign 'May Queen of Bromley'; then that May Queen walks; with another small girl behind her holding her train. More kids; with the Robin Hood type outfits; girls in white caps; black laced-up vests; floral skirts; and then the London May Queen; in a magnificent litter with a canopy; the whole thing raised above the others' heads; and on wheels; her court walk around this contraption. Then a shot of the 'Queen' standing on platform; with other kids in BG. CU May Queen; someone's arm reaching up to her crown. Cute. Beauty contests; holidays; parades; May Day.

British Pathe
Black & White


children; holidays; contests; cute; May Day; beauty contests; parade; spring; costumes; crown