
Footage Information

British Pathé
No title. Carnaby Street lights switched on for Christmas, London.

Crowds gathered in Carnaby Street. Panning C/U 2 men in 1920's style clothes (influenced by film "Bonny and Clyde"). C/U Carnaby Street sign. Panning shot mannequins in shop window. C/U panning shot man standing next to mannequins dressed as 20s gangster and holding Tommy gun. C/U man winking. C/U poster on shop wall of Harold Wilson. C/U tins decorated with Union Jacks. C/U street lamps. C/U dustbins marked with words: "British Rubbish".

L/S groovy Xmas decorations in Carnaby Street, the lights come on. Angle shot balloons being thrown from windows. M/S two youths fighting with balloons. Angle shot balloons and streamers. Panning C/U streamers hanging from shop front. L/S balloons thrown from window. L/S large crowd in street. C/U crowd of young people dancing. Policeman looking through crowd at the dancers. C/U girl with very big hat on. C/U couple dancing. C/U boy with afro and Afghan coat dancing. Panning C/U crowd dancing.

C/U fake Tommy guns being picked up from van by youths dressed as gangsters. Two policemen watching. C/U the gangsters walk down Carnaby Street waving guns. Camera tracks into shop. C/U ugly mask. C/U more masks. C/U dummy in window. C/U candles burning. M/S crowds in the "Bunch of Grapes" public house. C/U girl drinking. C/U pan couple eating grapes. M/S pop singer Long John Baldry. C/U Reg Presley of pop group the Troggs. C/U American film star Faye Dunaway. C/U guests. Panning C/U girls with very short skirts. C/U girl drinking. C/U group in fashionable clothes. Crowds. Tracking shot along Carnaby Street of the decorations.

Good item for showing swinging sixties London.
British Pathe
Black & White


Carnaby Street London Christmas illuminations crowds fashion Swinging Sixties Union Jack dustbins balloons Afghans dancing police Tommy guns youth Bunch of Grapes pubs Long John Baldry the Troggs Reg Presley pop music rock stars Faye Dunaway film stars mini-skirts