
Footage Information

British Pathé
Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown.

Polish Newsreel item. Title reads: "Nigdy wiecej Oswiecimia!"


LS Pedestrians and convoys of lorries bringing 80,000 former prisoners to the remains of Auschwitz concentration camp for the tenth anniversary of its liberation. LS People walking along the old railway tracks into the camp. LS A group of people at the gate of the camp. MS A group of men and women in winter coats crossing the grounds. Various shots of men and women inside the buildings by what appear to be dormitory beds, standing in silence. CU A woman wipes away a tear.

MS Sign: "Blok Smierci" "Block 11" above a door. Various shots, CU reactions of people looking at photographs of emaciated camp inmates. CU Photos. MS A heap of remains of false legs for amputees and crutches from those killed in the crematorium. CU Crutches. MS Back view, group of people facing a brick building with boarded over windows. CU People looking at the camp building. (3 shots).

CU Wreath with dedication "Aux Victimes de la Barbarie Hitlerienne". MS The closed gates of a prison yard. LS Crowds gathered for the ceremony in the camp grounds. MS Josef Cyrankiewic (a former prisoner of Auschwitz, now Chairman of the Council of Ministers in Poland) speaking. MS Crowd of people listening. MS Mother of the heroes Zoia and Schura Kosmodemieski at the podium. MS Woman on crutches with her son. (3 shots). MS Frenchwoman, Louise Nordmann, at the podium saying "we will never agree to rearming of our executioners." CU Man in crowd, possibly wearing former camp uniform. MS Another woman speaker.

MS Pan along caskets containing remains of victims or soil from other camps (see cataloguer's note below). CU Individual casks held by people. Various shots, caskets being carried to memorial service and their contents emptied, close shots of women in the crowd.- service in progress. LS Pan across ceremony in progress.

Note: Please be aware: some of this material may be distressing to some people.
Also, contemporary translation of the commentary on file states that "soil from all the places where Hitler's fascism murdered his victims has been brought to Auschwitz. From Oradour, Paris, Lidice, Buchenwald, Ravensbrueck, Warsaw, France, Norway, Russia and Poland". The cameraman's dope sheet refers to remains of victims. "Date received" on original paperwork reads: 31/05/1955.
British Pathe
Black & White


Poland lorries prisoners-of-war POWs Auschwitz Concentration Camps memorials Second World War WW2 Josef Cyrankiewic heroes Zoia Schura Kosmodemieski Louis Nordmann disabled