
Footage Information

British Pathé
Garfagnana mountain, Lucca.

Documentation on file.

LS. MS. CU. Of types pouring plaster into moulds. MS. Girl using clamp. CU. Of girl's hands modelling plaster. CU. Of girls painting on the model of baby in crib, and lining them up in a row. CU. Of hand painting and nails being banged into model of manger, pan over to some finished models. MS. Of little boy seated on floor playing. GV. Of street all gaily lit, with the bustle of crowds and transport. CU. Of top of trolley bus. Interior shot of shoppers inside shop. CU. Little boy with a toy motorbike. CU. Little boy taking an aeroplane from stand and running in on the floor. MS. Little boy looking at football. MS. Of little boy inside toy motorcar. CU. Little girl pointing towards dolls, and of dolls going round on stands. CU. Little girl, pan to doll which pours out milk and drinks it. Various shots of mechanical toys, walking cat, a chariot race, monkeys and teddy bears one of which is playing drum, baby doll sitting in high chair with spoon in hand lifting arms up and down, and clown.

British Pathe
Black & White


Garfagnana mountains Lucca models children toys motor cars monkeys teddy bears dolls trolley buses shops Nativity