
Footage Information

British Pathé
BMA House, Tavistock Square, London.

MS. Man holding chinchillas, woman looking at them. CU. Chinchillas being held, man stroking one of them, pan up to show man's face. CU. Chinchilla. CU. Man's face, pan down to chinchilla struggling to get down. CU. Man placing chinchilla in cage with others, woman also puts chinchilla into cage. CU. Chinchilla siting in tin. Two C.Us of stuffed tiger's head. CU. Antique chair. Various shots of paintings. CU. Hands holding cup, carved in wood, on revolving stand. CU. Geiger counter. CU. Model of destroyer. CU. Painting of a patient sitting up in bed. MS. Zoom in to C.U. Painting of a nurse. CU. Railway tickets. CU. Stamps. C.Us of horseshoes. CU. of apples. CU. Piece of darned material. CU. Telephone tapper. CU. Babies bottle warmer. Underwater camera case. CU. of a mummy. CU. Chess Set (made out of human bones of Tibetan Prisoners). Two C.Us of destroyer (1st in Exhibition). Various shots of Doctors waiting for prizes to be given, they begin to applaud as Mr. Alan Fawcett makes his way onto stage to receive prize from Sir Clavering Fison. Various shots of doctors looking at exhibits. Various shots of Dr. Bourne and his family operating his puppet orchestra. More shots of doctors looking at exhibits.

Mute. Orig. Neg.
British Pathe
Black & White


BMA British Medical Association chinchillas animals modela furniture antiques prisoners Tibet Alan Fawcett Dr Bourne Sir Clavering Fison babies exhibitions