
Footage Information

British Pathé
OUT TAKES / CUTS FROM CP 653 - reel 1 of 2 - MOROCCO
Cuts (rushes, out takes) for story featured in Colour Pictorial - CP 653. The original story is also on Pathe Master tape *PM0413*.

Cuts for story MOROCCO in CP 653. Nearly all different footage that was not used in the story of sights and scenes of Morocco. A different sequence shows a man working on a miniature model of a Moroccan city. People pick oranges in the orchards. Several street scenes showing Hasidic Jews (?) walking about. A monk walks about, possibly inside the catholic cathedral in Casablanca.

Western tourists looks at some ancient papers displayed in a modern glass case. Brief shots inside a synagogue (?). Brief shots of an unidentified town; looks pretty grim; shots through barbed wire. A silver Jaguar and a scooter get caught up in a herd of cows walking along the road. Several shots of a partly ruined city (?).

Sequences which appear to be from CP 613 - THE KING OF JORDAN show the King visiting a mosque with scaffolding around it.

A group of small boys walk along a street; cameraman holds a sign in front of the camera (upside down) reading 'Herods Stone'. Several unidentified street scenes; the Arch of Ecchoma is seen; M/S of a street sign reading 'Via Dolorosa'. Various shots of petrified trees. L/S of the Garden of Gethsemane. Various shots of some kind of police frontier. Brief shots inside an unidentified church.

A figure totally encased in a striped hooded robe is seen from behind as it walks up a snowy mountainside; we do not see it's face; I think it is a Yehti on holiday. Shots of skiers and then hotels and swimming pools as in cut story; scenes of the coast at El Jadida; the crowd at the military parade at Rabat.
British Pathe


Morocco models oranges fruit Jews tourists travelogues Jaguars motor cars Casablanca monks King Hussein Jordan mosques street scenes Jerusalem Garden of Gethsemane Via Dolorosa mountains hotels El Jadida parades