
Footage Information

Producers Library
b&w documentary - chronicles the height of the anti Vietnam War movement in the Bay Area - archival footage shows the massive confrontations between police and anti-draft protesters in 1967 - speech at podium - night anti-war demonstration line of riot police push back protesters - women march - bring our men home - Stop the Draft Week demonstrations that began on October 16, 1967 in front of the downtown Oakland Army Induction Center - line of riot cops with billy clubs - arrests - police with night sticks - police barricade buses - police brutality - protesters loaded into vans - peace sign - busses unload the draftees at the main door - protesters sit and block entrance - sit in - sit-in - Women for Peace with Stop the War signs - Get Dow Off Campus protest at UC Berkeley - protesters sit and block entrance at Stop the Draft Protests, October, 1967 - folk singer Joan Baez is arrested - police march down street with billy clubs
View details on Producers Library site
2K Film Scan DPX Files, HD Full Frame, HD Pillarbox, VC-0849_001 3/4 09:01:33 09:20:06; 16mm - DigiBeta