President Roosevelt speaks during the dedication of Techwood Homes, at Georgia Tech, in 1935
President Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks at the dedication of Techwood Homes (Techwood was a slum clearance project to build twenty-three brick and concrete buildings to house 604 families and 308 Georgia Tech students. It also included forty-two concrete buildings with 677 apartments at Atlanta University) at Georgia Tech University. The President is seen delivering his dedication speech, entitled, "The Meaning of Progress," at Grant Field on the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta, Georgia, before an audience of 50,000 people. He remembers the day, eleven years ago, in 1924, when he first came to Warm Springs, Georgia. He speaks about those days of so-called prosperity in America, when speculators profited and there was a "fool's paradise" before "the crash", and the citizens were left "holding the bag." He reflects on the disaster and gloom from 1929 to March 3,1933, and reminds the audience of his administration's subsequent actions to re-open closed banks and establish insurance for bank depositors. He speaks of the efforts of Government to find gainful employment for people out of work. Location: Atlanta Georgia USA. Date: November 29, 1935.