2000s NEWS
NEWSFEED 6/5-7/2000, WWII MUSEUM, RAY LEWIS, BILL GATES, B/W WWII, HOLOCAUST MUSEUM, SERIAL KILLER, BOB HOPE, VALUE JET CRASH; DX ENGLAND Prince Charles courting Camilla, riding horses, on sailboats, in public, archbishop, Queen, talking heads; DX ATLANTA, GA Ray Lewis accepts plea bargain on murder charge, outraged mother crys, courtroom, lawyers, linebacker Ravens; DX-MIAMI, FL Sabre Tech involement in ValueJet crash, family of deceased, crash site, oxygen generators, lawyers; DX U.S. Bob Hope still alive, daughter talks to press, clips of Bob Hope with Nancy Reagan, Bob on golf course, hospital rm ;DX-U.S. Ellen Degeneres talks about marriage w/Sam Donaldson; DX U.S. FCC gives approval to AT &T's purchase of MediaOne, officals give press conf; DX U.S. rapper Eminem arrested at nightclub, signs autographs, Hot Rock sports bar; DX ATLANTA, GA Ray Lewis gives statment at podium, after testimony; DX NEW ORLEANS, WWII museum's opening day, Tom Hanks, crowds, peds, Steven Spielberg gives speech B/W footgage from war; DX WWII historical footage, ground troops, fighter planes, paratroopers, tanks in the city, Gestapo agents, U.S. troops; DX WWII MUSEUM opening ceremony, marching band, color guard, Tom Brokaw gives speech, Defense Secretary; DX ATLANTA, GA, Ray Lewis football player accused of murder, lawyer talks to press; DX FLORIDA, two escaped convicts, police crusiers patrolling,convicts in police car, convicts taken into custody; DX LONDON, Holocaust museumopen, pictures, prisoners uniform, Nazi memorbilla, survivor talks, Queen Elizabeth; DX ATLANTA, GA hospital uses hidden cameras to catch Munchsen byproxy, doctor talking head; DX MICHAEL EISNER interviewed by Sam Donaldson; DX LONDON, NATO killed civilians in Kosovo, bombed out bldg, firemen fight fire, talking head, train hit w/smart bomb; DX KANSAS/MO man arrested, five bodies found in barrels, detectives find barrels, aerials of home, empty pond; DX BILL GATES whines about how his company is being brutally abused by the government and their legal tactics; DX MICROSOFT ESTB shots of campus, cars pulling in brick sign; DX WASHINGTON D.C, HEALTH CARE, patients at doctors office, hospital, panel, talking heads, Kaiser, surveys ; DX KANSAS, woman's body found in barrel, man arrested, pics of woman, detectives w/barrel, woman's mother speaks; DX US AT&T long distance rates, officials talk to press, worker on telephone lines, talking heads, peds talking on the phone; DX US ESTB shot of generic high school or small college, no students though, aerial shot of wild bear, catch bear