Amtrak passenger train passes by on snow covered mountain on a bright clear day.
Train passes through a forested, snow-covered mountain in the United States. Tracks curve and train is seen passing by in mountainous terrain under a bright blue sky. Location: United States USA. Date: November 10, 1985.
<br/>Rider in field of blue wild flowers with horses, mountains in the background. Bulls in the background with trees in the foreground. CU of bulls in a field of blue flowers, numbers branded on their sides. LS bulls in the distance.
<br/>MS sea as seen from aeroplane. MS's mountains and coastline with blue sea. Travelling shot on sea past coastline. MS sprays of water on land.
<br/>Pan along stone mounds and mountains with sea in background. MS over tops of houses and trees. MS ships in dock. MS dockside buildings, mountains in background. Aerial MS over ship.