2000s NEWS
NEWSFEED: 8/17/05 POLICE ACTIVITY, TRIALS INCLUDING BTK KILLER, BOMBING IN IRAQ, HOMELAND SECURITY STUFF, GAS STATION SCENES ;FedEx truck stranded in flood, water welling up ahead of it, Int flooded parking structure, Aerial flood ; DC MASS TRANSIT ALERT page on website on terrorist threat, Int police in riot gear on escalator, commuters on subway train ;FL REAX TO GAZA PULLOUT Int senior citizens hanging out in cafeteria, retirement home or club, saying pledge of allegiance ;TX BP PLANT INVESTIGATION talk head, Aerial firefighters cleaning up after explosion, sorting thru debris, putting out fire ;TX MISSING EVIDENCE FOUND Police Property Division, HPD Property Room, HPD ;OFFICER DEATH (that sounds like a nickname- you wouldn't want to be arrested by Officer Death!) ;MO FATAL ACCIDENT overcast day, police activity near hwy, accident aftermath SUV in ditch ;HOSPITAL ON MADONNA INJURY foggy British countryside, King John Restaurant sign, ivy covered inn, sheep in field ;Salisbury District Hospital, talk head, distant country inn ;BTK KILLER SENTENCING transcripts ;IRAQ ATTACKS car bombing aftermath, wreckage, fire engine, dead bodies, men grieving, ambulance, spectators ;BTK KILLER trial scenes, B/W 1974 crime scene at house,hilarious mug shot ;AZ MURDER SUSPECT ESCAPES NX police car with bar lights on outside prison, helicopter with searchlight, guards with dog ;CORETTA SCOTT KING IN HOSPITAL Piedmont hospital, P-In window, CSK making speech ;MADRID TERROR SUSPECT ARRESTED Police SUV, scary masked guards (machine gun toting ninjas!), suspect escorted into van ;CO ROCK SLIDE, WORK ON 170 CONTINUES hwy construction, mtn hwy ;MI PRISONER ARRAIGNMENT Prisoners in striped uniforms enter courtroom, hearing over jailbreak ;OH GOVERNOR GOLF men at podium, press conf ;WI COSBY SAYS GO TO COLLEGE Int job fair, Bill Cosby sitting in armchair, Cosby speaking ;CA OIL CRISIS DRILL business meeting, homeland security exercise simulating terrorist attack, oil refinery, gas station CUs ;DX alternative fuel cars on display in courtyard, INT Jane Harman speaking ;MD GAS PRICES CONTINUE TO RISE NX & DX gas station CUs, graphic comparing prices in different states, traffic ;IA FAIR WEDDING couple celebrate wedding in log cabin, the wedding cake is a stack of funnel cake! ;PA CHURCH USES HARRY POTTER BOOK Int kids rainy day P.E. class type activity, DX kids playing with broomsticks ;SEPTEMBER 11, NY FAMILIES SUE FOR BURIAL family members holding press conf ;TX SCHOOL FINANCE Int hall full of wooden desks with laptops, talk ;AM PEACE VIGIL FOR SHEEHAN peace vigil on street corner ;DC STOLEN CAR JOY RIDE police pursuit car chase, accident aftermath on residential street, police activity yellow tape ;Several young men under arrest wearing handcuffs ;ANIMAL DU JOUR: UT MTN GOAT INVADES GARAGE that really sums it up, a goat standing on the hood of a car in a garage ;Animal control officer shoots goat with blow dart- goat jumps onto roof of p/u, man grabs goat, releasing goat outdoors ;TN POLICE BIKE STRIPPED INT officer pointing out details of mangled police motorcycle ;MAN IMPREGNATES MARRIES TEEN courthouse ;BTK KILLER WITNESS CAPTAIN HOUSTON courtroom scenes. TX VIOXX TRIAL talk heads ;ANIMAL DU JOUR: MD BABY CHIMP FINDS NEW HOME private jet landing, woman deplanes holding chimpanzee, Animal Medical Center ;MA BUILDING COLLAPSE 3 INJURED Aerial collapsed bldg, a duplex that was still under construction ;