2000s NEWS
NEWSFEED, MARCH 19, 2000, TORNADO, OSCARS MISSING, ETC.; SPAGHETTI: INT FS guy pouring out hot water, CU tomato sauce, MCU cooked pasta in pot, couple gets bread in market, milk; LAUNDRY: INT LSHOT woman folds laundry, CU washing machine working; AMSTERDAM PROSTITUTION: NX hooker in windows, Amsterdam night scene, DX EXT prostitutes in windows, NX hooker takes man into room; BROWN MURDERS: DX EXT WS suburban home, INT POV camera goes up stairs, still pic of Ellen & Heyward Brown, graveyard, TALK HEAD; KIDNAPPER: INT FS handcuffed man escorted by cops, missing child poster, DX cops on horses, rural shots, wall mart, crime scene; SELLING BABIES: INT MS home video of man advertising 10 month old daughter for sale, baby girl, mug shot of man ;NORTH HOLLYWOOD BANK ROBBERY: DX EXT shakey shot of swat guy w/gun, AERIAL guy shoots at car, swat goes into B of A, VAR robber walks & shoots; TRUCKERS CARAVAN: DX EXT WS truckers on freeway, HS truck convoy, trucks at Capitol, protesters rally, trucker fuels up at pumps; TORNADO: DX EXT men work on roof, kids ride on cow statue, VAR roof repairs, pole workers, car smashed under debris ruined homes; TORNADO CLEAN UP: DX EXT trash truck drives by, aftermath debris, damAged homes, TALK HEAD truck worker; RAMSEY/WALTERS: INT MS Barbara Walters, John & Patsy Ramsey about lie detector testing ; RAMSEY/WALTERS: INT MS TALK HEAD Ramsey interview about murder of 6 yrold Jon Benet Ramsey; OSCARS MISSING: INT TALK HEAD, statuettes on cart, DX EXT trucking company, NX truck pulls into dock, Oscars dipped & polished; OSCARS MISSING: INT Academy Award ballots in bins, Billy Crystal at Oscar night, VAR former Oscar winning super stars; JON BENET RAMSEYS BOOK: VAR shots of Ramsey interview w/Walters, CU Ramsey book, INT MS Jon Benet at beauty show, NX cops crime scene, DA; GUN CONTROL TRIGGER LOCK: INT CU VAR gun w/ trigger & safety lock, how it works; SMITH & WESSON: DX EXT BLDG (Smith & Wesson?) INT gun factory, OTS making of guns, workers at gun factory