Safe food handling
People are followed from the supermarket to the home to the dinner table to show the audience the rights and wrongs of handling food. The people include: a husband and wife at the supermarket; and Asian mother and her daughter preparing a turkey and stuffing; an old couple discussing her cut finger; an African American mother and her young child - who is asked to put a plate of food on the stove to keep it warm; a Latino couple who just made sauce and want to put it in the refrigerator while it's still hot; a mother with two children who are given a dish with a crack in it. The host mentions some slide presentations that the FDA has created to help make sure you are cooking safely.
Suction dredging for gold
Suction dredging for gold from placer deposits on a river bank. Small scale gold mining is causing severe environmental damage in the Amazon., undermining river banks, causing sedimentation and contamination with mercury used to separate the gold. Filmed on the bank of the Rio Napo in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
garment factory - Latino seamstresses - sweatshop - Mexican - undocumented
JB-2458 35mm Nitrate, WRS# 258-16
Danny Kaye and Monica Lewis arrive at base in Kumhwa, South Korea to entertain the troops in November 1951
Charter Revision; 3/17/1994
rundown suburban area w/Latinos
Latinos being trained at the United States Air Force School for Latin Americans. Indoor schooling as well as outdoor combat training.
Vehicles drive past Benito Juarez Monument in Mexico City, Mexico.
Monuments in Mexico City, Mexico. Vehicles drive past a monument. A Latino American building. A tent pitched outside Montejo Hotel with trees in the foreground. Vehicles drive past Benito Juarez Monument. A statue of Benito Juarez on the monument. Location: Mexico City Mexico. Date: 1944.
Title reads: "Santiago Lopez and his Rhumba Band". <br/> <br/>Pathe Studios, London. <br/> <br/>Various shots of Santiago singing and while his band of musicians play Latino music, lots of bongos and maracas. A woman does a wiggly salsa style dance in front of them. The set looks like a swanky nightclub. <br/> <br/>Note: variant spelling of rumba.
The 90's, episode 215: THE VIDEO REVOLUTION
10:26 ""New York Cabbie"" by Skip Blumberg. Robert Demella, a NYC cab driver, rants about various subjects. On how to avoid getting scammed: ""You don't pick up drunks, teenagers or seedy types."" On TV: ""Only good for news...I'd like to take a sledgehammer and smash the TV...The TV set is the downfall of Western Civilization...People don't read anymore, people don't talk anymore, people don't think anymore...Our generation that grew up on TV is the STUPIDEST generation to come down the pike."" 17:00 More from ""New York Cabbie."" Demella continues: ""I hate sound bytes. I hate 30 second political commercials. It makes me want to take a sledgehammer to the people hoisting it on us...I can smell a fraud from a mile away. That's my business...When I get a passenger and they're just too friendly, I go, 'You got any money?'"" 26:48 ""Les Brown"" by Kathie Robertson. Brown, a motivational speaker, comments on TV 's violent nature and its ability to desensitize people. He criticizes the media for emphasizing the negative and not being committed to positive change. 28:01 ""Free Speech"" by Skip Blumberg. On the streets of New York City, a spokesman attracts a crowd with his advice to blacks and Latinos to avoid assimilation and support only black and Latino businesses. A white policeman tries to disperse the crowd but is denounced: ""The man has a right to voice his opinions, and we have a right to listen!"" 41:01 Dee Davis commentary. ""Maybe we could make television a little better if we thought of it not as a way to sell things, but as a way to change people's lives, a way to give them new enthusiasm, a way to energize them, to cure the sick and make the lame walk."" 41:24 ""Deep Dish TV"" by Dee Dee Halleck. Halleck fixes a pie while discussing the importance of public access television in the exercising of First Amendment rights. ""It's participating actively in communications."" 43 :19 ""Todd Alcott ""by Skip Blumberg. 90's regular, Todd Alcott rants: [Speaking as a TV] ""Look at me. Don't look over there. There is nothing to look at over there. Look at me...Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not trying to run your life. You need to go to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom. Come back. Look at me...So we have a deal. You will do what you absolutely have to do, then you will come back and look at me. Don't worry about your schedule, I am here for you 110% of the time...People tell you I am bad...You tell them I've been here for your entire life...People say I'm bad. You know what that sounds like to me? -- sour grapes. I've got some stuff coming up for you...Crime, thrills, sex, death, comedy - all here in the next 8 minutes..."" 53:23 Excerpt from ""Radio Faces"" by Tom Weinberg. Excerpt from the TV show that examines the professional and private lives of Chicago radio personalities. In this excerpt we meet Tom Joyner, a DJ at WCGI. He is interviewed in a limo as he makes his way to O 'Hare Airport. He discusses his influences. ""I don't really consider what I do work. I play music and have fun twice a day. I'm not an air traffic controller. That's a job...I see us, Black radio, killing ourselves...without personality we're just another station on the dial."" 57:36 ""Don Cherry"" by Starr Sutherland. A musician at the Victoria Theater in San Francisco plays a 3 in 1 instrument: a kazoo, a ""Jew's harp"" and a clicker.
1992 Latino Gang
Latino teenagers at high school - Latino gangs in the hood - gangbangers - kids drink alcohol / beer - poverty - teens - Hispanic
Assault Arrests; 11/14/1993
young Latino led into paddy wagon, away
Suction dredging for gold
Suction dredging for gold from placer deposits on a river bank. Small scale gold mining is causing severe environmental damage in the Amazon., undermining river banks, causing sedimentation and contamination with mercury used to separate the gold. Filmed on the bank of the Rio Napo in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
A group of tough-looking young men wearing hooded sweats or jackets and stocking caps walk together.
Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. <br/> <br/>L/S palm trees - looks like hot climate, could be Cuba? C/U President Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR) with dignitaries and US Naval Commanders. FDR gets into jeep and is driven past village of straw huts. Various shots FDR having dinner with VIPs inside hut, one of the guests is black. Various shots FDR taking salute at march past by black / Latino soldiers in American army uniform, marching behind American flag. FDR wears a black armband. <br/> <br/>
RNC "Open Mind" Latino AD
RNC "Open Mind" Latino AD.