00:00:00:00 - [Speaking about assasination of MLK -- Jesse said his assassination might have been a government conspiracy] (0:00) /
MLK Anniversary (04/04/1996)
A parade to remember the assasination of Martin Luther King took place today down the streets of Memphis, TN. 25-years ago in Memphis, TN. An assassins bulled killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on the Lorraine Hotel Balcony Downtown. King Activities tonight include a prayer for peace observation beginning at six at the civil rights museum.
DN-234 1 inch; NET-551 Beta SP (at 01:00:00:00); DigiBeta
Your FBI
00:00:00:00 [Commemoration of anniv of Martin Luther King Jr's assasination]--VS group at pod leads song 'This Little Light of Mine' :54/ VS audience incl Coretta Scott King & Jo ...
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate
2100 - 2200 Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action...
00:00:00:00 [Commemoration of anniv of Martin Luther King Jr's assasination]--CU Joseph Lwoery spch 4:40/ MS Lowery destages & sits by Coretta Scott King/ VS Lowery & another man place ...
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate
2100 - 2200 Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action...
James Earl Ray's Brother Speaks (03/13/1998)
The brother of the man convicted of killing Civil Rights Leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks out.
The new appointment: show of 27 September 2017
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate
2100 - 2200 Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action...
00:00:00:00 [Parole hearing held for James Earl Ray, assasin of MLK Jr]-- SOT Dr William Pepper, atty for Ray/ SOT Rev James Lawson Jr, Pastor of Pullman United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, Califo ...
King - Assassination - Plot
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate
2100 - 2200 Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action...
00:00:00:00 [the Rev Jesse Jackson walks and chats with Calif Rep Maxine Waters (D), speaks at presser ab murder of MLK, calls for the files re: MLK assasination be made public, the Rodney King tri ...
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate at the Apollo Theater
Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. Entire debate on this tape 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action... 22:00:14 governor of illinois is differnce... I do supprot the dealth penalty... 22:00:32 low angle two shot of gore and bradley... 22:00:51 pass the racial justice act to reduce the disparity... 22:01:06 I will be that president. I will push for it... It will be in the crime bill or there will not be a crime bill, if I am president. the united states... sentence differences bwtween crack and cocaine and children being put away for 20 years. 22:02:06 Gore talks about three stikes law and reducing the cirme rate, community policing... prevention and education. 22:02:41 bradley: this is a deeper moral issue for the country... 22:02:57 bradley says driving while black... the indignities the african american are experiencing... 22:03:30 asks bradley what he would do for environmental concerns for araas like harlem... 22:04:04 just smell the buses in harlem.. get to the mta and rhave them repalc ethem with natural gas busses. healthcare program you could be seen earlier... community center more accessible... 22:04:47 gore: i have worked on this environmental problem for a long time... I would argue clinton should issue environmental 22:05:19 rear wide shot of the candidates on the stage 22:05:34 gore: reclaim the urban brown field and give tax incentives to bring new jobs in the area... 22:05:56 heckler / person in audience shouts out that $500,000 of his money... causes a scene. 22:06:41 wide shot / pan of theater. 22:07:05 wide shot of bernie shaw, bradley, gorea 22:07:24 bradley: federic douglass parkway .. community investment act in harlem and other african american communities... 22:07:58 gore we have brought new investment to urban american... lowest african aemrican unemployment. we need to enforce community re-investment act... 22:08:37 internet question: why won't the candidates keep the tax rates the same and pay off the national debt. 22:09:08 gore says use the surplus to support the social security and medicare programs. we need to pay down the national debt to keep interest rates down. we should reject the republican tax scheme out of hand. 22:10:07 Bradley i don't think that cutting taxes are the answer.. we should be passing national health insurance... education... reduce child poverty... 22:10:52 1996 welfare reform bill... truly a gamble with children in this country... 22:11:17 gore: you are so fond of the old welfare system... it trapped people in welfare... if you went out into the workforce you lose money. 22:12:11 bradley says there are hundreds of thousand of children who lose their healthcare... 22:12:37 tamala edwards to bradley: You continue to lag in this community... you do well in middle class african american community but not working class.. why can you reach the bourgeosie but not rock the boulevard? 22:13:56 bradley talks about a population that is disportionately poor.. his plan goes to urban and rural areas, 22:14:33 position I have advocated is stronger for the community... 22:14:58 gore what he is really saying is if these people just understood what the proposals are... the presidency is not an academic exercise... 22:15:26 wiht a lot of emphasis gore says: I want to fight for your families... your communities... to lift this country up... 22:15:47 rear two shot of gore and bradley 22:16:25 bradley responds... 22:16:43 gore: in theory $150 voucher might sound good, but people ... cu Spike Lee. 22:17:08 the theory is one thing.. the reality is something else 22:17:34 karen tumulty question about tougher crime laws: 22:18:04 gore: answers three stike as in you are out. at the start of this debate we need to spend as much money on education as we do on incarnation... community policing does work.. take race out of the equation of law enforcement.. 22:18:56 wide shot of theater 22:19:09 bradley says it requires a president that will tell white americans what they don't want to hear... white skin priviledge... 22:19:44 cuts of audience. 22:20:10 bradley talks about white skin priviledge not best player on team... 22:20:38 rear shot of gore and reporters. 22:20:51 training on law enforement techniques... cuts of audience. right kind of education and personnel selection... 22:21:34 high panning shot of theater. 22:21:48 bradley says he wants to make the voting acts act permanent 22:21:59 jeff greenfield: you and mrs. gore and his wife any parent of means... can send out kids to private schools... democratic opposition to choice .. special interest not their interest. 22:23:25 gore: perennial issue. number of children going to public schools, all time record... 22:23:52 we must have revolutionary change... bonus... go to al gore2000.com for more information... 22:24:27 bradley: I was listening to those parents... african american parents would say our schools are a disaster. Bradley suggested they join the school board. They said, we can't. we work from 6am to 9pm. 22:25:06 major new investment... making schools accountable for results... 22:25:29 gore: I have a plan to connect schools to the internet, head start, college tuition, .. this is the information age it is absolutely essential... 22:26:09 bradley: if a child goes to kindergarten and is sick it will not learn. health insurance is education as well... gun control... we have to see this as something bigger than a program that is a box called education. 22:28:51 Gore final comment: I have such faith and hope to build a bright future together... a young girl from Louisiana Donna Brazil... working mon my campaign... 22:29:46 enforce the civil rights laws... i ask for your vote on march the 7th. 22:30:04 cuts of audience clapping 22:30:18 bradley: alot of people want to change the world but few want to change themselves... we have to change the hearts of american people. I think americans are good people.. MLK said... silence of good people. ask for good people to come forward and join us. 22:31:20 need a president who will put this on his agenda everyday and I will do that. 22:31:36 cuts of white audience members applauding. other cuts of african american audience members applauding. 22:32:01 wide shot of gore and bradley. bernie shaw says time and cnn have extended the same invitiation to the republican candidates to a debate at the apollo theater. 22:32:57 closing shots of the interior of the apollo and exterior fo the apollo theater.
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate at the Apollo Theater
Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. Entire debate on this tape 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action... 22:00:14 governor of illinois is differnce... I do supprot the dealth penalty... 22:00:32 low angle two shot of gore and bradley... 22:00:51 pass the racial justice act to reduce the disparity... 22:01:06 I will be that president. I will push for it... It will be in the crime bill or there will not be a crime bill, if I am president. the united states... sentence differences bwtween crack and cocaine and children being put away for 20 years. 22:02:06 Gore talks about three stikes law and reducing the cirme rate, community policing... prevention and education. 22:02:41 bradley: this is a deeper moral issue for the country... 22:02:57 bradley says driving while black... the indignities the african american are experiencing... 22:03:30 asks bradley what he would do for environmental concerns for araas like harlem... 22:04:04 just smell the buses in harlem.. get to the mta and rhave them repalc ethem with natural gas busses. healthcare program you could be seen earlier... community center more accessible... 22:04:47 gore: i have worked on this environmental problem for a long time... I would argue clinton should issue environmental 22:05:19 rear wide shot of the candidates on the stage 22:05:34 gore: reclaim the urban brown field and give tax incentives to bring new jobs in the area... 22:05:56 heckler / person in audience shouts out that $500,000 of his money... causes a scene. 22:06:41 wide shot / pan of theater. 22:07:05 wide shot of bernie shaw, bradley, gorea 22:07:24 bradley: federic douglass parkway .. community investment act in harlem and other african american communities... 22:07:58 gore we have brought new investment to urban american... lowest african aemrican unemployment. we need to enforce community re-investment act... 22:08:37 internet question: why won't the candidates keep the tax rates the same and pay off the national debt. 22:09:08 gore says use the surplus to support the social security and medicare programs. we need to pay down the national debt to keep interest rates down. we should reject the republican tax scheme out of hand. 22:10:07 Bradley i don't think that cutting taxes are the answer.. we should be passing national health insurance... education... reduce child poverty... 22:10:52 1996 welfare reform bill... truly a gamble with children in this country... 22:11:17 gore: you are so fond of the old welfare system... it trapped people in welfare... if you went out into the workforce you lose money. 22:12:11 bradley says there are hundreds of thousand of children who lose their healthcare... 22:12:37 tamala edwards to bradley: You continue to lag in this community... you do well in middle class african american community but not working class.. why can you reach the bourgeosie but not rock the boulevard? 22:13:56 bradley talks about a population that is disportionately poor.. his plan goes to urban and rural areas, 22:14:33 position I have advocated is stronger for the community... 22:14:58 gore what he is really saying is if these people just understood what the proposals are... the presidency is not an academic exercise... 22:15:26 wiht a lot of emphasis gore says: I want to fight for your families... your communities... to lift this country up... 22:15:47 rear two shot of gore and bradley 22:16:25 bradley responds... 22:16:43 gore: in theory $150 voucher might sound good, but people ... cu Spike Lee. 22:17:08 the theory is one thing.. the reality is something else 22:17:34 karen tumulty question about tougher crime laws: 22:18:04 gore: answers three stike as in you are out. at the start of this debate we need to spend as much money on education as we do on incarnation... community policing does work.. take race out of the equation of law enforcement.. 22:18:56 wide shot of theater 22:19:09 bradley says it requires a president that will tell white americans what they don't want to hear... white skin priviledge... 22:19:44 cuts of audience. 22:20:10 bradley talks about white skin priviledge not best player on team... 22:20:38 rear shot of gore and reporters. 22:20:51 training on law enforement techniques... cuts of audience. right kind of education and personnel selection... 22:21:34 high panning shot of theater. 22:21:48 bradley says he wants to make the voting acts act permanent 22:21:59 jeff greenfield: you and mrs. gore and his wife any parent of means... can send out kids to private schools... democratic opposition to choice .. special interest not their interest. 22:23:25 gore: perennial issue. number of children going to public schools, all time record... 22:23:52 we must have revolutionary change... bonus... go to al gore2000.com for more information... 22:24:27 bradley: I was listening to those parents... african american parents would say our schools are a disaster. Bradley suggested they join the school board. They said, we can't. we work from 6am to 9pm. 22:25:06 major new investment... making schools accountable for results... 22:25:29 gore: I have a plan to connect schools to the internet, head start, college tuition, .. this is the information age it is absolutely essential... 22:26:09 bradley: if a child goes to kindergarten and is sick it will not learn. health insurance is education as well... gun control... we have to see this as something bigger than a program that is a box called education. 22:28:51 Gore final comment: I have such faith and hope to build a bright future together... a young girl from Louisiana Donna Brazil... working mon my campaign... 22:29:46 enforce the civil rights laws... i ask for your vote on march the 7th. 22:30:04 cuts of audience clapping 22:30:18 bradley: alot of people want to change the world but few want to change themselves... we have to change the hearts of american people. I think americans are good people.. MLK said... silence of good people. ask for good people to come forward and join us. 22:31:20 need a president who will put this on his agenda everyday and I will do that. 22:31:36 cuts of white audience members applauding. other cuts of african american audience members applauding. 22:32:01 wide shot of gore and bradley. bernie shaw says time and cnn have extended the same invitiation to the republican candidates to a debate at the apollo theater. 22:32:57 closing shots of the interior of the apollo and exterior fo the apollo theater.
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate at the Apollo Theater
Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. Entire debate on this tape 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action... 22:00:14 governor of illinois is differnce... I do supprot the dealth penalty... 22:00:32 low angle two shot of gore and bradley... 22:00:51 pass the racial justice act to reduce the disparity... 22:01:06 I will be that president. I will push for it... It will be in the crime bill or there will not be a crime bill, if I am president. the united states... sentence differences bwtween crack and cocaine and children being put away for 20 years. 22:02:06 Gore talks about three stikes law and reducing the cirme rate, community policing... prevention and education. 22:02:41 bradley: this is a deeper moral issue for the country... 22:02:57 bradley says driving while black... the indignities the african american are experiencing... 22:03:30 asks bradley what he would do for environmental concerns for araas like harlem... 22:04:04 just smell the buses in harlem.. get to the mta and rhave them repalc ethem with natural gas busses. healthcare program you could be seen earlier... community center more accessible... 22:04:47 gore: i have worked on this environmental problem for a long time... I would argue clinton should issue environmental 22:05:19 rear wide shot of the candidates on the stage 22:05:34 gore: reclaim the urban brown field and give tax incentives to bring new jobs in the area... 22:05:56 heckler / person in audience shouts out that $500,000 of his money... causes a scene. 22:06:41 wide shot / pan of theater. 22:07:05 wide shot of bernie shaw, bradley, gorea 22:07:24 bradley: federic douglass parkway .. community investment act in harlem and other african american communities... 22:07:58 gore we have brought new investment to urban american... lowest african aemrican unemployment. we need to enforce community re-investment act... 22:08:37 internet question: why won't the candidates keep the tax rates the same and pay off the national debt. 22:09:08 gore says use the surplus to support the social security and medicare programs. we need to pay down the national debt to keep interest rates down. we should reject the republican tax scheme out of hand. 22:10:07 Bradley i don't think that cutting taxes are the answer.. we should be passing national health insurance... education... reduce child poverty... 22:10:52 1996 welfare reform bill... truly a gamble with children in this country... 22:11:17 gore: you are so fond of the old welfare system... it trapped people in welfare... if you went out into the workforce you lose money. 22:12:11 bradley says there are hundreds of thousand of children who lose their healthcare... 22:12:37 tamala edwards to bradley: You continue to lag in this community... you do well in middle class african american community but not working class.. why can you reach the bourgeosie but not rock the boulevard? 22:13:56 bradley talks about a population that is disportionately poor.. his plan goes to urban and rural areas, 22:14:33 position I have advocated is stronger for the community... 22:14:58 gore what he is really saying is if these people just understood what the proposals are... the presidency is not an academic exercise... 22:15:26 wiht a lot of emphasis gore says: I want to fight for your families... your communities... to lift this country up... 22:15:47 rear two shot of gore and bradley 22:16:25 bradley responds... 22:16:43 gore: in theory $150 voucher might sound good, but people ... cu Spike Lee. 22:17:08 the theory is one thing.. the reality is something else 22:17:34 karen tumulty question about tougher crime laws: 22:18:04 gore: answers three stike as in you are out. at the start of this debate we need to spend as much money on education as we do on incarnation... community policing does work.. take race out of the equation of law enforcement.. 22:18:56 wide shot of theater 22:19:09 bradley says it requires a president that will tell white americans what they don't want to hear... white skin priviledge... 22:19:44 cuts of audience. 22:20:10 bradley talks about white skin priviledge not best player on team... 22:20:38 rear shot of gore and reporters. 22:20:51 training on law enforement techniques... cuts of audience. right kind of education and personnel selection... 22:21:34 high panning shot of theater. 22:21:48 bradley says he wants to make the voting acts act permanent 22:21:59 jeff greenfield: you and mrs. gore and his wife any parent of means... can send out kids to private schools... democratic opposition to choice .. special interest not their interest. 22:23:25 gore: perennial issue. number of children going to public schools, all time record... 22:23:52 we must have revolutionary change... bonus... go to al gore2000.com for more information... 22:24:27 bradley: I was listening to those parents... african american parents would say our schools are a disaster. Bradley suggested they join the school board. They said, we can't. we work from 6am to 9pm. 22:25:06 major new investment... making schools accountable for results... 22:25:29 gore: I have a plan to connect schools to the internet, head start, college tuition, .. this is the information age it is absolutely essential... 22:26:09 bradley: if a child goes to kindergarten and is sick it will not learn. health insurance is education as well... gun control... we have to see this as something bigger than a program that is a box called education. 22:28:51 Gore final comment: I have such faith and hope to build a bright future together... a young girl from Louisiana Donna Brazil... working mon my campaign... 22:29:46 enforce the civil rights laws... i ask for your vote on march the 7th. 22:30:04 cuts of audience clapping 22:30:18 bradley: alot of people want to change the world but few want to change themselves... we have to change the hearts of american people. I think americans are good people.. MLK said... silence of good people. ask for good people to come forward and join us. 22:31:20 need a president who will put this on his agenda everyday and I will do that. 22:31:36 cuts of white audience members applauding. other cuts of african american audience members applauding. 22:32:01 wide shot of gore and bradley. bernie shaw says time and cnn have extended the same invitiation to the republican candidates to a debate at the apollo theater. 22:32:57 closing shots of the interior of the apollo and exterior fo the apollo theater.
Campaign 2000: Bradley and Gore debate at the Apollo Theater
Democratic Presidential candidates Bill Bradley & Al Gore participate in a Time / CNN debate at Harlem's Apollo Theater. Entire debate on this tape 21:02:17 rev. al sharpton asks first question about how the candidates would keep crime down and not usse racial profiling. 21:02:34 rear shot of bradley as he begins to answer 21:03:53 bradley says he would issue executive order against profiling to stop racial profiles, pass laws, make changes in the judicial system... white america cannot deny the plight of african americans. 21:04:33 gore says he would enact the first civil rights act outlawing racial profiling... problem in law enforcement, insurance, schooling, problem in people's hearts. 21:05:12 cuts of al sharpton in audience. 21:05:23 gore says driving while black should not be allowed to be a crime. we need to become one people. put as much energy in education as incareration. 21:05:52 cuts of audience applauding 21:05:59 bradley says last month in iowa, I said why doesn't he (gore) have president clinton enact an executive order. al said I should not give president clinton lectures. why haven't you done that in the last 7 1/2 years? 21:06:47 gore says we have taken action. racial profiling practically began in New Jersey senator bradley. cuts of audience. 21:07:13 two shot of gore and bradley at podium 21:07:23 rear shot of gore at podium. he says to bradley did you every picture went out 21:07:43 My name is willam allen,.. he asks question about reparations... 21:08:30 gore says we still need affirmative action. 21:08:43 average african american and latino wealth is one tenth of white wealth. 21:09:04 i personally have supported these measures... 21:09:24 bradley says the issue of reparation is what you raised.. the issue relates to the contributions of african american to the history and culture of this country .. set up a commission... conyers.. from days of slavery to ... denial of jim crow amd indignities that african americans suffer. We need to see things a little deeper than skin color. 21:10:43 gore: I do believe what you are getting at is ... gore does not think a cash payment would get through congress... for the nation as a whole we should view it as recognition... but we need to invest in education as a whole. 21:11:40 bradley says when al gore was in charge of reinventing government... according to the george stephanopolus book he led the end to affirmative action. 21:12:23 next question for senator bradley: what would you do for marginalized areas like harlem? 21:13:01 bradley says he would give 10,000 $7,500 scholarships 21:13:18 info stamps for people to have access to information technology 21:13:42 government tax exempt status to schools that racially descriminate. 21:14:06 gore talks about digital divide. gore says there is a need to get computer centers in every school and connect schools to the internet. 21:14:33 gore says now false charge two... government procurement no change 21:14:46 you have misrepresented that charge.. it was about quotas... you voted the same way on final paaage. 21:15:11 two shot of gore and bradley. why were you the only democratic senator to vote against funding for minority broadcasters. 21:15:50 bradley waves pages of all 5 of those votes. about bob jones unversity. 21:16:02 cu spike lee 21:16:25 bradley tries to hand pages to gore who won't take them. 21:16:44 gore responds: he says this was a vote on quotes. bob jones lost their tax exemption. that is a phoney and scurrilous charge. this county is better for of ...WLIB.. why did you vote againtst black owned radio stations? 21:17:47 wide shot of bernie shaw, gore and bradley 21:18:02 gore policy of mend it don't end is the right approach... afirmative action that opens up new opportunites that make the use of ... loans... communciations media, radio stations. I would repeal the measure that bradley supported .. to end affirmative action in broadcasting for minority broadcasters. 21:19:10 bradley says let me briefly responded to this. we need more minority media. there are inportant ways that advertising dollars can go to african american media. bill clinton signed the law that made it happen. 21:20:01 two shot of bradely and gore. bradley waves papers. 21:20:13 you have to face up to this if you are going to be a strong leader. 21:20:25 you are sounding a little desparate by tearing me down. side shot of gore and bradley. 21:20:50 cu of woman clapping. 21:21:04 bradley says the question is about affirmative action. we need a strong president that can lead on affirmatitve action. 21:21:32 things that happened in califormaia and texas are the wrong direction. 21:21:48 high angle wide shot of theater 21:22:05 bradley answeres question about aids funding. he would sign ryan white act... funding for community health centers.. hiv people access to healthcare. Investing in infrastructure. Theuy could see a doctor when they have hiv before they have aids. 21:23:06 gore says we have to attack this problem at home and around the world. 21:23:21 cuts of african american congressional leaders. rangel. 21:23:41 gore says 50% of all hiv get medicaid. His proposal would end the medicaid program... you could just get a $150 voucher 21:24:17 we have talked about my healthcare.. same services... same benefits... 21:24:49 every patient would have a better health plan than medicaid is today. 21:25:08 its not a plan, but a magic wand and it doesn't work that way... 21:25:31 we need to move step by step to universal healthcare and take it away from the hmos' 21:26:05 question about prescriptions for elderly. 21:26:18 gore says he has proposed every person under medicare help in purchasing drugs. problems that face system as a whole... by 2015 medicare system will go bankrupt unless we put money from the surplus in right now... 21:27:26 two shot gore and bradley 21:27:30 bradley answers questions about medicare 21:27:40 rear shot of bradley and gore 21:27:48 two shot of gore and bradley 21:27:58 bradley says he would have no cap on prescriptions. Al Gore caps it at $1,000... 21:28:44 gore responds that seniors would pay more and 21:29:03 why don't you put money from surplus into the fund now... 21:29:19 bradley says 21:29:26 low angle sot 21:29:34 bradley says medicare is solid now... -- two shot of candidates. 21:30:01 bradley answers question about gun control. He wants registration and liscensing of all handguns... trigger locks on guns... background checks on purchases at gun dealers. 21:30:48 two shot gore and bradley. bradley calls him the poster boy for he NRA. 21:31:20 these attacks take us away from the real enemy -- the conservative right problem 21:31:47 gore: clinton administation passed the toughest gun control law where were you seantor bradley? Yo were at a fundraiser when i passed the vote... 21:32:14 Bradley says you have just seen the gore dance -- gore to avoid facing up to your conservative record.. 21:32:48 Bradley accuses gore of just wanting to register... 21:33:07 gore: get the negativity off your chest. 21:33:19 gore: photo liscence ids for new guns. toughest control measures in the last 30 years. 21:33:40 wide sot 21:33:44 jeff greenfield asks question is it you opinion that the vice president have the trustworthiness needed as president 21:34:24 bradley: we have very different views. he had 4 bills that supported edicuation... none on healthcare... poster boy for the nra. 21:34:56 affordable healthcare to everyone in this country... doubling money for title one... 21:35:19 gore says he (bradley ) questions the character of people who disagree with him. when NARAL supported me... 21:35:58 gore says: you must be the only democrat in ameria that misses ken starr... 21:36:26 bradley says the democratic party will lose its position as the reform party if you do not examine what transpired duirng the clinton presidency (paraphrased) 21:36:57 two shot. gore: new york times article... says bradley asked for a speical prosecutor for democrats 21:37:28 karen tumulty: you have raised question about gore's character 21:37:59 rear shot of bradley as he says my answer is to select me as the democratic nominee... 21:38:32 Bradley says gore proposes increases defense expenditures more than education... 21:38:47 gore: we have the same length career... better voting record for working men and women. 21:39:22 I have been endorsed by pro-choice. labor unions and the national black caucus. do you think they all have such poor judgement? This get a rise from the audience. 21:39:51 bradley says they don't know your record as a conservative democrat. 21:40:04 they don't know you voted 5 times over 3 years for schools that descriminate over race. 21:40:26 gore says the black caucus is pretty savvy. He says to Bradley, they know more than you think they know... they know their brothers and sisters in New Jersey know they you were never for them... walk the walk and talk the talk... 21:41:22 tamala edwards asks question to gore about vouchers... your children were raised in private schools... 21:42:13 rear shot of gore 21:42:22 Gore: the reason I opposed vouchers is they drain money away from public schools. 21:42:37 bradley voted for vouchers... republicans always portray them as experiments... that is how they get democrats to vote for them... 21:43:00 we need to treat teachers as the professionals they are... I support a 50% increase in education... 21:43:21 Bradley: people are involved in their schools... talks about the reading program he work in in Harlem in the 1960's. increase title 1 money ... to improve the quality of the teaching to reduce the disparity between minority and non minority... permit minority parents to move their children from one school to a better performing school... 21:44:38 gore: universal pre-school... 21:45:06 two shot gore and bradley 21:45:19 bradley: we have a different view on education. gore thinks it is some programs in a box. bradley outlines his education plan... that is the first rung of achievement for people in america. 21:49:48 bradley rubs his body against the tree of hope 21:50:02 gore rubs the tree of hope with his hand. cu of the stump. 21:50:39 clayton banks: what will you criteria be for selecting a vice president? 21:51:06 gore says he wants to make the tree a hope 21:51:17 I have refrained from making any long list of short list... I don't want to get a head of myself... 21:51:43 I would select someone who could be a president on a moments notice... without restriction to race... 21:52:11 bradley: person should be able to step into the office, help in the campaign... get along with and be a partner... many african americans could fill that description... talks about Martin Luther King Jr.... 21:52:56 the pool is out there... federal judged I appointed were african american... my staff reflect cultural diversity... 21:53:15 gore 21:53:28 bradley says we are at a new time here... we have a lot of prosperity.. it hasn't filtered down to everyone... digital divide... leaders are important to put in front of the people... encourage young to particiapte... 21:54:15 william sweeting: the confederate flag has been flying over the state house in south carolina.. what would you do to have this racist symbol removed. 21:54:51 bradley says he has made speeches saying take this flag down... I also called the governor... the confederate flag was not on the capital after the civil war but the 1960's as an act of defiance... 21:55:43 most people in South carolina want the flag to come down. 21:55:55 gore: I agree with Bradley... the embarrassment of the republican party, is that their candidates were afraid to say anything in south carolina... 21:56:26 who we are as a people ... how we meet the challenge of inclusion and diversity 21:56:46 pettus bridge... assasination of malcom X 21:57:00 the confederate flag divides us... one flag united us. 21:57:22 rear shot of gore and bradley as bradley talks about bush and the new conservatism. 21:57:46 gore: we must not have tax exempt status for schools which descriminate upon race. bob jones university... does not have tax exempt 21:58:22 gore makes comment honoring Martin Luther King and Dr. King's son stand ups in the audience... 21:58:59 Question about death penalty and dna testing... 21:59:18 wide shot of theater. 21:59:25 gore: sentencing differences crack and cocaine... practices of law enforcement agenices. 21:59:55 see greater racial disparity on the surface... warrents action... 22:00:14 governor of illinois is differnce... I do supprot the dealth penalty... 22:00:32 low angle two shot of gore and bradley... 22:00:51 pass the racial justice act to reduce the disparity... 22:01:06 I will be that president. I will push for it... It will be in the crime bill or there will not be a crime bill, if I am president. the united states... sentence differences bwtween crack and cocaine and children being put away for 20 years. 22:02:06 Gore talks about three stikes law and reducing the cirme rate, community policing... prevention and education. 22:02:41 bradley: this is a deeper moral issue for the country... 22:02:57 bradley says driving while black... the indignities the african american are experiencing... 22:03:30 asks bradley what he would do for environmental concerns for araas like harlem... 22:04:04 just smell the buses in harlem.. get to the mta and rhave them repalc ethem with natural gas busses. healthcare program you could be seen earlier... community center more accessible... 22:04:47 gore: i have worked on this environmental problem for a long time... I would argue clinton should issue environmental 22:05:19 rear wide shot of the candidates on the stage 22:05:34 gore: reclaim the urban brown field and give tax incentives to bring new jobs in the area... 22:05:56 heckler / person in audience shouts out that $500,000 of his money... causes a scene. 22:06:41 wide shot / pan of theater. 22:07:05 wide shot of bernie shaw, bradley, gorea 22:07:24 bradley: federic douglass parkway .. community investment act in harlem and other african american communities... 22:07:58 gore we have brought new investment to urban american... lowest african aemrican unemployment. we need to enforce community re-investment act... 22:08:37 internet question: why won't the candidates keep the tax rates the same and pay off the national debt. 22:09:08 gore says use the surplus to support the social security and medicare programs. we need to pay down the national debt to keep interest rates down. we should reject the republican tax scheme out of hand. 22:10:07 Bradley i don't think that cutting taxes are the answer.. we should be passing national health insurance... education... reduce child poverty... 22:10:52 1996 welfare reform bill... truly a gamble with children in this country... 22:11:17 gore: you are so fond of the old welfare system... it trapped people in welfare... if you went out into the workforce you lose money. 22:12:11 bradley says there are hundreds of thousand of children who lose their healthcare... 22:12:37 tamala edwards to bradley: You continue to lag in this community... you do well in middle class african american community but not working class.. why can you reach the bourgeosie but not rock the boulevard? 22:13:56 bradley talks about a population that is disportionately poor.. his plan goes to urban and rural areas, 22:14:33 position I have advocated is stronger for the community... 22:14:58 gore what he is really saying is if these people just understood what the proposals are... the presidency is not an academic exercise... 22:15:26 wiht a lot of emphasis gore says: I want to fight for your families... your communities... to lift this country up... 22:15:47 rear two shot of gore and bradley 22:16:25 bradley responds... 22:16:43 gore: in theory $150 voucher might sound good, but people ... cu Spike Lee. 22:17:08 the theory is one thing.. the reality is something else 22:17:34 karen tumulty question about tougher crime laws: 22:18:04 gore: answers three stike as in you are out. at the start of this debate we need to spend as much money on education as we do on incarnation... community policing does work.. take race out of the equation of law enforcement.. 22:18:56 wide shot of theater 22:19:09 bradley says it requires a president that will tell white americans what they don't want to hear... white skin priviledge... 22:19:44 cuts of audience. 22:20:10 bradley talks about white skin priviledge not best player on team... 22:20:38 rear shot of gore and reporters. 22:20:51 training on law enforement techniques... cuts of audience. right kind of education and personnel selection... 22:21:34 high panning shot of theater. 22:21:48 bradley says he wants to make the voting acts act permanent 22:21:59 jeff greenfield: you and mrs. gore and his wife any parent of means... can send out kids to private schools... democratic opposition to choice .. special interest not their interest. 22:23:25 gore: perennial issue. number of children going to public schools, all time record... 22:23:52 we must have revolutionary change... bonus... go to al gore2000.com for more information... 22:24:27 bradley: I was listening to those parents... african american parents would say our schools are a disaster. Bradley suggested they join the school board. They said, we can't. we work from 6am to 9pm. 22:25:06 major new investment... making schools accountable for results... 22:25:29 gore: I have a plan to connect schools to the internet, head start, college tuition, .. this is the information age it is absolutely essential... 22:26:09 bradley: if a child goes to kindergarten and is sick it will not learn. health insurance is education as well... gun control... we have to see this as something bigger than a program that is a box called education. 22:28:51 Gore final comment: I have such faith and hope to build a bright future together... a young girl from Louisiana Donna Brazil... working mon my campaign... 22:29:46 enforce the civil rights laws... i ask for your vote on march the 7th. 22:30:04 cuts of audience clapping 22:30:18 bradley: alot of people want to change the world but few want to change themselves... we have to change the hearts of american people. I think americans are good people.. MLK said... silence of good people. ask for good people to come forward and join us. 22:31:20 need a president who will put this on his agenda everyday and I will do that. 22:31:36 cuts of white audience members applauding. other cuts of african american audience members applauding. 22:32:01 wide shot of gore and bradley. bernie shaw says time and cnn have extended the same invitiation to the republican candidates to a debate at the apollo theater. 22:32:57 closing shots of the interior of the apollo and exterior fo the apollo theater.