1:30 PM: House Party with Cory Booker in Johnston
Location: 6451 N Winwood Dr, Johnston, IA
[14:52:43] Criminal justice system and expanding economic opportunity and fighting for equal justice for everyone. I am inspired by you, Senator Boxer. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Johnson about.
[14:53:07] Ahh, OK. This is amazing.
[14:53:12] We just told Nine and Chris a few people over and we have invaded their home. It is unbelievable. But this is the spirit of humanity. Although the three Abrahamic faiths were founded on the spirit of Abraham was said to be favored by God because he kept his tent open on all four site so people would feel welcome to come together. And Abraham, for those who do know he was the left, first thing he did after he got a blessing was to treat angels first appeared as strangers, greeted them, brought in the house.
[14:53:44] Then they revealed themselves. And then they saw the rainbow destroy a city which will form very scary. Abraham, they argued with them. And so I always say the two things he did right before he got a blessing right after was one to show kindness. The Hebrew word festered for that, and the other one is he fought for justice. Hebrew word in Arabic words, the delta for that. And that's why we're gathered here. It's the spirit. Really why we're here. And I know that this is a lot of folks coming here from a lot of the candidates, but there's something bigger going on in our nation.
[14:54:16] And that's why I feel the sense of gratitude.
[14:54:19] You know, this country, we didn't get to where we are. The big achievements of our nation did not happen in Washington. They happen to change. In fact, doesn't come from Washington comes to Washington because of committed people who are dedicated to it. Look, it wasn't much of what you guys did on the Senate floor and one day decided, you know what, 19, 20. Let's let's give the women the right to vote.
[14:54:40] All right. Let's do it. It already, right. That's not how it happened. It was the activism, the engagement. It wasn't one day, Strom Thurmond longest filibuster in Senate history, coming to the Senate floor and said, you know what? I've seen the light. Let's give those Negro people's rights. You know, change happens from the activism, the engagement of ordinary Americans who make extraordinary change happen. That's why I carry so generously.
[14:55:08] Just introduced me is really representative of how you make change if people sit out or think the opposite. The obstacles are too overwhelming or it's too hard. No change was made since people leaving their comfort zone, but not standing alone. Inspiring people to work with them. Stand with them. That's how she won her seat. That's how I won my city council seats, this powerful political machine.
[14:55:31] And this is the challenge.
[14:55:33] This is why I'm so excited to talk to you right now, because it's a little different. I'm going to open it up to questions after I talk for a little bit. Anything that you want to ask me about, any policies you want to ask me? I'm sure. What the question if you want to ask me how much money I say one product every year. Very frugal man. It's far cheaper to meatball any question you want to ask you about any policy? There is a big case to you right now.
[14:55:59] What we need right now. In fact, the necessary preconditions to dealing with the big challenges of our nation from climate change to gun violence to health care in order to get that done. We have got to repair our nation's spirit. We've got to deal with the severed belonging that people feel, that we've got to deal with. The fact that was needed in this nation right now more than ever is a revival of civic grace, is a more courageous empathy for one another is a greater activism. Listen, I I. This may sound weird guy and competitive election,.
[14:56:38] But I have so I'm one of these people that knows and is friends with most of the people running for president. Heck, all the senators, you know, we all have written bills together. Bernie and I wrote a bill for importing prescription drugs. Elizabeth and I wrote criminal justice bills together. We've all worked together. They're all friends of mine, literally. Joe Biden. When I got sworn in, I got sworn in a special election in the Senate on a really auspicious day of Halloween. Joe Biden sworn into office, I now hold that he and I love dad jokes, and on Halloween I thought.
[14:57:12] He was going to play with my name and call me gory. Kurt. It was text messaging with Andrew Game yesterday. He's a dear friend of mine. There are good folks in here. We all have put over 90 policy plans out. I've got mine on gun violence, very similar to other people in this race. I'm going to tell you right now, the differences between us on our policies are small compared to the differences between us and the guy in that office right now. If any of these presidential candidates want to take the truth, I'm going to touch you right now. I'm president. I'm still the best ideas from anywhere. They call my vote.
[14:57:54] This is why I don't know why I'm standing here now.
[14:57:58] Through those handsome heads and this whole. The reason the reason the reason we're here to win this election isn't who has the better fifteen point policy plan that's not going to get it done. This is an election. I'm going to make the case for you right now about something deeper that makes big policy change possible. It's the heart and the sphere of this country. I hope when you leave here, you are making a decision in this election, not just on your head, but on your heart and on your gut and on your spirit of this country.
[14:58:30] What we need out now will make a more difficult case to you got. What this nation needs is not more trumping this. And don't, don't, don't think that we are not sometimes called to the conviction of being more Trump. My first town hall. I love it here in this big town. For 500 people. And I was running toward the stage and I don't know what goes on. The big guy before tight end for Stanford University for all American football player.
[14:58:57] The older I get, the better. I was lumbering towards the stage, the big guys off behind the stage, and he puts his arm around me and wants to have this moment of testosterone. He goes, Do I want you to punch Donald Trump in the face? And I don't miss a beat. I'm like, dude, that's a felony. We are not going to beat Donald Trump by being like Donald Trump.
[14:59:29] As.
[14:59:32] Let me make the case to you, because King said it more eloquently than I can. Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate.
[14:59:42] Only love can do that. This may make me go off track with some people in this room, but I want to be very candid with you.
[14:59:50] We Democrats are going to lose this election if we make a whole thing about what we're against and not about what we're for and hunger for.
[14:59:57] Yet so far as.
[15:00:02] It's all going to raise hands, but just came from holiday dinners where you had Republicans at your table handling blood and you love them anyway. You may not like them every day. We tell you this. I am a competitor. I want to. I'm not I'm not in this just to be Donald Trump. I'm in this to Sen. Mitch McConnell. Back to back. By the way, we really went the way we heal our nation and get big things done. It's not by defining our party by this short term goal of being Republicans. That's not what America needs right now. We need to stand up to the party and say we are about uniting Americans common cause and common purpose.
[15:00:49] Because the 60 million people voted for Donald Trump are not our enemy. In fact, every big thing we've done throughout our history, the big fights, the big challenges, the big achievements have come when we created new American majorities. When we created uncommon coalitions. When they put Sputnik up in the air with the Russians, put Sputnik. Do you think that was the moment we tore each other apart with partisanship or do we join together, create a bigger table? Have we brought hidden figures together with white astronauts and we had Sputnik? Yeah, that's high. But we are going higher. We're going to the moon.
[15:01:29] My Iowa born grandma. Yeah, that's right. My grandmother was born and raised in the morning. Her grandmother comes from our town. So we all have never heard of called Buxton, Iowa. I guess there's a book written by a great Iowan called Hold. Yes. You know the Bob Austin. Yeah, it was. It was a town in this country. The book written about my life was called the the Americas Utopia, because these were black folks migrating from the south and immigrants from Europe came together and lived in an integrated town.
[15:02:06] They joined together and they carved from the earth their American dream together when they had a minor title. The stories in my family are that they would all the miners go back side by side, black and white, into the mines, do a day's work and do that.
[15:02:20] That paycheck to the widow they had built.
[15:02:24] These were people came with their little fabric. Eastern Europeans, Western Europeans, black folk from the south. And using their thread, it would stitch together a common quilt. This is what makes us great. I will grab other threads until the day she died that we beat the Nazis. And you know what we did? She talked to me about her victory garden. You talked to me about the fact that a working class woman bought war bonds. We mobilized this nation.
[15:02:56] That's how change made you think we're going to beat Donald Trump, who yells aloud is we have the best put down. This is why I say even on the Democratic stage, I'm the one that says we should not tear down fellow Democrats, not tear down their character. Every one of us shows or commitment to public service. Some of them, including challenges, drove by this family, just kill and still went to the Senate to serve people who sacrifice their financial well-being to continue to stay in the local office.
[15:03:32] This is a nation that you cannot campaign wrong and say you're going to govern, right. And the way we've got a governor, we kind of prepare that fabric of our nation, have that revival of civic race, begins to mobilize us to do big things again. Because I'm telling you right now, as the only person in the United States Senate, as the only person in this election that lives in an economically vulnerable community, I live in a community, black and brown community below the poverty level.
[15:04:01] My whole adult life I've lived in this community and I see the vulnerability that people have at the margins. It's not just Newark, New Jersey. It's all over our country. There are people hurting right now. Where what's going on in Washington is life or death. Whether it's arcane policy about his executive orders on methane or or the clean power plants, we have more people dying now of respiratory diseases, whether it's families who lose a parent, American children, American spouse, your parents being evicted because they're deported because they're a document, whether it's somebody who's rationally their insulin,.
[15:04:41] Because it's ridiculously too expensive and ends up in a hospital emergency room clinging to their life, whether it's American who has a medical condition, that just because it's a mental illness, they end up in our jails and prisons, which are our biggest mental health places where we warehouse the dignity of humanity, whether it's a nation that pledges allegiance to a flag or sings the national anthem that ends with these profound ideals that we are the home of the brave. But yet our bravest come home and they're disproportionately homeless are veterans.
[15:05:20] There is so much at stake that speaks not to him, but to us. This election is not a referendum on one guy in one office. There's a referendum on who we are and who we. You're going to be to each other? Yeah. And this is what I know. Hi. I'm the child of civil rights activist, the grandson of that greatest generation. And the stories I heard him even in the wretchedness and even in the challenges. And we still have them, I'm telling you right now. If America hasn't broken your heart, you don't love her enough.
[15:05:50] What did my parents generation. My grandparents generation through our parents and grandparents do during heartbreak. With four little girls died in a bombing in Birmingham. This whole country, black, white, the whole nation stood up and said, this is wrong. Their consciousnesses were pricked. Their activism ignited. And we mobilized. And we changed laws in Washington and my grandparents generation. Some of you all know the horrible fire in New York at the Shirtwaist Factory where women were throwing themselves out windows, trying to escape the flames, only to die on the pavement below.
[15:06:31] This whole nation said this is wrong. We went to Washington, demanded a name change to protect workers rights. God, my generation. What do we see? People dying in a concert in Las Vegas, slaughtered, slaughtered in a nightclub in Orlando. And nothing changes. Ninety percent of Americans agree on the common sense pillars of my plan. But yet, when they are shot at places of worship, people are slaughtered in a synagogue in Pittsburgh or church in South Carolina. And nothing changes.
[15:07:10] Our children are children hiding under their desks, killed from Newtown to Parkland and the strongest nation on the planet, the strongest nation ever in humanity, says to our children, the implicit message were, we can't protect you. So we're gonna send you to school and teach you how to hide your war. Shelter in place drills in our public schools now and fire drills. What is this election about?
[15:07:39] This is about who has a better fifteen point policy plan on guns. War is about who is going to ignite the conscience of our country. Remind us that the lines that divide us or not nearly as strong as the ties that bind us, help us to be like our parents and our grandparents generation where we demand that we put more indivisible into this one nation under God.
[15:08:01] That is.
[15:08:05] As to why I'm running for president and some people think, oh, poor you talk, you dare to talk in public circles in the political realm about a four letter word. Let me tell you, some patriotism is love of country. And you cannot love your country unless you love your fellow countrymen and women. And love is not sentimentality.
[15:08:33] What is not a.
[15:08:35] The test was what gets men, boys storming beaches in Normandy, never turning to their left or right and asking what party they're in love. Book of people. Different race, different religion. Their names were Goodman, Cheney and Schwerner, dying together in Mississippi, fighting for the voting rights of other people. Yeah, love is what makes a man right now struggling with struggling with pancreatic cancer. It's what got him on buses knowing they would get bombed.
[15:09:06] It would make him sit together with blacks and whites doing sit ins at lunch counters. It's what made him stand on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. His skull fracture.
[15:09:19] Lewis told me about the moment in his life when he was sitting in his congressional office and one of the men that bludgeoned him showed up in his congressional office. Now, an elderly man with his grandchild tears in his eyes, asking him for forgiveness. And what did John Lewis say to me? Did he react with hatred or hurt or the trauma of that moment? No. He turned to the man and wept with him and hugged him and forgave him.
[15:09:48] What do we need from our White House? What spirit do we need in our nation now? That's the question we have to ask. And you can't campaign wrong and think you're gonna govern, right? Let me tell you right now, people challenged me, rightfully so. Look at the biggest thing that people say they want from a candidate in our party is someone who could beat Donald Trump. Well, my first response is always, dear God. Can't we have higher aspirations? Donald Trump for his caucus ceiling beetle, Donald Trump gets us out of the ditch, but we are called to go to the mountaintop.
[15:10:27] Yeah, yeah. And let me tell you the secret here. This is the great secret. This strategy outlining what it's being built in grace and decency. This is how we win. We beat Bull Connor by bringing bigger dogs and bigger fire hoses. Now we beat him by getting more people activated, engaged. That's how we win, as represented as a toy. What is it to the council? I'm pointing out the same amount of votes he always got. But we brought out a whole new electorate and beat the most powerful machine in New Jersey.
[15:10:58] And so look at this election you were about to come to. Which candidate is the best candidate? It's going to be the one that can ignite and inspire the activism of others, not the one who could best insult and put down their opponent. Yes. And by the way, that turns people off from politics.
[15:11:14] And the candidate herself, a lot of Republicans actually should be with us as we win this election.
[15:11:23] When we show up because you don't what in the last election in 2016, some of the most key swing states, like like Mike, like Wisconsin. Donald Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney got. And we lost that movie, shellacked Mitt Romney. And let me tell you, this is why I tell people, whoever our nominee is better be able to appeal to all voters to the full rainbow coalition, because you don't. What if you just look at African-American voters alone in Milwaukee and to the in Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania, we lost those three states combined by seventy seven thousand votes.
[15:12:01] . And there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of less African-Americans who showed up to vote in those three states in 2016 than in 2012. In fact, in Milwaukee alone, seventy thousand less African-Americans turned up to vote in the Milwaukee area. We have got to inspire everyone to come out to show people that it's not just the head. We we do make decisions up here, but we have. And I felt with Obama when I was in college, I felt it with Bill Clinton. We fight from our heart, from our passion, from our low, for sure. Your politics works dividing people against each other.
[15:12:38] But our greatest politics in America is a politics of inspiration. The politics of hope, the politics that expand our moral imagination about who we can be. And I tell you what I'm talking about beating Mitch McConnell. No, the pathway that goes to get there goes through, I hope. But it doesn't stop in Iowa, folks. It goes to states like North Carolina that we won when Obama was on the ticket. And we engage that whole Obama coalition record African-American turnout in North Carolina. We won that seat.
[15:13:08] Had we had the Georgia Senate seat there, too. There's two seats up in Georgia right now. There's a North Carolina and the South Carolina sea and an Arizona seat. If we don't get a candidate at the top of our tickets, that could ignite the oldest of our coalition. We don't win.
[15:13:24] Yeah. And I'll tell you, this brings me back to my thesis.
[15:13:34] I'm running for president because it's not about me. It's about a week. We are at a point in our country. King said that. Well, we have to repent for our day and age. It's not just the vitriol at words and violent actions of the bad people. It's the appalling silence and inaction of the good people. The sermon of King's life was not a a condemnation of hatred. He did not tolerate it. He fought against it.
[15:13:59] But the sermon of his life was speaking to us, good people. His letters from a Birmingham jail spoke to good people who were not doing enough. He literally said so eloquently that what we have to repent for is not the vitriol. We're trying to actually the bad people. It's the silence of the good people. And this is my point.
[15:14:22] I believe in us.
[15:14:25] I'm running because I believe in us. It's what helped me beat slumlords when I started my legal career. Powerful men, rich and powerful, who do doing horrible things. We told our organizing group that we the stronger we stand together, the more we beat them and we beat the wars. I moved into high rise projects where someone went to federal prison when I became mayor of the city of Newark. People told me all the things we could not do, but we took one of America's cities known, unfortunately, for crime and corruption in the middle of a recession. And we took a city school system under state takeover,.
[15:15:02] One of the lowest performing school systems in urban districts in all of New Jersey and in the span of less than a decade. We ushered in its biggest period of economic expansion from supermarkets into food deserts to our school system. For one of the worst. Now the number one school system in America for taking kids in poverty and graduating from college. There is nothing that's not impossible.
[15:15:24] What are you going to do? I want to end.
[15:15:29] Couldn't it on you? Because my hope is after we do questions and everything that you'll leave here saying, you know what, this guy doesn't only have a good head. He's right on the policies or maybe some variation between him, other candidates. But I understand that this election we're going to win or lose it on the hearts and the spirit and the gut. And if you feel that you want a candidate. And I love what's happening to us in the last three months of this campaign. We see a surge in our online donations, a surge here in Iowa. Now the top in endorsements from local elected leaders and local local activists.
[15:16:03] We now literally have a campaign. This is this is something I hope the reaction to is, hey, fellows, what's up? But we now are the number one campaign for online contributions presented online contributions from women in Iowa. And I love that. I want to stay because you guys don't care about the national polls right now. You're like, wait a minute. I remember John Kerry, John Edwards were pulling 6th and 7th at 4 percent and 2 percent. One month later, they come into this state and finish one in two.
[15:16:36] There was a Jimmy Carter effect. Nobody was leading in the polls, a front runner, everyone onto the White House. It's always been the underdogs in our lifetime. Jimmy Carter polling at 1 percent in December. Bill Clinton around 4 percent became the comeback kid. Even some guy who married up, what's his name? Well, I miss Obama. Yes, I. And guys don't clap yet. I miss Obama and I miss her husband, too. He hope Michelle's husband was about 20 points behind.
[15:17:11] Hillary Clinton, December, you're going to focus on the people, on the heart of the spirit, on the values. This election is about a moral moment and has to be about the core conviction of our country and reviving those ideals for all the people who surrender to cynicism, who checked out from our politics the record engagement record.
[15:17:36] It's all going to end with this. This story is very simple. It's why I get excited when I stand in anyone's living room and I see a crowd of people because I am literally here today. I'm not exaggerating. You'll get it at the end of the story. I am literally here because of a living room like this. Talk about those Abrahamic values. Well, let me tell you. If 50 years ago, my family was coming up from the south trying to move to this Mecca, I don't know if you ever heard of this incredible mecca that America call New Jersey.
[15:18:12] I love it.
[15:18:13] I know a spot, the Jersey girl, one right there. I see one right here. It's easy to spot us. We make ourselves known. Well, my parents were guided by one thing, which is one of the reasons why I'm such a big fighter for public schools, is they wanted just a place with great public schools. But every place they looked in the 60s for rare public schools returned home in white neighborhoods, and they would be met by a real estate agent who would see a black family and say, I'm sorry, his house is sold. All the owners pulled it off the market. It would be like to.
[15:18:44] That's what my parents frustration and distress. What did they find? They found a group of Americans that met in a living room. And they literally said to my parents. We got you. They lived their values. Patriotism is love of your fellow countrymen and women. Patriotism says you welcomed the stranger. Patriotism says you love your neighbor. They live in your values. And they set up a sting operation for my parents. I call it the conspiracy you love. My parents would go look at the house if they were told it was sold. A volunteer white couple from the living room would go right behind them and and see if the house was still for sale or not. Amazingly, in the house I grew up in. My parents were told it was sold.
[15:19:27] The white couple shows up and finds out it's still for sale. They put a bid on the house. The bid is accepted. Neighbors are drawn up and on the day of the closing of the real estate agent's office. The white couple did not show up. My father did. And a volunteer lawyer from that living room. And then March and march. I was looking into the story. It's as they march into the real estate agent's office, confront the real estate agent who suddenly get so angry. He's been caught in a sting operation, conspiracy above. He stands up and punches my dad's lawyer in the face and then he sticks his door on my dad. And let me tell you, as I was growing up in this beautiful home, in this beautiful town. Every time my dad would tell this story, the dog would get bigger.
[15:20:20] Eventually, if I signed up, I don't know what to get through this house.
[15:20:25] My parents taught me like your family taught you, that all of us drink deeply from levels of freedom and liberty and opportunity that you did not do. My dad will actually go off to Stanford. Yeah, I got it. Because of a 4.0 sixteen hundred four 4.0 yards per carry. Sixteen hundred. Yeah, you know, that's that's who gets the money in the coffers. My dad watched, needs a discriminating eyes and then went on to say he got a master's degree, he went to Oxford once a year. And finally, he's just like he wasn't satisfied as a boy. He got more degrees in the month of July, but she's hot. Life is not about the degrees you get. It's about the service you give. So why did I go to Newark, New Jersey, with my laundry? Because I became a tennis rights lawyer, because people fought for my housing rights.
[15:21:18] I could never pay it back. We're Americans. We pay it forward through service, through sacrifice, through love.
[15:21:30] We took down slumlords, transformed an American city to a place of hope and promise. I got to the Senate and I had the same attitude that you are not my enemy. I asked every Republican.
[15:21:43] I couldn't go out to dinner with me.
[15:21:45] Ted Cruz and I went out to dinner. And let me say, it was hard, not because he is because he's from Texas and I'm a vegan.
[15:21:55] I love that. He and I pass legislation together to help communities recover after a natural disaster.
[15:22:05] I go to the Bible study, right wing conservatives, office chairman Inhofe and I pass legislation together to help homeless kids and foster kids because we can go to Washington to hate each other. We went to Washington to get things done. They told me when I got there, people my own party told me we can't pass comprehensive criminal justice reform, can't do things, are going to liberate people from prison. And the specter of Willie Horton. Well, you know what?
[15:22:29] I led in the Senate working with people across the aisle.
[15:22:32] The first major comprehensive reform of our criminal justice system, this liberated thousands of people from prison. But this is the end of the story, because I got to the Senate, I decided to do it. A lot of senators didn't have a high sense of self-regard. I decided to write a book. And you all got to admit that if your name is Booker, it's a lot of pressure, a lot of credit. And so I go back and I have never thanked the people I met in that living room 50 years ago. So I went back to try to find the people that started my life, that I was born 50 years ago, and I found the woman that was the head of that group in that living room.
[15:23:11] She's now 93 years old. And she was easy to find because she is still head of that organization right now. She does not represent black families anymore. Lots of black folks live in Bergen County, New Jersey. She represents same sex couples, Americans with disabilities, Muslim families, sent families. You know why? Because to her, as to us, justice has no color, no race or orientation. It is one justice, one nation, one love. She answered a lot of my questions for this chapter, which said you have to go to a lawyer that devised all those that sting operation. Go find him. Why call him up? He he's. Now, I find he's 84 years old, a retired judge. And I get all the things I needed from from the chapter. I even found out finally how big the dog was.
[15:24:02] But this is what got me.
[15:24:08] She must know why that.
[15:24:12] This is what got me shook me when he said this to me. You know, I get shaken to your core representing my core values, who represent why I'm running for president, because in general, the thing I had one question on my sheet but just popped to mind.
[15:24:24] Why? Why would you a guy who was just starting a business. Any entrepreneurs here know how busy that is? Why would you when you're just trying to support your family, why would you take so much time out to help black families moving your neighbor at in time that there were real fears out there, white flight or real estate prices going down? Why would you do, sir? Google. I know the moment I made the decision. I know the moment he goes at the exact moment ago. When was he goes was March 7th, 1965. And I'm like, sir, that's very specific.
[15:24:54] What was going on on March 7th, 1965, when he said he was at home sitting and watching TV? Now, this might come as difficult news to people like the hardships of the past. But there was a time in America where we only had three channels and a whole lot. It's not over. The hardship is not over. We actually had to get up and change that. I don't know if you all know, it's just hard to think about right now. I still think to this day my dad had two boys just to make them get up and change the channel for him. So he's sitting down and watching TV. And on this historic night, as I would find out that he was talking about a historic night on this historic night. Most of America was watching a movie that some of you were my age or a little older.
[15:25:40] You're really look finish the title form. The name of the movie that most Americans were watching that night was called Judgment at Government. Right? Right. That's of you were getting and I still don't get when he's telling me. This is a very famous night in America. March 7th, 1965, Americans sitting at home on a Sunday evening watching TV. He's sitting there and then suddenly they break away from an ongoing movie to show something tragic happening. They go to a bridge in Alabama called the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where these marchers had started in Selma and they were trying to march to Montgomery to protest voting rights.
[15:26:21] And he watches in horror as those marchers stop on that bridge by Alabama. State troopers thEn gassed them and the troopers storm in. So on horseback trampling people, others with their billy clubs drawn and start beating those marchers. We now know the day is Bloody Sunday. And my hero, John Lewis was at the front of that. Marchers had his head fractured and told me with such humility. I Corey, I should. A little bit of blood on that bridge. Right, Congressman? No, no, sir. You were you were knocked unconscious. You bled infamously. I'd be carried back to the church.
[15:26:55] So this is a question like today. That was a world moment in America.
[15:27:02] What did one man, one white guy a thousand miles away on a couch? What did he do in a moral moment? Did he. Sit there and allow his inability to do everything, to undermine his determination to do something? No. To treat this democracy like is a spectator sport. Just sitting on the sidelines. No. He knew that democracy is over. He told me he stood up off the couch and he said, I got to go to Alabama. And he laughed at himself because he couldn't close his business. He couldn't even afford a plane ticket. So then he did something that is one of the greatest of American traditions. It's why we're all here today. He decided. Well, I can't do everything, but I'm going to do the best I can with what I have, where I am.
[15:27:47] And he decided in that moment that he could spare one one hour a week of pro bono work. He calls around to see who might need it. He finds his young woman, now 93 years old, was like, how old are you? Thank you, Jesus. I need some help. And the two of them, he says, are working. They plot a sting operation, conspiracy of love, and they invite neighbors to join them. And people came and they fill fill the living room at fifty five, turn to 60, 70, got things going. He goes by 1969 and volunteer lawyers and others. And he said, I'll never forget the day he gets a case file handed to him.
[15:28:15] His family coming up from the south, struggling to make it. And he goes quiet. We help him get to housing. Do you know the name on that case file? Don't know, sir. He was retuning for that case files. Corey he was. What was then? Carrie the other one was in Carolyn Terry and Carolyn Booker. Your parents. I am literally standing before you right now because of a little group of Americans just like this living room of people who gathered together in a moral woman and understood their obligations and understood that they were not going to sit on the sidelines. They wanted change in Washington.
[15:28:51] They had to make it right where they were. I had literally the fourth black person ever elected to the United States Senate because one white guy on a couch in 1965 before I was born stood up. I literally could be the first person in the history of our nation who is descended from slaves, who could then go one to a White House built by slaves because of Americans who understood what's at stake. And that brings me to us right now in this room. Our challenges are no lesser. The problems we have are no lesser. What's at stake?
[15:29:31] The very lives of our fellow countrymen and women, their well-being, their people. Isolated, alone. Are hoping for us. There are people like my family, distressed and discouraged, looking for help. And now the question is not what they are going to do or what a candidate is going to do is what we will do. This election is about the spirit of our nation, the heart of our country. It's about our highest ideals and virtues. And no matter what, one guy tries to define us, to demean us, to degrade us or the terrorists down.
[15:30:01] I promise you, if you stand with me, if you caucus with me, this will be the ignition point that starts a movement in our country that will take us through election day and help us to heal our country and do the great things we need to do to meet our challenges and seize her opportunities. No, Donald Trump will not terrorists down because I know we're together. We will rise. Thank you.
[15:30:34] Great, thank you. Thank you. All right. So any question whatsoever?
[15:30:44] I'm not sure of my Jersey girlfriend here is good luck finding your custody questioning. Oh, OK. OK. So I want you to know that I'm probably the first person here that committed the caucus to you, because when you were mayor of Newark, you had this great Twitter feed where you would talk about how you were helping out people in New York. And I grew up in about 30 Jersey. And I remember what you were it was like before you got there. And I was like I was reading your Twitter feed alive to allow my husband. And I said, this guy's crazy. He's like running into Ernie Billingsley, shoveling people out. He's bringing people diapers and the snowstorm.
[15:31:21] And I was like, Doug, if this guy ever runs for president, I am caucusing for him. So if you decide to talk, it's hard, OK?
[15:31:33] But I just want you to know that the authenticity of what you are about is what inspired me, the company going an this here into my life. And it is, I believe, so hard. I want every person in here to get convinced. If you don't want to caucus for you yet, you just are going to have coffee with me and I will talk you into it. All right. So but what I'm here for is a little bit selfish, because right now I'm a Jewish woman from New Jersey and I'm living in Iowa, and it's very isolating. I said I was locked during our services. And when a stranger can talk to our people panic because we don't know what that person's is coming for us to do. And that is the opposite of what else abortion should be. And, you know, I'm sure you've heard last month there are menorah was vandalized in a town that is the most liberal diverse.
[15:32:28] . It was an amazing place to grow up. And it's like breaking my heart. And so I am here because you are. I called you my rabbi before you. You're my preacher. You make me feel like there is a potential in this country back on track. And when I think about sending my baby girl off to college the year in 2020, that is a really intense. And I just want you to talk a little bit more about the things about how you're going to bring this push back together and heal, like what is happening, how we get rid of neo-Nazis or New Jersey, because we know that they do not belong there. A good question, because since 9/11, there's been more terrorist attacks in this country.
[15:33:16] There were not sort of external people coming into our country to terror suspects. The majority of our terrorist attacks have been right wing extremist groups, a majority of them white supremacist groups. And this violence is on the rise. And when she's talking about my phone today, yesterday, day before, because the attack, the stabbing attack in Muncie, New York, because of the shooting attack in Jersey City, New Jersey, we're just seeing these acts of violence, vandalism and violence against Jews. Anti-Semitism is on the rise.
[15:33:42] The attacks have increased more than 100 percent over the times just a short period of years. And it's not just that we're seeing attacks on Latinos, as we saw with the shooting in Texas, where the person drove 10 hours to seek out a Latino Americans to murder, then we're seeing that violence against sick Americans who wear turbans or similar horrible instances of New Jersey of heckling or abuse.
[15:34:08] Muslim Americans. And so this is a time, really, where we have to question about what can we all be doing to make sure we're doing something about that. So as your president two days, I make a difference. Martin Luther King said you can't legislate someone to love me. You passed legislation. Stop them from lynching. No, I can't pass legislation to change our hearts.
[15:34:30] But I can pass legislation to restrain the heartless. So there is a role for government. There is a role for a president who will not deny white supremacy. But talk about these issues by organizing your Justice Department to investigate and do things to stop that can actually do to actually to do justice, which is what the Torah who going to tour work for 10 years, the highest calling Miko, which is in the Christian Bible as well. A lot of war.
[15:34:54] Do you want from your people is to love God, hate evil and do justice.
[15:35:00] And so this to me is all of our calling. I'll never forget. I love reading for Abraham. He talks about these very simple but very powerful ideas about making ourselves vulnerable. How important it is. You can't have her heroism or courage without vulnerability.
[15:35:18] All of us have an obligation to enter this world or differences or being exploited by people of hate to drive it up for whipping up to do more to incentivize on site kind of acts. And so I just want to say to everybody this and this is may sound again like why is this guys and try to even caucus form. But I want to just give you a warning label on my candidacy.
[15:35:40] If I am your president, I'm warning you, I promise you, I'm going to ask more from you than any president is asking you in your life. Remember, I grew up with grandparents who told me about presidents. FDR was my grandfather was a Republican. Most blacks were back in the 20s and 30s. And in Michigan, turn, 14 districts are Democratic because of the GOP's call to service of FDR and looking to do for each other.
[15:36:09] This is where I need to ask more from you. First of all, for all of us here, whether it's our seniors was too small Social Security checks or people that are working teachers in this room who don't know how your pay your student loans and your rent, but still reach in your pocket the paper things for your kids. We will be a lot like doubling of the earned income tax credit by extending the earned income tax credit for people who are at home not working, but they are working because they're taking care of someone special needs, a spouse with Alzheimer's, a child with special needs.
[15:36:39] Therefore, if I have my earning contacts for a redo it and it's going to be 150 million Americans, a pay increase. Cut poverty in the third. So I'm not talking about paying more taxes, but I'm going to ask you to serve more. And I'm asking a roomful of people who are obviously already activists. But if we think that we're going to get changed tomorrow by doing the same thing we did yesterday. It's just not going to happen.
[15:37:01] And all of us have to put ourselves out there a little bit to figure out more creative ways to make a difference. And this will only the question after this long. But I just want to take you with me on one step of a journey.
[15:37:11] And it may sound small, but I want you all to the biggest thing you could do in any way is always going to be a small act of kindness, of decency, grace and love.
[15:37:22] It's proven to be my life. My biggest mistakes have been not knowing this lesson about what small acts of kindness do. But just let me tell you it.
[15:37:30] Every day is you perfect opportunities. I love the last House party. We were there and I traded upon the grace of the homeowners because we broke a lot of fire bills getting people in. But one of the questions was what they were talking about, voter suppression at the end of the question. What are you hearing about voter suppression? And then they said, what can I do about voter suppression? I was like, that is wonderful. But you're asking for things because there's always something you could do. Remember, you have to go down to Alabama and march, but you can figure out what you might be able to do with 30 minutes more week and not underestimate that can make a lifetime of change.
[15:38:05] And I'm guilty. This is what I want to talk about, vulnerability. I'm guilty for not always living. All of us have to wrestle with this because I remember one day. This is for I tell them I'll go rapid fire questions, but I'm driving home where I live in work, three blocks from my house. We have this place. I don't know if you've ever if you have these in Iowa or if you prefer these places. It's called McDonald's. And I'm a guy in Newark. Been with me since I was mayor. He drives me around and pick me up in the airport.
[15:38:34] He's in the front seat where he's just kind of grew up in the projects. When we served, the military came back to the door, please. We've been together for like two decades. Just looking good. Every year we communicate so much as we're driving. That's because he looks at me rearview mirror and I put my head down in shame because the flesh was weak and he knew that was a sign to go into the middle.
[15:38:53] Now I love him.
[15:38:55] So I wasn't going to walk into a McDonald's. Let people see me. I was. I was going to go through the drive through and get my French fries back. And I thought, where do you get in there? Actually not go to Burger King. I go to I go 200 dollars. I get my two French frocks disguising my voice, of course, holding my head down and having my French fries, and now I'm holding them. I am so excited to get home and just bought the white pants and watch TV. And I knew I had to to my best friends waiting for me in my freezer. Ben and Jerry. And so I'm holding his prize.
[15:39:30] I thought the most precious thing on earth I've ever seen that line for Lord of the Rings by Precious. And then we're driving out. We see a guy who has head in trash. I look in the rearview mirror communications. He knows me. I know. And he spots the car. I rolled out my window. Hey, man, are you all right? The church is wasting away. And, you know, sometimes you should press, affirm the dignity of the person I some kind of hate. I mean, anything you want, anything you need in terms really just as I'm hungry.
[15:39:57] And so I knew immediately I too much. Right. And I'm a man of faith.
[15:40:01] And I know that Jesus said something extra much in the Sermon on the Mount. You have to fret about the French fries and your neighbor. I think that's what he said. And so I reach in my pocket and my bag and I hand him one of my fries. He seems happy. But at that moment he looks at me and he goes from having to looking little pain. In fact, you said, hey, man, give me socks. And he was who I seem logical know if you've worked in the homeless person dies, it's like worth its weight in gold.
[15:40:33] And I looked at and I knew the pain and I looked at him and I go on, sorry, man, I don't have any socks. And I leaned back and looked at my friend in the rearview mirror thinking that Kevin was going to drive, but he didn't. He puts the car in park reaches between his legs and the steering wheel, kicks off his shoes, takes off the socks he's wearing and handsome through the window. Now, I. You heard me just give a speech all about love and kindness and decency.
[15:40:59] I am a work in progress. I really am. I have this measure for people.
[15:41:06] And I hate to be judgmental because again, my face is not to be judgmental, but I always say someone who's nice to you but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person.
[15:41:14] You get the everyday kindnesses that we do to each other, just that changes the energy.
[15:41:21] Here's a Stanford researcher that does this research. One act of kindness, actually, they measured this can ripple out multiple degrees beyond you in changing the world. Remember one man standing up to get one hour in a whole. Ripple out to change a generation not yet born. So I'm simply saying to you right now, if I'm your president, give a guy that uses his platforms every day to demonstrate some of the worst of our character. When I would come up to me and said, you passed my test, I'm caucusing for your wife, because my test is who would I want to babysit my children?
[15:41:57] And I looked at her and just smiled. Why? No, that's not Donald Trump.
[15:42:04] My point is character matters. I'm your president. I'm going to use my platforms sometimes to show my own vulnerability, but every day I'm going to work to inspire more acts of kindness or acts of decency, more acts of grace, because that is the salvation ultimately of our nation. Quite yet, right here we go where we see round one, two, three, because they're pulling me outside and talking to long. Go ahead. OK, so real quickly, how can we get the message out everywhere that city councils and dog catchers and school boards are the breeding ground?
[15:42:41] The training ground for our candidates for the future. And if we don't vote in every municipal house, we know that the GOP has known this and has been working it for decades. So I'm going to be the kind of leader of the party. I'm just gonna put this plane again. I'm about unity, about bringing people together. I'm also a competitor. And I want the Democrat Party to be as strong as it ever was under my presidency, to work ahead of the con to a point where we states that people think are blue to blue, like Iowa, like Texas, like Georgia, which demographically it could be should be blue if we organize from the grassroots up.
[15:43:14] I tried to show people what I'm going to be like in the future by just demonstrating the kind of person I am. The number one fundraiser in Iowa state legislative elections in 2018. All people running was my team. We wanted to show you that there's three ways to campaign. I learned this when I was knocking on doors as a city council person. The people that trump over grass and they go knock on the door and they walk over the grass. That's not a consciousness raising. The second person's good.
[15:43:40] You put what you say on the sidewalks. Knock on door for the third person is the best. The person that walks along the season, newspaper end law picks it up and brings us to the door, sees a piece of trash, picks it up, throws it away. We are all in this together because I'm going to be blunt with you. I'm not a presidential candidate tells you I'm going to solve all your problems. I'm your federal official. Your state legislature right now is coming after Medicaid with his privatization scheme. Your state legislature right now is coming after teachers with the right to organize the greatest president for you.
[15:44:10] But if we don't change the leadership here in Iowa and this is a Republican or a Democrat, this is about making progress for Iowans. Look, your whole farming's world view is changing this. Independent family farmers are being wiped out, driven out of business. There's no way that we're really successful as a nation. If we don't have federal policies supported by state policy, supported by local policies, as a local leader, please put people with local elected leadership experience in the White House. I will help build a great cash.
[15:44:40] That's.
[15:44:43] Retired after 22 years as hospice social worker. I now focus on the end of life medical aid in dying. I really want to have two choices in Iowa. Any plot to spy on the national level?
[15:45:00] This is so this is this is I hate to tell you that my empathy was expanded because I watched my dad die of Parkinson's and dementia. And and it woke me up to things as a young man that I just was not aware of. And so I gave a very warm and detailed policy for long term care issues on my website.
[15:45:18] I want to give you a couple highlights to the elder elderly, to our elderly. This country is so disrespectful. It is policies that do not reflect the empathy and the love of this country. I'll give you one example. We tell our seniors that if they're going to qualify for Medicaid, they have to lead themselves into poverty, even to qualify for Medicaid and nursing home care. Just think about that. You've done everything right. Live your life. I'm retired and you're getting sick whether you'll pass on this, you know, poverty and then we'll help you.
[15:45:48] That so. That's ridiculous. So part of my long term care plan is lifting the caps one hour on, on on on savings as well as the income because people might want a part time job or to do something. So we're changing that. I've already told you that for people like my mom and this, I so much empathy for people taking care of folks with special needs. I mean, she bled through savings. She was literally standing at the door. One day when I had my mom's physical health was in danger because my father was insisting he had to go out. He was half dressed and my mom had to wrestle with him.
[15:46:20] And I saw her back, hurt her knee, getting her, trying to lift my dad out of bathtubs. We find my brother and I made sure she had more help at home and then night overnight. She eventually stopped trying to put our resources. You've got to be sure she had. Home at night is getting better and longer. There are so many Americans, noble Americans, doing what we all should do to be there for family members to the extent that we can. And why do you think works? Guess what happened to that person? They would end up on the taxpayer care, which would be so much more expensive.
[15:46:48] That's why I expand this idea of saying that everyone who is doing that kind of work should qualify for a refundable tax credit. And you literally I'll bring thousands of dollars back into the pockets of families who are struggling with that. And I'm not going stop there. There are other things that we do for laws that people want to age at home. Medicare does not prioritize. That doesn't provide the right kind of incentives. We need to do that. And so end of end of care life is something that I to interest legislation on. And I formed bills.
[15:47:16] But as president, I'm going to awaken the conscience of this country to care about two populations, far more for a policy than we're doing right now. I'm pushing awareness to so many people about what's happening in this country. That's shameful. Those groups of your elderly and our kids. And the reason why I wanted to focus on kids, because you talked about your professional career. I know you're aware of this, but I hope people know this. We're the one industrial country that does not have universal prenatal care.
[15:47:41] And as a result of that, we lead the developed world in infant mortality, low birth weight babies and look, turtle mortality. It would be that's expensive.
[15:47:53] People know premature birth is so expensive, taxpayer dollars. Besides being morally wrong, we should lead the world in examples of how we take children into this world, especially because guess what happens?
[15:48:04] The brain develop. 90 percent of it happens before the fifth year. And we are a country that does not pick up children in any kind of public way really substantively until they hit kindergarten. It would be cheaper for this country to give women access to dual care than it is to allow children to be born like they are right now.
[15:48:22] That's why my plan calls for that going. That's shameful.
[15:48:27] We do not have universal preschool. Well, I can show you the dollars invested a year to preschool bring back to our economy every dollar we invest. Forty seven dollars back to your economy. It's shameful that we have paid family leave. Afghanistan and the Congo have paid family leave. And we we don't. And then the final one is why don't we have affordable childcare in America and pay our childcare workers what they deserve? We are a nation right now, and it's more expensive for childcare in most states than it is for tuition at the local college. So I want to be judged. There's a lot of things I won't be judged for as your president.
[15:49:04] The spiritual thing I want to do is probably done a better job repairing the fabric, moving our country to common cause and common purpose. Have I done a good job? I tried to do a Newark by city that was ignored and overlooked making a national cause. My Twitter feed was not just talking about to my residence. I wanted the world to know that we were a city, that the American dream thrived there. We ended up getting developers and philanthropy all around the country. As president, I'm going to do the same thing.
[15:49:29] Expand pie to expand the moral imagination. That's one of the ways that the judge was successful. The other way is in policies, especially how we treat our children and our elderly. And so thank you. Only go real quick. I don't ask what you're yelling. I got to go the other room and I'm going to do one thing that's really defiant. I'm going to go to questions more like feel bad, I'm sorry, Dan, and killing me if I need something.
[15:49:50] Time a lot quicker. Here you go, this gentleman. Here now is the last question I'm going to cut right here to my boy. Yeah. Yes, go ahead. Yes. This is my question. It's already started. I'm happy for those who are in the back. Did you hear? He said you were such a handsome man.
[15:50:12] That's what he did, he said.
[15:50:15] He said, I love your ideals, but I'm concerned about how we get there continued.
[15:50:22] Yes.
[15:50:26] How are you guys really think this has really? These are great questions. He said two things he said. How are you going to fix this guy? How are you going to overturn citizens by court? And then he said, how are you going to tone down Fox? And so, really, Christian Citizens United is a destructive. It is one of the biggest cancers in our to our democracy right now. But I think corporations or people, unlimited money pouring in. It is cancerous to our society. And so, first of all, I do it by being the change I want to say in the world.
[15:50:54] I was a fifth senator to take the essence of I pledge, which means I don't take corporate PAC money at OK, corporation dollar. Then I'll take federal lobbyist. My LG Pharmaceutical executive sees me dollar and he was on it. He said no. This is why we are heavily reliant on individual contributions from people like you. Women. Thank you. Catch up. So one is just to show people you could win. But then the second way is very electoral.
[15:51:21] I feel so much passion running this before to be your nomination because I know if we do not think about right now, they've got three seats on us. We've got to defend Alabama, which is going to be very hard. We narrowly won that and we were pulling against a guy accused of horrible things, horrible things. So so we've got three to four seats to make up on to do everything I can to fight to preserve Dow Jones. So we've said we pick up Iowa City. You exactly say we pick up seven, pick up Colorado, which I think we have a good shot of the your head right now. Now, Arizona, that's a great one.
[15:52:00] This brings us back to almost even. We've got to pick up Susan Collins, but then we've got to look at the south in the southern seats that are up. So I'm telling you right now, I have incredible confidence that we could push Mitch McConnell to the backbench. If I'm the nominee that we're going to win in places we don't win normally. And we will further to the east, which is why I'm so confident I'm the best person for this. My state blacks are a small minority in my state, about nine, 10 percent of the population. I have to correctly. Chris Christie had to set my special election. The logical place we all thought the said it was when he was up for reelection. But he said, no, it's November normal, actually.
[15:52:35] Move it up three weeks earlier and put it in on a Wednesday in October. So we had a campaign not just for the office to tell people it's not the November election, it's three weeks earlier. No, no, no, not Tuesday. Wednesday, show up. It was really hard to remember anybody that's running for president for the Democrat Party is going to get 90 plus percent of the black vote. That's not the question, is the turnout. And so when I was on the ballot, the black turnout in my state spiked upwards, up between 13 and 14 percent three weeks later.
[15:53:07] Normal election elections all up and down the ballot. It dropped down to around 9 percent, between 9 and 10 percent. And so for us, the Obama is so successful, not because he just got black votes, but the whole Rainbow Coalition. We saw incredible surges. If I'm your nominee, are going to get the Senate back. And then now still your question. I've got 52, 53 votes. How are you going to get the rest of the votes? You need 60 votes to pass.
[15:53:33] Citizens United Court. How are you going to get it done? And so my point to you is this gets us back to what I think is a difference from the field is my whole career has been taking impossible circumstances and showing people the things that people couldn't dream testimonials you can get done to finding a way out of nowhere.
[15:53:54] So I'm going to tell you, I exactly know the legislative strategy, but I know it when you turn away from your city council, whatever, and turn to the nation and generate more movements, you can make change. When I was mayor of the city of Newark, I'm not joking to my departmental directors told me we had we had challenges. It just couldn't be solved. Our revenues as a city were crashing. I called for help, the foundations. He wouldn't return my call. I wanted the bill and we had to grow our tax base.
[15:54:21] I couldn't get developers to pay attention. I went to a supermarket council place in Las Vegas and literally they get the person that was the one of the big supermarket chains. I asked them to come to work. They laughed at me, but I found creative ways to get things done. One of the funny things I did that this is a Trump uses his presidency uses he breaks norms all the time. I tell you what, I'm breaking norms, too, but not for darkness, for life. One of the ways he breaks laws with the social media.
[15:54:50] I was an innovator, as you saw on Twitter. So one of the things that happened to me wasn't the worst depth of our challenges. CONAN O'BRIEN comes on The Tonight Show and insults our cities as I hear herky jerky, his great your health care program. We had this healthcare program, the lower prescription drugs for many of our residents. I was proud of it. He goes, but I think the best healthcare for the city of York is a bus ticket out of town. And I was like, OK. This is a gift. Readers take problems and they turn them into opportunities.
[15:55:19] So I went to my desk in New York City Hall and I said, I'm Cory Booker, our American City North. And I brag about our city. And I said, by the power vested in me, Collins insulted our cities with the power vested in me by the people, the city, you know, I hereby ban. CONAN O'BRIEN from Newark Airport. I said, you're on the no fly list. JFK, buddy, put it online. Knowing that he had 3 million viewers. This was the early days of Twitter. I knew my video, as funny as it was was. And he kept it became a trending. He had hundreds of thousands of lives. So much so. That City Hall is being flooded with calls. Everything from civil libertarians were mad at me for violating civil rights.
[15:55:59] And I just like it was a joke all the way to the TSA. Then went on to put a clarification on their website that mayors in America can't ban people from their. But this is great now that the press will only show up in Newark when there was murder or corruption scandal. Now I've got satellite trucks lined up. I'm loving this. And then I get another gift from God. Colton comes on The Tonight Show again and says, Corey Booker plays my video, giving me more millions of viewers.
[15:56:28] And I say, but then he says, By the power vested in me by my studio audience, I beg you for Burbank Airport. Now your flight to L.A., not a big deal. L.A. acts, but this becomes a major fight. I've been on the whole state of New Jersey then, and it becomes this one of the top stories in area that I was getting more media being invited on the Larry King show. All these. Never before have I got a chance to brag to more people about my city. It ends because this amazing woman is hero of my life. She was in charge of creating peace, war torn areas around the globe. She was a secretary state, the United States of America joining Hillary Clinton. No joke. Clearly, this whole line, she filled her own video, basically, in essence, just saying, Corey Coleman give peace a chance.
[15:57:15] And so it adds me going on The Tonight Show. Imagine there are Newark, New Jersey. The curtain opens and I step out, sit on the couch and he apologizes on national TV and writes a hundred thousand dollars worth of check up checks to your charities. But that's not the end of it. It is this sense. It's even possible before I call the largest foundations in the country. They return my calls. The pilot. I call those developers. This is you know what? I'm in the New York area. I'll come back and look at the. We built the first hotel in 40 years for new office towers in generation.
[15:57:48] And that supermarket chain that left empty shop there record, if you will, like to be your president. I'm telling you right now, I'm not playing by the rules, but I'm not violating rules to demean and degrade people. I'm going to find creative ways to make a way. I don't know. It's been my whole career going to the toughest challenges and finding ways to get them done. I can tell you exactly how we're gonna do it, but that's the operative word. How we are going to do it.
[15:58:15] And so since you nicer we going to you want to end this nightmare. We're in end this nightmare in our country. And I'm going to find the ways to get things done that other people say can't get there. Okay. All right. Yes. Last question right here. Yes. This is one of my friends that gives me the best hugs every time I see them.
[15:58:35] And we see. Oh, my God. And that's what makes it so. So.
[15:58:46] OK, this is the true honor. And with this, because you ask me a beautiful question. I'll tell you. I appreciate it. All right. So she's one of our great volunteers. You already heard one of our volunteers mentioned. I am. And I'm also the organizers. We're doing well in Iowa right now. And so many measures from the beginning to the morgue registry said the two best organizing teams on the ground with me and Elizabeth's. And we are surging right now because not because of the candidate.
[15:59:11] Even as handsome as I might be. Because really because it's really because of the team that we have on the ground. And so that's what I want. And it's an appeal to this team in this room. You all have the power to change the world. People from living rooms like this have been changing the world for whole country's history. Maybe it wasn't always literature before they got together in a barn to plan it underground railroad and went through this this take everything. They got together in a church basement to plan the civil rights movement. It's always been ordinary Americans coming together, doing extraordinary things. This is what we need right now.
[15:59:49] And I'm asking you, think about bringing my larger team and I want to end with this ideal because my heart is a little heavy cause of John Lewis. And I learned that when bad things were happening, when challenges exist. I learned from a woman on the fifth floor of the projects that taught me when her son, her son was murdered in.
[16:00:11] The lobby of the building, so I must ask her why she stayed in the buildings. Why did she say? She said to me, look at you like just bemused by the questions because I stay here because I'm in charge of homeland security. She talked, she had a title, she had a cabinet post, but she took responsibility for her neighborhood. Hope is the active conviction that despair will never have the last word.
[16:00:35] And on my lowest day as an American, when I was there, when a boy was shot, tried my best to stop him from bleeding to death. It was one of the most gruesome experiences of my life, trying to stop a teenage child from dying from gunshot wounds in my neighborhood.
[16:00:54] I went to bed that night feeling angry and despondent after scrubbing another boys blow off my hands, feeling like I wanted to give up, feeling so angry that children were dying in my city and it didn't even make the news anymore. And I remember going to bed that night just feeling so angry at the world. It's the lowest point I as an American. I was so angry at this country. We pledge allegiance and we swear an oath to liberty and justice for all. But where was the Justice Skeeters before it would become better?
[16:01:25] And I felt so overwhelmed by the size of the problem, so small, I felt like giving up and I got the next morning. There are people in this room. I know you're in this room, but no, to me, the real definition of courage is not the big moment. The big challenge, the big speech. There are people in the room that know that the greatest courage is often so choked by that morning that you get up with all of your heart ache, all of your heart, and your courage is just to put your feet on the ground and keep on filming.
[16:01:52] Keep on fighting. Keep on moving forward. I got up the next morning and I got downstairs in my building, the lobby of the projects walking through that lobby. I suddenly remembered in the back of my mind that this is where Mrs. is Jones's son was murdered. And I walk out in the lobby and there in that courtyard was this Jones with her back to me. And I felt like I was screaming under one hundred feet of water. And then almost as she heard me, she turns around and puts her arms open like this is exactly what I did. And I ran for that courtyard. Six foot three she five feet this vision. But I felt like a little kid running to her arms and she held me.
[16:02:28] And that's when I broke and started crying.
[16:02:30] But what she said to me is she rode my back just two words and kept me going as a bear, as help me keep going as the senators keep me going in the presidential campaign other days. I'm exhausted and leaning on the goodness of people like I like this in this room that I need. She said two words to me that have nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with a civic gospel.
[16:02:50] She said to me as she wrote my back, as I wept on her shoulder, she said to me, Stay faithful, stay faithful, stay faith.
[16:03:00] This nation has come this far by faith. Faith in our common ideals. Faith in each other. Our ability to bond together across our differences and assert or higher calling.
[16:03:13] This is a moment that we need that manifest, that faith again.
[16:03:18] And if you've put your faith in me. If you caucus with me, I promise you I will not let you down. I won't be perfect.
[16:03:25] But I promise you that together our faithfulness together, our service together, our sacrifice together, our love is not going to have the end of our story be in some ditch will be Donald Trump and we'll make it to the mountaintop because we will rise.
[16:03:43] Thanks.
[16:03:49] Regarding Sophie's outsides are waiting for you outside the lab in the front door of his office outside.
[16:03:55] I'm going to stand outside the door. If you want a selfie with me, please do it. If you want to commit to caucus, please rebel organizers hug them, too, if you want. That's a really good idea. I wouldn't do it with words. Thank you.
[16:04:40] Oh, I think it, too. I think sitting next to me. Better. After. I'm not even sure how I wanted to talk to you as much as. I'm not surprised you were there. Oh, my God, guy. Oh.
[16:05:29] Now I know. Yes, yes, yes. Is over again. Thank you very much for sharing my perspective for us. Thanks. I'm hoping I see every three hours here. Yes, it's very good. So he just sits there and you see the competition. We're just showing the world crashing and burning. I know. Are you feel this Saturday night? The bottom line is you get better. You have. Several years, even when I was eight years old, when I was five. How do you do it? Oh, my gosh. I saw your scar. Yes. I'm so sorry.
[16:27:37] You're good. We're not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got somebody secretly having sex. Oh, OK. I'm telling you, I always get more. You could tell me where I was. Oh, yes, several counties. Yes. Yes. Just make sure he said yes. I feel warm inside. Yeah, sure. Yeah, hey, guys. I'm like, so. How so? So I made my life would just like this. This is not a good start for countries like Syria. I'm sorry. Thanks for being here. All right. You know, I think of the 14 too high. Yeah. What does it mean? Oh, of course it wasn't.
[16:29:13] Oh, no. Oh, department and the to say I. Most of my time. Every day. Yeah. I just hear that you spend a couple days. Yes. Yes. Oh you mean three different times in the final three. So now got a door I horse and more. Following what I'm usually writing. Usually you're not. Yeah, I said to see you in a while and also say, I'm sorry. So you want to get something? Yeah. That's where I am. I mean. Have you been here? Sorry for what I did. I guess I just want you to go when you're just trying to get 20, you already found this one. Like, I haven't checked my life. I love it. Good evening, Mr. Klein.
[16:31:09] As first of all, you're teaching like one of my favorite subjects by going up. And I know you are a great teacher. How do I know that? Because one of your students is telling me so. So thank you for what you do every single day. You signed that would. Great, great, great. You're could have into your home. Certainly not in our country. Being a place where I think the critical question for you. Yeah, yeah, baby. No, I'm not. All right. Now, anything they have continued to be devilish. Let's be honest.
[16:31:59] I almost want I can just leave for two hours and then Emma GRIFFITHS, our commercials to continue with this work. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think next season. That's what I said to me. I've heard that before. Come back. I hope my favorite part of the law is the White House told them, well, it would be very curious to know what I was coming up. Yeah. You know, the last one is basically like the membership and some inquiries or his staff. And let's just take for the better. Obviously, it's a system I should just call, right? Yeah, sure. Do you know how to do this? I mean, a lot of you to make me feel good. Yes.
[16:33:38] I go there now. It was just after. Am I saying too high? Should I step down? Yeah, that's about it. I just wanted to lord over you. I owe you. I think we got a newbie over here. Are you all right? Look, it's Maura. It's going to be here. Oh, that's pretty cool. End of the year. Little switch switcheroo. OK, we'll go ahead. I just think it's been turned off by getting your reaction to everything that's going on right now in Baghdad. Look, we all should have a resolve and a strength that says if you were going to attack Americans, we're going to respond. We have a real crisis there and we have crisis in the region, frankly.
[16:34:34] Here's an Iranian backed militia at a time in Iran. Iran is grant growing in strength and influence under this president because we don't have a larger strategy to contain their bad actions, whether it's their running arms through Syria, to arm Hezbollah, whether it's what's going on in Yemen right now, which is a crisis or what's going on in Baghdad. So we need to stand together. And this idea that we're going to be resolute and strong when it comes to American troops and the well-being of American contractors that are there.
[16:35:10] But we need to have a larger strategy that is about the safety, security, that region and bringing our troops home. You're your campaign manager, you just suggested on Twitter that you could send your best fundraising quarter. Can you give us some insight into what you're heading into this final month? This is all about the surge and we're already seeing it. We saw it on online contributions and we're hoping more people will come to help us out, because right now we're running commercials for the first time on TV here in the state, doing what a lot of billionaires in this race have been doing, what they consider a lot of resources.
[16:35:43] Thank God we're seeing a real lift in our online contributions. In addition to that, we're now leading in the pack in local endorsements. We've picked up county chair people on this trip. Local representatives, city council people. It's incredible. So we know we're going to be the upset story in Iowa. It's just like every single cycle. It seems like there's a great up. What's that story? Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry. We know that we're running an incredible ground game here.
[16:36:11] That's how I beat a machine in New Jersey and to win and become the mayor of the largest city. And that's how we're going to win here in Iowa and start a spark. It's going to create a real movement. It's really about our common values as a country and showing what real strength is strength that will be Donald Trump, but more importantly, strength that will meet the biggest challenges of a generation, from climate change to gun safety to health care access. On February 3rd, I'm sure I have a better sense of exactly what this means.
[16:36:37] But right now, when you say you have the best ground game in the safe, what does that mean? It means a lot of things from the beginning. The Des Moines Register, other local media here has been saying we have the most experienced, talented team on the ground. And that's one measure we're seeing the most effective organizing going on, because right now, as we saw in this ad, that we're just getting so many commitment of caucus cards now, we're really seeing a measurable surge in what's going on.
[16:36:59] But you're right, caucus is going to be the day that decides and I'm very excited about it. Now, a lot of your tweets have been about TV ads and buying more TV ads and even more donations to buy more TV ads. How important are specifically ads on television versus your digital ads? Well, we've seen the TV ad. The people that have been running TV ads over and over and over again have seen little bumps in the polls that help them to get to the debate stage. I'm not a billionaire. I can't buy TV ads out of my pocket. We really rely on others. And the fact that we've seen so many contributions coming in and we hope they continue.
[16:37:30] That's what's helped us to now be on TV, which hopefully will trigger our polls continuing to go up and going up a little bit already and get us on the next debate stage. And that really helped start the last debate before caucuses here in Iowa. It's really important that I'm on that stage. And if people want me on the stage, please continue to go to Corey Booker, AECOM to help. Speaking of polls and bringing your friend. Yes. It has challenged the DNC to conduct more polls, but they kind of I don't think they will not be doing that. Is that something that you think needs to happen?
[16:38:01] How what kind of influence the DNC should be using to getting reports that, look, they set criteria based upon early state polling, yet there has not been an early state poll since early November. You know, we've had two debates since then. People have dropped out of this race since then. This race has shifted. So I just don't understand how we are stealing with this situation were to qualify with the state polls. But there's been not so much the early state polls, I should be specific. So I think Yang's point is should be well taken. And again, I'm not gonna argue with a ref right now.
[16:38:34] We're focused on running our game and we're hit the field and we're making a lot of progress. I'm really encouraged by just the energy on the ground force. Right. Now, you see in the crowds of the people that are showing up, you see it, the endorsements we're getting. We still have 33 days now and we're going to work every single one of. And anybody else to use a little bit of Senate speak on you?
[16:38:57] Yes, to a point of clarification. Yes. If you would, you have mentioned the story that you said today in this House party about the drive thru at McDonald's. Yes. A couple of times on the trail in previous counts. There was a different driver or you're at Burger King, not McDonald's. Can you clarify the story for me? No need to clarify. It's always been McDonald's and it's always been. Kevin Betts, I have a transcript that says Burger King. So. Well, then I must make a mistake. OK. This is the only fast food restaurant we watch. My house is McDonald's. You could factor in the.