Fireworks in Red Square. Tehran, Iran, conference in 1943. Potsdam conference, 1945.
A crowd enjoys fireworks in Red Square, Moscow, Soviet Union, at night. Past events show Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom in Tehran, Iran for the Tehran Conference of 1943. U.S. President Harry S. Truman in Germany during the Potsdam Conference of 1945. The Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Soviet Union. Soviet people along a street in Moscow. Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, Vyacheslav Molotov with others applauding at the Bolshoi theater, in Moscow. Anti-soviet disorders. Street cars being overturned. (Hungary?). Location: Moscow Russia Soviet Union. Date: 1945.
<p><b>--SUPERS</b>--</p>\n<p>Wednesday</p>\n<p>Washington, DC</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Sen. Mitch McConnell</p>\n<p>(R) Kentucky</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--TRANSCRIPTION</b>--</p>\n<p>00:00:00;21</p>\n<p>I've spoken before about Hungary's decade long drift into the orbit of the West's most determined adversaries.</p>\n<p>00:00:07;23</p>\n<p>It's an alarming trend and nobody certainly not.</p>\n<p>00:00:10;28</p>\n<p>The American conservatives who increasingly form a cult of personality around Prime Minister Viktor Orban can pretend not to see it.</p>\n<p>00:00:21;11</p>\n<p>Hungary's leaders are cozying up to Moscow but you and Tehran in private, they're doing it publicly and vocally as well.</p>\n<p>00:00:34;11</p>\n<p>The Orban government has welcomed China's view of a European bridgehead in Hungary as the perfect complement to its own declared policy of an opening to the East.</p>\n<p>00:00:48;10</p>\n<p>And it hasn't been shy about turning words into actions when Chinese state enterprise said jump hung.</p>\n<p>00:00:56;15</p>\n<p>Hungarian officials have asked how high as European allies begin to heed warnings from the Trump administration to reduce reliance on Chinese industry and technology.</p>\n<p>00:01:09;12</p>\n<p>Budapest repeatedly blocked eu progress and welcomed a Geyser.</p>\n<p>00:01:14;24</p>\n<p>A literal geyser of Chinese Belt and Road investment included in the torrent of PR C influence was €500 million for a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer to build a new facility on Hungarian soil and another €7 billion investment in a new EV battery plant.</p>\n<p>00:01:44;07</p>\n<p>Meanwhile the Prime Minister of a former vassal of Russian communism.</p>\n<p>00:01:49;15</p>\n<p>Has nothing but praise for the Neo Soviet imperial is responsible for the first major land war in Europe since 1945.</p>\n<p>00:01:59;22</p>\n<p>Victor Orban describes the regime that has sacrificed chance if not hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than $200 billion in military force for its unprovoked and thus far unsuccessful aggression against Ukraine.</p>\n<p>00:02:18;17</p>\n<p>He calls it hyper rational but this NATO Prime Minister doesn't just admire Putin.</p>\n<p>00:02:27;13</p>\n<p>He helps him, his government runs interference from Moscow, gumming up European and transatlantic efforts to combat Russia's unlawful aggression.</p>\n<p>00:02:38;19</p>\n<p>At every turn.</p>\n<p>00:02:40;21</p>\n<p>European allies are providing more assistance to Ukraine than the US has.</p>\n<p>00:02:46;00</p>\n<p>But Americans who complain the eu isn't doing more to help Ukraine should look no further than to Budapest's efforts to block additional eu assistance for the answer.</p>\n<p>00:02:59;11</p>\n<p>And then there's Budapest relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran.</p>\n<p>00:03:04;23</p>\n<p>Hungary's Foreign Minister has bemoaned that ongoing international sanctions make it quote really challenging to build effective economic and trade cooper operation with the world's most active state sponsor of terror.</p>\n<p>00:03:21;27</p>\n<p>I have little sympathy for Hungarian companies that struggle to profit from their ties to the genocidal regime in Tehran.</p>\n<p>00:03:31;10</p>\n<p>Of course, that hasn't stopped Hungarian firms from committing tens of millions of dollars to financing joint nuclear projects with Iran.</p>\n<p>00:03:41;16</p>\n<p>It didn't stop a National Hungarian University for inviting former Iran Iranian president to a conference on quote.</p>\n<p>00:03:50;00</p>\n<p>Listen to this common values in the global environment, common values with Tehran.</p>\n<p>00:04:01;01</p>\n<p>And here I thought it was American conservatives who claimed shared values with Hungary's ruling party as the urban government forgot its adoring fans on this side of the United.</p>\n<p>00:04:15;15</p>\n<p>No, Hungary's leaders have made no secret of their conviction that the future is one of American decline.</p>\n<p>00:04:25;13</p>\n<p>The future is one of American decline.</p>\n<p>00:04:28;27</p>\n<p>That's Hungarian views.</p>\n<p>00:04:31;00</p>\n<p>They're not hiding the ways they're preparing for American weakness and betting on our failure, there's nothing tough about bowing to autocrats and there's nothing for America's leaders to gain by praising those who do subservience to rant his powers is not an American value, but far more importantly, it is not in America's interest.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--KEYWORD TAGS--</b></p>\n<p>SENATE FLOOR WEDNESDAY HUNGARY VIKTOR ORBAN</p>\n<p></p>
Japan Russia
AP-APTN-0930: Japan Russia Wednesday, 4 July 2012 STORY:Japan Russia- Japanese cabinet minister reacts to Medvedev visit to disputed islands LENGTH: 01:05 FIRST RUN: 0330 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: Japanese/Nats SOURCE: AP TELEVISION STORY NUMBER: 748519 DATELINE: Tokyo - 4 July 2012 LENGTH: 01:05 SHOTLIST: 1. Wide of Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary, Osamu Fujimura, walking to podium 2. Cutaway of reporters 3. SOUNDBITE:(Japanese) Osamu Fujimura, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary: "Prime Minister Medvedev's visit to Kunashiri Island this time runs counter to Japan's position on the four Northern islands, and it is extremely regrettable. It pours cold water on the efforts to create a positive environment between Japan and Russia. This is our view." 4. Wide of news conference 5. SOUNDBITE:(Japanese) Osamu Fujimura, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary: "Fundamental problems relating to the Northern Territories must be solved in order to avoid such visits in the future. For that, we are at a point in time where we need to tirelessly negotiate and solve the problem of the attribution of the islands, based on trust between the leaders of Japan and Russia." 6. Wide of news conference STORYLINE: Japan's top government spokesman Osamu Fujimura on Wednesday criticised Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's visit to the disputed Kuril Islands. Medvedev travelled on Tuesday to one of the four disputed islands, which are claimed by both Russia and Japan, and promised increased investment in the region. Speaking to reporters at a news conference on Wednesday, Fujimura said the visit was "extremely regrettable" and "runs counter to Japan's position". "It pours cold water on the efforts to create a positive environment between Japan and Russia," Fujimura said. Fujimura added that negotiations should continue between the two countries "based on trust between the leaders of Japan and Russia". In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Medvedev was visiting a part of Russian territory. He also said that their Japanese neighbours were aware of Moscow's policies in regard to the disputed islands. During his trip to the Sakhalin region, Medvedev said that Russia needed the Far Eastern territories, not just to oppose its enemies but also to attract investment. Medvedev pledged to allocate more government funding for the construction of fisheries and roads on the islands. Russia captured the Southern Kurils chain, that lie some 7,100 kilometres (4,400 miles) from Moscow, in 1945, but Japan still claims it as its own. The dispute for nearly seven decades has prevented Moscow and Tokyo from signing a peace treaty to formally end their hostilities. Surrounded by rich fishing waters, the islands are believed to have offshore hydrocarbon reserves, gold and silver deposits. After the 1991 Soviet collapse, the island chain suffered neglect and its population has plummeted. Many remaining residents took up poaching of fish and crustaceans that are then sold illegally to Japan, South Korea and China. Japan claims the Soviet troops took control of the islands illegally and has consistently called for their return as a precondition for fully improved ties. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN APEX 07-04-12 0546EDT
DN-78 1 inch
Nazi perpetrators in custody; Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov and Robert Anthony Eden sign the Moscow agreement in 1943; concentration camp scenes.
Preparations that are made for prosecution of war criminals after the end of World War 2 in Europe. Women war victims standing on a farm. People weeping. Scenes of the main gate and barracks at the German concentration camp of Buchenwald. Scenes from Allied military interrogation of Doctor Adolf Wahlmann, head physician at the Hadamar Euthanasia Centre. Allied soldier opens door of a gas chamber at Dachau with label "Brausebad" (Shower Bath) over the door. A view of the gas chamber interior. A book titled: 'Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers 1943' on a table. Hands opening the book. Officers seated at a desk sign the Moscow Agreement. Soviet politician and diplomat Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov and British Foreign Secretary Robert Anthony Eden seated at a desk. They sign the Moscow Agreement document in 1943. Doctor Hans Frank, Nazi minister of Justice, seen at a podium addressing an audience of Nazi officers. Interior of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, United States. Officers inside a building. The U.S. flag on a wall as narrator describes justice system for World War 2 war criminals with goal that it will be objective and there will be no martyrs of a flawed judicial proceeding. German citizens being led to view a concentration camp. Dead bodies and bones piled up in the camp. Location: Europe. Date: 1945.
Russia Anniversary - Ceremony to commemorate WW2 victory
NAME: RUS ANNIV 090504Nx TAPE: EF04/0489 IN_TIME: 10:22:16:14 DURATION: 00:02:20:02 SOURCES: RTR DATELINE: Moscow, 9 May 2004 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: 1. Wide shot Red Square 2. Mid shot soldiers carrying Victory flag 3. Wide shot military orchestra 4. Mid shot Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov drives past military 5. Wide shot same 6. Wide shot veterans 7. Wide shot Putin delivers speech 8. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vladimir Putin, Russian President: "I am greeting all of those who in 1945 brought victory to each and every home, who saved their motherland and defended the independence of other countries, who gave the world life, peace and freedom." 9. Wide shot Red Square, military signing Russian anthem 10. Wide shot soldiers signing Russian anthem 11. Wide shot Russian flag 12. Military marching on Red Square 13. Military marching on Red Square 14. Wide shot Red Square 15. Mid shot Putin, Ivanov 16. Military marching on Red Square 17. Close up military marching 18. Wide shot military marching 19. Guests watching parade 20. Red Square 21. Military orchestra 22. Wide shot military orchestra STORYLINE: Russians celebrated the 59th anniversary of Nazi Germany''s defeat on Sunday with parades, gala concerts and 30-gun salutes overseen by legions of aging World War II veterans. Thousands of soldiers, veterans and other dignitaries gathered under overcast skies in Moscow, awaiting the start of the traditional Victory Day parade over the cobblestones of Red Square. More than 5,000 elite servicemen in crisp uniforms were scheduled to participate, marching in lockstep past President Vladimir Putin. Veterans, their chests covered in medals, poured into the capital for the ceremony. The May 9 Victory Day holiday continues to resonate here, a country that emerged devastated but triumphant from what Russians call the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet Union lost an estimated 27 million people in the war. On the eve of the celebrations, Russia''s Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov saluted Russia''s military and declared it as important today as it was 59 years ago. He said it was the lone guarantor of Russia''s security and its ability to meet its foreign policy goals. Parades were planned across Russia, and the Defense Ministry ordered 30-gun salutes to be fired in 15 cities at 10 p.m. local time in this nation of 11 time zones.
Russia Japan
AP-APTN-2330: Russia Japan Saturday, 28 July 2012 STORY:Russia Japan- 4:3 Foreign ministers of Russia and Japan meet LENGTH: 00:35 FIRST RUN: 2030 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Russia TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: RU-RTR STORY NUMBER: 852266 DATELINE: Sochi - 28 July 2012 LENGTH: 00:35 SHOTLIST: ++AUDIO QUALITY AS INCOMING++ 1. Wide of Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, and Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba shaking hands in front of cameras 2. Mid of meeting between Russian and Japanese delegations 3. Mid of Gemba during meeting 4. Wide of Lavrov and Russian officials during meeting 5. Mid of Lavrov 6. Cutaway of reporters 7. Wide of Gemba and Lavrov at news conference after meeting STORYLINE: Russia and Japan agreed on Saturday to hold frequent, high-level negotiations with the aim of settling a long-standing territorial dispute - although they remain far apart on how to achieve it. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi. The territorial dispute involves Japan's claim to four Russian-held islands, Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan and the Habomai islet group, located off Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island. Lavrov and Gemba recognised that settling the territorial dispute is essential to boost cooperation between the two countries. The dispute has kept Russia and Japan from concluding a post-war peace treaty. The islands, known as the Northern Territories in Japan and as the Southern Kurils in Russia, were seized by the Soviet Union following Japan's surrender in World War II in 1945. Lavrov and Gemba also discussed the situation in Syria, as the country's government launched an offensive to retake rebel-held neighbourhoods in the nation's commercial hub of Aleppo. Lavrov on Saturday called the bloodshed in Aleppo a tragedy, but asked what else could the government do against the rebellion. Russia has been a key source of support for Syria, although Moscow officials in recent months have said they are simply taking a more even-handed approach while the West offers support to the rebels. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN APEX 07-28-12 1956EDT
Mob uprisings against Fascists in Europe, during the end of World War II. The Third Moscow Conference of the Allied occupying powers. The Belsen trials.
A mob, seeking revenge against Fascist leaders, fills a city square. They pound on steel gates of a government building. Soldiers and police attempt to protect various persons from the mobs. Others are unprotected and suffer beatings and death. Bodies of Benito Mussolini and his Mistress Clara Petacci are seen hung upside down by Italian Partisans in Milan, Italy, on 28 April 1945. Scene shifts to image of postwar occupying powers, United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain, whose flags are displayed in the center of a conference table during the Third Moscow Conference. Principals signing agreements, in November, 1943, providing, among other things, for lawful and orderly trials of war criminals, following World War 2. Seen signing are: Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov; U.S. Secretary of State, Cordell Hull; and British foreign Secretary, Sir Anthony Eden. View of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, leading a contingent of American wartime Generals on a mission to document Nazi atrocities at liberated German concentration camps. Closeup of a man directing local German citizens who were forced to observe the horrors of the camp. Closeup of an oven used to dispose of bodies of victims. Dead bodies of concentration camp victims strewn in a heap. A room filled with documentary evidence to be analyzed and used in war crimes trials. the body of German General Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg , and of Heinrich Himmler, both of whom committed suicide. A hand holding cyanide capsules. Body of Leipzig City Council deputy mayor Dr. Ernst Kurt Lisso slumped over his desk, following suicide. Body of his daughter, Regina Lisso also a suicide victim. Nazi war criminals being rounded up by Allied military.One being carried on a stretcher. Another, a German officer, is taken into custody. Next, Josef Kramer, the Commandant of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is seen under guard by a British soldier. British soldiers guarding the court room of the second Belsen trial, convened by the Allied occupational forces, in the Gymnasium building of Luneburg. View of the courtroom with defendants wearing numbers. Closeup of numbers 1 and 2, Josef Kramer, and Fritz Klein, respectively. View of Allied military officers sitting in judgment. Closeups of women defendants, including Irma Grese (number 9) and Elisabeth Volkenrath (number 11). Camera pans around the courtroom. Location: Germany. Date: 1945.
Darius Rochebin’s 20H: [March 31, 2023 show]
Trials of war criminals in Germany after World War Two. Belsen local trial.
"The Guilty." Animation depicts person being hanged. View of an angry crowd on a road. People beat war criminals and collaborationists. Mob of Italian partisans in Italy raising dead bodies of Mussolini and others up to hang from their heels in public after their execution. Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden signing the Moscow Declaration in November, 1943. The declaration is signed to preserve the authority of law in Europe and to ensure fair and orderly trials for war criminals. Next scene shows Allied soldiers at a liberated Concentration Camp near the end of World War 2 in Europe. Military jeeps in the background. Officals tour the concentration camp. Man opens a creamatorium oven, revealing bones of a corpse inside. Pile of dead victims of a concentration camp. Elevated view of a room full of documents that are in review for war trials. Officials search documents to identify war criminal suspects. Nazi officers and officials who commited suicide are shown, including a German admiral, the body of Heinrich Himmler, and the bodies of the Mayor of Leipzig and his wife. War criminals being summoned for the various war crime trials. Scenes from the Belsen Trial in September 1945, held in a Lüneburg gymnasium, to decide the fate of German guards and SS officials from the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. A defendant being brought to trial on a stretcher. Soldiers guard the court room. View of defendants including many women SS-Gefolge members. German Commandant Josef Kramer during his trial, and German doctor Fritz Klein beside him. The court trial underway for the war criminals. Guilty war criminal brought to the gallows to be hanged, black cover placed over his head and he is hanged. View of dead bodies of concentration camp victims. View of a crowd amassed at a hanging execution of several German officers, possibly in the Soviet Union. Location: European Theater. Date: 1945.
Switzerland Annan
AP-APTN-2330: Switzerland Annan Saturday, 30 June 2012 STORY:Switzerland Annan- Annan says all parties must desist from Syria violence LENGTH: 01:16 FIRST RUN: 1730 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: English/Nats SOURCE: UNTV STORY NUMBER: 748109 DATELINE: Geneva - 30 June 2012 LENGTH: 01:16 SHOTLIST ++QUALITY AS INCOMING++ 1. Mid of international envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan (left of screen), and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, at conference on Syria 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Kofi Annan, UN-Arab League Special Envoy for Syria: "All parties must recommit to a sustained cessation of armed violence and implementation of the six-point plan immediately and without waiting for the actions of others. The government and the armed opposition groups must cooperate with UNSMIS (United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria); that is the UN monitors on the ground." 3. Wide of conference 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Kofi Annan, UN-Arab League Special Envoy for Syria: "There must be a commitment to accountability and national reconciliation. It is for the people of Syria to come to a political agreement, but time is running out. We need rapid steps to reach agreement. The conflict must be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations alone. Conditions conducive to a political settlement must now be put in place." 5. Wide of officials clapping, UPSOUND: applause 6. Mid (from left to right) of US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at conference on Syria STORYLINE UN-Arab League Special Envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan, on Saturday urged all parties in Syria to desist from violence and to implement a United Nations-brokered six-point peace plan to end the bloodshed in a country which many fear is rapidly sliding into civil war. Annan was speaking at the United Nations' European headquarters in Geneva after a day of talks with various foreign ministers and diplomats from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (Britain, China, France, Russia and the US). The talks are seen as a last-ditch attempt to salvage the peace plan brokered by Annan. "The government and the armed opposition groups must cooperate with UNSMIS (United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria)," Annan stressed. He also ruled out military intervention. "The conflict must be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations alone," he said, putting responsibility firmly at the door of the Syrian people. "It is for the people of Syria to come to a political agreement." Activists say over 14-thousand people have been killed in the uprising which began in March of last year. Russia and the United States - two permanent members of the Security Council - are currently at odds over Annan's peace plan which sees the easing of power from Syrian President Bashar Assad's grip through a political solution. The United States insists that Assad must go but Moscow has refused to back a provision that would call for Assad to step aside, insisting that outsiders cannot dictate a political solution for Syria. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN (Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) APTV 06-30-12 1945EDT
Allied National Leaders hold numerous conferences to plan and coordinate their efforts during World War II
First scene shows President Harry Truman shaking hands with Joseph Stalin on a porch of the Cecilienhof ( home of Crown Prince Wilhelm) in Potsdam, Germany. The two leaders are accompanied by their respective foreign ministers, James F. Byrnes, U.S. Secretary of State, and Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov. Stalin descends steps from the building followed by Truman. View of the back lawn at Cecilienhof. View of its front entrance. Various views of the house and grounds. American, Soviet, and British flags flying from the building. Cars carrying the leaders on road to the Cecilienhof. President Truman and James Byrnes entering outside gate, followed by other attendees. Then Stalin is seen entering followed by Soviet officers and officials. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force (SCAEF) in Europea and U.S. Army Chief of Staff. George Marshall are seen walking together in a wooded glade on the meeting grounds. British Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, entering the grounds for the meeting. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Harry Truman, and Joseph Stalin stand on a step before an entrance to Cecilienhof. Truman places their hands together in a mutual handshake, at which Churchill and Stalin laugh. Views of the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral, in Red Square, Moscow, Russia where foreign minsters of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union are seen meeting meeting in conference at the Spiridonovka Palace in October, 1943. Closeup of Soviet Prime Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, British Prime Minister, Anthony Eden, and U.S. Secretary of State, Warren Hull, successively signing a document. Scene shifts, to a C-47 transport aircraft flying over great pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt. Next, the front of the Soviet Embassy in Teheran, Iran, is shown. The "Big Three" (Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill) sit on the porch of the building. Military officers from their countries stand behind them. Narrator (Franklin D. Roosevelt) says they agreed to launch a gigantic attack on Germany. Scene shifts to Germany, where German military is paraded on public display, showing artillery, Panzer I tanks carried aboard army trucks, Heinkel He 111 bombers in formation overhead, and marching troops giving Nazi salute silhouetted against bright pavement. View shifts to the Livadia Palace, in Yalta, Crimea, Russia. Brief view of the "Big Three" and their staffs sitting around a conference table. Change of location to San Francisco, California, where flags of many nations are displayed along with a United Nations Logo. Representatives of the many nations sign the Charter of the United Nations, founding the U.N. organization on 26 June 1945. Film shifts to Germany where victorious American, British and Soviet troops shake hands and celebrate victory. They share drinks and toast victory. Location: Europe. Date: 1945.
EU Talks - WRAP EU leaders hold second day of talks, includes Annan
NAME: EU TALKS 171204N TAPE: EF04/1224 IN_TIME: 10:17:55:11 DURATION: 00:02:15:08 SOURCES: APTN DATELINE: Brussels, 17 Dec 2004 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: 1. Various, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan arriving for meeting 2. Various, delegates in conference room 3. Panning shot of conference room 4. Italian Prime Minster Silvio Berlusconi 5. Various, delegates 6. Irish Prime Minster Bertie Ahern at table 7. Pull out from photographers to wide of room 8. Various, delegates 9. German Chancellor Gerhard Shroeder with French President Jacques Chirac 10. Wide panning shot of conference room STORYLINE: European Union leaders on Friday held out the promise of more aid and cooperation for Ukraine if presidential elections on December 26 are considered free and fair. At a summit the 25 EU leaders said they want to tie Ukraine more closely to the West by working on a "neighbourhood" accord that will stop short of actual membership but offer better economic and political cooperation. The "neighbourhood" policy with Kiev would put the EU on a collision course with Russia, which is wary of what it sees as Western European meddling in a region that Moscow considers its sphere of influence. Ukraine has been in a political crisis since last month's presidential runoff between opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych was ruled unfair. Also on Friday, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan was the guest of the 25 European Union leaders. The EU's support is critical for Annan's plan to revamp the United Nations' outdated 1945 structure and give more clout to the power brokers of today. Europeans are also anxious to discuss the UN role in monitoring elections next month in Iraq, where Annan has been reluctant to reinforce his scant team of experts. The European Union has been among Annan's staunchest supporters as he tries to ward off criticism among US conservatives over UN supervision of Iraq's oil-for-food programme, from which billions of dollars were skimmed by Saddam Hussein's regime. In Brussels, Annan is likely to lobby Europe's leaders for a plan to expand and reshape the Security Council and to set clearer guidelines for its members to use pre-emptive force. Annan commissioned the report last year after the months-long diplomat battle preceding the US-led war against Iraq, and unveiled the 95-page report two weeks ago. The 15-nation Security Council, with its exclusive five-nation club at its core, needs to be reviewed to reflect the shifting power centres since the end of World War Two when the United Nations was created. In other developments at the EU summit, European Union leaders offered Croatia a conditional April 2005 starting date for talks on entering the EU - but only if it hands over indicted war criminals to the UN war crimes tribunal. The 25 EU leaders were to offer the Balkan country the starting date for entry talks "if it is confirmed that Croatia fully cooperates with the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia," they said in a draft statement. Friday's decision on Croatia followed Thursday's historic decision by the EU to open entry talks with Turkey next year. European Union leaders agreed late on Thursday to open talks with the country on October 3, 2005, aimed at eventual EU membership. The European Council was meeting in Brussels on Friday for a second day of talks. The European Council is the name given to the regular meetings of heads of state and government of EU member states, and sometimes foreign ministers, and the President of the European Commission. It is convened in principle four times a year, twice during each six-month Presidency.
AFP-133F 16mm; VTM-133F Beta SP; NET-311 DigiBeta (at 01:00:00:00); Beta SP