NEWS, OCT. 9-11, 2001, LOTS OF SPEECHES W/O AUDIO, ANTHRAX IN PETRI DISH, ANTHRAX IN LABS, HAZMAT SUITS, ETC... ; DX - GEORGE W. BUSH, SPEAKS, no audio, f/s in front of US flag, mid-chest height up, uses hand gestures; DX- HASTERT, W/TONY BLAIR, 'Terrorist did not simply attack America, they assaulted the world'; DX- TRENT LOTT, press conference regarding 'congress must learn to keep quiet about state secrets', no leaks of classified info; DX- CONGRESS,'expresses outrage at LACK OF responsibility by members of congress on release of sensitive information'; DX- NOBEL PRIZE NOMINEES, CU of Pope being moved thru crowds, Kofi Annan w/mayor Giuliani, cu Red Cross Food Bins being washed; DX- DC SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE, EMS treating victims, haz mat suits and face masks; DX- MAP OF AFGHANISTAN, animated map, showing with star symbols targets of American strikes, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Kunduz, etc ; DX ANIMATED MAP AFGHANISTAN, ROUND THREE STRIKES, cites and targets pinpointed on relief map; DX- ANIMATED MIDDLE EAST MAP, shows terrain in 3-D and pinpoints countries surrounding Afghanistan; DX- ANIMATED AFGHANISTAN MAP, SHOWS KEY CITIES AND STRIKE TARGETS; DX- NYSE TRADING FLOOR, CLOSING BELL, traders and activity on floor, w/audio noise, nice steady clean shot no drop out; GOOD SHOTS, DX- WTC GROUND ZERO, cu of only standing wall of WTC towers, silhouette outline of windows, rubble, pan up wall; DX- C-130 CARGO PLANE TAKES OFF dirt type runway into sky, air to air shot of plane in sky, quick cut; DX- DOG SNIFFING PEOPLE AIRPORT, CIPRO BEING COUNTED, pharmacy workers, cu of anthrax bacteria, auto workers, Capitol bldg; DX- ANTHRAX, JACKSONVILLE LAB, culture dish in gloved hand, microscopy, swishing around on petri dish, man looks thru microscope; DX- OJ SIMPSON ROAD RAGE TRIAL, O/S courtroom, smiles, for cameras, quick cut to NYSE floor; NX- NIGHT SCOPE/INFRARED, int. cargo plane, FOOD DROP TO AFGAN CIVILIANS drops of food boxes you seem them off load and go out back of plane, thumbs up from soldier, two soldiers high five each other after successful drop of food; NX- INFRARED, pov from cockpit to o/s pilots making food drops in Afghanistan, looks thru scope, cu hands on controls; DX- STATE DEPT. BRIEFING, NO AUDIO; DX- OK, TORNADO DAMAGE, AFTERMATH, aerials over demolished homes, debris strewn everywhere, some homes standing and ok, others completely gone; DX- WY, MISSING HIKERS, aerial mtns, pictures of hikers, and mtns, pan snowy peaks, no audio; DX- LOUISIANA, ANTHRAX FEARS, men in hazmat suits inspect premises, talking head of hospital spokesman; DX- JELLY BUYS PEANUT BUTTER, man and woman spreading peanut butter and jelly on white bread, man eats sandwich, cu of spreading on bread; DX- BUSH BUSINESS AS USUAL, battle ship in harbor, radar spinning, Bush with foreign officals, various officals speak on economy; DX- MICROSOFT, EXT. of campus, flags, cu of windows 2000 pro boxes, on assembly lines, NYSE traders on floor; DX- JETS, T/O FROM CARRIER, AIR RO AIR, IN FORMATION FLYING, ext. GE, Honeywell, standup reporters on the street; DX- ANTHRAX AMI, american media international offices, in FL, business flag flying, ext. of office, hazmat suiting up, policewoman, FBI evidence teams at scene; DX- TROOPS RETURN FROM BOSNIA, uniformed military exits small plane, shaking hands with officers, female/male exit; DX -RUSSIAN TROOPS, in tanks going over bridge, lots of archival clips from SOVIET INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN Afghan/Russian conflict, rebels, soldiers, fighting; DX- PENTAGON BRIEFING, ON AFGHAN CONFLICT crosshair, targets being hit, bombs blowing up, various; DX- PENTAGON BRIEFING, NO/AUDIO, on strikes and success of 'enduring freedom' campaign, with maps and photos ;DX- SEN. DASCHLE/SEN. LOTT, gives speech before Capitol bldg w/bg of firemen and park rangers, no audio ;DX- RUMSFELD, PRESS CONFERENCE, EXITS CAPITOL BLDG, AND BEGINS TO SPEAK CUT OFF WITH SEC. OF ARMY TOM WHITE, PICKS UP LATER; DX- RUMSFELD, WITH AUDIO, 'speaks of sorrow at unintended loss of life, munitions are precise but not 100% of time'; DX- DRUG CIPRO, cu of package, cu of tablets, dr. speaking, pharmacy, pills dumped out on counter, servicemen inoculated; DX- WTC MEMORIAL, boy carries out US Flag,children read poems and assembly held with children, and teachers, various