UNICEF The State of the World's Children Report
UNICEF's report on "The State of the World's Children" was released around the world revealing shocking statistics about child death rates. Actress Audrey Hepburn speaks at a UNICEF meeting alongside UNICEF executive director, James P. Grant. Brief close up on Hepburn speaking about the increasing rate of child tragedies. Richard Reid, the Director of the Division for Public Affairs at UNICEF, speaks about the importance of breast milk. Brief clips of children in underdeveloped countries playing as their mothers watch. Brief close up of a little boy getting water from a pipe. Brief clips of crowds of families gathered in underdeveloped countries. Brief clip of Canadian UNICEF members reviewing the report. PLEASE NOTE News anchor and reporter image and audio, along with any commercial production excerpts, are for reference purposes only and are not clearable and cannot be used within your project.