00:00:00:00 [GOP presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan speaks during rally in his honor MS Buchanan and wife Shelley board plane :57// INT Buchanan's airplane as wife Shelley sits reading "TIME" magazine, Buchanan sits revising unid papers 1:38// MS Buchanan & wife Shelley de-plane, walk across tarmac, enter unid bldg :48.// VS audience at Buchanan rally site :40/ MS Buchanan arrives on stage, gives thumbs-up to audience, claps as band plays, audience chants "Go, Pat, Go"/ PAN (looks like high school) band playing :56/ ZI Buchanan puts on red, white & blue top hat on stage, gives thumbs-up sign, tosses hat back into crowd :16/ MS Buchanan on stage as band continues to play; Buchanan takes podium after brief introduction, intros Shelley (she waves briefly), jokes she is busy working on your national health care, folks; we have had 3 hours of sleep since one of the great victories in American political history in the state of New Hampshire; we did the same thing we did in Iowa, just a little better; Bob Dole started that race 50 points ahead, he outspent us 5 to 1 and when returns came in, Bob Dole came in second best, we are the winners of New Hampshire; Bob Dole said last week whoever wins the Republican primary in New Hampshire, that fellow is going to be the Republican nominee--he is right again; I understand he already has the phone banks working on me, got the negative phone calls out there, listen-they've got negative phone calls, all the negative ads, you are going to see their Washington consultants with their little briefcases coming down in to South Dakota, all they have are attack ads, they haven't got any vision, they haven't got ideas, convictions, beliefs, they've been spending all the money in the world-Phil Gramm spent all the money in the world, but what did we find out-we found out in the case of Phil Gramm and the case of Bob Dole what the Beatles taught us a long time ago--money can't buy you love, my friend (LAUGHS); let me tell you why this campaign is catching fire--3 weeks ago in Alaska we were outspent by Steve Forbes 3 to 1 and we won the great Alaska caucuses, record turnout; a week later, in Louisiana, Phil Gramm had the entire establishment with him, we went down there and campaigned and we beat him in a landslide in his own back yard; we went to Iowa, we'd been 50 points behind, we were outspent by Senator Dole 5 to 1 and we came within 3 points of Bob Dole is his second home state and we beat him last night in New Hampshire; in history, in the last 30 years, every individual who has won New Hampshire primary in the Republican primary has gone on to win the Republican nomination for President and we are going to maintain that tradition; let me tell you why we will win-it is not because of me, I come off a talk show-I represent, I think-we become the political instrument of a great and good cause and that great and good cause is a new conservatism of the heart, a new conservatism that stands up for those who don't have anybody else to stand up for them, provides a voice for the voiceless in America, that speaks out boldly and unapologetically for the unborn in this country; Sen Dole and his friends, they waffle around, say this isn't a very popular issue, lets move off that issue, move on to something else; one of the problems in Washington--liberals, conservatives and moderates--you've got people that say one thing Monday, another thing on Friday; a reason this campaign has taken hold is even my critics in Washington, even those people will tell you that Pat Buchanan is a man who says what he means and means what he says, so let me tell you my views on right to life--I have been pro-life my whole life, I am going to San Diego and I am going to keep that pro-life plank in the Republican platform, I am going to pick a pro-life running mate, I am going to overturn Roe vs Wade and I will be the most pro-life president in the history of the United States; when they had that great battle over NAFTA and GATT and the sellout of American jobs and American farmers and the sellout of our sovereignty, all of the establishment back there, Dole and Gingrich and Gramm and Clinton and Ruben and Greenspan and the Heritage Foundation and the Brookings Foundation, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal--who stood against NAFTA? 4 people: Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader and Jesse Jackson, what the Wall Street Journal called the "Halloween Coalition"; we stood against it and we fought it and we got beat because they are buying votes on the floor of the Congress of the United States; now we have had 2 years of NAFTA and who proved right about NAFTA-we did; in those 2 years, the small American trade surplus with Mexico is gone, we have a $15 billion trade deficit with Mexico and a $15 billion trade deficit with Canada, that's $30 billion, that translates into 600,000 lost jobs last year, Canada and Mexico; illegal immigration-they said it would go down, it is soaring in this country, my friends, they apprehend a million and a quarter along the border, every year millions come across that border, every year into the US illegally; every year more people cross the border illegally into this country than there are people in North and South Dakota; they told us this was a great deal, Mexico was a great government to get in a partnership with, but after one year of NAFTA, the Mexican government shows up in Washington, it devalues the peso, says we owe your banks $25-$50 billion, we're not sure how much, but we ain't got a nickel in our jeans, so we want you to give us the money to pay back your banks; so Bob Dole and Bill Clinton and all the rest of them got together and they sent $50 billion in loans and loan guarantees to Mexico City, the money bounced off Mexico City, went into the New York banks, their bonds are paid off, they were taken off the hook, and guess who they put on--you and men and your children and grandchildren, put on the hook for $50 billion in loans and loan guarantees to that corrupt government in Mexico; when I get there, we will cancel NAFTA, there'll be no more $50 bailouts of socialist regimes anywhere on earth; the American farmer-I have friends in the Florida winter tomato growing industry, when Mexico de-valued the peso, cut their prices in half and de-facto doubled the prices of American goods, Mexican tomatoes poured in to this country and virtually destroyed the winter tomato industry, talk to your cattle farmers here, so what is happening because of these unfair trade deals; I don't agree with this fellow Brian Dorigan (sp?) very much, but he said about NAFTA that we got sold a lemon and when you get sold a lemon you take it back and turn the lemon in and that is what NAFTA is all about and we are going to turn NAFTA in and provide trade deals that look out for the interest of American farmers, workers and businesses; these trade deals involve a steady surrender of the sovereignty of the United States for which our founding fathers fought and died; our founding fathers died so you and I would decide, democratically, how we govern ourselves; look what we did in GATT--our leaders in Washington surrendered sovereignty of America's trade to a new UN of world trade that they call the World Trade Organization; our founding fathers said trade should be the province of the American government of the Congress of the United States, Congress gave it to a world trade organization headed by a European bureaucrat--surrendered our sovereignty, we get one vote out of 120, they are not dictating to us; the World Trade Center says we have to change our environmental laws because Mexico and Venezuela don't like them--they are dictating to America; we know 16 young Americans were shot down in Iraq in that friendly fire incident, the bodies of those young men and women were brought back to Dover Air Force Base, the VP of the United States said the parents of these young Americans can be proud they died in service to the United Nations (BOOING), they did not take an oath to the United Nations, they took an oath to the Constitution, and let me tell you something, when I become President of the United States, never again will young Americans be sent into battle, except under American officers to fight under an American flag; (talks ab Michael New, army medical soldier) New is 23 years old, volunteered to serve his country in the army of the United States, he was sent to Germany, he has been decorated, he is a medical soldier; Bill Clinton, his Commander in Chief, ordered him into Macedonia to become a UN peacekeeper, he told Michael New to put on UN insignia, put on a UN helmet and take orders from UN soldiers and Michael New said I am not going to do that, my oath is to the Constitution of the United States, it is not to the charter of the UN, it is not to Boutros-Boutros Gahli, or whatever his name is, we don't take orders from "Boo-Boo Ghali"; what happened to Michael New-his Commander in Chief, Mr. Clinton had him court marshaled, convicted, stripped of his rank, and dishonorably discharged from the service of his country; I'll tell you something-Michael New is not the one who ought to be discharged from the service of his country, Bill Clinton is the one who ought to be discharged from the service of his country and I intend to do that; you know when Bill Clinton talks, he turns to some fellow and says (PRETENDS TO TALK LIKE CLINTON) "I feel your pain"; you give me that nomination, he will feel the pain, he will "feel the pain"; this campaign is going, friends, it is moving; my friend Bob Dole, he's got attack ads, they don't have ideas, they don't have passion and fire and rhetoric, they don't go talk to the people, they sit up there around the beltway, Dole says this isn't the way we planned it in New Hampshire, it wasn't supposed to be jobs and the economy and what is happening to the American worker; you've heard that movie "Sleepless in Seattle"-I got a new one called "Clueless in Washington"-got all the establishment up there, they don't know what is going on out in America; the State Department is going to give him orientation courses before they send him out in America from Washington, DC, give him the shots and everything, have them learn the language of America, but we're in touch, we are in touch with America because we travel it and we are speaking from the heart of America because we listen to the heartbeat of America from out here; Bob Dole's out there on his little telephone thing, says 'do you know Pat Buchanan is an extremist-click'; they're running these out here, funny thing is if I am an extremist, how come Bob Dole is stealing all of my ideas?; how come Bob Dole sounds like me-there is a cultural war going on for the soul of America, he says we have to do something about these corporate greed, he said that from the back seat of a corporate jet of Chiquita Banana airways; Bill Clinton sounds like us, are you all familiar with this Imus in the morning character-he said I heard Bill Clinton's State of the Union speech and I am convinced Pat Buchanan wrote it; this guy is shameless, Clinton, he got up there and said the era of big government is over, this is the same guy that tried to seize the whole health care system a year ago; he said we have to do something about illegal immigration in this country, he said we have to get prayer back in the public schools, I've always believed that, he said we have to get a balanced budget, I tell you he is shameless; you wait one week, he'll be out there at the Natl Rifle Association, he'll be standing up there in one of those combat camouflage outfits with a fatigue hats, he'll be holding an AK-47 over his head, saying (TRYING TO SOUND LIKE CLINTON) don't try to take my firearms away from me; my friends, this campaign is winning America and the signs of it are that our message is being echoed in every campaign in America; we are putting these politicians in touch with the people in the sense that we are articulating what is happening in America; they are inauthentic, they are not people who believe in things, they are people who read what is written for them by someone else, we have been talking these things from the heart for a long time, we don't have pollsters, we don't have consultants, I don't need anybody to write speeches for Pat Buchanan, I use to write speeches for presidents-Ronald Reagan, that is why we can do well on far less money than those fellows, that is why all they have to rely on is attack ads; this is a good cause, don't pay any attention to those attack ads and phone calls, vote your hopes for tomorrow, not your fears, vote your dreams and aspirations for your children, vote for a president you want to be proud to say I was there when Pat Buchanan was president, he did great things for our country, I believe in him; vote for the future, not the past; this campaign is on fire; in 3 weeks, we've gone from single digits to Pat when are you going to get out of this thing, to where they say the establishment in Washington is just terrified, the phone calls and fax machines are going all over; I don't think they can stop us because I think we have America with us; first time I spoke here I spoke at the pig arena, now we have a tremendous crowd; it is only one week to the South Dakota primary, Sen Dole says it is his back yard, he has taken it for granted, call your friends, we can do it, we can do it one or two more victories and it can be ours; we're going to Rapid City, I'm going up to Mt. Rushmore, I'm going to take a look, there's some space, I think between Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, see if we can maybe fit up there (LAUGHS), then we're going to Arizona tomorrow morning because I'm going to bury a couple of my friends out there in Monument Valley; SPCH ENDS/ MS Buchanan de-stages, moves through crowd greeting supporters (walks with girl riding on his shoulders at one point; some of video is shot from distance and not very good) 3:41. (0:00)/
IN INTERPLAY AS : NNS 02 CAMPAGIN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI WKRC 061412 (better feed) & RS 5112 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI 061412 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING IN CINCINNATI OHIO 13:37:27 Mitt Romney is introduced (as the next president of the United States but his name is never said) BROLL of Romney walking on to the stage from behind an America flag. Romney shakes hands. 13:37:51 Romney : "Thank you, thank you Ken. Thank you, what a great day to be in such a warm place. I was going to say can you sit down? Yeah, you can sit down I didn't know if there was chairs here. That's good. Thank you Ken. He built this enterprise and Dave is running this enterprise and others like it. Ken has built and employs a lot of people. Creates good jobs in the United States. Ken for your entrepreneurship and the work you do we express our appreciation, thank you. To you and a lot of people like you, thank you. (Applause) 13:38:30 Thank you also to Brad for leading us in the pledge of allegiance. Best of luck to him in his election. We have got to get that man elected and put into Washington DC (Applause) and a special thanks to Rob Portman and Governor Kasich. Senator Portman and Governor Kasich, good friends of mine who in a significant measure are responsible for me having won the primary in Ohio and had that not happened I may not be the nominee so to Rob Portman and John Kasich thank you very much, great leaders. I express great appreciation for them. (Applause) 13:39:12 Now you may have heard that president Obama is on the other side of the state and he is going to be delivering a speech on the economy. He is doing that because he hasn't delivered a recovery FOR the economy. And he is going to be a person of elegance as he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for 3 ½ years and TALK IS CHEAP; actions speak very loud. And if you want to see the results of his economic policies look around Ohio, look around the country and you'll see that a lot of people are hurting, a lot of people have had some real tough times. The policies the president have put into place did not make America create more jobs, as a matter of fact he made it harder for America to create more jobs. 13:40:04 Now when he was recently elected he went on the today show and he was asked about what he would do, how he would measure his success and he said look; "If I can't turn the economy around in 3 years I'll be looking at a one term proposition." And he's right he's looking at a one term proposition. (Applause) 13:40:27 He's going to be saying today that he wants four more years. He may have forgotten he talked about a one term proposition if he couldn't turn the economy around in three years but we're going to hold him to his word. Now, I know he is going to have all sorts of excuses and he'll have all sorts of ideas that he'll describe how he'll make things better but what he says and what he does is not always the same exact thing. And so if people want to know how his economic policies have worked and preformed why they can talk to their neighbor and ask if things are better, they can talk to the 50% of college kids graduating from college this year and can't find a job. They can talk to the people who represent the unemployed, the president said that if we let him borrow $787 billion for his stimulus he would keep unemployment below 8% nationally. We've now gone 40 straight months with unemployment above 8%. 13:41:35 But then he'll say the things he's been doing have been good and created growth, and put people back to work. Oh really?? Go check on that. Go to small employers or big employers that you know in your community. Talk to people like Ken or Dave. Talk to other employers in this room, talk to people you know that run a retail store or a small manufacturer and say, "Did president Obama's policies help put people back to work or did it make it less likely for you to hire people?" And I have a prediction to make because I have done that all over the country. And talking to small employers and big employers and talking day in and day out they feel this administration sees them as the enemy. They feel the Obama policies have made it harder for them to put people back to work. Almost everything the president has done has made it harder for entrepreneurs to start a business. Has made it less likely for businesses like this to hire more people. And again, go ask business people. You can do your own survey. Anyone who doesn't know how to go out there and vote, doesn't know who can do a better job getting this economy going can go talk to the people. Talk to the people in business who do the hiring. Talk to the employee's that want to be hired and ask them, "do the president's policies make things better or worse for getting jobs?" Let's just go through them one-by-one. 13:42:58 That stimulus didn't work. That stimulus didn't put more private sector people to work. How about Obama Care? The President said the other day that he didn't know that Obama Care was hard for small business. Oh really?? The Chamber of Commerce carried out a survey, some 1500 businesses across America; 75% of those people surveyed said Obama Care made it LESS LIKELY for them to hire people. Think of that. Then there was his financial regulatory reform, Dodd Frank. You got some bankers. Everyone goes to a bank time to time, go to your credit union or bank and ask them "did Dodd Frank help you out? Did it make it more likely for you as a bank to renegotiate loans with small businesses or help people with their mortgages? Did it make it easier for you to make new loans? Or did Dodd Frank make it harder for you in the banking business? Did it make you pull back?" And what you're going to hear is that small business was not helped by Dodd Frank and that small banks, community banks weren't helped to make loans because of Dodd Frank. 13:44:07 Then there were the Presidents energy policies. Now I know today he's going to talk all about how he's gonna really give a boost to energy. But talk to the people in the coal industry and talk about whether his regulations have helped them mine coal, and what they'll tell you is on every front he has made it harder to get coal from the ground and made it less likely for people to use it. As a matter of fact as a candidate if you build a coal fired plant, you'll go bankrupt if his policies are implemented. So we're not taking advantage of the coal we could. 13:44:41 How about gas? Go talk to the people in the natural gas world and ask them what it's like under the Obama Administration and they'll tell you that the administration has tried to push itself to regulate the production of natural gas in such a way that it is less reliable and harder to use our gas. Talk to the oil people, they'll tell you he put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, you can't drill in Anwar, aren't drilling in the outer continental shelf off of Virginia. On all three of those resources that we have in abundance this is a president who's made it harder for us to create jobs there and to get low coast energy to manufacturers like this one. And there's one more. You don't have to ask people about this one. You already know the answer. Did he get that pipeline in from Canada? No, I can guarantee you if I am president on day one we're going to get the approval for that pipeline from Canada and if I have to build it myself to get it here I'll get that oil into America. (Applause) 13:45:44 One of the things Ken spoke to you about briefly and he's actually been to Washington to testify about is TRADE IS GOOD. The business people I met with just a few minutes ago, a number of them said that their business relies pretty substantially on selling products to other nations. It's good for us to be able to trade with other nations. It creates jobs here. I happen to think there are enormous opportunities in places like Latin America, HUGE market area so close to us where we have natural competitive advantages and some of these businesses are taking advantage of that. Now China and the nations of the European Union over the last 3 ½ years have made real in roads in Latin America and other places in the world with trade agreements and negotiate trade agreements; 44 different trade agreements being negotiated by China and European nations with other nations around the world. Guess how many trade agreements our president has negotiated? None. NONE. And then of course there are the ones that we have. Now and then people sign agreements but then they don't live up to them. I heard today about a number of circumstances where our friends in China who are important trading partners and hopefully will be on the same page as us with training matters but none the less they seem to have a pension for stealing intellectual property, counterfeiting our goods, stealing our technology, our brand names, our trademarks, our know how. That kills American jobs. 13:47:18 Every now and then you hear about presidential candidates talk about how they are going to crack down on it. Well on day one I'll label China a currency manipulator and that will allow me to apply tariffs where they steal our intellectual property AND KILL JOBS! (Applause) 13:47:37 So as you look at the presidents record it is long on words and short on action that created jobs. And again, talk is cheap, actions speaks loudly. Look what's happened across this country. If you think things have been going swimmingly, if you think the presidents right when he said "the private sector is doing fine" well then he's the guy to vote for. But when he said that there was such a outpouring in response from the 23 million Americans out of work or under employed that I think today he's not going to say it again. I think it's more likely that he's going to say give me four more years even though I didn't get it done in the first 3 ½. In my experience in thinking about people I want to have work for me whether it's my doctor or it's going to be painting the house I want to make sure they did a good job the first time and if they didn't I want someone who can do a better job. 13:48:34 Let me tell you where I'd take the country. I LOVE America. I happen to believe the principles that made the powerhouse we economically are have been eroded by this president. I think he's made it harder for small business people to open their doors, for entrepreneurs to build businesses, for companies like this to know that their products won't be stolen by competitors overseas. I think he's made it harder for the American enterprise system to work and I want to change that. I want to make it once again, America once again the most attractive place in the world for job creators and it's not just because I love job creators IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE JOBS. I WANT MORE GOOD JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND I WANT SUCH COMPETITION FOR GOOD WORKERS THAT SALARIES AND WAGES GO UP SO PEOPLE MAKE MORE MONEY. I WANT TO HELP THE MIDDLE CLASS OF AMERICA AND I'M GOING TO DO IT. (Applause) 13:49:34 And I happened to be convinced having been able to go all across the country that we're poised to see a resurgence of American economic vitality with companies growing, with jobs growing, with employers bringing jobs back to America as opposed to sending them elsewhere. That won't happen under this president. That'll happen if we change the course of this country. Let me tell you how I'd do it. 13:50:01 Let me mention just a few things, first energy. You see I happen to like the sources of energy that we have in abundance in this country; oil, coal, and natural gas and I'm going to take advantage of those to get the energy costs low so we can have more jobs, manufacturing jobs and bring them back to this country. That's number one. (Applause) 13:50:26 Number two, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna get rid of this great big overhang that came from one piece of legislation that has frightened businesses small and large and made them less likely to hire people. I'm gonna get rid of Obama Care. (Applause) 13:50:50 So number one energy, number two Obama Care, number three I'm going to go after the deficit. You see I think people who were thinking about investing in America and making this their future and putting their life's savings into America to build a business and have it here for decades they wonder what the dollar is going to be worth when they see our country year, after year, after year spending more money then we take in. Trillions of dollars of debts, this president has put together, he has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined. You want four more years of that? You call that forward?? That's forward over a cliff! That's forward on the way to Greece. I don't want that I will finally get America on track to get a balance budget and we will limit the size of government. (Applause) 13:51:49 Those are three big ideas. Let me tell you some others. I want to open up new markets for American goods and I want to crack down on nations like China when they cheat. I will not allow them to consistently steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency in a way that kills American jobs. That has to stop. (Applause) 13:52:13 Look, it's coming back folks. America is a great nation, the entrepreneurship here, the passion of our people, our conviction in the hope for tomorrow, our affection for our kids and coming generations, these things combined with policies that encourage the private sector will cause a resurgence, a rebirth of Americas economy that's going to surprise people all over the world. I'm convinced of it. I've had the chance to go across the country and see entrepreneurs of all kinds. I'm inspired by them. I met a woman who owns a business I said to her, "how did you start your company?" She said, "well, my husband lost his job and he took a class he always wanted to take in upholstery." And she said "because I was a little better a manager I started a company and hired him as my first employee." And she went on to hire other people. She now has 40 people who work in her upholstering company. 13:53:10 I met a woman from Las Vegas who has a business renting furniture to Casinos and to conventioneers that come to Las Vegas. When president Obama said "no need to go to Las Vegas for company meetings, no need to spend money there" her business collapsed. And she wondered whether she'd lose it and lose the jobs of the people who worked for her. She had an idea, instead of just renting these black naugahyde sofas and black coffee tables that's what it look like she had in the warehouse that I saw. She decided to teach her people how to make those things and so she now makes that furniture with those same employees and sells it not just to the convention area but also around the country. 13:53:53 I met a guy who had a back problem, a Russian immigrant (pauses to think for a second) Alexis Lukianov, San Diego. He had a better idea for how to do back surgery, started a little company to do that. Now employs 1,300 people a company called NuVasive. It's just amazing to go across the country and see what is so unique about this country. I saw Marco Rubio the other day, he spoke to a group of people. He said something that struck me well, he said when he was a boy he lived in a very modest home and he said there were some pretty fancy homes that could be seen around the Miami area. He said, "you know what? I never heard my parents say 'why won't those people give us some of what they have?'" He said "I never heard my parents say 'Why won't the government give us some of what they have?' instead they said 'isn't it great to live in a country where with hard work and education, and risk taking, and maybe a little luck you could achieve that yourself?'" AMERICA IS THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. We want good jobs here, we want to make it the place that people want to come with their ideas, we want this to become the home of dreamers. We want them to start enterprises and to hire one another and to cause our wages to go up again. It's an extraordinary country. The sacrifices made by the people of America to give us the opportunities we enjoy really can't be counted. 13:55:21 Memorial Day I was in San Diego, and I had the privilege of people with a number of veterans. I introduced three of them, one a second World War vet. was a lookout on the USS Tennessee, he happened to be there on Pearl Harbor. He said his eyes locked on the eyes of the pilot bringing armament, bringing bombardment to attack their ships. And he was injured in the attack but he went on to serve for 33 years in the United States Navy. I had him stand and be recognized but I noticed there wasn't as many second World War vets as there used to be at Memorial Days when I was younger. And they're a little older, they can't hold the torch as high as they used to. That torch is going to have to be seized by us, by our generations. It's a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not Americas torch but it's Americas duty and honor to hold that torch high so it can be seen by the world. 13:56:30 This is our time. We can either continue to be on a path to become more and more like Europe, with bigger and bigger government taking more and more from the American people. Directing our lives and telling us how to run our enterprises. If we take that path we know where it leads, it leads to chronic high unemployment like Europe has, low wage growth like Europe has and potential fiscal calamity like we're seeing at the doorstep of Europe today. Or we can instead return to the principles that made America, America. We can once again have a nation that leads the world in entrepreneurship, in innovation, in job creation, in economic vitality, in wage growth. That's the America I want. I spend my life in private enterprise, 25 years. I know how businesses work, I know what causes them to leave and what will bring them back. I want to use that experience to get America working again. For me it's all about good jobs for the American people and a bright a prosperous future and I am going to bring it with your help! Thank you so much, thank you! 13:57:37 BROLL Mitt waves and walks off the stage towards Ken and Dave to shake hands. Romney then glad hands with attendees of the rally.
<p><b>Supers/Fonts: </b></p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>Story Location: </b> Los Angeles</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>State/Province: </b> California</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>Shot Date: </b> 10/09/2023</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>URL: </b> https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/rallies-vigils-planned-throughout-la-county-for-victims-of-attack-against-israel/</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>Notes and Restrictions: </b></p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>Newsource Notes: </b></p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>Story Description: </b></p>\n<p>Elements: congregants singing, packed temple, sound w/participants, singing Israel national anthem, couple hugging, sound w/participant, rabbi speaking at podium </p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Wire/StoryDescription:</p>\n<p>A vigil will be held in Los Angeles Sunday evening for victims of Saturday's massive Hamas attack against Israel, which has claimed hundreds of lives and sparked a war between Israel and one of its longtime enemies.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Hundreds gathered at a rally in downtown Los Angeles. </p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The Vigil for Israel is being co-sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and The Board of Rabbis of Southern California and is set for 8 p.m. at the Stephen Wise Temple, 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive, near the San Diego (405) Freeway and Mulholland Drive.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"Together we will pray, sing for, and honor the memory of the ... innocent Israelis who have tragically been murdered and pray for peace and the safe return of those who have been kidnapped by Hamas terrorists," organizers said in a statement.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The gathering will also be livestreamed at https://wisela.org/Online. More information is available here.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Meanwhile, Los Angeles-area police agencies increased security and patrols around Jewish and Muslim institutions in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica following the attack.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"The Los Angeles Police Department is aware of the turmoil in the Middle East and lives lost," LAPD Chief Michel Moore wrote on X, formerly Twitter, Saturday. In those areas where we serve both our Jewish and Muslim communities, we will be conducting extra patrol to ensure the safety of all.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department also said it was stepping up activity.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"LASDHQ is aware of the situation in the Middle East," the department posted on X. "We would like to ensure all residents, we are monitoring, remaining vigilant, and conducting extra patrol checks in our areas. We are working closely with our federal and local law enforcement partners to monitor the situation."</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Similarly, the city of Beverly Hills said in a statement that the "Beverly Hills Police Department has increased security and patrols around Jewish institutions in the City and continues to work closely with law enforcement partners in the region to ensure public safety."</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Elected leaders from the Southland and throughout the United States condemned the attack, and major airlines were suspending flights to the Middle East nation. United Airlines, American Airlines, and Delta Air Lines all announced that they have temporarily suspended flights to and from the international airport near Tel Aviv.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Early Saturday, Hamas forces fired thousands of rockets into Israel as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated several locations, catching the country off-guard as the weeklong Jewish festival of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of the Tabernacles, came to an end.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Israeli authorities said a second round of rockets were fired Saturday evening and struck multiple locations inside Israel, including in Tel Aviv.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>In addition to the casualties, Israel said at least 100 of its soldiers and civilians were captured and taken to Gaza as hostages.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Israel estimated that more than 700 of its military personnel and citizens were dead, and several hundred Palestinians have been killed in the retaliatory fighting, with thousands more wounded.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The fighting came on the 50th anniversary of the so-called "Yom Kippur War," Oct 6-25, 1973, when Israel was attacked by a coalition of Arab states.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist group, founded in 1987, that disputes Israel's right to territory in the West Bank.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his nation in a televised address Saturday, "We are at war. What happened (Saturday) has never been seen in Israel. We will take mighty vengeance for this black day."</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The Jewish Federation has decried the attacks and pledged its support for Israel.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"Once again, on a holy day of the Jewish calendar, Israelis have come under attack," an organization statement said. "The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles stands in solidarity with our beloved homeland. We are working with our partners in Israel and across the globe to ensure the people of Israel have our full support and all necessary resources.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"Israel will prevail and the Jewish people will stand together -- as we always do."</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The Federation set up an emergency fund to support the victims, which can be found at JewishLA.org/IsraelCrisis.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>The Muslim Public Affairs Council echoed those sentiments in a statement Saturday in Washington, D.C.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"To truly understand what is happening, we must look to the source of the problem; an ongoing occupation in violation of international human rights law that has left the Palestinian people, in particular Gazans, stripped of their basic rights and human dignity. By actively, and often violently, preventing their pursuit of a self-defined identity, national autonomy, and global recognition, Israeli occupation and the world's continued silence has offered Hamas and other groups the political vacuum needed to propel themselves into positions of leadership and justify their violent attacks.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>"In turn, Israel uses the attacks of Hamas, and other groups, to justify their disproportionate and devastating assaults on Palestinians, targeting primarily civilian areas. The resulting unyielding cycle of death and destruction reaps no benefit nor levies any consequence greater than the continued dehumanization and death of the Palestinian people."</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Station Notes/Scripts:</p>\n<p>Nats</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Opening song</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>INSIDE THE STEPHEN WISE TEMPLEMORE THAN 7-THOUSAND MILES FROM THE BOMBING</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>THE DISTANCE OF GEOGRAPHY HAS DISSOLVED TO ANGELENOS IN PAIN</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(Mos)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(mos)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>HUNDREDS CAME TOGETHER IN BEL AIR SUNDAYTHOUSANDS MORE JOINED ONLINE FROM HERE IN LOS ANGELESTHEY STOOD VOICES UNITED IN THE ISRAELI NATIONAL ANTHEM:</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(*8:32)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>THE BOARD OF RABBIS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREAT LA HOSTED THE VIGIL</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>LEANING ON THEIR FAITH</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Nats prayers</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>AS THEIR COLLECTIVE FEAR, THEIR HEARTBREAK, THEIR FURYGROWS unfolds WITH EVERY NEWS UPDATE OF MORE ATTACKSMORE VICTIMSMORE LOVED ONES WHO CANT BE REACHED:</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(Mos) definace</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(8:29)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(Rabbi Yoshi Zwieback/Stephen Wise Temple)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>I am not going to stand and watch it burn APPLAUSE</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>BUT THIS VIGIL IS MORE THAN A SHOW OF SUPPORTLAS JEWISH COMMUNITYIS MOTIVATED AND MOBILIZING</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(Rabbi Noah Farkas/The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>We are helping anyone who wants to go</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(8:49)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>(Israel Bacharach/Counsel General of Israel to the Pacific Southwest)</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--SUPERS</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--VIDEO SHOWS</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--VO SCRIPT</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--LEAD IN</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--SOT</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--TAG</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS</b>--</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>-----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----</b></p>\n<p></p>\n<p><b>--KEYWORD TAGS--</b></p>\n<p></p>
IN INTERPLAY AS : NNS 02 CAMPAGIN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI WKRC 061412 (better feed) & RS 5112 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI 061412 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING IN CINCINNATI OHIO 13:37:27 Mitt Romney is introduced (as the next president of the United States but his name is never said) BROLL of Romney walking on to the stage from behind an America flag. Romney shakes hands. 13:37:51 Romney : "Thank you, thank you Ken. Thank you, what a great day to be in such a warm place. I was going to say can you sit down? Yeah, you can sit down I didn't know if there was chairs here. That's good. Thank you Ken. He built this enterprise and Dave is running this enterprise and others like it. Ken has built and employs a lot of people. Creates good jobs in the United States. Ken for your entrepreneurship and the work you do we express our appreciation, thank you. To you and a lot of people like you, thank you. (Applause) 13:38:30 Thank you also to Brad for leading us in the pledge of allegiance. Best of luck to him in his election. We have got to get that man elected and put into Washington DC (Applause) and a special thanks to Rob Portman and Governor Kasich. Senator Portman and Governor Kasich, good friends of mine who in a significant measure are responsible for me having won the primary in Ohio and had that not happened I may not be the nominee so to Rob Portman and John Kasich thank you very much, great leaders. I express great appreciation for them. (Applause) 13:39:12 Now you may have heard that president Obama is on the other side of the state and he is going to be delivering a speech on the economy. He is doing that because he hasn't delivered a recovery FOR the economy. And he is going to be a person of elegance as he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for 3 ½ years and TALK IS CHEAP; actions speak very loud. And if you want to see the results of his economic policies look around Ohio, look around the country and you'll see that a lot of people are hurting, a lot of people have had some real tough times. The policies the president have put into place did not make America create more jobs, as a matter of fact he made it harder for America to create more jobs. 13:40:04 Now when he was recently elected he went on the today show and he was asked about what he would do, how he would measure his success and he said look; "If I can't turn the economy around in 3 years I'll be looking at a one term proposition." And he's right he's looking at a one term proposition. (Applause) 13:40:27 He's going to be saying today that he wants four more years. He may have forgotten he talked about a one term proposition if he couldn't turn the economy around in three years but we're going to hold him to his word. Now, I know he is going to have all sorts of excuses and he'll have all sorts of ideas that he'll describe how he'll make things better but what he says and what he does is not always the same exact thing. And so if people want to know how his economic policies have worked and preformed why they can talk to their neighbor and ask if things are better, they can talk to the 50% of college kids graduating from college this year and can't find a job. They can talk to the people who represent the unemployed, the president said that if we let him borrow $787 billion for his stimulus he would keep unemployment below 8% nationally. We've now gone 40 straight months with unemployment above 8%. 13:41:35 But then he'll say the things he's been doing have been good and created growth, and put people back to work. Oh really?? Go check on that. Go to small employers or big employers that you know in your community. Talk to people like Ken or Dave. Talk to other employers in this room, talk to people you know that run a retail store or a small manufacturer and say, "Did president Obama's policies help put people back to work or did it make it less likely for you to hire people?" And I have a prediction to make because I have done that all over the country. And talking to small employers and big employers and talking day in and day out they feel this administration sees them as the enemy. They feel the Obama policies have made it harder for them to put people back to work. Almost everything the president has done has made it harder for entrepreneurs to start a business. Has made it less likely for businesses like this to hire more people. And again, go ask business people. You can do your own survey. Anyone who doesn't know how to go out there and vote, doesn't know who can do a better job getting this economy going can go talk to the people. Talk to the people in business who do the hiring. Talk to the employee's that want to be hired and ask them, "do the president's policies make things better or worse for getting jobs?" Let's just go through them one-by-one. 13:42:58 That stimulus didn't work. That stimulus didn't put more private sector people to work. How about Obama Care? The President said the other day that he didn't know that Obama Care was hard for small business. Oh really?? The Chamber of Commerce carried out a survey, some 1500 businesses across America; 75% of those people surveyed said Obama Care made it LESS LIKELY for them to hire people. Think of that. Then there was his financial regulatory reform, Dodd Frank. You got some bankers. Everyone goes to a bank time to time, go to your credit union or bank and ask them "did Dodd Frank help you out? Did it make it more likely for you as a bank to renegotiate loans with small businesses or help people with their mortgages? Did it make it easier for you to make new loans? Or did Dodd Frank make it harder for you in the banking business? Did it make you pull back?" And what you're going to hear is that small business was not helped by Dodd Frank and that small banks, community banks weren't helped to make loans because of Dodd Frank. 13:44:07 Then there were the Presidents energy policies. Now I know today he's going to talk all about how he's gonna really give a boost to energy. But talk to the people in the coal industry and talk about whether his regulations have helped them mine coal, and what they'll tell you is on every front he has made it harder to get coal from the ground and made it less likely for people to use it. As a matter of fact as a candidate if you build a coal fired plant, you'll go bankrupt if his policies are implemented. So we're not taking advantage of the coal we could. 13:44:41 How about gas? Go talk to the people in the natural gas world and ask them what it's like under the Obama Administration and they'll tell you that the administration has tried to push itself to regulate the production of natural gas in such a way that it is less reliable and harder to use our gas. Talk to the oil people, they'll tell you he put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, you can't drill in Anwar, aren't drilling in the outer continental shelf off of Virginia. On all three of those resources that we have in abundance this is a president who's made it harder for us to create jobs there and to get low coast energy to manufacturers like this one. And there's one more. You don't have to ask people about this one. You already know the answer. Did he get that pipeline in from Canada? No, I can guarantee you if I am president on day one we're going to get the approval for that pipeline from Canada and if I have to build it myself to get it here I'll get that oil into America. (Applause) 13:45:44 One of the things Ken spoke to you about briefly and he's actually been to Washington to testify about is TRADE IS GOOD. The business people I met with just a few minutes ago, a number of them said that their business relies pretty substantially on selling products to other nations. It's good for us to be able to trade with other nations. It creates jobs here. I happen to think there are enormous opportunities in places like Latin America, HUGE market area so close to us where we have natural competitive advantages and some of these businesses are taking advantage of that. Now China and the nations of the European Union over the last 3 ½ years have made real in roads in Latin America and other places in the world with trade agreements and negotiate trade agreements; 44 different trade agreements being negotiated by China and European nations with other nations around the world. Guess how many trade agreements our president has negotiated? None. NONE. And then of course there are the ones that we have. Now and then people sign agreements but then they don't live up to them. I heard today about a number of circumstances where our friends in China who are important trading partners and hopefully will be on the same page as us with training matters but none the less they seem to have a pension for stealing intellectual property, counterfeiting our goods, stealing our technology, our brand names, our trademarks, our know how. That kills American jobs. 13:47:18 Every now and then you hear about presidential candidates talk about how they are going to crack down on it. Well on day one I'll label China a currency manipulator and that will allow me to apply tariffs where they steal our intellectual property AND KILL JOBS! (Applause) 13:47:37 So as you look at the presidents record it is long on words and short on action that created jobs. And again, talk is cheap, actions speaks loudly. Look what's happened across this country. If you think things have been going swimmingly, if you think the presidents right when he said "the private sector is doing fine" well then he's the guy to vote for. But when he said that there was such a outpouring in response from the 23 million Americans out of work or under employed that I think today he's not going to say it again. I think it's more likely that he's going to say give me four more years even though I didn't get it done in the first 3 ½. In my experience in thinking about people I want to have work for me whether it's my doctor or it's going to be painting the house I want to make sure they did a good job the first time and if they didn't I want someone who can do a better job. 13:48:34 Let me tell you where I'd take the country. I LOVE America. I happen to believe the principles that made the powerhouse we economically are have been eroded by this president. I think he's made it harder for small business people to open their doors, for entrepreneurs to build businesses, for companies like this to know that their products won't be stolen by competitors overseas. I think he's made it harder for the American enterprise system to work and I want to change that. I want to make it once again, America once again the most attractive place in the world for job creators and it's not just because I love job creators IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE JOBS. I WANT MORE GOOD JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND I WANT SUCH COMPETITION FOR GOOD WORKERS THAT SALARIES AND WAGES GO UP SO PEOPLE MAKE MORE MONEY. I WANT TO HELP THE MIDDLE CLASS OF AMERICA AND I'M GOING TO DO IT. (Applause) 13:49:34 And I happened to be convinced having been able to go all across the country that we're poised to see a resurgence of American economic vitality with companies growing, with jobs growing, with employers bringing jobs back to America as opposed to sending them elsewhere. That won't happen under this president. That'll happen if we change the course of this country. Let me tell you how I'd do it. 13:50:01 Let me mention just a few things, first energy. You see I happen to like the sources of energy that we have in abundance in this country; oil, coal, and natural gas and I'm going to take advantage of those to get the energy costs low so we can have more jobs, manufacturing jobs and bring them back to this country. That's number one. (Applause) 13:50:26 Number two, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna get rid of this great big overhang that came from one piece of legislation that has frightened businesses small and large and made them less likely to hire people. I'm gonna get rid of Obama Care. (Applause) 13:50:50 So number one energy, number two Obama Care, number three I'm going to go after the deficit. You see I think people who were thinking about investing in America and making this their future and putting their life's savings into America to build a business and have it here for decades they wonder what the dollar is going to be worth when they see our country year, after year, after year spending more money then we take in. Trillions of dollars of debts, this president has put together, he has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined. You want four more years of that? You call that forward?? That's forward over a cliff! That's forward on the way to Greece. I don't want that I will finally get America on track to get a balance budget and we will limit the size of government. (Applause) 13:51:49 Those are three big ideas. Let me tell you some others. I want to open up new markets for American goods and I want to crack down on nations like China when they cheat. I will not allow them to consistently steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency in a way that kills American jobs. That has to stop. (Applause) 13:52:13 Look, it's coming back folks. America is a great nation, the entrepreneurship here, the passion of our people, our conviction in the hope for tomorrow, our affection for our kids and coming generations, these things combined with policies that encourage the private sector will cause a resurgence, a rebirth of Americas economy that's going to surprise people all over the world. I'm convinced of it. I've had the chance to go across the country and see entrepreneurs of all kinds. I'm inspired by them. I met a woman who owns a business I said to her, "how did you start your company?" She said, "well, my husband lost his job and he took a class he always wanted to take in upholstery." And she said "because I was a little better a manager I started a company and hired him as my first employee." And she went on to hire other people. She now has 40 people who work in her upholstering company. 13:53:10 I met a woman from Las Vegas who has a business renting furniture to Casinos and to conventioneers that come to Las Vegas. When president Obama said "no need to go to Las Vegas for company meetings, no need to spend money there" her business collapsed. And she wondered whether she'd lose it and lose the jobs of the people who worked for her. She had an idea, instead of just renting these black naugahyde sofas and black coffee tables that's what it look like she had in the warehouse that I saw. She decided to teach her people how to make those things and so she now makes that furniture with those same employees and sells it not just to the convention area but also around the country. 13:53:53 I met a guy who had a back problem, a Russian immigrant (pauses to think for a second) Alexis Lukianov, San Diego. He had a better idea for how to do back surgery, started a little company to do that. Now employs 1,300 people a company called NuVasive. It's just amazing to go across the country and see what is so unique about this country. I saw Marco Rubio the other day, he spoke to a group of people. He said something that struck me well, he said when he was a boy he lived in a very modest home and he said there were some pretty fancy homes that could be seen around the Miami area. He said, "you know what? I never heard my parents say 'why won't those people give us some of what they have?'" He said "I never heard my parents say 'Why won't the government give us some of what they have?' instead they said 'isn't it great to live in a country where with hard work and education, and risk taking, and maybe a little luck you could achieve that yourself?'" AMERICA IS THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. We want good jobs here, we want to make it the place that people want to come with their ideas, we want this to become the home of dreamers. We want them to start enterprises and to hire one another and to cause our wages to go up again. It's an extraordinary country. The sacrifices made by the people of America to give us the opportunities we enjoy really can't be counted. 13:55:21 Memorial Day I was in San Diego, and I had the privilege of people with a number of veterans. I introduced three of them, one a second World War vet. was a lookout on the USS Tennessee, he happened to be there on Pearl Harbor. He said his eyes locked on the eyes of the pilot bringing armament, bringing bombardment to attack their ships. And he was injured in the attack but he went on to serve for 33 years in the United States Navy. I had him stand and be recognized but I noticed there wasn't as many second World War vets as there used to be at Memorial Days when I was younger. And they're a little older, they can't hold the torch as high as they used to. That torch is going to have to be seized by us, by our generations. It's a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not Americas torch but it's Americas duty and honor to hold that torch high so it can be seen by the world. 13:56:30 This is our time. We can either continue to be on a path to become more and more like Europe, with bigger and bigger government taking more and more from the American people. Directing our lives and telling us how to run our enterprises. If we take that path we know where it leads, it leads to chronic high unemployment like Europe has, low wage growth like Europe has and potential fiscal calamity like we're seeing at the doorstep of Europe today. Or we can instead return to the principles that made America, America. We can once again have a nation that leads the world in entrepreneurship, in innovation, in job creation, in economic vitality, in wage growth. That's the America I want. I spend my life in private enterprise, 25 years. I know how businesses work, I know what causes them to leave and what will bring them back. I want to use that experience to get America working again. For me it's all about good jobs for the American people and a bright a prosperous future and I am going to bring it with your help! Thank you so much, thank you! 13:57:37 BROLL Mitt waves and walks off the stage towards Ken and Dave to shake hands. Romney then glad hands with attendees of the rally.
00:00:00:00 NATIVE ASPECT RATIO SD 4X3//FORK ASSET//MAKE AMERICA FIRST IN THE AIR ARC Identifier 65523 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-17686// Summary: 27' "OF ALL INVENTIONS, THE ALPHABET AND PRINTING PRESS ALONE EXCEPTED, THOSE INVENTIONS WHICH ABRIDGE DISTANCE HAVE DONE MOST FOR CIVILIZATION" -- MACCAULAY. 43' SEVERAL SCENES BY THE COURTESY OF PATHE NEWS AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 50' SEVENTY YEARS AGO CALIFORNIA WAS MANY MONTHS FROM NEW YORK. 57' Animated map of the U.S. with a line from New York to Kansas. 64' LS covered wagon train moving over desert terrain toward camera -- mountains in bg. 72' THE SANTA FE TRAIL, 1849. 76' MLS's & MS's of covered wagon train moving over desert terrain -- mountains in bg. 83' Animated map of the U.S with a line from New York to Kansas, and continuing through New Mexico and Arizona to California. 91' THE RAILROAD SHRUNK THE MAP TO FOUR DAYS. 97' MS train using a steam locomotive moving to the right along a double track. 103' Animation over map of U.S. of line from New York to California. 109' IN THE AIRPLANE TO TWENTY-SEVEN HOURS. 114' AMS Fokker T-2 in flight to the left. 118' Animation of dark line extending across a map of the U.S. 125' NOT SO LONG AGO EUROPE WAS SEVERAL MONTHS AWAY. 128' Animation of a small ship moving away from the east coast of the U.S. 131' MLS a large sailing vessel of the early clipper ship variety on the ocean. 135' Animation of small ship sailing to Great Britain. 139' THE OCEAN GREYHOUND NOW CROSSES THE ATLANTIC IN FIVE-AND-A-HALF DAYS. 147' MS & MCU a four-stack ocean liner sailing to the right. 160' Animation of Atlantic Ocean and coasts of U.S. and England. 165' THE R-34 CROSSED THE IRISH COASTLINE 61 HOURS AND 33 MINUTES AFTER LEAVING LONG ISLAND. 176' AMS of R-34 dirigible in flight toward and to right of camera. 180' MCU R-34 moored to ground with a large craft around the gondola. 183' ALCOCK AND BROWN LANDED IN IRELAND 16 HOURS AFTER TAKING OFF FROM NEWFOUNDLAND. 191' ALS British Bristol fighter in flight to the left, diving and climbing through clouds. (Actual flight was in a Vickers-Vimy, 14 June 1919.) 198' AIRCRAFT DEVELOPMENT HAS BROUGHT AMERICA AND EUROPE CLOSE TOGETHER. 205' Animation of maps of the U.S. and Great Britain coming closer together. 214' KIPLING WROTE OF AIRCRAFT: "WE ARE AT THE OPENING VERSE OF THE OPENING PAGE OF THE CHAPTER OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES." 228' AMS flight of five Martin MB-1 bombers in formation flight to the right. 237' THE ACHIEVEMENT OF TWO REAL AMERICANS, ORVILLE AND WILBUR WRIGHT IS INDELIBLY WRITTEN IN THE FIRS LINE OF THE OPENING VERSE. 250' WILBUR WRIGHT (AT LEFT). 254' MS Wilbur Wright on the left talking to two men (Possibly in Europe.) 288' ORVILLE WRIGHT. 269' CU of Orville Wright river or lake in bg. 275' THE WRIGHT BROTHERS FIRST EXPERIMENTED WITH GLIDERS. 280' LS pan left with flight of an early model glider down the side of a hill group of spectators watch the flight. (Est -- 1902) 298' THE WRIGHT BROTHERS ARE THE PIONEERS AND CREATORS OF AVIATION. THEY CONCEIVED WARPING WINGS WHICH MADE STABILITY POSSIBLE. THEY MADE THEIR OWN MOTOR, THEY BUILT THE PLANE AND MADE THE C0MBINATI0N FLY. 320' MS Wilbur Wright placing wheel under wing of Wright "A" aircraft in France. 328' MLS pan left with flight of Wright Brothers "A" aircraft over a level field balloon in bg. 336' ON KILL-DEVIL HILL, KITTYHAWK, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 17, 1903, ORVILLE WRIGHT FLEW THE FIRST HEAVIER-THAN-AIR MACHINE. 349' CU still photograph of Orville Wright flying the first aircraft, 17 December 1903. 357' THE WORLD SCOFFED, BUT THE WRIGHTS STRUGGLED ON -- AFTER FIIVE YEARS WILBUR WRIGHT MADE THE FIRST FLIGHT IN EUROPE FLYING UNDER FRENCH GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY. (1908) 374' MS two men turning propellers and starting engines on a Wright "A" aircraft in France -- catapult launching tower behind aircraft. 379' MLS spectators in stands during the first aircraft demonstration near Paris. 384' LS & MS takeoff and riight of Wright Brothers "A" aircraft in France. 397' THE SAME-YEAR ORVILLE WRIGHT WON THE $30,000 U.S. ARMY PRIZE AT FT. MYER, VIRGINIA FOR A SUSTAINED FLIGHT WITH A PASSENGER. 412' MS Orville Wright and Lt. Frank P. Lahm seated in the Wright "A" aircraft at Ft. Myer, Virginia. 423' LS's & MS's of flight at Ft. Myer with Orville Wright and Lt. Lahm in the Wright "A" aircraft. 454' IN 1909 WILBUR WRIGHIT DEMONSTRATED HIS INVENTION BEFORE THE KING OF ITALY AND ITALIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. 465' MS soldiers pushing Wright aircraft out of hangar. 474' LS & MS of King of Italy and Italian officials watching takeoff of Wright aircraft from a launching rail. 497' THE EUROPEAN POWORS SEIZED THE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTED BY THE WRIGHT INVENTION AND ADOPTED A DEFINITE MILITARY AVIATION PROGRAM. 511' ALS flight of five early model aircraft over water. 518' RAPID PROGRESS WAS MADE. LOUIS BLERIOT (FRENCH), JULY 25, 1909, CROSSED THE ENGLISH CHANNEL IN THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES. 533' MS Louis Bleriot seated in his Bleriot VI tandem monoplane -- a man starts to turn the propeller and starts the aircraft. 540' HENRI FARMAN (FRENCH) MADE NOTABLE CROSS-COUNTRY FLIGHTS. 547' MS pan right to show man working on the Farman Voisin bi-plane. (1907- 1908) 555' AMERICAN GENIUS AND DETERMINATION CONTINUED TO CONTRIBUTE TO AVIATION'S PROGRESS. GLENN H. CURTISS IN HIS FIRST PLANE. 569' MS's of Glenn H. Curtiss seated in his Gold Bug bi-plane, starting the motor and taxiing away. (Est 1909) 585' THE GERMANS (1911 1914) CARRIED 34,228 PASSENGERS IN THE ZEPPELINS OVER A REGULAR ROUTE WITHOUT INJURY TO PASSENGERS OR CREW. 599' LS a German Zeppelin dirigible in flight to the left over landscape -- trees in fg. 606' Animation showing the Zeppelin routes in Germany. 623' WHEN THE GREAT WAR BROKE OUT THE EUROPEAN NATIONS HAD AIRPLANES AND AIRSHIPS AND MEANS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. 634' LS's French Nieuport aircraft parked on an airfield. 639' AIRPLANES WERE USED ONLY FOR OBSERVATION AT FIRST, BUT SOON DEVELOPED INTO BOMB CARRIERS AND AERIAL COMBAT PLANES. 651' MS as bombs are loaded into early bomber with bombardier's compartment in nose of open cockpit. 662' MS machine gunner in open cockpit of aircraft in flight. 668' IN 1914 THE FASTEST FLYING SPEED WAS 70 MPH. BEFORE THE WAR WAS OVER COMBAT PLANES ATTAINED 140 MPH. 682' MS pan right with takeoff of Curtiss JN-4 aircraft. 690' AIR SERVICE MILL NEAR BELRAIN MEUSE, FRANCE, OCTOBER 19, 1918, MAJ. GEN. PATRICK DECORATING FIRST LT. E. C. RICKENBACKER WITH DSC BEARING FOUR OAK LEAVES. 701' MS Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrick decorating Lt. E. V. Rickenbacker -- Air Corps officers standing by on parade field. 719' FIRST LT. E. V. RICKENBACKER AND CAPT. J. A. MEISSNER. 724' MS left to right Capt. J. A. Meissner and Lt. E. V. Rickenbacker with Distinguished Service Crosses. 735' FIRST AIRPLANE IN BATTLE FORMATION GOING OVER THE LINE TO BOMB THE ENEMY. 742' ELS seven bi-wing airplanes flying overhead away from camera -- observation balloon in distant fg. 757' BUSIGNY, NORD, FRANCE, OCTOBER 14, 1918-THE SIXTH SECTION BATTERY "F" ANTIAIRCRAFT SERVICE OF THE BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCES IN ACTION AGAINST A GERMAN OBSERVATION PLANE. 772' MS to MLS two antiaircraft guns mounted on WW I vintage trucks which are jacked up on blocks and leveled with leveling screw jacks. 783' SOUAIN, MAINE, FRANCE, OCTOBER 2, 1918. A BARRAGE SENT UP BY THE FRENCH TO PROTECT THEIR OBSERVATION BALLOONS FROM A GERMAN PLANE WHICH IS TRYING TO SHOOT IT DOWN. 797' ELS's of observation balloon in extreme distance with anti-aircraft bursts near by -- wreckage of a bombed village in bg. 814' TOUL, MEURTHE-ET-MOSELLE, FRANCE. NOVEMBER 8, 1918. COL. F. P. LAHM, CHIEF OF AIR SERVICES 2ND ARMY. 825' MS Col. Lahm speaking to another officer. 839' IN THE SPRING OF 1917, WHEN THE U.S. ENTERED THE WAR, THE GOVERNMENT HAD ONLY EIGHT AIRPLANES. 851' IT COST US $382,000,000 TO SUPPLEMENT THE AIRCRAFT ACTIVITIES OF OUR ASSOCIATES. 859' AN 800-FOOT WING ROOM IN ONE OF THE GREAT AIRPLANE FACTORIES. 866' LS INT factory where wings for aircraft (WW I) are being fabricated. 873' DURING THE 18 MONTHS WE WERE IN THE WAR WE TRAINED 17,000 PILOTS AND DEVELOPED THE LIBERTY MOTOR. 885' LS's & MS'S of Liberty motors installed on fuselage of WW I aircraft in a factory. 899' $100,OOO,OOO IN PRIVATE CAPITAL WAS INVESTED IN OUR AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY -- 250,000 WERE EMPLOYED. WHEN THE ARMISTICE WAS SIGNED UNCLE SAM CANCELLED THE AIRCRAFT CONTRACTS BY LONG DISTANCE. 923' Animation over map of U.S. of cartoon of Uncle Sam talking on telephone. 936' UNTIL THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES STOPPED HER, GERMANY MADE GREAT STRIDES WITH BOTH LIGHTER AND HEAVIER-THAN-AIR AIRCRAFT. AIR ROUTE DEVELOPMENT FROM 1919-1921. 951' Animated lines going from various cities on European continent including Germany and Poland. 969' LS large group of workers and spectators watching as the dirigible "Bodensee" is pulled out of large hangar. 975' MS workers around and in the gondola as it rests on the ground. 980' THE BODENSEE MADE 103 FLIGHTS IN 98 DAYS AVERAGING 62 MILES AN HOUR AND CARRYING 2,380 PASSENGERS. 988' ALS's over an unidentified German city. 995' MS's INT gondola showing two men eating dinner-other people are looking out windows of gondola. 1008' AMS of crowds on the ground looking up. 1012' LS as "Bondensee" comes in for landing-crowd on ground. 1018' THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY. END OF PART ONE. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. 1021' Total footage in reel. Reel 2: THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY. PART Two. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. 2' OTHER NATIONS ARE SPENDING MILLIONS ANNUALLY ON SUBSIDIES FOR COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT. IN THE UNITED STATES NO DIRECT SUBSIDIES ARE PAID. 12' EUROPEAN COMMERCIAL AIR ROUTE. 16' Animated map of Europe showing lines extending from London to Paris. 21' FRANCE AND ENGLAND MAINTAIN AIR ROUTES BETWEEN LONDON AND PARIS. 29' MLS passengers entering the cabin of the Handley Page W8B transport aircraft. 41' MS as cargo is loaded into an early single-engine bi-winged aircraft. 48' MLS & MS passengers getting out of old touring car and boarding a Farman Goliath airliner -- on the airliner is printed GRANDS EXPRESS AERIENS -- on the door: EXPRESS TO LONDON. 62' MS a medium-sized British bi-winged transport taxiing left on an airfield. 67' LS early bi-wing single-engine aircraft in flight to the left over an airfield. 72' ALS of a European city. 8O' LS early model single-engine bi-winged transport landing to the left in bg. 87' MS's as passengers debark from early model passenger aircraft. 95' Animated air routes superimposed over a map of Europe. 104' MS as passengers board and cargo is loaded onto an early model bi- plane. 116' MS's & CU's of a pig being loaded into a Farman Goliath early model airliner. 130' Animated airline routes over a map of Europe. 136' MLS & MS's as cargo is loaded and passengers board an early model Spad commercial bi-plane. 152' EUROPE DEVELOPS COMMERCIAL AERONAUTICS FROM A MILITARY STANDPOINT. AIRLINE EQUIPMENT IS AVAILABLE IN WARFARE IN CASE OF NECESSITY. 163' LS four French Breguet 14 reconnaissance photo planes parked on an airfield -- one of the aircraft starts motor and taxis right. 169' HUGE AIR CRUISERS START C0MMERCIAL FLYING SEASON. TEMPELHOFER AIRDROME BECOMES BUSY PLACE AS 13 PASSENGER LINES BEGIN OPERATIONS. 181' LS pan left to show buildings and aircraft parked on the ramp at Tempelhofer Airdrome in Berlin, Germany. 190' MS pan right to show a row of Dornier Komet III monoplanes parked at an air base. 196' THE LAST WORD IN AERIAL TRANSPORTATION, A GIANT FOUR-MOTORED MONOPLANE MAKES ITS DEBUT. 205' MS's workmen pushing a Udet Kondor transport aircraft (German) -- a high-winged four-engine pusher transport aircraft. 229' LIGHT AND INEXPENSIVE AIRPLANES HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED. 236' MS takeoff to the right of a small single engine high-winged one-passenger light aircraft. 251' PROJECTED ROUTES FROM EUROPE. 254' Animated map of the world showing lines of projected air routes from Europe to Australia, South America and Africa. 292' TESTING IN FRANCE. A NEW TYPE OF AIRPLANE WITH TWO PROPELLERS AND TWO MOTORS -- IT'S SUCCESSFUL! WILL BE USED AS MODEL FOR HUGE MACHINE TO FLY BETWEEN PARIS AND NEW YORK. 310' MS a French DeMonge Type 7-5 aircraft taxiing to the left on an airfield. 321' AFTER THE WAR WE THOUGHT OF THE AIRPLANE NOT AS A MILITARY WEAPON BUT AS A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE -- A SERVANT OF MANKIND. 332' MLS passengers climbing the stairs and into an early model bi-winged, twin-engined passenger airliner. 339' AIRCRAFT IS BEING USED IN THE U.S. FOR MANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. 347' PASSENGER CARRYING. 350' MLS to MS passengers getting out of an early model touring car and getting into a Larson JL-6 transport aircraft. 392' MLS & MS's pilot getting into cockpit of Larson JL-6 aircraft. 410' LS'S Larson JL-6 taxiing left and taking off to the right. 423' MS's passengers getting in and out of the cabin of an early model seaplane -- just nose and cabin door of seaplane is visible. 445' AMS of an Aeromarine West Indies Airways U.S. and Cuban mail service amphibian, which is converted US Navy TN-1O airship, in flight to the right over water. 453' MS INT view of passengers looking out windows of the converted TN-10 airship. 458' ALS over the water -- ships are on the ocean. (Night scene) 477' TRANSPORTING MERCHANDISE. 481' MLS as equipment and merchandise are loaded in rear cockpit of Curtiss JN-6. 489' THE AMBULANCE AIRPLANE OFFERS THE FASTEST MEANS OF TRANSPORTING THE INJURED. 496' MS a Cox-Klemin XA-1 ambulance aircraft taxiing to the right. MLS's man putting a stretcher patient into a US Navy model of a DH-4Amb-1 ambulance plane. 534' AMS DH-4Amb-1 ambulance plane (US Navy) taking off and in flight to the left. 546' THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND ARMY AIR SERVICE KILL INSECT TESTS. 555' ALS down on a DH-4D aircraft crop dusting a field. 565' THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FIGHTS THE BOLLWEEVIL WITH THE HELP OF THE ARMY AIR SERVICE. 576' MS a DH-D Curtiss aircraft with a Wright engine crop dusting a field. 585' AN ARMY BLIMP SPRAYING POISON IN WAR ON MOTHS -- DESTROYERS OF TIMBER EXPECTED TO SUCCUMB BEFORE AERIAL ATTACK. 597' MS & MCU men loading insecticide into the hopper in the gondola of the US motor balloon. 611' MS to MLS takeoff of the US motor balloon. 629' MLS US motor balloon flying to the right over a wooded area dusting the woods with insecticide powder. 646' MAP MAKING. 649' MS & MCU men and pilot and observer loading three-lensed camera into rear cockpit of a two-winged bi-plane. 668' AMS looking down from an aircraft into the two cockpits of another aircraft directly below. 690' ASSEMBLING A MOSAIC MAP COMPOSED OF MANY HUNDREDS OF SEPARATE PHOTOGRAPHS. 697' MS's two Air Service officers assembling a mosaic map on the wall. 708' CU of a mosaic aerial map. 715' AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. 719' MS aerial photograph of New York, the Island of Manhattan with the East River on the right and Hudson River on the left. 725' THE SKYWRITER ADVERTISING. 729' ELS of skywriter aircraft that has made the letter "S" and is completing a "T." 740' TO CHART UNKNOWN ALASKA FROM THE AIR -- FINAL TESTS ARE GIVEN AMPHIBIAN PLANES TO BE USED BY U.S. NAVY DURING THREE-YEAR PIONEERING EXPEDITION. 757' MLS pan right with takeoff of a US Navy Loening amphibian aircraft. 770' AMS US Navy Loening amphibian in flight to the left. 781' AMS US Navy Loening amphibian in flight to the left and lowering its landing gear. 794' BY FOLDING THE WHEELS THE SHIP IS CONVERTED INTO A HYDROPLANE. 800' AMS Loening amphibian in flight to the left, raising its landing gear. 817' MLS pan right with Loening amphibian landing on water, taxiing and rolling out of the water onto the beach. 840' THE U.S. AIR MAIL SERVICE IS A FINE EXAMPLE OF SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL AVIATION. 848' MLS workmen placing mail sacks in aircraft pilot is in the rear cockpit of a U.S. mail service modified DH-4 -- covering is placed over the front cockpit in which the mail is carried. 856' LS takeoff to the right of U.S. mail service modified DH-4 aircraft. 862' ROUTE OF AIR MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. 869' Animation showing small aircraft going over a line on a map from New York across the United States. 876' AMLS early model U.S. mail service aircraft (possibly a DH-4) in flight toward camera. 887' Animation of small airplane traveling along a line on a map from New York to San Francisco. 889' NIGHT FLYING WITH LIGHTED LANDING FIELDS BRINGS SAN FRANCISCO WITHIN 30 HOURS OF NEW YORK. 898' Animation of small aircraft following a line on a map from New York to San Francisco. 903'THROUGH ALL KINDS OF WEATHER, FLYING OVER THE ALLEGHENIES, ROCKIES AND SIERRA NEVADA, THE AIR MAIL MAINTAINS ALMOST 1O0% EFFICIENCY. 918' ALS & AMS of snow-covered mountains. 943' Animation of small airplane following a line across a map from New York to San Francisco. 954' MS to MCU a U.S. air mail truck backed up to a U.S. mail service converted DH-4 aircraft on a grass landing field. 964' COMMERCIAL AIRLINES CARRYING AIR MAIL MERCHANDISE AND PASSENGERS. Shows animated map with line from New York to San Francisco. 1061' Total footage in reel. Reel 3: BOSTON. NEW AIRDROME HAS SPECTACULAR OPENING -- MARTIN BOMBER ARRIVES FROM MITCHEL FIELD, NEW YORK. 6' MS pan right with Martin NBS-1 bomber landing. 32' MAYOR CURLEY STARTS THE AIR RACE TO BOSTON FLIGHT. 37' MS a Dayton Wright model WA two-seat amphibian taxiing to the right on takeoff from an air strip. 42' ELS large number of people swarming around aircraft on field at an air show. 58' THIS IS THE WAY AIRFIELDS IN AMERICA SHOULD BE DEVELOPED. 63' Animated dots indicating locations of airfields appearing on a map of the U.S. 102' IN A NETWORK OF AIRLINES TO CONNECT ALL OF OUR IMPORTANT CITIES. 107' Animated air routes on map of the U.S. with a small aircraft following these lines. 187' PRESIDENT COOLIDGE PRESENTING A CUP TO CAPT. H. D. CAMPBELL WHO HAS A FLYING RECORD OF 25,000 MILES WITHOUT AN ACCIDENT. 202' MS & CU President Coolidge presenting the trophy cup to Capt. H. D. Campbell. 217' LACK OF NATIONAL AIR REGULATION HAMPERS OUR COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT DEVELOPMENT. 221' TINY TIM SETS OUT TO BREAK THE ALTITUDE RECORD IN A NON-INSPECTED PLANE. 230' Animated cartoon of a fat man getting into airplane -- after aircraft takes off, he falls through bottom of aircraft. 252' Sequence of animated cartoons of aircraft performing stunts and becoming a nuisance to farmers. 373' IN AN EFFORT TO KEEP OUT OF JAIL, MR. AVIATOR EQUIPPED HIS PLANE WITH A LIBRARY ON LOCAL FLYING LAWS. 384' Animated cartoon of aviator in an aircraft with books and globe. 390' AMLS of Dayton, Ohio, at Main and Third Streets. 395' Animated cartoon of aviator in aircraft getting a book out and reading the laws, then climbing to a high altitude. 414' AMLS of Dayton, Ohio, at Main and Third Streets. 418' Animated cartoon of aviator in aircraft getting book out and reading trespassing law. 427' AMS of Dayton, Ohio along Fourth Street between St. Clair and Ludlow Streets. 442' THE ARMY AND NAVY AIR FORCES ARE LEADING IN EXPERIMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. 451' ENGINEERING DIVISION, ARMY AIR SERVICE McCOOK FIELD, DAYTON, OHIO, WHERE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WORK IS DONE ON CREATIONS AND IMPROVEMENT OF AIRCRAFT, POWER PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. 471' AV's of McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio. 490' ENGINES OF ALL TYPES AND FOR ALL PURPOSES ARE DEVELOPED. 498' MS & MCU aircraft engines in a test cell bloek. 517' THE REVERSABLE PROPELLERS SHORTENS THE LANDING DISTANCE. 524' CU of levers working the pitch of a propeller on the front of a Curtiss JN-4 aircraft. 529' MS pan left with JN-4H taxiing, landing and stopping. 535' PARACHUTES ARE FIRST TESTED WITH DUMMY WEIGHTS. PROVED SERVICE TYPES ARE TESTED BY LIVE JUMPS. 545' AMS of man on a wing with a parachute -- he opens parachute and lets it pull him off wing of aircraft. 570' THE DELAYED OPENING PARACHUTE DESIGNED FOR A QUICK GETAWAY. 577' AMLS man jumping from a DH-4 in flight to the left -- parachute opens as he drops from underneath the aircraft. 598' LS parachutist coming down and landing using two parachutes -- after he lands an old model truck pulls up and men jump out to assist him with the parachute. 629' AMCU looking over the side of an aircraft as six men jump with parachutes. 648' LT. J. A. MACREADY, USA HOLDS THE AMERICAN ALTITUDE RECORD OF 34,509 FEET. 657' MS & MCU Lt. Macready, in the cockpit of Packard-LePere LUSAC-11, wearing heavy flying clothes and a mask with a tube (oxygen) running out of the front of the mask -- at the side of the plane he removes the mask from his face. (1921) 669' THE AIRSHIP CAN BE USED FOR THE MOTHER SHIP FOR OTHER AIRPLANES. TESTS SHOWING METHOD FOR RELEASING AIRPLANES FROM AIRSHIPS. 677' LS a TC-type US Army airship, with a Sperry M-1 Messenger aircraft suspended underneath, takes off from ground. 686' AT SCOTT FIELD LT. FINTER IS THE FIRST TO SUCCEED IN HOOKING ONTO AN AIRSHIP IN FLIGHT. 695' MS the pilot standing on top of the Sperry M-1 opening and closing the hook arrangement where it is attached to the airship. 698' THE HOOK-ON. 701' AMLS Sperry M-1 hooks onto a sling underneath US Amy TC-3 airship while in flight to the left. 709' THE AIRPLANE PILOT CAN RELEASE AT ANY TIME. 713' AMLS Sperry M-1 releasing and dropping away from the hook and carriage of the TC-3 airship while in flight to the left. 723' AN AMERICAN HELICOPTER. 727' MLS's pan left with flight testing of an early model helicopter, a bi-winged two rotor aircraft, which raises off the ground several feet and flies to the left at Bolling Field. 760' COMPARATIVE TESTS ARE MADE WITH FOREIGN PLANES, THE GERMAN ROLAND. 768' AMS an Albatros D-3 bi-winged German aircraft with US markings in flight to the left and making a tight turn away to the right. 779' OBSOLETE AIRPLANES ARE CRASHED TO DETERMINE ORIGIN OF FIRES AND METHOD OF PREVENTION. 787' LS's & MS's engineers pushing an obsolete aircraft fuselage down a ramp into a wall, then it bursts into flames. 812' BY THE USE OF SLOW MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION STUDIES THE CAUSE OF FIRE. 820' MS high-speed camera footage of an obsolete fuselage of an early model aircraft crashing into a stone wall and bursting into flames. 873' THE ARMY AIR SERVICE HAS DEVELOPED THE WORLD'S LARGEST AIRPLANE -- THE BARLING BOMBER. 883' MS pan right to show XNBL-1 Barling bomber parked on an airfield -- military personnel and civilians look over the aircraft. 893' THE BARLING BOMBER HOLDS FOUR WORLD'S RECORDS FOR ALTITUDE AND DURATION FLIGHTS WITH LOADS OF TWO AND THREE TONS. 905' AMS XNBL-1 Barling bomber in flight to the left. 913' LAUNCHING A PLANE FROM THE TURRET OF A BATTLESHIP. 919' LS & MLS JN-4 aircraft takes off from a platform built on top of the turret and gun of a battleship. 928' CATAPULTING A PLANE FROM THE DECK OF A BATTLESHIP. 934' LS & MS launch and takeoff to the left of a Loening amphibian aircraft from catapult on a battleship. 953' Total footage in reel. Reel 4: LAUNCHING A SEAPLANE FROM A SUBMARINE. 3' MS's sailors on the deck of a submarine rolling out the fuselage of an XS-1 seaplane and attaching the wings, floats and rudders to craft. 14' MLS the XS-1 aircraft on the deck of a submarine with the engines running -- shows the submarine submerging to the left so that the plane is floating in the water. 28' FROM THE USS LANGLEY, THE NAVY'S AIRPLANE CARRIER. 36' LS pan left with takeoff of a Mark SC-2 aircraft from the aircraft carrier USS LANGLEY. 55' LS's pan right with landing of SC-2 on deck of aircraft carrier, USS LANGLEY. 78' LAUNCHING THE AIRPLANE CARRIER SARATOGA. 83' MLS & MS's as bottle is broken on the bow and the aircraft carrier USS SARATOGA slides into the water. 99' THIS SHIP WILL CARRY 75 AIRPLANES. 105' LS USS SARATOGA in the middle of the bay. 115' SEAPLANE FIRING A TORPEDO. 119' MS's Navy personnel rolling a torpedo under and raising it up into the racks of a seaplane version of the Douglas Torpedo Bomber. 131' LS pan left with seaplane version of the Douglas Torpedo Bomber in flight just above the surface -- aircraft drops a torpedo. 137' AN ARMY PLANE LAYS A SMOKE SCREEN FROM AN ALTITUDE OF 1,000 FEET. 142' ALS of early model aircraft laying a smoke screen over the water -- several ships are in the water. 191' THE AIRSHIP "LOS ANGELES" IS A MAJESTIC CRAFT. 196' LS's of airship "Los Angeles" being taken out of hangar and on airfield. 215' LS the airship "Los Angeles" takes off to the left. 224' MS the airship "Los Angeles" in flight overhead to the left. 232' MLS the airship "Los Angeles" being pulled down to the ground by cables. 248' LS & MLS the airship "Los Angeles" attached to its mooring mast with its elevator in the mooring mast going up and down. 265' THE AIRSHIP "LOS ANGELES" IS LOWERED FOR THE FIRST TIME TO THE MAST OF A SHIP THE USS POTOKA. 274' LS & MS's the airship "Los Angeles" coming in and being moored to the USS POTOKA out on the water. 317' WE HAVE A NATURAL MONOPOLY OF HELIUM, A NON-INFLAMMABLE LIGHTER-THAN-AIR GAS PLANT AT FORT WORTH, TEXAS. 327' MLS INT of the helium-producing plant at Ft. Worth, Texas. 335' BOMBING TESTS OF USS ALABAMA, SEPTEMBER 1921. 342' MLS of the USS ALABAMA anchored in the water. 350' MCU soldier arming and working with a fuse mechanism of a large bomb swung underneath a large bomber. 355' AMS a Standard-Handley Page 0/400 bomber in flight to the right over water. 360' AMLS looking straight down on the USS ALABAMA. 366' AMS a Dayton Wright DH-4 aircraft in flight to the left dropping a bomb. 370' ALS looking down as bomb falls. 373' AMLS bomb exploding on the USS ALABAMA. 384' A PHOSPHORUS BOMB -- ENOUGH POISON GAS TO KILL THE ENTIRE CREW. 392' MLS of a phosphorus bomb exploding on the USS ALABAMA and engulfing the entire ship in smoke. 408' A FINAL SHOT WITH 2,000 LB. BOMBS. 414' MLS of explosion of the USS ALABAMA-part of the superstructure topples off into the water. 422' A COMPLETE WRECK IN SHALLOW WATERS. 428' MS USS ALABAMA listing over on side with one of the towers bent over and lying in the water. 432' THE ANNUAL RACES HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS ASSOCIATION PROMISED TO BECOME THE COUNTRY'S GREATEST SPORTING EVENT. 445' ROUNDING A PYLON AT THREE MILES A MINUTE, DETROIT RACES. 449' LS a small aircraft flying at high speed around pylons at an air show. 457' CROWD AT THE DAYTON, OHIO, RACES. 460' LS pan right to show large crowd at the air races. 476' THE GRANDSTAND OVER A MILE IN LENGTH. 481' LS's of large crowd in the grandstands at the air races. 501' LT. AL J. WILLIAMS, USN, HOLDS THE OFFICIAL WORLD'S SPEED RECORD AT 266.6 MILES AN HOUR. 510' MS a Curtiss R2C-1 racer parked on an airfield. 516' MS Lt. Williams in cockpit of Curtiss P2C-1 racer. 523' REAR ADMIRAL MOFFETT CONGRATULATING LT. WILLIAMS. 529' MS Rear Admiral W. A. Moffett shaking hands with Lt. Williams -- cameramen and officials in bg. (1923) 539' ELS's & LS' s of Curtiss R2C-1 racer flying by and overhead and to the right and left and around pylon. 598' LS pan right with Curtiss R3C-1 racer coming in and making a landing to the right. 626' THE 1926 SCHNEIDER CUP RACES AT NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, WAS WON BY ITALY -- DE'BERNARDI AVERAGES 246 1/2 MPH IN CLASSIC 217 1/2 MILE RACE. 637' MLS workmen pushing a MACCHI 39 racing seaplane down a ramp and into the water for the races. 649' LS pan left with takeoff from water of Curtiss R3C-2 racer. 662' LS pan left with takeoff of a Macchi racing seaplane to left. 673' MLS men pushing a Curtiss R3C-2 racer down ramp toward water. 686' LS pan left with takeoff of R3C-2 racer. 694' LS Curtiss R3C-2 racer flying over to right. 7O1' THE VICTOR LANDS AFTER BETTERING THE PREVIOUS SEAPLANE RECORD BY ABOUT 4 MPH. 709' LS pan left with Macchi 39 racing seaplane landing to left. 725' MS & MCU of pilot in cockpit of Macchi 39 racing seaplane and the pilot on the shoulders of men around the aircraft. 741' THE NAVY WAS FIRST TO FLY ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. 746' MS of US Navy NC-4 seaplane taxiing away from shore. 759' MLS US Navy NC-4 flying overhead to the left. 765' THE DAWN TO DUSK FLIGHT OF LT. MAUGHAN, JUNE 23, 1924. 770' MS Lt. Russell L. Maughan in the cockpit of a Curtiss N-8 pursuit ship. 776' T.T. MAUGHAN TOOK OFF FROM MITCHEL FIELD, NEW YORK, AT DAWN, 2:58 EST, IN A CURTISS PURSUIT PLANE. MS pan right with takeoff of Curtiss PW-8 pursuit ship. 792' AMLS Curtiss PW-8 pursuit ship in flight to the left over New York City showing the East River with Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridge visible -- also over the Wall Street district, Battery Park and Hudson River. 809' ARRIVED AT MCCOOK FIELDS DAYTON, 0HIO, 7:08 A.M. EST. 820' AIRLINE DISTANCE, 580 MILES; TIME: 4 HOURS AND 1O MINUTES. 825' LS's & MS's of Lt. Maughan in PW-8 on ground-gasoline truck is at left and fire truck at right as aircraft is refueled with the engine running. 854' LEAVING MCCOOK FIELD AT 8:15 A.M. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME -- HE ARRIVED AT SAN FRANCISCO AT 9:48 P.M. PACIFIC TIME. 862' LS's pan right with takeoff of Curtiss PW-8-gasoline and fire trucks and service people in fg. 876' MCU Lt. Maughan standing beside Curtiss PW-8. 884' THE ARMY HOLDS THE WORLD'S ENDURANCE RECORD OF 37 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES IN THE AIR, FLYING 3,293 MILES. 894' MS Lt. Lowell Smith and John T. Richter in the cockpit of their DH-4D aircraft. 900' THIS RECORD WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY TAKING ON GASOLINE DURING THE FLIGHT. 909' AMS of air-to-air refueling from DeHavilland DH-4DM aircraft. 918' THE ARMY WAS FIRST TO MAKE A NON-STOP FLIGHT FROM COAST TO COAST, 2,650 MILES IN 27 HOURS. 927' MS pan left with Army Fokker T-2 with ARMY AIR SERVICE NON-STOP COAST TO COAST painted on the side. 935' MS's Lt. John A. Macready and Lt. 0akley G. Kelly being helped into their parachutes beside the Fokker T-2. 940' LTS. MACREADY AND KELLY WHO PILOTED T-2 IN ITS FLIGHT. 947' MCU of Lt. Macready and Lt. Kelly standing beside T-2 aircraft. 952' MS pan right with T-2 taxiing during takeoff. 963' AMS Army Fokker T-2 in flight to the left. 974' LTS. KELLY AND MACREADY CHEERED BY CROWD AT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. 982' LS pan left with Army Fokker T-2 landing. 987' MCU Lt. Macready and Lt. Kelly standing beside T-2 -- many people in bg. 990' THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY. END OF PART IV. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. 993' Total footage in reel. Reel 5: NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY PART V. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. 2' THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT OF 1924 WAS THE FLIGHT OF ARMY AVIATORS AROUND THE WORLD. 9' Shows a globe turning with the route of the "Around the World Flight" marked on it. 26' SCENES BY COURTESY OF PATHE AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 30' PRESIDENT COOLIDGE BIDS GOODBYE TO THE ARMY AIRMEN STARTING FOR THE AROUND THE WORLD FLIGHT. 39' MLS's & MS's President Coolidge and Maj. Gen. Mason Patrick and "Around the World" flyers on lawn of White House. 53' THE OFFICIAL START WAS FROM SEATTLE, APRIL 6, 1924. 58' AMS flight of three DWC world cruisers in flight to the left. 65' ON THEIR WAY TO ALASKA. 68' MLS's three DWC's parked on a bay with a small boat near one of the DWC's in fg -- forest in bg. 77' THEY ARRIVED AT CHIGNIK BAY, ALASKA, APRIL 15. 83' LS's of DWC parked on the water -- camera pans up to snow-covered Alaskan mountains. 117' WHILE FLYING OVER THIS TERRITORY IN ALASKA, COMMANDER MARTIN AND MECHANIC HARVEY CRASHED INTO A MOUNTAIN IN A FOG AND WERE LOST FOR TEN DAYS. 132' LS DWC's flying overhead to the left -- iceberg with mast of a ship on the other side of the ice in bg. 145' LS two DWC's in flight to the right over a lake -- snow-covered mountain in bg. 161' LT. LOWELL SMITH WHO ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE SQUADRON. 167' MLS Lt. Smith standing on one of the pontoons and working with propellers on his DWC. (Snowing) 177' ON THEIR WAY, THE FIRST FLIGHT FROM AMERICA TO ASIA. 182' LS two DWC's in flight to the left over snow-covered barren country. 188' AT YETORUFU, JAPAN, MAY 19. SAFE ON LAND AFTER THE MOST DANGEROUS OCEAN FLIGHT ON RECORD. 196' MS's as US aviators are welcome by Japanese officials. 206' MLS & MS's Japanese children playing in schoolyard -- one child has US and Japanese flags, one in each hand. 217' JUNE 8, AT HONG KONG, CHINA. A FLEET OF BRISK LITTLE JUNKS GREET THE FLYERS IN TRUE NATIVE FASHION. 224' LS's a large number of native junks on the water. 240' HALF WAY ROUND THE WORLD JUNE 26, THE FLYERS REACHED CALCUTTA, INDIA, HAVING FLOWN 12,500 MILES. 248' MLS a DWC taxiing to right on river -- many people on bank and several steamers in river. 257' MLS large number of Indian natives around the DWC which is parked on ground. 264' MLS a crane lifting DWC out of water onto dock -- large number of people on the bank and on dock watch operation. 272' JULY 11, CONSTANTINOPLE, THE LAST STOP ON THE CONTINENT OF ASIA. 277' LS pan right with DWC landing to the right on an airstrip. 291' MLS's & MS's of pilots talking to people around DWC's. 301' PARIS, JULY 14. 304' AMS of formal gardens and a large palace near Paris. 326' LONDON, ENGLAND, JULY 16. THE FIRST TO CONGRATULATE THE AIRMEN WAS MRS. MACLAREN, WIFE OF BRITISH AVIATOR ATTEMPTING TO FLY AROUND THE WORLD IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. 344' MS Mrs. MacLaren shaking hands with American aviators standing beside the DWC aircraft. 351' JULY 30, THE CREW OF THE USS RICHMOND CHEER THE AMERICAN AVIATORS PREPARING TO HOP OFF FROM THE ORKNEY ISLANDS TO ICELAND. 361' MS's Navy personnel and officers raising their hats and cheering American aviators onboard the USS RICHMOND. 369' MS's the US aviators boarding DWC aircraft from a small boat. 380' THEY REACH THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT LANDING IN LABRADOR, AUGUST 31. 386' MLS DWC flying overhead to the left over rocky, hilly landscape -- many people watch aircraft fly overhead. 400' LS's two DWC's anchored in bay aviators are in a boat being brought to shore. 413' NAVAL OFFICERS GIVE THE DARING AVIATORS A REAL GLAD HAND AFTER THE LINKING OF THE TWO CONTINENTS. 421' MS's US Navy personnel shaking hands with the Army aviators as they arrive at the rocky shore. 434' ARRIVING IN BOSTON, SEPTEMBER 6. 438' ELS two DWC's in flight to the right over the Boston skyline. 448' Mls two DWC's taxiing right in Boston harbor -- motor launch in fg moves out to meet the aircraft. 458' MLS's & MS's of Army aviators arriving at the dock in the motor launch and being greeted by officials. 476' FLYING OVER NEW YORK CITY, SEPTEMBER 8. 481' MLS two DWC's, fitted with wheels, in flight to the right over New York City. 486' FLAGS WAVE GAYLY OVER MITCHEL FIELD, LONG ISLAND. 493' LS dignitaries getting out of automobiles and a large crowd waiting at Mitchel Field, New York. 503' LS two DWC's taxiing up to crowd at Mitchel Field, New York. 515' MS's large crowd surrounding two DWC's at Mitchel Field. 517' ARRIVING IN WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 9, THEY ARE CONGRATULATED BY PRESIDENT COOLIDGE AND SECRETARY WEEKS. 525' MS's Army aviators shaking hands with President Coolidge and Secretary Weeks -- large crowd in bg. 542' MS President Coolidge, Secretary Weeks and the Army aviators standing in front of the DWC aircraft BOSTON. 550' MS President Coolidge, Secretary Weeks and Lt. L. H. Smith standing at side of DWC aircraft CHICAGO. 559' THE GIANT BARLING BOMBER IS PART OF THE ESCORT INTO DAYTON, SEPTEMBER 13. 566' LS XNBL-1 Barling bomber in flight overhead to the left, followed by a small pursuit aircraft. 572' MLS three DWC's followed by the XNBL-1 Barling bomber in flight overhead toward and over camera. 582' LT. JACK HARDING IS WELCOMED HOME. 587' MS Lt. Jack Harding being carried on the shoulders of a group of men and shaking hands with a number of people. 595' THE END OF THE WORLD FLIGHT, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 28. DISTANCE 27,537 MILES, IN 5 MONTHS AND 12 DAYS. 607' MS pan right with DWC No. 2 landing. 624' GREETED BY MAJ. MARTIN WHO WAS FORCED OUT OF THE WORLD FLIGHT WHEN HIS PLANE WAS WRECKED IN ALASKA. 633' MS Maj. Martin shaking nands with the aviators standing beside the DWC aircraft CHICAGO. 650' Total footage in reel. Reel 6: LT. COMMANDER BYRD, USN, AND FLOYD BENNETT HOLD FOR AMERICA THE HONOR OF BEING THE FIRST TO REACH THE NORTH POLE BY AIR. BYRD'S STEAMER CHANTLER ARRIVES AT KINGS BAY, SPITZBERGEN. 17' LS's two ships in an ice-clogged harbor. 29' COMMANDER BYRD IS WELCOMED BY HIS FRIENDLY RIVAL CAPT. ROALD AMUNDSEN. 35' MS Roald Amundsen climbing from one ship to another ship and shaking hands with Commander Byrd. 48' BYRD WITH CHARACTERISTIC ENTERPRISE MAKES IMMEDIATE PREPARATION FOR THE DARING HOP OFF. 56' MS's Commander Byrd and Roald Amundsen walking around and looking over Byrd's Fokker tri-motor aircraft with skis, parked in the snow. 64' MLS workmen pushing fuselage and wing section of the Fokker tri-motor across the snow. 71' THE GIANT AIRPLANE MOVES SWIFTLY DOWN A SNOW-CLAD INCLINE TO CLAIM FOR AMERICA THE HONOR OF THE FIRST AERIAL VISITOR TO THE POLE. 84' MLS pan left with ski-equipped Fokker tri~motor aircraft taking off to the left from a snow-covered field. 89' 15 HOURS AND 31 MINUTES AFTER HIS DEPARTURE COMMANDER BYRD'S PLANE RETURNS -- THE POLE CONQUERED BY AIR. 101' MLS pan right with Fokker tri-motor aircraft, equipped with skis, landing on snow-covered field large hangar and snow-covered mountains in the bg. 115' CAPT. AMUNDSEN CONGRATULATES COMMANDER BYRD. 120' MS & MCU Capt. Amundsen shaking hands with Commander Byrd -- many people, dressed in heavy clothing, shake hands with Commander Byrd. 148' CAPT. ROALD AMUNDSEN AND LINCOLN ELLSWORTH, HIS AMERICAN AIDE, ARRIVE AT KINGS BAY, SPITZBERGEN ON THE USS KNUT SKAALOREN READY FOR THE EPOCHAL JOURNEY SOON TO ASTOUND THE WORLD. 165' MLS's Capt. Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth walking back and forth on the deck of the USS KNUT SKAALOREN. 181' FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY A DIRIGIBLE RAISED THE ARCTIC IN CONQUEST OF THE POLE -- THE NORGE COMPLETES HER TRIP TO SPITZBERGEN FROM ROME. 195' MLS & MS's the dirigible Norge arriving for landing -- in bg is a large hangar for the airship-snow-covered mountains in extreme bg. 205' CAPT. AMUNDSEN AND ELLSWORTH PREPARE TO HOP OFF FOR THE UNKNOWN. 211' CU of Roald Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth. 224' THE GREAT DAY ARRIVES AND THE AIRSHIP "NORGE" IS BROUGHT FROM HER HANGAR READY FOR THE FLIGHT TO THE POLE AND ACROSS THE TOP OF THE WORLD TO ALASKA. 239' LS & MCU of the airship "Norge" being backed our of hangar snow-covered mountains in bg. 250' AGAINST THE PICTURESQUE SNOW-CLAD HILLS OF SPITZBERGEN EUROPE'S FARTHEST NORTH. 258' MLS's the airship "Norge" outside hangars -- snow-covered mountains in bg. 288' A FINAL INSPECTION OF THE HIGH-POWERED MOTORS. 273' MS to MLS a workman working on one of the motors on the side of the airship "Norge." 281' AMUNDSEN AND ELLSWORTH BID A LAST FAREWELL. 286' MCU & MS's Amundsen and Ellsworth in the door of the gondola of the airship "Norge" waving to the people around the gondola. 300' OFF FOR THE POLE AND ALASKA, ONE OF THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN THE HIST0RY OF EXPLORATION. 308' MLS to LS the airship "Norge" taking off from Spitzbergen. 322' WITHOUT COMMAND OF THE AIR WE ARE AT THE MERCY OF ANY FOREIGN NATION. 330' SOMEDAY WE MAY BE DRAWN INTO ANOTHER WAR -- IN EVENT OF AN ATTACK BY AN ENEMY EVEN THOUGH OUR NAVY WERE THE EQUAL OF ANY IN THE WORLD. 344' AMLS of six battleships steaming in a line away from camera and to the left. 351' UNLESS WE HAVE AN ADEQUATE AIR FORCE FOR DEFENSE, ENEMY AIRCRAFT COULD DESTROY OUR GREAT CITIES. 361' LS a flight of eleven bi-winged single engine aircraft flying overhead in a V-formation to the left. 381' IN A GENERAL NAVAL ENGAGEMENT OFF THE NEW ENGLAND COAST WE DEFEAT THE ENEMY. 390' AMLS a line of six battleships in the water. 395' MS a 1920 vintage battleship firing a salvo from its guns. 397' Series of shots of battleships firing their guns and shore batteries firing large guns. 411' MS early model submarine moving to the left. 415' Series of scenes of sailors firing a deck gun, a submarine submerging and its periscope in the water. 432' Series of scenes of Naval craft setting their depth charges and firing them -- shows depth charges going off in bg. 474' MLS a ship sinking. 486' AMS Curtiss PW-8 in flight to the left. 492' AMS as four bombs fall away from the aircraft. 497' MLS bombs hitting and exploding on the USS ALABAMA. 503' AMS a ship in the water rolling over and sinking. 513' AMLS Curtiss-Martin NBS-1 bomber in flight to the right. 515' AMS two bombs falling away from aircraft. 518' Aerial and ground shots of ship sinking. 542' MS's large guns of a battleship firing. 547' BUT WITH COMMAND OF THE AIR THE ENEMY BOMBS NEW YORK CITY. 556' Animation of airships, carrying fighter or bomber aircraft, flying over water toward New York -- shows release of the aircraft and the airships and aircraft flying over New York City. 603' AMLS a flight of four aircraft in flight to the left over New York City. 619' AMLS NBS-1 Curtiss-Martin bomber in flight to the right. 622' Aerial shots looking down as two bombs fall toward ground. 624' Animation of explosions against the New York skyline. 626' AMLS JN-4 in flight to the left. 629' AMLS looking straight down as one large bomb falls away toward ground. 631' Animation of bombs hitting New York City. 643' Series of shots of machine gunner in fighter aircraft firing at other aircraft -- shows aircraft falling and burning and bombs hitting New York City. 681' LS of a barrage or observation balloon falling and catching on fire -- man in parachute descends near the balloon. 700' Animation of a burning city. 721' THE POSSIBILITY OF OUR CITIES BEING DESTROYED WAS DEMONSTRATED IN ARMY AIR SERVICE EXPERIMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE PICTURES YOU HAVE SEEN. 735' AN ADEQUATE ARMY AND NAVY AIR FORCE STILL PROTECT OUR CITIES- DEVELOP A THREE-PLANE NAVY -- UNDERSEA, ON THE SURFACE, AND IN THE AIR. 747' MLS an early model submarine cruising to the left. 755' LS & ELS of a bi-winged twin-pontooned aircraft flying over a group of battleships and destroyers. 761' ELS's groups of airplanes flying over battleships and merchant ships in the water. 774' BUILD THE ARMY AIR SERVICE, DEVELOP C0MMERCIAL AERONAUTICS. 782' AMS Fokker T-2 aircraft in flight to the left. 793' A PEEP INTO THE FUTURE. 797' Animation of an airship flying over city and tying up to a mast located on top of a tall building. 842' WE JUST MAKE AMERICA FIRST IN THE AIR. 847' THESE ARE THE MEN WITH THEIR SHOULDERS TO THE WHEEL. 853' MAJ. GEN. MASON M. PATRICK, CHIEF OF AIR SERVICE, USA, WITH MISS KATHERINE WRIGHT, SISTER OF THE WRIGHT BROTHERS. 866' MS Maj. Gen. Patrick and Miss Wright on the porch steps of a house. 874' REAR ADMIRAL W. A. MOFFETT, CHIEF BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS, USN. 881' MS Rear Admiral Moffett seated at a desk writing on a note pad. 890' COL. B. F. CASTLE, TREASURER OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ASSOCIATION. 898' MS Col. Castle seated at a desk. 908' PORTER ADAMS PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ASSOCIATION. 914' MS Porter Adams at a gathering -- Army, Navy and other officials in bg. 923' FREDERICK B. PATTERSON, PAST PRESIDENT OF THE NAA, PRESENTING A MEDAL TO ORVILLE WRIGHT COMMEMORATING THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST FLIGHT. 936' MS Mr. Patterson presenting the medal to Orville Wright on the steps of a house. 941' CU of the medal on the medal is: 20TH ANNIVERSARY WRIGHT BROTHERS FIRST FLIGHT, 1903-1923. 943' THE CARDINAL PRINCIPLE OF THE INTERNATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION IS TO SPEED UP AIR MAIL SERVICE; C0MMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION; NATIONAL DEFENSE; PROSPERITY IN PEACE; AND SECURITY IN WAR. 964' THE UNITED STATES IS FALLING BEHIND THE WORLD IN MANPOWER AND COMMERCIAL AVIATION -- THE HELP OF EVERY AMERICAN IS NEEDED. 973' MS's an American flag flying in a breeze. (48 star) 979' THE END. 981' Total footage in reel. Fair (Basic: Mas pos) ALLISONRACHEL (0:00) /
1900 WH DULUTH RALLY CUTS FS24 80 PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, DULUTH, MINNESOTA JUNE 20, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE PETE STAUBER, R-MINN. [*] TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you very much, Duluth. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) I am thrilled to be back in the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... with truly some of the most incredible people anywhere on Earth. You know that. (APPLAUSE) And, you know, I hate to bring this up... (LAUGHTER) ... but we came this close to winning the state of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) And in two and a half years, it's going to be really easy, I think. (APPLAUSE) Been many, many decades since a Republican did that. I thought I was going to do it. I needed one more visit, one more speech. That's why never give up. Never, ever give up. One more speech. (APPLAUSE) Now, we're very proud of Minnesota. Let me also say congratulations to the Bulldogs on winning the NCAA Championship Hockey Tournament. (APPLAUSE) Wow. That's a big deal. Right in this arena, this is where they play, right? (APPLAUSE) I hear they're a great team. And how many are going to the NHL? How many? Two, three? That's a lot. They're going to do it. Great team. Thank you. Great team. The Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) So, we're honored to be joined tonight by many wonderful Republican leaders, including our incredible House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy. Kevin, come up, please. Where is Kevin? (APPLAUSE) Kevin. (APPLAUSE) He sends a lot of money this way, I want to tell you. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank and maybe just ask him to come up -- we have all night long, right? Do we have time? (APPLAUSE) All night. We're not going anywhere. (APPLAUSE) Some great people. Congressman Sean Duffy. (APPLAUSE) Great champion. Come up, Sean. Great champion. You know, the whole thing, going up the trees and down the trees. Number one in the world for four or five years. (APPLAUSE) With a great, great wife, by the way. Very talented. Tom Emmer. Congressman. Loves this state. (APPLAUSE) And a very popular man in the state of Minnesota, Jason Lewis. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach for being here. (APPLAUSE) She has been so great. Got a big race coming along, it's going to do great. Along with State Senator Karin Housley. (APPLAUSE) Karin, come on up here. Get 'em up here. Where are you? Stay there, too much of a deal. Good luck. Karin, good luck. Michelle, thank you. Also a friend of mine and a man who's been incredible and a great supporter, Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka... (APPLAUSE) ... and Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan who has been fantastic. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And finally, the person we're all here to support tonight, somebody who's very special -- by the way, loves ice hockey... (LAUGHTER) ... real ice hockey family. In fact, his brother, you know, the coach of the winning women's team in the Olympics. Not bad. (APPLAUSE) Great family. The next congressman from Minnesota's 8th Congressional District, the great Pete Stauber. Come on up. (APPLAUSE) I'll tell you, is this a pretty good sendoff for Pete? This is not bad, right? (APPLAUSE) Hey, Pete. say a few words. He wasn't supposed to do this, but let's hear him, right? Come on. Come on. STAUBER: Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome to the city of Duluth and the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... and as he alluded to, the home of college hockey's national champions, the University of Minnesota, Duluth Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) I'm Pete Stauber and I'm running in Minnesota's 8th Congressional district because, like President Trump, I love this country... (APPLAUSE) ... I love our freedoms... (APPLAUSE) ... and I love our Constitution. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, before your election, you made a promise to visit Minnesota and you promised more jobs, fewer regulations and a better economy for everyone. (APPLAUSE) Now jobs are up, unemployment numbers are at a historic low, small businesses and manufacturers are surging... (APPLAUSE) ... and optimism is at an all-time high. (APPLAUSE) My blue-collar, common-sense conservative message is resonating throughout the 8th District. Mr. President, these people support you. (APPLAUSE) And, Mr. President, these are the same people that are going to send me to Washington, so together we can unleash the economic engine in Northern Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) On behalf of the Minnesotans here today, thank you for coming to our great state and for always putting America... (APPLAUSE) ... for always putting America and the American worker first. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. God bless America. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) (CROSSTALK) (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: So, I didn't know he was going to do that, and then he takes out his speech and reads it, and I said, "That's pretty good." (LAUGHTER) He is a great guy. And he loves you and he loves this country, And he's going to do fantastically. He's going to win. We're going to keep on winning. Remember, I used to say, in a little jest, but I really meant it, we are going to win so much. Remember? We are going to win, win, win. (APPLAUSE) That's what we are doing. Remember, I said, your governor, or your senator, or Pete, or somebody, they're going to come into Washington and say, "Mr. President, please, we are winning too much. The people of Minnesota cannot stand winning so much. Please, can we take it easy?" (APPLAUSE) And I said, "No. We're going to keep winning, winning, winning." (APPLAUSE) So, we've created 3.4 million new jobs since Election Day. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And I've said before, if I would have said that to you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news... (BOOING) ... very dishonest -- they would have said, "He's exaggerating." AUDIENCE: (inaudible) TRUMP: These are very dishonest people -- many of them, and we have fine people too doing that, but there's a lot of very dishonest people. For instance, I just got back, as you know, from Singapore, where I met... (APPLAUSE) ... where I met Kim Jong-un. And we had a great meeting. Great chemistry. We got along really well, which is very important. They didn't want us to, but they -- you know, it is like nice to do that. (LAUGHTER) And very interestingly, at first, everybody was amazed, amazed, that we had the meeting. They couldn't believe it. The first 24 hours, they said, "I can't believe it." You remember that, a while ago? They said, "They're going to meet." Then about a day later they said, "What's the big deal with the meeting? What's the big deal?" (LAUGHTER) In other words, their bosses said, "You can't say that." But the beauty (inaudible). So we had a meeting. It was an incredible success. And they said, "The president gave away so much. He met with them." I said, "What else?" That was -- I met. What am I supposed to do? I have to meet, right? "He met!" Now, sentence one says, "a total denuclearization of North Korea." (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) We got back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) And I didn't pay $1.8 billion to get back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) We got back our great fallen heroes -- the remains. In fact, today, already 200 have been sent back. (APPLAUSE) They stopped shooting missiles over Japan. They stopped all nuclear testing. They stopped nuclear research. They stopped rocketry. They stopped everything that you'd want them to stop. And they blew up sites where they test and do the testing. (APPLAUSE) And -- it was a great meeting. And Kim Jong-un will turn down -- and I will tell, he will turn -- Chairman Kim will turn that country into a great, successful country. (APPLAUSE) And let me tell you -- let me tell you -- let me tell you this: A year and a half ago, nobody thought that was possible. In fact, before I was elected, everybody assumed we were going to war. It would be a vicious war. In Seoul, you have 28 million people living 30 miles off the border. They don't even need nuclear weapons for that. They have thousands of cannons aiming right on top of Seoul. You could have lost millions and millions of people. But I got along with Kim Jong-un. I got along. (APPLAUSE) And that's a good thing, not a bad thing. (APPLAUSE) And these people -- you remember, I said, "I can't believe it. He's given away so much." You know what I gave away? A meeting. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And the fact that we do get along means we're safe. I'm not saying things can't happen: Things go wrong, mistakes are made, relationships get broken. But right now, you are so safe, and such a great event took place. And all over Asia... (APPLAUSE) All over Asia there, they are celebrating the great achievement that we made. Because you were the ones that put me here. We made -- that we made. (APPLAUSE) All over Asia. And really, all over the world. And by the way, in our country, everybody knows what a great achievement this is, not only for us, but for North Korea, for South Korea, for Japan, for China, for everybody. And I have to say, you know, you've been reading where I've been putting very large tariffs on China -- very, very large... (APPLAUSE) ... we hit the $250 billion mark. But I want to say, (inaudible) we have to do that, because it has to be balanced, it has to be fair. It wasn't fair. China and President Xi has really helped us a lot at the border of North Korea, really helped us a lot. And he's a friend of mine. He's a friend of mine. (APPLAUSE) So, you should be very proud of yourselves for what took place, because that was very close to war for many years. Many years, it was very, very close. And now we could have something where everybody is going to live in peace for a long period of time, and there will be denuclearization. (APPLAUSE) So that's the real story. Thank you. That's the real story. (APPLAUSE) That's the real story. So, unemployment numbers are among the best in the history of our country. African-American unemployment is at its lowest level in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) Hispanic American unemployment has reached its lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) And remember, I'd go into big stadiums like this that were packed -- and by the way, you are very good at real estate. Did you see the thousands and thousands of people outside -- that will never be reported by the fake news -- but the thousands of people that couldn't get in? (APPLAUSE) Many thousands. They're all over. The parking lots, they're all over. And it would be great if the cameras could take a shot of the arena. (APPLAUSE) So, usually, they don't do it. And I usually go home and my wife will say, "How was the crowd?" Although, honestly, when you have many thousands of people, like we have tonight -- you know, I was at an event three weeks ago, where a person from the New York Times said there was only a thousand people. And the people -- the many thousands that were there protested. I didn't even have to do it. And they wrote a slight correction. They were off by many thousands of people. (APPLAUSE) That's the way it is -- it's fake news, I'm telling you. So fake. But usually they don't show the arena. They just show my face. So people would say, "Did you have many people there?" "Didn't you see?" "No, no. They've only showed your face." And we all have ego, but I don't want to show my face, I want to show the crowd; it's much prettier. (APPLAUSE) Because you people are incredible. Unemployment among women has reached the lowest level, as of today, in 65 years -- 65 years. (APPLAUSE) And most importantly of all, America is respected again. Really respected. (APPLAUSE) We are fighting to protect American iron, aluminum and steel, and to protect our incredible and very brave miners. (APPLAUSE) But I'll tell you, to keep this incredible momentum -- I think maybe the most successful that the country has ever had -- I think we are now at the most successful level that the country has ever seen. That's how we're doing. (APPLAUSE) And let me just tell you, because I hear a couple of the fakers the other day said, "Well, I think it's Obama's economy." Obama's economy? Obama? (BOOING) They want to put on more regulations, they want to take back your tax cuts -- which are massive -- they want to take them back, and they want to raise the hell out of your taxes, and the whole thing will go boom. (BOOING) So, we need more Republicans. We got to get out there in the midterm. We got to get more Republicans. We got to get more Republicans. (APPLAUSE) A vote for a Democrat for Congress is really a vote for Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda. (BOOING) Democrats want to raise your taxes, increase your regulations, shut down American energy, take over American health care -- which has been a disaster with Obamacare -- and ship away American jobs. And that's what they will do. If anything bad happens to this country, it will be a disaster for all of you. But we're not going to let it happen. We worked too hard to get here. (APPLAUSE) And the greatest phrase, I think, in the history of politics is on all of those red and white hats that I see out there, "Make America Great Again." And that's exactly what we're doing. (APPLAUSE) Make America great again. And you know what our new phrase is in two and a half years? You know what it is, right? "Keep America Great." (APPLAUSE) That's what it is, because that's where we are. (APPLAUSE) So, the Democrats want open borders. "Let everybody come in." (BOOING) "Let everybody pour in, we don't care. Let 'em come in from the Middle East. Let 'em come in from all over the place. We don't care." We're not going to let it happen. And by the way, today, I signed an executive order: We're going to keep families together, but the border is going to be just as tough as it's been. (APPLAUSE) Democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled migration on your communities, your schools, your hospitals, your jobs or your safety. Democrats put illegal immigrants before they put American citizens. What the hell is going on? (BOOING) Illegal immigration costs our country hundreds of billions of dollars. So imagine if we could spend that money to help bring opportunity to our inner cities and our rural communities and our roads and our highways and our schools. AUDIENCE: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: So, we've already started the wall. We got $1.6 billion. The wall has been started. San Diego and lots of different places. And we go -- but, boy, it's tough. They want to do anything they can to obstruct and to make sure it doesn't happen. But it's happening. It's happening. But we have a single protester there. There we go. Goodbye, darling. Goodbye, darling. (BOOING) So, we have a single protester. He's going home to his mom. Say hello to mommy. (APPLAUSE) And tomorrow -- the fake news will say tomorrow, "Massive protests at the Trump rally." (LAUGHTER) One person. Massive protests. Aiy, aiy, aiy. (APPLAUSE) We're going to make it great for Americans. And we're going to take care of people. And we do want people coming across our border, going through our ports of entry. But we want people to come in through merit, not just through luck or happenstance. We want them to come in through merit. (APPLAUSE) And we need people, because we have so many companies now -- and you know very well in Minnesota what's happening. They just gave me a run-through what's happening in Minnesota. It's incredible. But we have so many companies moving back into our country, we need people to help. But we want them to come in through the merit system, not a system where we get MS-13 and everybody else that other countries don't want. (APPLAUSE) And the Democrats' open border policies have also allowed MS-13 to break into our country, and drugs to pour into our streets. And we're stopping it. (BOOING) We have taken out of our country -- and actually, can you believe I have to say this? We have liberated towns. Liberated, like it was captured by a foreign country. We have liberated towns out in Long Island. (APPLAUSE) MS-13 gangs, we have taken them out of our country by the thousands. (APPLAUSE) And these countries that send them back, we're putting in legislation, we're not giving them any more aid when they send people up. Remember the original speech, right? My original speech. "They are sending" -- you remember those words? Everyone said, "How terrible." "They are sending." Well, let me tell you, they're sending, and they're not sending their finest, that I can tell you. (APPLAUSE) And we are sending them the hell back. And what we're doing... (APPLAUSE) What we're doing, we give hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to countries. We have a horrible deal, as an example, with NAFTA and Mexico. Horrible deal. (BOOING) They make over $100 billion on that horrible trade deal where factories were emptied, so many bad things have happened. And we're going to make it a part of NAFTA. Because you have to mark up (ph) thousands of miles coming through Mexico, you come up thousands of miles coming through Mexico, and we're going to stop it. (APPLAUSE) Get 'em out of here. Get 'em out of here. (BOOING) Go to home to your mom, darling. Go home. Get 'em out of here. Out. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Was that a man or a woman? Because he needs a haircut more than I do. (APPLAUSE) Couldn't tell. Couldn't tell. I couldn't tell. He needs a haircut. But the media never talks about the American victims of illegal immigration. I know them well. I know so many of them. I campaigned with them -- what's happened to their children, what's happened to their husbands, what's happened to their wives. The media does not talk about the American families permanently separated from their loved ones because Democrat policies released violent criminals into our communities. We need safety. (BOOING) We need safety. They don't bring cameras to interview the angel moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should have never been here in the first place. Not even close. (APPLAUSE) They don't want to talk to the angel mom. But as your president, I will always fight to protect American families. Always. (APPLAUSE) I will always fight for an immigration system that defends our borders and takes care of our sovereignty as a nation. (APPLAUSE) I will never sacrifice the safety and security of the American people. And I will never be silent in the face of vicious smears and attacks. And the heroic agents and offices of ICE and the Border Patrol who save millions, just the job they do; save thousands and thousands of lives, and are so brave, and are so tough. (APPLAUSE) If you want to create a humane, lawful system of immigration, then you need to retire the Democrats and elect Republicans to finally secure our borders. (APPLAUSE) Because we need Democrat votes. We have a majority of one in the Senate. We need Democrat votes in the Senate. We need additional votes in the House. We will have the greatest borders, the greatest walls -- we've already started -- but it's a lot tougher than it needs to be. We need Republicans to get out and put Republicans in. In case -- in case you don't know, in the Senate, we need, unfortunately, 60 votes. We have 51 votes. We need Democrats. They will do anything to obstruct, anything to make it as uncomfortable as possible. Because they think it's good politics. I actually think it's bad politics. We will see very soon. (APPLAUSE) We're building it. We are building the wall. That wall is happening. Under the previous administration, America's rich natural resources -- of which your state has a lot -- were put under lock and key, including thousands of acres in Superior National Forest. You know what that is, right? (APPLAUSE) Tonight, I'm proudly announcing that we will soon be taking the first steps to rescind the federal withdrawal in Superior National Forest, and restore mineral exploration for our amazing people and miners and workers and for the people of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) One of the great natural reserves of the world. And we'll do it carefully. And maybe, if it doesn't pass muster, we won't do it all. But it is going to happen, I will tell you. It's going to happen. And it's happening fast. (APPLAUSE) We've already taken it, as you know, a long way down the road. And it's going to make things better. It's going to make it, from an environmental standpoint, better. As a result of our massive tax cuts, millions of Americans are receiving much bigger paychecks -- much bigger. (APPLAUSE) We've eliminated record numbers of job-killing regulations. By the way -- so a few days ago, it was 500 days, so now, it's like 511 -- in 500 days, we've cut more regulations than any president in the history of our country, whether it is four years, eight years, or, in one year... (APPLAUSE) ... in one case, 16 years. We have cut more regulations in 500 days than any president -- even our 16-year president. We have opened up energy exploration in ANWR in Alaska. (APPLAUSE) They have been trying to do that from before the days of Ronald Reagan. Couldn't get it done. We repealed the core of Obamacare. The individual mandate is gone -- so unpopular. (APPLAUSE) The individual mandate, where you pay a fortune for the privilege of not paying for insurance for health care -- let me tell you, we just repealed it. You don't have to pay anymore. So big. So big. (APPLAUSE) And we would have repealed and replaced Obamacare, although we have got a long way -- we are doing that anyway; we just had to do it in a longer route -- because we had a gentleman, late into the morning hours, go "thumbs down." That was not a good thing he did. That was not good thing for our people, for our country, whether you are a Democrat or Republican. And everybody said, "Good, we have his vote. We have everybody's vote." We were going in for a routine repeal and replace. And he went, "thumbs down." Not nice. That was not nice. We are bringing back our jobs from other countries. We are bringing back our companies from other countries. Chrysler is coming back. Chrysler just announced they are coming back. (APPLAUSE) Many, many companies are coming back to our country. They know where the action is. This is where they want to be. And, as far as trade is concerned with other countries, we want fair and reciprocal trade. We don't want stupid trade, like we had for so long. Stupid trade. (APPLAUSE) Remember the word "reciprocal." Remember the word "reciprocal." We have been ripped off by almost every country on Earth, our friends and our enemies. And I hate to say it: Our friends do a bigger and better job than the enemies. But those days are over. Those days are over. (APPLAUSE) And, even before we finish off with the trade deals -- and we will finish off with the trade deals -- people don't realize we have the cards because we are the piggy bank that everybody was robbing for 30 years. We're like the piggy bank. "Let's go get some more." You look at the European Union -- they put up barriers so that we can't sell our Ford products in, and yet they sell Mercedes and BMW, and the cars come in by the millions, and we hardly tax them at all. They don't take our cars. And, if they do, the tax is massive. So, they're basically saying, "We are going to sell you millions of cars. By the way, you're not going to sell us any." Not going to work that way anymore, folks. Not going to work that way. (APPLAUSE) We will not be taken advantage of anymore. We're a great country. We're going to be an even greater country, hopefully greater than we've ever been before. We have such potential. (APPLAUSE) We just secured a record $700 billion in funding to rebuild our military, which was in very sad shape. (APPLAUSE) And we have approval for next year, $716 billion. We're ordering new planes -- we make the best in the world. We're ordering new ships. We're ordering new military equipment. And we even gave our great warriors a raise. (APPLAUSE) Gave them a raise. For the veterans, we passed the largest V.A. reforms in half a century, a landmark V.A. accountability law -- you know what that is? You couldn't fire anybody that worked in the V.A. They were sadistic, in some cases. They were lazy. They were this -- they were lots of different things. You could never fire anybody because the accountability -- you could forget it. So we passed a bill that they have been trying to pass for almost 40 years. It's called V.A. Accountability, where, now, you bring the person into the office and you say, "Jim, I'm sorry to tell you, you're fired. Get out of here." Boom. (APPLAUSE) Right? And, even more important -- and I didn't think I'd be saying this so soon, because I would campaign on this -- I used to go out during the campaigns -- and you know, because I was in Minnesota a lot -- but, obviously, one more trip -- that won't happen again. (APPLAUSE) But one that's really important to me -- and I used to say to myself, "I wonder why doctors don't just take care of our great vets." We just passed Veterans Choice legislation -- passed, signed. (APPLAUSE) That gives our veterans the care they deserve, the care they earned. Now, look, so our veterans were waiting on line for nine days, for 12 days, for three weeks. Someone on line with a minor problem -- they ended up having a terminal disease. Now, I said, during the campaign, before I knew too much about it -- but there's a lot of common sense in life. I say, "Instead of one of our great veterans waiting for two, three, four, five weeks, why don't we let them go see a doctor and pay the bill?" And that's what we're doing. That's Veterans Choice. (APPLAUSE) That's Veterans Choice. And, you know, I went to people, I thought -- I thought, "I think I'm such a genius, OK." I thought this was, like, the greatest idea. But I went to the vet groups, I went to everybody -- "Yeah, we've been trying to get that passed, sir, for 30 years." OK. I didn't know that. But what I did know is I do have to get it passed, and we got it passed... (APPLAUSE) ... two weeks ago. And, by the way, we passed another one. It's called Right to Try. You know what Right to Try is? Very proud of it. Right to Try -- these are people that are terminally ill. It's sad. They travel all over the world, if they have the money. If they don't, they don't know what to do. If we have drugs that haven't been approved yet, but are showing tremendous promise, it didn't matter. It didn't matter how sick you were, where you were, you couldn't get it. And the reason was, they didn't want to do anything that's going to hurt you. You're not going to be around for five weeks. In five weeks -- I kept saying, "Why can't we do something?" If people had the money, they travel to Africa, to Asia, to Europe trying to find the cure. It was called hope. They wanted hope, and they couldn't get it. I said, "It's ridiculous." I got involved -- and this is also -- like Veterans Choice, for many years, people have tried to pass it. And Kevin was a great help. I have to tell you, Kevin McCarthy, who just left the stage, was a great help. So were your congressmen -- a great help. (APPLAUSE) And we got Right to Try passed and, four weeks ago, I signed final legislation, and we are very proud of it. (APPLAUSE) And many people are going to be saved. Many, many people are going to be saved. And you'd think it would be easy, but it wasn't. Between the insurance companies and the health care companies and the pharmaceutical companies, it was incredible. But we did that. And now we're bringing down the prices for prescription drugs -- way down. (APPLAUSE) So we've made this incredible progress together with your help -- with the help of the millions and millions of people that -- well, some polls got it right, but not all polls got it right -- but they showed up. And, the beginning of that night, people were saying, "You know, this could be a big problem for the Democrats." They were not liking what they were seeing. They were seeing too many of those hats. They were seeing too many people with... (APPLAUSE) ... you know that. That was an amazing evening. That was one of the most incredible evenings, because that's a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before -- this country has never seen. (APPLAUSE) You know, we talk about the forgotten men and women. They're the smartest people. They work the hardest. They pay taxes. They do all of the things. And yet, they were the forgotten people. And, believe me, our people are the smartest and the hardest working -- smarter than anybody and the hardest working. (APPLAUSE) You know, a little thing I was talking about today -- you ever notice, they always call the other side -- and they do this sometimes (ph) -- the elite? "The elite." Why are they elite? I have a much better apartment and they do. (APPLAUSE) I'm smarter than they are. I'm richer than they are. (APPLAUSE) I became president and they didn't. (APPLAUSE) And I am representing the greatest, smartest, most loyal, best people on Earth -- the deplorables. Remember that? The deplorables. (APPLAUSE) You know, I was watching when Crooked Hillary made -- and, by the way, is it -- hey, excuse me, have you been seeing -- have you been watching what has been going on with the inspector general's report -- what a scam this whole thing is? OK, how guilty is she? (APPLAUSE) With Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page -- I don't think their wife and husband are too happy about that. What do you think? What do you think? I don't think so. No, but have you been seeing this whole scam? Have you been -- do you believe what you're seeing, how, no matter what she did, no matter how many crimes she's committed, which were numerous, they wanted her to be innocent. With me, nothing. No collusion, no nothing. And they just wanted to take all of us -- they wanted to put us in trouble. And it's not working too well, I'll tell you. Disgusting. (APPLAUSE) It's called (ph) a phony witch hunt, phony witch hunt. But you look at the corruption -- did you ever see anything like it, really? Today, more things -- that's why they're building up immigration, so you can't see what is going on in Congress. They're building up immigration. They don't want to show what is happening in Congress, where this whole scam has been revealed. So they want to stay on immigration, where Obama had bigger problems than anybody, where Bush had problems, where other -- they want to stay on immigration because they don't want to go into the halls of Congress, which has totally revealed the Russian scam that's going on. (APPLAUSE) What a group. What a group. I'll tell you something. We want to get along with Russia, but Russia is looking out and saying, "Man, I wish she won. Between our military, our oil that we're doing -- she wanted to have windmills. You know? We want to compete with you (ph)" -- all the things we've done -- All the things we've done, including sanctions -- so many things -- they're looking back; they're saying, "You know, I wish Crooked Hillary won that election. It would have been a lot better for Russia." So what we want to do is we want to elect more Republicans so that we can deliver on all of the things I'm talking about. And I'll be honest with you, we're going to deliver anyway. We're going to deliver anyway. (APPLAUSE) We're going to lift millions of Americans from welfare to work, from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. We are going to lift them. (APPLAUSE) You know, one of the greatest things about all the jobs we've created -- to me, the greatest -- is that people, now, don't get stuck in one job and they hate it, they don't want to get up in the morning. They have many, many options. They can go out. Wages are rising. It's a beautiful thing taking place. They can get something. I've always said -- you know, when I make speeches on how to be successful, I always say, like, the first thing, "You've got to love it. You've got to love your job or you're never going to be good." These people, now, that didn't have any options -- they were hanging onto one job that they hated -- they have many, many choices. They get the job they want. And, for the first time in 20 years, wages are rising. (APPLAUSE) We're going to build new airports, and we're going to build railways and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. We have spent, because of horrible decision-making, $7 trillion in the Middle East. Think of it -- $7 trillion. And, if we want to fix a window, it's, like, a big deal. $7 trillion -- it's all coming back. Remember, during the debates, I talked about growth. "Growth, we need growth." Nobody has ever seen growth like we're having right now. When I go around and meet foreign leaders, they all congratulate me. "Mr. President, congratulations on the growth of the United States. Congratulations." Every one of them. (APPLAUSE) The first thing they say, first thing they say. By the way, is there anything more fun than a Trump rally? Is there (ph)... (APPLAUSE) And we break every attendance record every single time, just about. (APPLAUSE) We're going to put new steel into the backbone of our country and we're going to make that steel right here in the United Dates. (APPLAUSE) We're going to breathe new hope into our communities. And our workers are already so proud again. We will do it all with American hands and American heart and American pride. And, everything we do, we will stand up for our citizens. We will fight for our country. We will stand up for America. And we're going to stand up for the great state of Minnesota, and you're seeing that. (APPLAUSE) Your great state was pioneered by men and women who braved the wilderness and the winters to build a better life for themselves and for their incredible families. They were really tough, and they really smart and strong. (APPLAUSE) They didn't have a lot of money. They didn't have a lot of luxury, but they had grit and they had faith and they had courage and they had each other, right? (APPLAUSE) They were miners and ministers and fishermen and farmers and shipbuilders and shopkeepers. But they all had one thing in common: they loved their families, they loved their country and they loved their God. (APPLAUSE) Together, we're renewing the miracle of the great American Midwest. Do you remember, not so long ago, we were producing those cars and we were producing all of this stuff? And, since then, so many companies went to Mexico and went to other places. As I said before, they are coming back and they're coming back faster than anybody could ever believe. (APPLAUSE) We're standing on the shoulders of great American patriots who put down the railroads, built up the highways and dug out the most amazing Panama Canal, losing thousands of lives in doing it. They crossed the oceans, trekked the deserts, scaled the mountains, created the most incredible republic the world has ever seen. And you know what? Our republic today is prouder and greater than it ever was before. (APPLAUSE) Our beautiful ancestors won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and put a man on the face of the moon. And I think you saw, the other day, we're reopening NASA. We're going to be going to space. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Space Force! Space Force! Space Force! TRUMP: Space Force. Space Force. So we have the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the Coast Guard -- but we have the Air Force; now, we're going to have the Space Force, because it's a whole... (APPLAUSE) ... we need it. We need it. As long as we are proud of who we are and what we are fighting for, we will never, ever fail. There is no place like our place. There is no place. (APPLAUSE) With your help and with your voice and with your vote, the Republicans will win and keep on winning. We will keep on winning. (APPLAUSE) We have great people, and Pete is a great guy. You've got to get him a victory. A great guy. Got to get Pete a victory. You've got to get him a victory. We need him. We will achieve victory for our magnificent country and our magnificent land, the land that we love, because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We will never give in, we will never give up and we will never, ever stop fighting for our country or for our flag or for our freedom. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. And, together, we will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Minnesota. Thank you, Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) END
1900 WH DULUTH RALLY STIX FS23 79 PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, DULUTH, MINNESOTA JUNE 20, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE PETE STAUBER, R-MINN. [*] TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you very much, Duluth. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) I am thrilled to be back in the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... with truly some of the most incredible people anywhere on Earth. You know that. (APPLAUSE) And, you know, I hate to bring this up... (LAUGHTER) ... but we came this close to winning the state of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) And in two and a half years, it's going to be really easy, I think. (APPLAUSE) Been many, many decades since a Republican did that. I thought I was going to do it. I needed one more visit, one more speech. That's why never give up. Never, ever give up. One more speech. (APPLAUSE) Now, we're very proud of Minnesota. Let me also say congratulations to the Bulldogs on winning the NCAA Championship Hockey Tournament. (APPLAUSE) Wow. That's a big deal. Right in this arena, this is where they play, right? (APPLAUSE) I hear they're a great team. And how many are going to the NHL? How many? Two, three? That's a lot. They're going to do it. Great team. Thank you. Great team. The Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) So, we're honored to be joined tonight by many wonderful Republican leaders, including our incredible House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy. Kevin, come up, please. Where is Kevin? (APPLAUSE) Kevin. (APPLAUSE) He sends a lot of money this way, I want to tell you. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank and maybe just ask him to come up -- we have all night long, right? Do we have time? (APPLAUSE) All night. We're not going anywhere. (APPLAUSE) Some great people. Congressman Sean Duffy. (APPLAUSE) Great champion. Come up, Sean. Great champion. You know, the whole thing, going up the trees and down the trees. Number one in the world for four or five years. (APPLAUSE) With a great, great wife, by the way. Very talented. Tom Emmer. Congressman. Loves this state. (APPLAUSE) And a very popular man in the state of Minnesota, Jason Lewis. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach for being here. (APPLAUSE) She has been so great. Got a big race coming along, it's going to do great. Along with State Senator Karin Housley. (APPLAUSE) Karin, come on up here. Get 'em up here. Where are you? Stay there, too much of a deal. Good luck. Karin, good luck. Michelle, thank you. Also a friend of mine and a man who's been incredible and a great supporter, Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka... (APPLAUSE) ... and Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan who has been fantastic. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And finally, the person we're all here to support tonight, somebody who's very special -- by the way, loves ice hockey... (LAUGHTER) ... real ice hockey family. In fact, his brother, you know, the coach of the winning women's team in the Olympics. Not bad. (APPLAUSE) Great family. The next congressman from Minnesota's 8th Congressional District, the great Pete Stauber. Come on up. (APPLAUSE) I'll tell you, is this a pretty good sendoff for Pete? This is not bad, right? (APPLAUSE) Hey, Pete. say a few words. He wasn't supposed to do this, but let's hear him, right? Come on. Come on. STAUBER: Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome to the city of Duluth and the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... and as he alluded to, the home of college hockey's national champions, the University of Minnesota, Duluth Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) I'm Pete Stauber and I'm running in Minnesota's 8th Congressional district because, like President Trump, I love this country... (APPLAUSE) ... I love our freedoms... (APPLAUSE) ... and I love our Constitution. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, before your election, you made a promise to visit Minnesota and you promised more jobs, fewer regulations and a better economy for everyone. (APPLAUSE) Now jobs are up, unemployment numbers are at a historic low, small businesses and manufacturers are surging... (APPLAUSE) ... and optimism is at an all-time high. (APPLAUSE) My blue-collar, common-sense conservative message is resonating throughout the 8th District. Mr. President, these people support you. (APPLAUSE) And, Mr. President, these are the same people that are going to send me to Washington, so together we can unleash the economic engine in Northern Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) On behalf of the Minnesotans here today, thank you for coming to our great state and for always putting America... (APPLAUSE) ... for always putting America and the American worker first. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. God bless America. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) (CROSSTALK) (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: So, I didn't know he was going to do that, and then he takes out his speech and reads it, and I said, "That's pretty good." (LAUGHTER) He is a great guy. And he loves you and he loves this country, And he's going to do fantastically. He's going to win. We're going to keep on winning. Remember, I used to say, in a little jest, but I really meant it, we are going to win so much. Remember? We are going to win, win, win. (APPLAUSE) That's what we are doing. Remember, I said, your governor, or your senator, or Pete, or somebody, they're going to come into Washington and say, "Mr. President, please, we are winning too much. The people of Minnesota cannot stand winning so much. Please, can we take it easy?" (APPLAUSE) And I said, "No. We're going to keep winning, winning, winning." (APPLAUSE) So, we've created 3.4 million new jobs since Election Day. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And I've said before, if I would have said that to you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news... (BOOING) ... very dishonest -- they would have said, "He's exaggerating." AUDIENCE: (inaudible) TRUMP: These are very dishonest people -- many of them, and we have fine people too doing that, but there's a lot of very dishonest people. For instance, I just got back, as you know, from Singapore, where I met... (APPLAUSE) ... where I met Kim Jong-un. And we had a great meeting. Great chemistry. We got along really well, which is very important. They didn't want us to, but they -- you know, it is like nice to do that. (LAUGHTER) And very interestingly, at first, everybody was amazed, amazed, that we had the meeting. They couldn't believe it. The first 24 hours, they said, "I can't believe it." You remember that, a while ago? They said, "They're going to meet." Then about a day later they said, "What's the big deal with the meeting? What's the big deal?" (LAUGHTER) In other words, their bosses said, "You can't say that." But the beauty (inaudible). So we had a meeting. It was an incredible success. And they said, "The president gave away so much. He met with them." I said, "What else?" That was -- I met. What am I supposed to do? I have to meet, right? "He met!" Now, sentence one says, "a total denuclearization of North Korea." (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) We got back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) And I didn't pay $1.8 billion to get back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) We got back our great fallen heroes -- the remains. In fact, today, already 200 have been sent back. (APPLAUSE) They stopped shooting missiles over Japan. They stopped all nuclear testing. They stopped nuclear research. They stopped rocketry. They stopped everything that you'd want them to stop. And they blew up sites where they test and do the testing. (APPLAUSE) And -- it was a great meeting. And Kim Jong-un will turn down -- and I will tell, he will turn -- Chairman Kim will turn that country into a great, successful country. (APPLAUSE) And let me tell you -- let me tell you -- let me tell you this: A year and a half ago, nobody thought that was possible. In fact, before I was elected, everybody assumed we were going to war. It would be a vicious war. In Seoul, you have 28 million people living 30 miles off the border. They don't even need nuclear weapons for that. They have thousands of cannons aiming right on top of Seoul. You could have lost millions and millions of people. But I got along with Kim Jong-un. I got along. (APPLAUSE) And that's a good thing, not a bad thing. (APPLAUSE) And these people -- you remember, I said, "I can't believe it. He's given away so much." You know what I gave away? A meeting. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And the fact that we do get along means we're safe. I'm not saying things can't happen: Things go wrong, mistakes are made, relationships get broken. But right now, you are so safe, and such a great event took place. And all over Asia... (APPLAUSE) All over Asia there, they are celebrating the great achievement that we made. Because you were the ones that put me here. We made -- that we made. (APPLAUSE) All over Asia. And really, all over the world. And by the way, in our country, everybody knows what a great achievement this is, not only for us, but for North Korea, for South Korea, for Japan, for China, for everybody. And I have to say, you know, you've been reading where I've been putting very large tariffs on China -- very, very large... (APPLAUSE) ... we hit the $250 billion mark. But I want to say, (inaudible) we have to do that, because it has to be balanced, it has to be fair. It wasn't fair. China and President Xi has really helped us a lot at the border of North Korea, really helped us a lot. And he's a friend of mine. He's a friend of mine. (APPLAUSE) So, you should be very proud of yourselves for what took place, because that was very close to war for many years. Many years, it was very, very close. And now we could have something where everybody is going to live in peace for a long period of time, and there will be denuclearization. (APPLAUSE) So that's the real story. Thank you. That's the real story. (APPLAUSE) That's the real story. So, unemployment numbers are among the best in the history of our country. African-American unemployment is at its lowest level in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) Hispanic American unemployment has reached its lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) And remember, I'd go into big stadiums like this that were packed -- and by the way, you are very good at real estate. Did you see the thousands and thousands of people outside -- that will never be reported by the fake news -- but the thousands of people that couldn't get in? (APPLAUSE) Many thousands. They're all over. The parking lots, they're all over. And it would be great if the cameras could take a shot of the arena. (APPLAUSE) So, usually, they don't do it. And I usually go home and my wife will say, "How was the crowd?" Although, honestly, when you have many thousands of people, like we have tonight -- you know, I was at an event three weeks ago, where a person from the New York Times said there was only a thousand people. And the people -- the many thousands that were there protested. I didn't even have to do it. And they wrote a slight correction. They were off by many thousands of people. (APPLAUSE) That's the way it is -- it's fake news, I'm telling you. So fake. But usually they don't show the arena. They just show my face. So people would say, "Did you have many people there?" "Didn't you see?" "No, no. They've only showed your face." And we all have ego, but I don't want to show my face, I want to show the crowd; it's much prettier. (APPLAUSE) Because you people are incredible. Unemployment among women has reached the lowest level, as of today, in 65 years -- 65 years. (APPLAUSE) And most importantly of all, America is respected again. Really respected. (APPLAUSE) We are fighting to protect American iron, aluminum and steel, and to protect our incredible and very brave miners. (APPLAUSE) But I'll tell you, to keep this incredible momentum -- I think maybe the most successful that the country has ever had -- I think we are now at the most successful level that the country has ever seen. That's how we're doing. (APPLAUSE) And let me just tell you, because I hear a couple of the fakers the other day said, "Well, I think it's Obama's economy." Obama's economy? Obama? (BOOING) They want to put on more regulations, they want to take back your tax cuts -- which are massive -- they want to take them back, and they want to raise the hell out of your taxes, and the whole thing will go boom. (BOOING) So, we need more Republicans. We got to get out there in the midterm. We got to get more Republicans. We got to get more Republicans. (APPLAUSE) A vote for a Democrat for Congress is really a vote for Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda. (BOOING) Democrats want to raise your taxes, increase your regulations, shut down American energy, take over American health care -- which has been a disaster with Obamacare -- and ship away American jobs. And that's what they will do. If anything bad happens to this country, it will be a disaster for all of you. But we're not going to let it happen. We worked too hard to get here. (APPLAUSE) And the greatest phrase, I think, in the history of politics is on all of those red and white hats that I see out there, "Make America Great Again." And that's exactly what we're doing. (APPLAUSE) Make America great again. And you know what our new phrase is in two and a half years? You know what it is, right? "Keep America Great." (APPLAUSE) That's what it is, because that's where we are. (APPLAUSE) So, the Democrats want open borders. "Let everybody come in." (BOOING) "Let everybody pour in, we don't care. Let 'em come in from the Middle East. Let 'em come in from all over the place. We don't care." We're not going to let it happen. And by the way, today, I signed an executive order: We're going to keep families together, but the border is going to be just as tough as it's been. (APPLAUSE) Democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled migration on your communities, your schools, your hospitals, your jobs or your safety. Democrats put illegal immigrants before they put American citizens. What the hell is going on? (BOOING) Illegal immigration costs our country hundreds of billions of dollars. So imagine if we could spend that money to help bring opportunity to our inner cities and our rural communities and our roads and our highways and our schools. AUDIENCE: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: So, we've already started the wall. We got $1.6 billion. The wall has been started. San Diego and lots of different places. And we go -- but, boy, it's tough. They want to do anything they can to obstruct and to make sure it doesn't happen. But it's happening. It's happening. But we have a single protester there. There we go. Goodbye, darling. Goodbye, darling. (BOOING) So, we have a single protester. He's going home to his mom. Say hello to mommy. (APPLAUSE) And tomorrow -- the fake news will say tomorrow, "Massive protests at the Trump rally." (LAUGHTER) One person. Massive protests. Aiy, aiy, aiy. (APPLAUSE) We're going to make it great for Americans. And we're going to take care of people. And we do want people coming across our border, going through our ports of entry. But we want people to come in through merit, not just through luck or happenstance. We want them to come in through merit. (APPLAUSE) And we need people, because we have so many companies now -- and you know very well in Minnesota what's happening. They just gave me a run-through what's happening in Minnesota. It's incredible. But we have so many companies moving back into our country, we need people to help. But we want them to come in through the merit system, not a system where we get MS-13 and everybody else that other countries don't want. (APPLAUSE) And the Democrats' open border policies have also allowed MS-13 to break into our country, and drugs to pour into our streets. And we're stopping it. (BOOING) We have taken out of our country -- and actually, can you believe I have to say this? We have liberated towns. Liberated, like it was captured by a foreign country. We have liberated towns out in Long Island. (APPLAUSE) MS-13 gangs, we have taken them out of our country by the thousands. (APPLAUSE) And these countries that send them back, we're putting in legislation, we're not giving them any more aid when they send people up. Remember the original speech, right? My original speech. "They are sending" -- you remember those words? Everyone said, "How terrible." "They are sending." Well, let me tell you, they're sending, and they're not sending their finest, that I can tell you. (APPLAUSE) And we are sending them the hell back. And what we're doing... (APPLAUSE) What we're doing, we give hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to countries. We have a horrible deal, as an example, with NAFTA and Mexico. Horrible deal. (BOOING) They make over $100 billion on that horrible trade deal where factories were emptied, so many bad things have happened. And we're going to make it a part of NAFTA. Because you have to mark up (ph) thousands of miles coming through Mexico, you come up thousands of miles coming through Mexico, and we're going to stop it. (APPLAUSE) Get 'em out of here. Get 'em out of here. (BOOING) Go to home to your mom, darling. Go home. Get 'em out of here. Out. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Was that a man or a woman? Because he needs a haircut more than I do. (APPLAUSE) Couldn't tell. Couldn't tell. I couldn't tell. He needs a haircut. But the media never talks about the American victims of illegal immigration. I know them well. I know so many of them. I campaigned with them -- what's happened to their children, what's happened to their husbands, what's happened to their wives. The media does not talk about the American families permanently separated from their loved ones because Democrat policies released violent criminals into our communities. We need safety. (BOOING) We need safety. They don't bring cameras to interview the angel moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should have never been here in the first place. Not even close. (APPLAUSE) They don't want to talk to the angel mom. But as your president, I will always fight to protect American families. Always. (APPLAUSE) I will always fight for an immigration system that defends our borders and takes care of our sovereignty as a nation. (APPLAUSE) I will never sacrifice the safety and security of the American people. And I will never be silent in the face of vicious smears and attacks. And the heroic agents and offices of ICE and the Border Patrol who save millions, just the job they do; save thousands and thousands of lives, and are so brave, and are so tough. (APPLAUSE) If you want to create a humane, lawful system of immigration, then you need to retire the Democrats and elect Republicans to finally secure our borders. (APPLAUSE) Because we need Democrat votes. We have a majority of one in the Senate. We need Democrat votes in the Senate. We need additional votes in the House. We will have the greatest borders, the greatest walls -- we've already started -- but it's a lot tougher than it needs to be. We need Republicans to get out and put Republicans in. In case -- in case you don't know, in the Senate, we need, unfortunately, 60 votes. We have 51 votes. We need Democrats. They will do anything to obstruct, anything to make it as uncomfortable as possible. Because they think it's good politics. I actually think it's bad politics. We will see very soon. (APPLAUSE) We're building it. We are building the wall. That wall is happening. Under the previous administration, America's rich natural resources -- of which your state has a lot -- were put under lock and key, including thousands of acres in Superior National Forest. You know what that is, right? (APPLAUSE) Tonight, I'm proudly announcing that we will soon be taking the first steps to rescind the federal withdrawal in Superior National Forest, and restore mineral exploration for our amazing people and miners and workers and for the people of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) One of the great natural reserves of the world. And we'll do it carefully. And maybe, if it doesn't pass muster, we won't do it all. But it is going to happen, I will tell you. It's going to happen. And it's happening fast. (APPLAUSE) We've already taken it, as you know, a long way down the road. And it's going to make things better. It's going to make it, from an environmental standpoint, better. As a result of our massive tax cuts, millions of Americans are receiving much bigger paychecks -- much bigger. (APPLAUSE) We've eliminated record numbers of job-killing regulations. By the way -- so a few days ago, it was 500 days, so now, it's like 511 -- in 500 days, we've cut more regulations than any president in the history of our country, whether it is four years, eight years, or, in one year... (APPLAUSE) ... in one case, 16 years. We have cut more regulations in 500 days than any president -- even our 16-year president. We have opened up energy exploration in ANWR in Alaska. (APPLAUSE) They have been trying to do that from before the days of Ronald Reagan. Couldn't get it done. We repealed the core of Obamacare. The individual mandate is gone -- so unpopular. (APPLAUSE) The individual mandate, where you pay a fortune for the privilege of not paying for insurance for health care -- let me tell you, we just repealed it. You don't have to pay anymore. So big. So big. (APPLAUSE) And we would have repealed and replaced Obamacare, although we have got a long way -- we are doing that anyway; we just had to do it in a longer route -- because we had a gentleman, late into the morning hours, go "thumbs down." That was not a good thing he did. That was not good thing for our people, for our country, whether you are a Democrat or Republican. And everybody said, "Good, we have his vote. We have everybody's vote." We were going in for a routine repeal and replace. And he went, "thumbs down." Not nice. That was not nice. We are bringing back our jobs from other countries. We are bringing back our companies from other countries. Chrysler is coming back. Chrysler just announced they are coming back. (APPLAUSE) Many, many companies are coming back to our country. They know where the action is. This is where they want to be. And, as far as trade is concerned with other countries, we want fair and reciprocal trade. We don't want stupid trade, like we had for so long. Stupid trade. (APPLAUSE) Remember the word "reciprocal." Remember the word "reciprocal." We have been ripped off by almost every country on Earth, our friends and our enemies. And I hate to say it: Our friends do a bigger and better job than the enemies. But those days are over. Those days are over. (APPLAUSE) And, even before we finish off with the trade deals -- and we will finish off with the trade deals -- people don't realize we have the cards because we are the piggy bank that everybody was robbing for 30 years. We're like the piggy bank. "Let's go get some more." You look at the European Union -- they put up barriers so that we can't sell our Ford products in, and yet they sell Mercedes and BMW, and the cars come in by the millions, and we hardly tax them at all. They don't take our cars. And, if they do, the tax is massive. So, they're basically saying, "We are going to sell you millions of cars. By the way, you're not going to sell us any." Not going to work that way anymore, folks. Not going to work that way. (APPLAUSE) We will not be taken advantage of anymore. We're a great country. We're going to be an even greater country, hopefully greater than we've ever been before. We have such potential. (APPLAUSE) We just secured a record $700 billion in funding to rebuild our military, which was in very sad shape. (APPLAUSE) And we have approval for next year, $716 billion. We're ordering new planes -- we make the best in the world. We're ordering new ships. We're ordering new military equipment. And we even gave our great warriors a raise. (APPLAUSE) Gave them a raise. For the veterans, we passed the largest V.A. reforms in half a century, a landmark V.A. accountability law -- you know what that is? You couldn't fire anybody that worked in the V.A. They were sadistic, in some cases. They were lazy. They were this -- they were lots of different things. You could never fire anybody because the accountability -- you could forget it. So we passed a bill that they have been trying to pass for almost 40 years. It's called V.A. Accountability, where, now, you bring the person into the office and you say, "Jim, I'm sorry to tell you, you're fired. Get out of here." Boom. (APPLAUSE) Right? And, even more important -- and I didn't think I'd be saying this so soon, because I would campaign on this -- I used to go out during the campaigns -- and you know, because I was in Minnesota a lot -- but, obviously, one more trip -- that won't happen again. (APPLAUSE) But one that's really important to me -- and I used to say to myself, "I wonder why doctors don't just take care of our great vets." We just passed Veterans Choice legislation -- passed, signed. (APPLAUSE) That gives our veterans the care they deserve, the care they earned. Now, look, so our veterans were waiting on line for nine days, for 12 days, for three weeks. Someone on line with a minor problem -- they ended up having a terminal disease. Now, I said, during the campaign, before I knew too much about it -- but there's a lot of common sense in life. I say, "Instead of one of our great veterans waiting for two, three, four, five weeks, why don't we let them go see a doctor and pay the bill?" And that's what we're doing. That's Veterans Choice. (APPLAUSE) That's Veterans Choice. And, you know, I went to people, I thought -- I thought, "I think I'm such a genius, OK." I thought this was, like, the greatest idea. But I went to the vet groups, I went to everybody -- "Yeah, we've been trying to get that passed, sir, for 30 years." OK. I didn't know that. But what I did know is I do have to get it passed, and we got it passed... (APPLAUSE) ... two weeks ago. And, by the way, we passed another one. It's called Right to Try. You know what Right to Try is? Very proud of it. Right to Try -- these are people that are terminally ill. It's sad. They travel all over the world, if they have the money. If they don't, they don't know what to do. If we have drugs that haven't been approved yet, but are showing tremendous promise, it didn't matter. It didn't matter how sick you were, where you were, you couldn't get it. And the reason was, they didn't want to do anything that's going to hurt you. You're not going to be around for five weeks. In five weeks -- I kept saying, "Why can't we do something?" If people had the money, they travel to Africa, to Asia, to Europe trying to find the cure. It was called hope. They wanted hope, and they couldn't get it. I said, "It's ridiculous." I got involved -- and this is also -- like Veterans Choice, for many years, people have tried to pass it. And Kevin was a great help. I have to tell you, Kevin McCarthy, who just left the stage, was a great help. So were your congressmen -- a great help. (APPLAUSE) And we got Right to Try passed and, four weeks ago, I signed final legislation, and we are very proud of it. (APPLAUSE) And many people are going to be saved. Many, many people are going to be saved. And you'd think it would be easy, but it wasn't. Between the insurance companies and the health care companies and the pharmaceutical companies, it was incredible. But we did that. And now we're bringing down the prices for prescription drugs -- way down. (APPLAUSE) So we've made this incredible progress together with your help -- with the help of the millions and millions of people that -- well, some polls got it right, but not all polls got it right -- but they showed up. And, the beginning of that night, people were saying, "You know, this could be a big problem for the Democrats." They were not liking what they were seeing. They were seeing too many of those hats. They were seeing too many people with... (APPLAUSE) ... you know that. That was an amazing evening. That was one of the most incredible evenings, because that's a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before -- this country has never seen. (APPLAUSE) You know, we talk about the forgotten men and women. They're the smartest people. They work the hardest. They pay taxes. They do all of the things. And yet, they were the forgotten people. And, believe me, our people are the smartest and the hardest working -- smarter than anybody and the hardest working. (APPLAUSE) You know, a little thing I was talking about today -- you ever notice, they always call the other side -- and they do this sometimes (ph) -- the elite? "The elite." Why are they elite? I have a much better apartment and they do. (APPLAUSE) I'm smarter than they are. I'm richer than they are. (APPLAUSE) I became president and they didn't. (APPLAUSE) And I am representing the greatest, smartest, most loyal, best people on Earth -- the deplorables. Remember that? The deplorables. (APPLAUSE) You know, I was watching when Crooked Hillary made -- and, by the way, is it -- hey, excuse me, have you been seeing -- have you been watching what has been going on with the inspector general's report -- what a scam this whole thing is? OK, how guilty is she? (APPLAUSE) With Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page -- I don't think their wife and husband are too happy about that. What do you think? What do you think? I don't think so. No, but have you been seeing this whole scam? Have you been -- do you believe what you're seeing, how, no matter what she did, no matter how many crimes she's committed, which were numerous, they wanted her to be innocent. With me, nothing. No collusion, no nothing. And they just wanted to take all of us -- they wanted to put us in trouble. And it's not working too well, I'll tell you. Disgusting. (APPLAUSE) It's called (ph) a phony witch hunt, phony witch hunt. But you look at the corruption -- did you ever see anything like it, really? Today, more things -- that's why they're building up immigration, so you can't see what is going on in Congress. They're building up immigration. They don't want to show what is happening in Congress, where this whole scam has been revealed. So they want to stay on immigration, where Obama had bigger problems than anybody, where Bush had problems, where other -- they want to stay on immigration because they don't want to go into the halls of Congress, which has totally revealed the Russian scam that's going on. (APPLAUSE) What a group. What a group. I'll tell you something. We want to get along with Russia, but Russia is looking out and saying, "Man, I wish she won. Between our military, our oil that we're doing -- she wanted to have windmills. You know? We want to compete with you (ph)" -- all the things we've done -- All the things we've done, including sanctions -- so many things -- they're looking back; they're saying, "You know, I wish Crooked Hillary won that election. It would have been a lot better for Russia." So what we want to do is we want to elect more Republicans so that we can deliver on all of the things I'm talking about. And I'll be honest with you, we're going to deliver anyway. We're going to deliver anyway. (APPLAUSE) We're going to lift millions of Americans from welfare to work, from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. We are going to lift them. (APPLAUSE) You know, one of the greatest things about all the jobs we've created -- to me, the greatest -- is that people, now, don't get stuck in one job and they hate it, they don't want to get up in the morning. They have many, many options. They can go out. Wages are rising. It's a beautiful thing taking place. They can get something. I've always said -- you know, when I make speeches on how to be successful, I always say, like, the first thing, "You've got to love it. You've got to love your job or you're never going to be good." These people, now, that didn't have any options -- they were hanging onto one job that they hated -- they have many, many choices. They get the job they want. And, for the first time in 20 years, wages are rising. (APPLAUSE) We're going to build new airports, and we're going to build railways and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. We have spent, because of horrible decision-making, $7 trillion in the Middle East. Think of it -- $7 trillion. And, if we want to fix a window, it's, like, a big deal. $7 trillion -- it's all coming back. Remember, during the debates, I talked about growth. "Growth, we need growth." Nobody has ever seen growth like we're having right now. When I go around and meet foreign leaders, they all congratulate me. "Mr. President, congratulations on the growth of the United States. Congratulations." Every one of them. (APPLAUSE) The first thing they say, first thing they say. By the way, is there anything more fun than a Trump rally? Is there (ph)... (APPLAUSE) And we break every attendance record every single time, just about. (APPLAUSE) We're going to put new steel into the backbone of our country and we're going to make that steel right here in the United Dates. (APPLAUSE) We're going to breathe new hope into our communities. And our workers are already so proud again. We will do it all with American hands and American heart and American pride. And, everything we do, we will stand up for our citizens. We will fight for our country. We will stand up for America. And we're going to stand up for the great state of Minnesota, and you're seeing that. (APPLAUSE) Your great state was pioneered by men and women who braved the wilderness and the winters to build a better life for themselves and for their incredible families. They were really tough, and they really smart and strong. (APPLAUSE) They didn't have a lot of money. They didn't have a lot of luxury, but they had grit and they had faith and they had courage and they had each other, right? (APPLAUSE) They were miners and ministers and fishermen and farmers and shipbuilders and shopkeepers. But they all had one thing in common: they loved their families, they loved their country and they loved their God. (APPLAUSE) Together, we're renewing the miracle of the great American Midwest. Do you remember, not so long ago, we were producing those cars and we were producing all of this stuff? And, since then, so many companies went to Mexico and went to other places. As I said before, they are coming back and they're coming back faster than anybody could ever believe. (APPLAUSE) We're standing on the shoulders of great American patriots who put down the railroads, built up the highways and dug out the most amazing Panama Canal, losing thousands of lives in doing it. They crossed the oceans, trekked the deserts, scaled the mountains, created the most incredible republic the world has ever seen. And you know what? Our republic today is prouder and greater than it ever was before. (APPLAUSE) Our beautiful ancestors won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and put a man on the face of the moon. And I think you saw, the other day, we're reopening NASA. We're going to be going to space. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Space Force! Space Force! Space Force! TRUMP: Space Force. Space Force. So we have the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the Coast Guard -- but we have the Air Force; now, we're going to have the Space Force, because it's a whole... (APPLAUSE) ... we need it. We need it. As long as we are proud of who we are and what we are fighting for, we will never, ever fail. There is no place like our place. There is no place. (APPLAUSE) With your help and with your voice and with your vote, the Republicans will win and keep on winning. We will keep on winning. (APPLAUSE) We have great people, and Pete is a great guy. You've got to get him a victory. A great guy. Got to get Pete a victory. You've got to get him a victory. We need him. We will achieve victory for our magnificent country and our magnificent land, the land that we love, because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We will never give in, we will never give up and we will never, ever stop fighting for our country or for our flag or for our freedom. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. And, together, we will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Minnesota. Thank you, Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) END
2200 WH DULUTH RALLY ABC UNI CUTS FS23 73 PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, DULUTH, MINNESOTA JUNE 20, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE PETE STAUBER, R-MINN. [*] TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you very much, Duluth. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) I am thrilled to be back in the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... with truly some of the most incredible people anywhere on Earth. You know that. (APPLAUSE) And, you know, I hate to bring this up... (LAUGHTER) ... but we came this close to winning the state of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) And in two and a half years, it's going to be really easy, I think. (APPLAUSE) Been many, many decades since a Republican did that. I thought I was going to do it. I needed one more visit, one more speech. That's why never give up. Never, ever give up. One more speech. (APPLAUSE) Now, we're very proud of Minnesota. Let me also say congratulations to the Bulldogs on winning the NCAA Championship Hockey Tournament. (APPLAUSE) Wow. That's a big deal. Right in this arena, this is where they play, right? (APPLAUSE) I hear they're a great team. And how many are going to the NHL? How many? Two, three? That's a lot. They're going to do it. Great team. Thank you. Great team. The Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) So, we're honored to be joined tonight by many wonderful Republican leaders, including our incredible House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy. Kevin, come up, please. Where is Kevin? (APPLAUSE) Kevin. (APPLAUSE) He sends a lot of money this way, I want to tell you. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank and maybe just ask him to come up -- we have all night long, right? Do we have time? (APPLAUSE) All night. We're not going anywhere. (APPLAUSE) Some great people. Congressman Sean Duffy. (APPLAUSE) Great champion. Come up, Sean. Great champion. You know, the whole thing, going up the trees and down the trees. Number one in the world for four or five years. (APPLAUSE) With a great, great wife, by the way. Very talented. Tom Emmer. Congressman. Loves this state. (APPLAUSE) And a very popular man in the state of Minnesota, Jason Lewis. (APPLAUSE) I also want to thank Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach for being here. (APPLAUSE) She has been so great. Got a big race coming along, it's going to do great. Along with State Senator Karin Housley. (APPLAUSE) Karin, come on up here. Get 'em up here. Where are you? Stay there, too much of a deal. Good luck. Karin, good luck. Michelle, thank you. Also a friend of mine and a man who's been incredible and a great supporter, Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka... (APPLAUSE) ... and Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan who has been fantastic. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And finally, the person we're all here to support tonight, somebody who's very special -- by the way, loves ice hockey... (LAUGHTER) ... real ice hockey family. In fact, his brother, you know, the coach of the winning women's team in the Olympics. Not bad. (APPLAUSE) Great family. The next congressman from Minnesota's 8th Congressional District, the great Pete Stauber. Come on up. (APPLAUSE) I'll tell you, is this a pretty good sendoff for Pete? This is not bad, right? (APPLAUSE) Hey, Pete. say a few words. He wasn't supposed to do this, but let's hear him, right? Come on. Come on. STAUBER: Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome to the city of Duluth and the great state of Minnesota... (APPLAUSE) ... and as he alluded to, the home of college hockey's national champions, the University of Minnesota, Duluth Bulldogs. (APPLAUSE) I'm Pete Stauber and I'm running in Minnesota's 8th Congressional district because, like President Trump, I love this country... (APPLAUSE) ... I love our freedoms... (APPLAUSE) ... and I love our Constitution. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, before your election, you made a promise to visit Minnesota and you promised more jobs, fewer regulations and a better economy for everyone. (APPLAUSE) Now jobs are up, unemployment numbers are at a historic low, small businesses and manufacturers are surging... (APPLAUSE) ... and optimism is at an all-time high. (APPLAUSE) My blue-collar, common-sense conservative message is resonating throughout the 8th District. Mr. President, these people support you. (APPLAUSE) And, Mr. President, these are the same people that are going to send me to Washington, so together we can unleash the economic engine in Northern Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) On behalf of the Minnesotans here today, thank you for coming to our great state and for always putting America... (APPLAUSE) ... for always putting America and the American worker first. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. God bless America. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) (CROSSTALK) (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: So, I didn't know he was going to do that, and then he takes out his speech and reads it, and I said, "That's pretty good." (LAUGHTER) He is a great guy. And he loves you and he loves this country, And he's going to do fantastically. He's going to win. We're going to keep on winning. Remember, I used to say, in a little jest, but I really meant it, we are going to win so much. Remember? We are going to win, win, win. (APPLAUSE) That's what we are doing. Remember, I said, your governor, or your senator, or Pete, or somebody, they're going to come into Washington and say, "Mr. President, please, we are winning too much. The people of Minnesota cannot stand winning so much. Please, can we take it easy?" (APPLAUSE) And I said, "No. We're going to keep winning, winning, winning." (APPLAUSE) So, we've created 3.4 million new jobs since Election Day. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And I've said before, if I would have said that to you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news... (BOOING) ... very dishonest -- they would have said, "He's exaggerating." AUDIENCE: (inaudible) TRUMP: These are very dishonest people -- many of them, and we have fine people too doing that, but there's a lot of very dishonest people. For instance, I just got back, as you know, from Singapore, where I met... (APPLAUSE) ... where I met Kim Jong-un. And we had a great meeting. Great chemistry. We got along really well, which is very important. They didn't want us to, but they -- you know, it is like nice to do that. (LAUGHTER) And very interestingly, at first, everybody was amazed, amazed, that we had the meeting. They couldn't believe it. The first 24 hours, they said, "I can't believe it." You remember that, a while ago? They said, "They're going to meet." Then about a day later they said, "What's the big deal with the meeting? What's the big deal?" (LAUGHTER) In other words, their bosses said, "You can't say that." But the beauty (inaudible). So we had a meeting. It was an incredible success. And they said, "The president gave away so much. He met with them." I said, "What else?" That was -- I met. What am I supposed to do? I have to meet, right? "He met!" Now, sentence one says, "a total denuclearization of North Korea." (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) We got back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) And I didn't pay $1.8 billion to get back our hostages. (APPLAUSE) We got back our great fallen heroes -- the remains. In fact, today, already 200 have been sent back. (APPLAUSE) They stopped shooting missiles over Japan. They stopped all nuclear testing. They stopped nuclear research. They stopped rocketry. They stopped everything that you'd want them to stop. And they blew up sites where they test and do the testing. (APPLAUSE) And -- it was a great meeting. And Kim Jong-un will turn down -- and I will tell, he will turn -- Chairman Kim will turn that country into a great, successful country. (APPLAUSE) And let me tell you -- let me tell you -- let me tell you this: A year and a half ago, nobody thought that was possible. In fact, before I was elected, everybody assumed we were going to war. It would be a vicious war. In Seoul, you have 28 million people living 30 miles off the border. They don't even need nuclear weapons for that. They have thousands of cannons aiming right on top of Seoul. You could have lost millions and millions of people. But I got along with Kim Jong-un. I got along. (APPLAUSE) And that's a good thing, not a bad thing. (APPLAUSE) And these people -- you remember, I said, "I can't believe it. He's given away so much." You know what I gave away? A meeting. (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) And the fact that we do get along means we're safe. I'm not saying things can't happen: Things go wrong, mistakes are made, relationships get broken. But right now, you are so safe, and such a great event took place. And all over Asia... (APPLAUSE) All over Asia there, they are celebrating the great achievement that we made. Because you were the ones that put me here. We made -- that we made. (APPLAUSE) All over Asia. And really, all over the world. And by the way, in our country, everybody knows what a great achievement this is, not only for us, but for North Korea, for South Korea, for Japan, for China, for everybody. And I have to say, you know, you've been reading where I've been putting very large tariffs on China -- very, very large... (APPLAUSE) ... we hit the $250 billion mark. But I want to say, (inaudible) we have to do that, because it has to be balanced, it has to be fair. It wasn't fair. China and President Xi has really helped us a lot at the border of North Korea, really helped us a lot. And he's a friend of mine. He's a friend of mine. (APPLAUSE) So, you should be very proud of yourselves for what took place, because that was very close to war for many years. Many years, it was very, very close. And now we could have something where everybody is going to live in peace for a long period of time, and there will be denuclearization. (APPLAUSE) So that's the real story. Thank you. That's the real story. (APPLAUSE) That's the real story. So, unemployment numbers are among the best in the history of our country. African-American unemployment is at its lowest level in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) Hispanic American unemployment has reached its lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. (APPLAUSE) And remember, I'd go into big stadiums like this that were packed -- and by the way, you are very good at real estate. Did you see the thousands and thousands of people outside -- that will never be reported by the fake news -- but the thousands of people that couldn't get in? (APPLAUSE) Many thousands. They're all over. The parking lots, they're all over. And it would be great if the cameras could take a shot of the arena. (APPLAUSE) So, usually, they don't do it. And I usually go home and my wife will say, "How was the crowd?" Although, honestly, when you have many thousands of people, like we have tonight -- you know, I was at an event three weeks ago, where a person from the New York Times said there was only a thousand people. And the people -- the many thousands that were there protested. I didn't even have to do it. And they wrote a slight correction. They were off by many thousands of people. (APPLAUSE) That's the way it is -- it's fake news, I'm telling you. So fake. But usually they don't show the arena. They just show my face. So people would say, "Did you have many people there?" "Didn't you see?" "No, no. They've only showed your face." And we all have ego, but I don't want to show my face, I want to show the crowd; it's much prettier. (APPLAUSE) Because you people are incredible. Unemployment among women has reached the lowest level, as of today, in 65 years -- 65 years. (APPLAUSE) And most importantly of all, America is respected again. Really respected. (APPLAUSE) We are fighting to protect American iron, aluminum and steel, and to protect our incredible and very brave miners. (APPLAUSE) But I'll tell you, to keep this incredible momentum -- I think maybe the most successful that the country has ever had -- I think we are now at the most successful level that the country has ever seen. That's how we're doing. (APPLAUSE) And let me just tell you, because I hear a couple of the fakers the other day said, "Well, I think it's Obama's economy." Obama's economy? Obama? (BOOING) They want to put on more regulations, they want to take back your tax cuts -- which are massive -- they want to take them back, and they want to raise the hell out of your taxes, and the whole thing will go boom. (BOOING) So, we need more Republicans. We got to get out there in the midterm. We got to get more Republicans. We got to get more Republicans. (APPLAUSE) A vote for a Democrat for Congress is really a vote for Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda. (BOOING) Democrats want to raise your taxes, increase your regulations, shut down American energy, take over American health care -- which has been a disaster with Obamacare -- and ship away American jobs. And that's what they will do. If anything bad happens to this country, it will be a disaster for all of you. But we're not going to let it happen. We worked too hard to get here. (APPLAUSE) And the greatest phrase, I think, in the history of politics is on all of those red and white hats that I see out there, "Make America Great Again." And that's exactly what we're doing. (APPLAUSE) Make America great again. And you know what our new phrase is in two and a half years? You know what it is, right? "Keep America Great." (APPLAUSE) That's what it is, because that's where we are. (APPLAUSE) So, the Democrats want open borders. "Let everybody come in." (BOOING) "Let everybody pour in, we don't care. Let 'em come in from the Middle East. Let 'em come in from all over the place. We don't care." We're not going to let it happen. And by the way, today, I signed an executive order: We're going to keep families together, but the border is going to be just as tough as it's been. (APPLAUSE) Democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled migration on your communities, your schools, your hospitals, your jobs or your safety. Democrats put illegal immigrants before they put American citizens. What the hell is going on? (BOOING) Illegal immigration costs our country hundreds of billions of dollars. So imagine if we could spend that money to help bring opportunity to our inner cities and our rural communities and our roads and our highways and our schools. AUDIENCE: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: So, we've already started the wall. We got $1.6 billion. The wall has been started. San Diego and lots of different places. And we go -- but, boy, it's tough. They want to do anything they can to obstruct and to make sure it doesn't happen. But it's happening. It's happening. But we have a single protester there. There we go. Goodbye, darling. Goodbye, darling. (BOOING) So, we have a single protester. He's going home to his mom. Say hello to mommy. (APPLAUSE) And tomorrow -- the fake news will say tomorrow, "Massive protests at the Trump rally." (LAUGHTER) One person. Massive protests. Aiy, aiy, aiy. (APPLAUSE) We're going to make it great for Americans. And we're going to take care of people. And we do want people coming across our border, going through our ports of entry. But we want people to come in through merit, not just through luck or happenstance. We want them to come in through merit. (APPLAUSE) And we need people, because we have so many companies now -- and you know very well in Minnesota what's happening. They just gave me a run-through what's happening in Minnesota. It's incredible. But we have so many companies moving back into our country, we need people to help. But we want them to come in through the merit system, not a system where we get MS-13 and everybody else that other countries don't want. (APPLAUSE) And the Democrats' open border policies have also allowed MS-13 to break into our country, and drugs to pour into our streets. And we're stopping it. (BOOING) We have taken out of our country -- and actually, can you believe I have to say this? We have liberated towns. Liberated, like it was captured by a foreign country. We have liberated towns out in Long Island. (APPLAUSE) MS-13 gangs, we have taken them out of our country by the thousands. (APPLAUSE) And these countries that send them back, we're putting in legislation, we're not giving them any more aid when they send people up. Remember the original speech, right? My original speech. "They are sending" -- you remember those words? Everyone said, "How terrible." "They are sending." Well, let me tell you, they're sending, and they're not sending their finest, that I can tell you. (APPLAUSE) And we are sending them the hell back. And what we're doing... (APPLAUSE) What we're doing, we give hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to countries. We have a horrible deal, as an example, with NAFTA and Mexico. Horrible deal. (BOOING) They make over $100 billion on that horrible trade deal where factories were emptied, so many bad things have happened. And we're going to make it a part of NAFTA. Because you have to mark up (ph) thousands of miles coming through Mexico, you come up thousands of miles coming through Mexico, and we're going to stop it. (APPLAUSE) Get 'em out of here. Get 'em out of here. (BOOING) Go to home to your mom, darling. Go home. Get 'em out of here. Out. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Was that a man or a woman? Because he needs a haircut more than I do. (APPLAUSE) Couldn't tell. Couldn't tell. I couldn't tell. He needs a haircut. But the media never talks about the American victims of illegal immigration. I know them well. I know so many of them. I campaigned with them -- what's happened to their children, what's happened to their husbands, what's happened to their wives. The media does not talk about the American families permanently separated from their loved ones because Democrat policies released violent criminals into our communities. We need safety. (BOOING) We need safety. They don't bring cameras to interview the angel moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should have never been here in the first place. Not even close. (APPLAUSE) They don't want to talk to the angel mom. But as your president, I will always fight to protect American families. Always. (APPLAUSE) I will always fight for an immigration system that defends our borders and takes care of our sovereignty as a nation. (APPLAUSE) I will never sacrifice the safety and security of the American people. And I will never be silent in the face of vicious smears and attacks. And the heroic agents and offices of ICE and the Border Patrol who save millions, just the job they do; save thousands and thousands of lives, and are so brave, and are so tough. (APPLAUSE) If you want to create a humane, lawful system of immigration, then you need to retire the Democrats and elect Republicans to finally secure our borders. (APPLAUSE) Because we need Democrat votes. We have a majority of one in the Senate. We need Democrat votes in the Senate. We need additional votes in the House. We will have the greatest borders, the greatest walls -- we've already started -- but it's a lot tougher than it needs to be. We need Republicans to get out and put Republicans in. In case -- in case you don't know, in the Senate, we need, unfortunately, 60 votes. We have 51 votes. We need Democrats. They will do anything to obstruct, anything to make it as uncomfortable as possible. Because they think it's good politics. I actually think it's bad politics. We will see very soon. (APPLAUSE) We're building it. We are building the wall. That wall is happening. Under the previous administration, America's rich natural resources -- of which your state has a lot -- were put under lock and key, including thousands of acres in Superior National Forest. You know what that is, right? (APPLAUSE) Tonight, I'm proudly announcing that we will soon be taking the first steps to rescind the federal withdrawal in Superior National Forest, and restore mineral exploration for our amazing people and miners and workers and for the people of Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) One of the great natural reserves of the world. And we'll do it carefully. And maybe, if it doesn't pass muster, we won't do it all. But it is going to happen, I will tell you. It's going to happen. And it's happening fast. (APPLAUSE) We've already taken it, as you know, a long way down the road. And it's going to make things better. It's going to make it, from an environmental standpoint, better. As a result of our massive tax cuts, millions of Americans are receiving much bigger paychecks -- much bigger. (APPLAUSE) We've eliminated record numbers of job-killing regulations. By the way -- so a few days ago, it was 500 days, so now, it's like 511 -- in 500 days, we've cut more regulations than any president in the history of our country, whether it is four years, eight years, or, in one year... (APPLAUSE) ... in one case, 16 years. We have cut more regulations in 500 days than any president -- even our 16-year president. We have opened up energy exploration in ANWR in Alaska. (APPLAUSE) They have been trying to do that from before the days of Ronald Reagan. Couldn't get it done. We repealed the core of Obamacare. The individual mandate is gone -- so unpopular. (APPLAUSE) The individual mandate, where you pay a fortune for the privilege of not paying for insurance for health care -- let me tell you, we just repealed it. You don't have to pay anymore. So big. So big. (APPLAUSE) And we would have repealed and replaced Obamacare, although we have got a long way -- we are doing that anyway; we just had to do it in a longer route -- because we had a gentleman, late into the morning hours, go "thumbs down." That was not a good thing he did. That was not good thing for our people, for our country, whether you are a Democrat or Republican. And everybody said, "Good, we have his vote. We have everybody's vote." We were going in for a routine repeal and replace. And he went, "thumbs down." Not nice. That was not nice. We are bringing back our jobs from other countries. We are bringing back our companies from other countries. Chrysler is coming back. Chrysler just announced they are coming back. (APPLAUSE) Many, many companies are coming back to our country. They know where the action is. This is where they want to be. And, as far as trade is concerned with other countries, we want fair and reciprocal trade. We don't want stupid trade, like we had for so long. Stupid trade. (APPLAUSE) Remember the word "reciprocal." Remember the word "reciprocal." We have been ripped off by almost every country on Earth, our friends and our enemies. And I hate to say it: Our friends do a bigger and better job than the enemies. But those days are over. Those days are over. (APPLAUSE) And, even before we finish off with the trade deals -- and we will finish off with the trade deals -- people don't realize we have the cards because we are the piggy bank that everybody was robbing for 30 years. We're like the piggy bank. "Let's go get some more." You look at the European Union -- they put up barriers so that we can't sell our Ford products in, and yet they sell Mercedes and BMW, and the cars come in by the millions, and we hardly tax them at all. They don't take our cars. And, if they do, the tax is massive. So, they're basically saying, "We are going to sell you millions of cars. By the way, you're not going to sell us any." Not going to work that way anymore, folks. Not going to work that way. (APPLAUSE) We will not be taken advantage of anymore. We're a great country. We're going to be an even greater country, hopefully greater than we've ever been before. We have such potential. (APPLAUSE) We just secured a record $700 billion in funding to rebuild our military, which was in very sad shape. (APPLAUSE) And we have approval for next year, $716 billion. We're ordering new planes -- we make the best in the world. We're ordering new ships. We're ordering new military equipment. And we even gave our great warriors a raise. (APPLAUSE) Gave them a raise. For the veterans, we passed the largest V.A. reforms in half a century, a landmark V.A. accountability law -- you know what that is? You couldn't fire anybody that worked in the V.A. They were sadistic, in some cases. They were lazy. They were this -- they were lots of different things. You could never fire anybody because the accountability -- you could forget it. So we passed a bill that they have been trying to pass for almost 40 years. It's called V.A. Accountability, where, now, you bring the person into the office and you say, "Jim, I'm sorry to tell you, you're fired. Get out of here." Boom. (APPLAUSE) Right? And, even more important -- and I didn't think I'd be saying this so soon, because I would campaign on this -- I used to go out during the campaigns -- and you know, because I was in Minnesota a lot -- but, obviously, one more trip -- that won't happen again. (APPLAUSE) But one that's really important to me -- and I used to say to myself, "I wonder why doctors don't just take care of our great vets." We just passed Veterans Choice legislation -- passed, signed. (APPLAUSE) That gives our veterans the care they deserve, the care they earned. Now, look, so our veterans were waiting on line for nine days, for 12 days, for three weeks. Someone on line with a minor problem -- they ended up having a terminal disease. Now, I said, during the campaign, before I knew too much about it -- but there's a lot of common sense in life. I say, "Instead of one of our great veterans waiting for two, three, four, five weeks, why don't we let them go see a doctor and pay the bill?" And that's what we're doing. That's Veterans Choice. (APPLAUSE) That's Veterans Choice. And, you know, I went to people, I thought -- I thought, "I think I'm such a genius, OK." I thought this was, like, the greatest idea. But I went to the vet groups, I went to everybody -- "Yeah, we've been trying to get that passed, sir, for 30 years." OK. I didn't know that. But what I did know is I do have to get it passed, and we got it passed... (APPLAUSE) ... two weeks ago. And, by the way, we passed another one. It's called Right to Try. You know what Right to Try is? Very proud of it. Right to Try -- these are people that are terminally ill. It's sad. They travel all over the world, if they have the money. If they don't, they don't know what to do. If we have drugs that haven't been approved yet, but are showing tremendous promise, it didn't matter. It didn't matter how sick you were, where you were, you couldn't get it. And the reason was, they didn't want to do anything that's going to hurt you. You're not going to be around for five weeks. In five weeks -- I kept saying, "Why can't we do something?" If people had the money, they travel to Africa, to Asia, to Europe trying to find the cure. It was called hope. They wanted hope, and they couldn't get it. I said, "It's ridiculous." I got involved -- and this is also -- like Veterans Choice, for many years, people have tried to pass it. And Kevin was a great help. I have to tell you, Kevin McCarthy, who just left the stage, was a great help. So were your congressmen -- a great help. (APPLAUSE) And we got Right to Try passed and, four weeks ago, I signed final legislation, and we are very proud of it. (APPLAUSE) And many people are going to be saved. Many, many people are going to be saved. And you'd think it would be easy, but it wasn't. Between the insurance companies and the health care companies and the pharmaceutical companies, it was incredible. But we did that. And now we're bringing down the prices for prescription drugs -- way down. (APPLAUSE) So we've made this incredible progress together with your help -- with the help of the millions and millions of people that -- well, some polls got it right, but not all polls got it right -- but they showed up. And, the beginning of that night, people were saying, "You know, this could be a big problem for the Democrats." They were not liking what they were seeing. They were seeing too many of those hats. They were seeing too many people with... (APPLAUSE) ... you know that. That was an amazing evening. That was one of the most incredible evenings, because that's a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before -- this country has never seen. (APPLAUSE) You know, we talk about the forgotten men and women. They're the smartest people. They work the hardest. They pay taxes. They do all of the things. And yet, they were the forgotten people. And, believe me, our people are the smartest and the hardest working -- smarter than anybody and the hardest working. (APPLAUSE) You know, a little thing I was talking about today -- you ever notice, they always call the other side -- and they do this sometimes (ph) -- the elite? "The elite." Why are they elite? I have a much better apartment and they do. (APPLAUSE) I'm smarter than they are. I'm richer than they are. (APPLAUSE) I became president and they didn't. (APPLAUSE) And I am representing the greatest, smartest, most loyal, best people on Earth -- the deplorables. Remember that? The deplorables. (APPLAUSE) You know, I was watching when Crooked Hillary made -- and, by the way, is it -- hey, excuse me, have you been seeing -- have you been watching what has been going on with the inspector general's report -- what a scam this whole thing is? OK, how guilty is she? (APPLAUSE) With Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page -- I don't think their wife and husband are too happy about that. What do you think? What do you think? I don't think so. No, but have you been seeing this whole scam? Have you been -- do you believe what you're seeing, how, no matter what she did, no matter how many crimes she's committed, which were numerous, they wanted her to be innocent. With me, nothing. No collusion, no nothing. And they just wanted to take all of us -- they wanted to put us in trouble. And it's not working too well, I'll tell you. Disgusting. (APPLAUSE) It's called (ph) a phony witch hunt, phony witch hunt. But you look at the corruption -- did you ever see anything like it, really? Today, more things -- that's why they're building up immigration, so you can't see what is going on in Congress. They're building up immigration. They don't want to show what is happening in Congress, where this whole scam has been revealed. So they want to stay on immigration, where Obama had bigger problems than anybody, where Bush had problems, where other -- they want to stay on immigration because they don't want to go into the halls of Congress, which has totally revealed the Russian scam that's going on. (APPLAUSE) What a group. What a group. I'll tell you something. We want to get along with Russia, but Russia is looking out and saying, "Man, I wish she won. Between our military, our oil that we're doing -- she wanted to have windmills. You know? We want to compete with you (ph)" -- all the things we've done -- All the things we've done, including sanctions -- so many things -- they're looking back; they're saying, "You know, I wish Crooked Hillary won that election. It would have been a lot better for Russia." So what we want to do is we want to elect more Republicans so that we can deliver on all of the things I'm talking about. And I'll be honest with you, we're going to deliver anyway. We're going to deliver anyway. (APPLAUSE) We're going to lift millions of Americans from welfare to work, from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. We are going to lift them. (APPLAUSE) You know, one of the greatest things about all the jobs we've created -- to me, the greatest -- is that people, now, don't get stuck in one job and they hate it, they don't want to get up in the morning. They have many, many options. They can go out. Wages are rising. It's a beautiful thing taking place. They can get something. I've always said -- you know, when I make speeches on how to be successful, I always say, like, the first thing, "You've got to love it. You've got to love your job or you're never going to be good." These people, now, that didn't have any options -- they were hanging onto one job that they hated -- they have many, many choices. They get the job they want. And, for the first time in 20 years, wages are rising. (APPLAUSE) We're going to build new airports, and we're going to build railways and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. We have spent, because of horrible decision-making, $7 trillion in the Middle East. Think of it -- $7 trillion. And, if we want to fix a window, it's, like, a big deal. $7 trillion -- it's all coming back. Remember, during the debates, I talked about growth. "Growth, we need growth." Nobody has ever seen growth like we're having right now. When I go around and meet foreign leaders, they all congratulate me. "Mr. President, congratulations on the growth of the United States. Congratulations." Every one of them. (APPLAUSE) The first thing they say, first thing they say. By the way, is there anything more fun than a Trump rally? Is there (ph)... (APPLAUSE) And we break every attendance record every single time, just about. (APPLAUSE) We're going to put new steel into the backbone of our country and we're going to make that steel right here in the United Dates. (APPLAUSE) We're going to breathe new hope into our communities. And our workers are already so proud again. We will do it all with American hands and American heart and American pride. And, everything we do, we will stand up for our citizens. We will fight for our country. We will stand up for America. And we're going to stand up for the great state of Minnesota, and you're seeing that. (APPLAUSE) Your great state was pioneered by men and women who braved the wilderness and the winters to build a better life for themselves and for their incredible families. They were really tough, and they really smart and strong. (APPLAUSE) They didn't have a lot of money. They didn't have a lot of luxury, but they had grit and they had faith and they had courage and they had each other, right? (APPLAUSE) They were miners and ministers and fishermen and farmers and shipbuilders and shopkeepers. But they all had one thing in common: they loved their families, they loved their country and they loved their God. (APPLAUSE) Together, we're renewing the miracle of the great American Midwest. Do you remember, not so long ago, we were producing those cars and we were producing all of this stuff? And, since then, so many companies went to Mexico and went to other places. As I said before, they are coming back and they're coming back faster than anybody could ever believe. (APPLAUSE) We're standing on the shoulders of great American patriots who put down the railroads, built up the highways and dug out the most amazing Panama Canal, losing thousands of lives in doing it. They crossed the oceans, trekked the deserts, scaled the mountains, created the most incredible republic the world has ever seen. And you know what? Our republic today is prouder and greater than it ever was before. (APPLAUSE) Our beautiful ancestors won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and put a man on the face of the moon. And I think you saw, the other day, we're reopening NASA. We're going to be going to space. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Space Force! Space Force! Space Force! TRUMP: Space Force. Space Force. So we have the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the Coast Guard -- but we have the Air Force; now, we're going to have the Space Force, because it's a whole... (APPLAUSE) ... we need it. We need it. As long as we are proud of who we are and what we are fighting for, we will never, ever fail. There is no place like our place. There is no place. (APPLAUSE) With your help and with your voice and with your vote, the Republicans will win and keep on winning. We will keep on winning. (APPLAUSE) We have great people, and Pete is a great guy. You've got to get him a victory. A great guy. Got to get Pete a victory. You've got to get him a victory. We need him. We will achieve victory for our magnificent country and our magnificent land, the land that we love, because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We will never give in, we will never give up and we will never, ever stop fighting for our country or for our flag or for our freedom. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. And, together, we will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Minnesota. Thank you, Minnesota. (APPLAUSE) END
AP-APTN-0600: Japan Robot Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:Japan Robot- NEW First walking robot with human expressions unveiled LENGTH: 01:29 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: Japanese/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION STORY NUMBER: 610528 DATELINE: Tokyo - 22 June 2009 LENGTH: 01:29 SHOTLIST: APTN Tokyo - 22 June 2009 1. Wide of robot raising its arms in expression of happiness 2. Close-up of robot's face with smiling mouth, then closing mouth 3. Wide of robot making movements to express fear 4. Close-up of robot's face with eyes half closed, mouth open 5. Mid of robot, from side, with arms raised to express surprise 6. Mid of robot, from front, lowering arms 7. Close-up of robot's face looking serious 8. Mid of robot moving hand to its face as if it is crying 9. Close-up of Professor Atsuo Takanishi, of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, with robot in background 10. SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Professor Atsuo Takanishi, of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University: "For a robot to be useful in human life, the robot needs to communicate with humans to do what humans command it to do. To achieve natural communication between humans and robots, expressing feeling is an important factor." 11. Wide of Takanishi and robot ROBOT GETS EMOTIONAL A walking humanoid robot that is able to use its whole face and body to express emotion was unveiled on Tuesday (23JUN09) in Japan. The robot was created by scientists at Tokyo's Waseda University and is thought to be the first of its kind according to its makers. It is able to express a range of different emotions, including happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, anger and disgust, by opening and closing its eyes, moving its lips and eyebrows, and using its arms and legs. The robot is installed with 48 "actuators" which allow its face and body to move in a variety of ways. It shows happiness by opening its eyes and mouth wide and raising its arms, and sorrow by drooping its head and covering its eyes. The robot's hands are covered with a soft material which is supposed to replicate the feeling of a human hand. Professor Atsuo Takanishi and his team at Waseda University's Faculty of Science and Engineering, spent the last two and a half years creating the robot, which they called "KOBIAN". Takanishi believes KOBIAN is the first robot able to express emotion with its entire body. He said the ability to express feeling was an "important factor" in achieving "natural communication" between robots and humans. The professor hopes robots such as KOBIAN could be used in the future to help elderly people with housework and in nursing homes. But he said the robot was still at the prototype stage and was not yet able to interact with humans emotionally apart from through its set of pre-programmed responses. Takanishi said it could be several decades before robots such as KOBIAN can be used to help people in their homes. Waseda University set up the Humanoid Robotics Institute in April 2000 to carry out research on creating new relationships between humans and machines. According to its website, the institute hopes to create a robot which will eventually experience the same patterns of thought and behaviour as a human being. Territory. APTN APEX 06-24-09 0207EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: Philippines Feast Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:Philippines Feast- NEW Residents douse each other with water to celebrate feast of town's patron saint LENGTH: 01:06 FIRST RUN: 0330 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: Tagalog/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION STORY NUMBER: 610617 DATELINE: Manila, 24 June 2009 LENGTH: 01:06 SHOTLIST: APTN Manila, 24 June 2009 1. Wide of street zoom in to residents throwing water on passing car 2. Welcome to San Juan sign above road, tilt down to residents with buckets of water asking jeepney to stop, running around to rear of vehicle 3. Interior of jeepney, passengers being soaked with buckets of water 4. Children cheering, throwing water as jeepney drives away 5. Wide of people cheering by roadside 6. Various of man with hose watering jeepney passengers 7. SOUNDBITE: (Tagalog) Andrew Franco, Driver, San Juan Resident: "Since the beginning it has been a tradition here, of St John the Baptist, so people should not get upset. If they will get mad they should not pass San Juan so that they won't get wet because that's what makes the people of San Juan happy." 8. Woman being soaked with water 9. Boy throwing bucket of water at police officer riding on passing vehicle WET WEDNESDAY Residents of San Juan, a suburb of Manila, celebrated the feast day of the town's patron saint on Wednesday (24JUN09) by dousing each other with water. The festivities commemorate the feast of Saint John the Baptist, after whom the town was named. The revellers soaked residents and passers-by with water to depict the baptism, a Christian sacrament, which Saint John performed on Jesus Christ. This year there were fewer passers-by to be drenched as classes in the primary and secondary schools were suspended due to a coming storm. However, this did not dampen the celebrations as the residents continued splashing each other with water, an act they believe brings good fortune. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: infoaparchive.com (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN APEX 06-24-09 0208EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: UK Oxfam Stars Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:UK Oxfam Stars- NEW Jarvis Cocker and Fatboy Slim go blue for climate change campaign LENGTH: 00:55 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: Oxfam STORY NUMBER: 610623 DATELINE: UK, Recent LENGTH: 00:55 SHOTLIST(including transcript):- Oxfam 1. Clip Oxfam Blue Climate Campaign STARS PAINT THEMSELVES BLUE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE CAMPAIGN Jarvis Cocker, Little Boots and Fatboy Slim are among the stars who have painted themselves blue for an Oxfam campaign ahead of this weekend's Glastonbury festival in the UK. The portraits shot exclusively by photographer Rankin, kick off Oxfam's climate change campaign across the festival season. Also featured in the campaign are The Editors' Tom Smith, The View, Luke Pritchard from The Kooks, VV Brown and Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. Oxfam is asking thousands of festival-goers across the summer to paint themselves blue as part of a massive visual statement to the UK government to take action on climate change before it's too late. A video of the celebrity photo shoot will debut on the big screens at Glastonbury's Pyramid Stage during the festival this weekend, showing how Rankin captured Oxfam's most ambitious celebrity photo campaign since the famous Make Trade Fair 'dumping' pictures in 2005. The blue faces campaign marks Oxfam's sixteenth year at Glastonbury. Since 1993 Oxfam has signed up the support of 400,000 people for their campaigns at Glastonbury, raised ?2.7 million through volunteers' stewarding and ?522,000 through Oxfam stalls on-site. The blue faces petition will be presented to the UK government ahead of December's critical climate change summit in Copenhagen, with Oxfam calling for a global deal that keeps carbon emissions at a safe level, and offers fair support to the millions of people in developing countries already suffering the effects of climate change. Glastonbury festival in Somerset runs from 25-28 June. CLEARANCE DETAILS APTN APEX 06-24-09 0209EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: Germany Tapir Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:Germany Tapir- NEW Endangered Tapir born in Berlin Zoo LENGTH: 01:08 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: AP TELEVISION STORY NUMBER: 610531 DATELINE: Berlin - 23 June 2009 LENGTH: 01:08 SHOTLIST APTN Berlin - 23 June 2009 1. Wide of enclosure with zookeeper watching as the baby tapir walks towards camera 2. Close of baby tapir walking towards zookeeper, licks zookeeper's hand 3. Baby tapir with his mother 4. Close of baby 5. SOUNDBITE (German) Carsten Schwend, Zookeeper at Berlin Zoo: "It was born on June 11th at around 16:00 local time (1400 GMT) in the outdoor enclosure. It will stay with its mother for the minimum of one year and then other people will decide about Maya's future." 6. Tilt up from close of baby Maya to close of mother 7. Mother tapir eating 8. Close of baby tapir MAYA MAKES HER DEBUT A twelve-day-old baby tapir called Maya made her debut at Berlin Zoo on Tuesday (23JUN09). She was born on 11 June and weighed in at around seven kilograms (15 pounds). As she gets older Maya, who is a South American "Flat land" Tapir, has brown fur and white stripes will eventually lose her markings. Staff at the Zoo were particularly pleased with their new resident. They've been waiting for a baby tapir to arrive for 15 years. Maya will stay with her eight-year-old mother Ronja for at least the first year of her life. Tapirs are an endangered animal and while they often look rather like pigs with trunks they are actually related to horses and rhinoceroses. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: infoaparchive.com (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN APEX 06-24-09 0210EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US McMahon Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:US McMahon- REPLAY Fans remember McMahon at his star on Hollywood Walk of Fame LENGTH: 01:45 FIRST RUN: 2000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP Television STORY NUMBER: 610603 DATELINE: Hollywood, Calif., 23 June 2009 LENGTH: 01:45 SHOTLIST: Associated Press Television Los Angeles, 23 June 2009 1. Wide pedestrians on Hollywood Boulevard 2. Close street sign: Hollywood Boulevard 3. Wide worker places wreath and flowers on Ed McMahon star on Hollywood Walk of Fame 4. Close Ed McMahon ribbon on wreath 5. Close note on memorial wreath from Hollywood Historic Trust 6. Medium tilt down Ed McMahon memorial wreath to Hollywood Walk of Fame star 7. SOUNDBITE (English) Kim Ward/Onlooker at wreath ceremony, on Ed McMahon: "He was a great sidekick to Johnny Carson. 'Star Search' -- a lot of stars became famous because of him. Publishers Clearing House -- he could've came to my house and said 'Hey, you're a winner! Ten million dollars!' He was just a great guy." 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom Schriber/Onlooker at wreath ceremony, on Ed McMahon: "I mean he was almost as important I think as Johnny himself in those shows. You know, the shows always began with Ed saying at some point along the line 'Here's Johnny!' A very important contribution, I think. Sorry to see him go. I understand in recent years he had fallen on hard times." 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Marlene Cote/Passerby, on EdMcMahon: "I remember when he used to come to the houses. People used to win money. He used to be a giver, not a taker." 10. Wide camera operators gathered at Ed McMahon's star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, tilt down to star 11. Close Ed McMahon star on Hollywood Walk of Fame 'TONIGHT' SIDEKICK ED MCMAHON DIES AT 86 Ed McMahon, the loyal "Tonight" show sidekick who bolstered boss Johnny Carson with guffaws and a resounding "H-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!" for 30 years, died early Tuesday (23JUN09). He was 86. McMahon died shortly after midnight at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center surrounded by his wife, Pam, and other family members, said his publicist, Howard Bragman. McMahon broke his neck in a fall in March 2007, and battled a series of financial problems as his injuries prevented him from working. On Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood on Tuesday, workers placed flowers and a wreath bearing McMahon's name on top of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Cameramen and reporters gathered as onlookers -- tourists and locals -- remembered McMahon. "He was a great sidekick to Johnny Carson. 'Star Search' -- a lot of stars became famous because of him," tourist Kim Ward said. "Publishers Clearing House -- he could've came to my house and said 'Hey, you're a winner! Ten million dollars!' He was just a great guy." Tom Schriber, another tourist, said: "I mean he was almost as important I think as Johnny himself in those shows. You know, the shows always began with Ed saying at some point along the line 'Here's Johnny!' A very important contribution, I think. Sorry to see him go. I understand in recent years he had fallen on hard times." McMahon and Carson had worked together for nearly five years on the game show "Who Do You Trust?" when Carson took over NBC's late-night show from Jack Paar in October 1962. McMahon played second banana on "Tonight" until Carson retired in 1992. McMahon's medical and financial problems kept him in the headlines in his last years. It was reported in June 2008 that he was facing possible foreclosure on his Beverly Hills home. By year's end, a deal was worked out allowing him to stay in his home, but legal action involving other alleged debts continued. Born Edward Leo Peter McMahon Jr. on March 6, 1923, in Detroit, McMahon grew up in Lowell, Mass. He got his start on television playing a circus clown on the 1950-51 variety series "Big Top." But the World War II Marine veteran interrupted his career to serve as a fighter pilot in Korea. McMahon and Clark also teamed up as pitchmen for American Family Publishers' sweepstakes, with their faces a familiar sight on contest entry forms and in TV commercials. McMahon was known for his ongoing commercials for Budweiser as well. Besides his wife, Pam, McMahon is survived by children Claudia, Katherine, Linda, Jeffrey and Lex. Bragman said no funeral arrangements have been made. APTN APEX 06-24-09 0213EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Beyonce Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:US Beyonce- REPLAY Grammy-winning singer helps fight hunger LENGTH: 02:25 FIRST RUN: 2000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: General Mills' Hamburger Helper STORY NUMBER: 610594 DATELINE: New York, 22 June 2009 LENGTH: 02:25 SHOTLIST (including transcript): General Mills' Hamburger Helper New York - 22 June 2009 1. Wide shot of Hamburger Helper truck 2. Close up of ShowYourHelpingHand.com poster 3. Close up of Beyonce/Donate Here poster 4. Wide shot of Beyonce walking on stage 5. SOUNDBITE (English) Beyonce, Recording Artist: "Well families are really struggling right now during this economic downturn and I wanted to do something to help. So I teamed up with General Mills, Hamburger Helper for the Show Your Hand Helping campaign and our goal is to help Feeding America deliver 3.5 million meals to local food banks. But we can't do this alone, so we need people to get involved so we can reach our goal." 6. Close up, then pan out of donated food 7. Wide shot of people putting can foods in boxes 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Beyonce, Recording Artist: "You know something I recently learned that really surprised me: one in eight Americans struggle with hunger, and it's crazy. I also learned that it's a problem, especially for kids. It's getting worse during the summer because the kids are on summer vacation, they lose access to school lunches, so they turn to local food banks for help, and I really wanted to help, but I can't do it on my own." 9. Mid shot of crowd and photographers 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Beyonce, Recording Artist: "I'm asking all of my fans to get involved too. They can bring non-perishable food items to my U.S. concerts and that will be donated to Feeding America. And if they can't make it to the concert, it's OK, but there are many other ways to help. Just go to ShowYourHelpingHand.com to learn more." 11. Wide shot of Beyonce on stage putting food in boxes 12. Mid shot of crowd 13. Mid shot of Beyonce posing with food BEYONCE HELPS FIGHT HUNGER Beyonce is providing food for thought, literally. The 27-year-old entertainer announced Monday (22 June 2009) her partnership with Feeding America and General Mills to help fight hunger. "Well families are really struggling right now during this economic downturn and I wanted to do something to help," she said. Beyonce made the announcement in New York outside of Madison Square Garden, where she opened up the U.S. leg of her "I Am" tour Sunday (21 June 2009). She performed at MSG again Tuesday night. Beyonce's is partnering with General Mills' Hamburger Helper with the goal of helping Feeding America deliver more than 3.5 million meals to local food banks through the Show Your Helping Han campaign. Those interested should visit www.showyourhelpinghand.com for more information. The Grammy-winning singer is inviting fans in the U.S. to support the campaign. "They can bring non-perishable food items to my U.S. concerts and that will be donated to Feeding America," she said. Beyonce's U.S. tour will wrap up on August 2 in Las Vegas. Here are additional U.S. tour dates: Jun 23 2009 Baltimore, MD First Mariner Arena Jun 24 2009 Washington, D.C. Verizon Center Jun 26 2009 Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center Jun 27 2009 Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum Complex Jun 29 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Bank Atlantic Center Jul 1 2009 Atlanta, GA Phillips Arena Jul 3 2009 New Orleans, LA Superdome (Essence Music Festival) Jul 4 2009 Houston, TX Toyota Center Jul 5 2009 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center Jul 7 2009 Phoenix, AZ US Airways Center Jul 9 2009 Sacramento, CA Arco Arena Jul 10 2009 Oakland, CA Oracle Arena Jul 11 2009 Anaheim, CA Honda Center Jul 13 2009 Los Angeles, CA Staples Center Jul 16 2009 Minneapolis, MN Target Center Jul 17 2009 Chicago, IL United Center Jul 18 2009 Detroit, MI Palace of Auburn Hills Jul 20 2009 Toronto, Ontario, Canada The Molson Amphitheatre Jul 21 2009 Montreal, CAN Bell Centre Jul 23 2009 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Jul 24 2009 Meadowlands, NJ Izod Center Jul 30 2009 Las Vegas, NV Encore Theater, Wynn Las Vegas Jul 31 2009 Las Vegas, NV Encore Theater, Wynn Las Vegas Aug 1 2009 Las Vegas, NV Encore Theater, Wynn Las Vegas Aug 2 2009 Las Vegas, NV Encore Theater, Wynn Las Vegas APTN APEX 06-24-09 0214EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Snoop, Tyson Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:US Snoop, Tyson- REPLAY Snoop Dogg beats Mike Tyson in 'Fight Night Round 4' video game LENGTH: 05:27 FIRST RUN: 0000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP, Electronic Arts STORY NUMBER: 610611 DATELINE: Los Angeles, 22 June 2009 LENGTH: 05:27 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT. SHOT LIST: AP Television West Hollywood, Calif., 22 June 2009 1. Wide House of Blues on Sunset Strip 2. Close House of Blues on Sunset Strip sign Electronic Arts West Hollywood, Calif., 22 June 2009 3. Medium Mike Tyson on arrivals line at "Fight Night Round 4" launch event with new wife Lakiha Spicer 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Tyson/Boxer, on being on cover of "Fight Night Round 4" video game: "Egotistically speaking, I thought I should've been on the one previous to me. I was jealous and a little upset. I'm just totally fulfilled to be on the cover now." Electronic Arts 5. Still image: Mike Tyson in "Fight Night Round 4" 6. Still image: "Fight Night Round 4" cover AP Television West Hollywood, Calif., 22 June 2009 7. Medium Mike Tyson leaves arrivals line at "Fight Night Round 4" launch event with new wife Lakiha Spicer 8. Medium people playing "Fight Night Round 4" video game inside House of Blues 9. UPSOUND Snoop Dogg is introduced at video game competition 10. Wide cutaway crowd 11. UPSOUND Wide Mike Tyson is introduced at video game competition 12. UPSOUND Medium Mike Tyson talks at introduction of video game competition 13. Wide Snoop Dogg plays "Fight Night Round 4" against Mike Tyson (in background) on House of Blues stage 14. Medium Mike Tyson plays "Fight Night Round 4" against Snoop Dogg 15. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on his friendship with Mike Tyson: "You know, when Mike was in his prime, I was in my prime. So it was more about just friends just hooking up. Just maintaining friendship throughout the years." 16. Medium over the shoulder Snoop Dogg playing "Fight Night Round 4" Electronic Arts West Hollywood, Calif., 22 June 2009 17. Wide screen at House of Blues as Snoop Dogg plays game against Mike Tyson 18. Medium Mike Tyson playing "Fight Night Round 4" 19. Medium Snoop Dogg celebrating win over Mike Tyson at "Fight Night Round 4" 20. Medium Mike Tyson reacting to "Fight Night Round 4" loss 21. Medium Snoop Dogg celebrating win over Mike Tyson at "Fight Night Round 4" 22. Wide Snoop Dogg celebrating win over Mike Tyson at "Fight Night Round 4" 23. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on fighting Mike Tyson on a video game: "I fought with my character Malice. He was a light heavyweight, I believe he was like 170 (pounds), something like what I do. And Mike's character was like 220 (pounds). It was a mismatch. I was the underdog. Ten to one favored to lose. But stuck it out, used my jab. Fundamentals. Got him in the body. Knocked him out in the fourth round." 24. UPSOUND Mike Tyson talks after losing "Fight Night Round 4" match to Snoop Dogg 25. Medium Mike Tyson signs boxing glove for fans 26. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on Mike Tyson: "I mean, it's great to see his evolution come back around and for him to get what's deserved as far as his notoriety, his respect, his love and you know credibility for who he is and what he's done for the sport of boxing, for humanity, just for people in general. His struggle is our struggle. I'm a fan of his, a friend of his. I'm just happy to see him still relevant after so many years." Warner Bros 27. Film clip: "The Hangover" AP Television West Hollywood, Calif., 22 June 2009 28. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on Mike Tyson: "You know, the growth and development that he's went through. Ups and downs. It's part of life. You know, a career where he's had highs and lows, a life with highs and lows. And now he's back on top again, you know. That's where he's meant to be." 29. Medium Snoop Dogg poses for photo with fans 30. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on 'Fight Night Round 4': "The things I like about the game -- I like the ability to punch with the analog button. You have more punch control. And the ability to fire back and to counter-punch." 31. Close zoom to medium fans play "Fight Night Round 4" at House of Blues event 32. SOUNDBITE (English) Snoop Dogg/Recording artist, on his choice of cell phones: "I don't like iPhones. Everybody got one." Electronic Arts 33. Trailer, 'Fight Night Round 4' SNOOP OUTBOXES MIKE TYSON -- ON AN XBOX 360 Will Smith once released a song titled "I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson." Now another veteran rapper really has. Snoop Dogg outboxed the former heavyweight champion on Monday (22JUN09) night -- on a video game console. Tyson is featured on the cover of Electronic Arts' new "Fight Night Round 4" for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and Snoop Dogg has an unlockable character in the game named Malice. Tyson said outside the event he was glad to make the cover, with another former champ, Muhammad Ali. "Egotistically speaking, I thought I should've been on the one previous to me. I was jealous and a little upset," Tyson said. "I'm just totally fulfilled to be on the cover now." Inside the House of Blues on Sunset Strip, Tyson faced off against Snoop in a four-round match of "Fight Night" on a big screen. The two have been friends since meeting in 1993, according to Snoop. Snoop said he was a 10-1 underdog but used his jab to knock out Tyson's character: "Fundamentals. Got him in the body. Knocked him out in the fourth round." Tyson has been resurgent in pop culture in recent months, with the release of a documentary about his life, his appearance in the nation's top movie for two straight weeks, "The Hangover," and Jamie Foxx talking about starring in a biopic about him. "I mean, it's great to see his evolution come back around and for him to get what's deserved as far as his notoriety, his respect, his love and you know credibility for who he is and what he's done for the sport of boxing, for humanity, just for people in general," Snoop said of Tyson. "His struggle is our struggle. I'm a fan of his, a friend of his. I'm just happy to see him still relevant after so many years." Tyson has faced highs and lows even in the past several weeks. He married for the third time this month, just ten days after his 4-year-old daughter died in a tragic treadmill accident. He appeared at the "Fight Night" event with his new wife, whose maiden name was Lakiha Spicer. "You know, the growth and development that he's went through," Snoop Dogg said. "Ups and downs. It's part of life. You know, a career where he's had highs and lows, a life with highs and lows. And now he's back on top again, you know. That's where he's meant to be." "Fight Night Round 4" is out this week for Xbox 360 and PS3. APTN APEX 06-24-09 0215EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: Uk Rudo and Cursi Wednesday, 24 June 2009 STORY:Uk Rudo and Cursi- REPLAY Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luno talk about their sibling rivalry in new film LENGTH: 03:18 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN/Sony Classics STORY NUMBER: 610624 DATELINE: London UK June 22 2009 LENGTH: 03:18 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT. SHOTLIST(including transcript):- Sony Classic Pictures 1. Clip trailer ' Rudo and Cursi ' AP Entertainment London, UK, 22 June 2009 2. SOUNDBITE ( English ) Gael Garcia Bernal: "The storyline of the characters was very clear, but the context, the colouring of the characters we sort of developed it together with Carlos (Cuaron) by going, first scouting to where we were going to shoot it and deciding on a certain series of rules for the characters, especially too with the accent. We saw there in the banana plantations, a lot of people we talked to them and then we just mixed many things. I mean, the accent was completely invented. That was really fun to do. That was incredibly fun and we had a lot to play with. A lot, a lot to play with. Many things came into place and of course when we look at the movie, there's many jokes that construct the character." Sony Classic Pictures 3. Clip trailer ' Rudo and Cursi ' AP Entertainment London, UK, 22 June 2009 4. SOUNDBITE ( English ) Diego Luna: "When the storyline is clear, then you can really spend your time just using your imagination and finding these characters. And once you find it, I mean - it took a long time to say goodbye to these characters. Even today, I miss a little bit of Rudo." Sony Classic Pictures 5. Clip trailer ' Rudo and Cursi ' AP Entertainment London, UK, 22 June 2009 6. SOUNDBITE ( English ) Carlos Cuaron, Director: "It made it easier, at least for me, you know, the fact that we are all close friends, that we know each other so well, that we are like this family of friends. It saves you a lot of time, but also its just the trust, you know, and the camaraderie that happens and the whole atmosphere during the shooting was amazing." 7. SOUNDBITE ( English ) Alfonso Cuaron, Producer "And everybody there for the same reason and you know, with the same goals, it was very easy. At the end, everybody was there because they really wanted to be there." Sony Classic Pictures 8. Clip Trailer ' Rudo and Cursi ' SIBLING RIVALRY AND BROTHERLY LOVE ON 'RUDO AND CURSI' Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal play half brothers who love football and have a problem with each other, in 'Rudo and Cursi'. Noticed by a talent scout, they are both picked to turn professional - but are soon distracted by other temptations. The film follows their move from working on a banana plantation to playing for teams in Mexico City and sees how the characters are seduced by record deals, women, gambling and drugs. The tale is written and directed by Carlos Cuaron, who co-wrote the first film his stars made together, 2001's acclaimed 'Y Tu Mama Tambien'. That film's director - Cuaron's brother Alfronso - is one of 'Rudo and Cursi's producers. The shared history between the filmmakers and their stars helped to make shooting the new movie a positive experience. "It made it easier, at least for me, you know, the fact that we are all close friends, that we know each other so well, that we are like this family of friends," said Carlos. "It saves you a lot of time, but also its just the trust, you know, and the camaraderie that happens and the whole atmosphere during the shooting was amazing." "And everybody there for the same reason and you know, with the same goals, it was very easy," adds Alfonso. "At the end, everybody was there because they really wanted to be there." 'Rudo and Cursi' is the first release from the production Cha Cha Cha company formed by some of the best known directors in Mexican cinema - Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro ('Pan's Labyrinth') and Alejandro Gonzalex Inarritu ('Babel'), who are all producers on the film. CLEARANCE DETAILS APTN APEX 06-24-09 0218EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM -------------------
In NY interplay as: 5116 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY COUNCIL BLUFFS IA 060812 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING OUTSIDE AT A RALLY IN COUNCIL BLUFFS IA DC slug: 1120 ROMNEY COUNCIL BLUFFS RS9 78 11:59:37 Romney bus enters 12:01:21 Romney walks towards stage, waves. gets on stage (12:01:37) 12:01:53 Members of morning roundtable stand behind him 12:42:42 Good glad handing b-roll (post event, but flagging up top here) --- good shots with kids: 12:50:01 Good shot of TIME Magazine cover "Raising Romney", Romney takes it and signs it 12:52:20 Romney shakes hands with members of the roundtable 12:06:40 Boy It's good to be back in Iowa and in Council Bluffs on such a beautiful day. This is extraordinary, what a wonderful day. And to see old friends - I've got some friends that I haven't seen for a number of years, and we're gonna finally have our way and get out the White House thanks to you guys. Thanks so much. Now this morning, the President had a press conference - I don't know if you heard it - but he called a press conference and pulled people in, he said a number of things and one of the most interesting things he said was this - he said the private sector is doing fine. He said the private sector is doing fine. Is he really that out of touch? I think he's defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the American people. Has there ever been an American president who is so far from reality as to believe in an America where 23 million Americans are out of work or have stopped for work, or can only find part time jobs, and need full time jobs. Where the economy grew in the first quarter of the year at only 1.9 percent. Where the median income has dropped by 10 percent over the last four years. Where there have been (a) record of home foreclosures. For the President of the United States to stand up and say the private sector is doing fine is going to go down in history as an extraordinary miscalculation and misunderstanding by a president who's out of touch. And we're gonna take back this country and get America working again. 12:08:31 And his answer for economic vitality by the way was of course pushing aside the private sector, which he said is doing fine, instead he wants to add more to government. He wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers, did he not get the message in Wisconsin? The American people did. It's time for us to cut back on government and help the American people! CROWD CHEERS 12:09:00 Now he said something else pretty interesting the other night in a fundraising speech in Beverly Hills. He said I keep a little checklist in my desk at the Oval Office. I've got a to-do list he said. And every so often I take a look at it and say you know what? We're doing OK. Isn't that amazing? Again, these comments he's making just suggest someone who doesn't understand what's happening in the country he has been elected to lead. The people in Iowa saw his campaign launched here in Iowa. It was a campaign of hope and optimism. It was a campaign of getting America stronger again and cutting back on the deficit. How disappointed the people of Iowa have become over these last 3 ½ years and how committed we are to having real change that gets the American people back to work again and sees rising incomes again. CROWD CHEERS 12:10:00 I got a copy here of his to-do list from his desk. You see, I was able to sneak that out. There are a few things that are missing. Missing is lead a real recovery. Missing is reduce the deficit. Missing is save Medicare and Social Security. Missing is help small business. There were some things on the list I wish he'd take off - one was pass Obamacare. CROWD BOOS 12:10:34 One of was stall the development of coal, oil and natural gas. One was multiple regulations on small business, and one was divide the American people. It's time to have a president who remembers that we are one nation under God, and I will be (CROWD CHEERS). And I won't have to have a long to-do list in my drawer at the White House. My to-do list is written on my heart and the first three entries are these - jobs, jobs and jobs. I'm going to go to work to get America working again. You see, I've traveled the country over the last couple of years, and seen people of all walks of life and these are tough times for a lot of people. People are having a hard time making ends meet in the corners of our country. I was in Fort Meyers Florida, met a guy named Chris Davis. Chris Davis and his son traveled with me. He said even though he has a job at the YMCA and is able to make his bank payments, the bank has decided to foreclose on his home. It's been a snafu. And he said his wife is due to have their next baby on the very day I was with him. And he said we wonder when we get home tonight whether we'll be able to go to our home or whether it's locked up by the bank. This is just a tragedy in a country like this. And then of course I was with a college graduate in Philadelphia. She was graduating, probably right about now. She said she wasn't able to find a job. So she's had to take on three part time positions and she said they're just barely enough to make it possible for her to pay her rent and for her food and she's wondering how she's going to start paying back her student loans. You realize 50 percent of the kids graduating from college this year can't find jobs. 12:12:35 This is not a private sector that is doing just fine. I had the chance of being with a couple in Appleton, WI. They both work as sales people. And they're very concerned about their future, they're about ready to retire. They're concerned they're going to lose their jobs, one works at a very small business, about a million in revenues, and he's worried that they're not going to be able to afford him as a salesman anymore. The other one is working as a fragrance salesperson, she wonders whether the fragrance company can keep her hired. And so the challenge is their retirement because they bought two duplexes. And they presumed the sale of those duplexes would pay for their retirement. But now home values have dropped so much that they're not going to be able to have the income they expected,. By the way, have you looked at the kind of return you're getting on your CDs, on your retirement account? Yea not so good. A lot of people who are in retirement, they wonder how they can make ends meet, and they wonder whether socials security and Medicare are going to be there for coming generations. Look, this is an America that's uncertain right now and it's concerned about the future. And the president's in all this is - have you heard his campaign slogan? Forward. Forward. Forward over a cliff CROWD LAUGHS AND CHEERS 12:13:50 And so he's looking around, he's looking for someone to blame, he tries to blame President George W. Bush, that happened so long ago people have forgotten that. He's trying to blame Congress. Congress was his with a super majority for two years. He had his way with Congress. And what he did didn't produce the kind of results we're looking for. And so he's out of ideas, as you saw this morning. He's out of excuses and in 2012 the people of Iowa are going to make sure we put him out of office. CROWD CHEERS 12:14:39 He's gonna do his very best to see if he can take hope and change and turn it into hoping to change the subject. But I'll tell you he's going to try and find any glimmer of hope. He's going to say by the way the recession ended and we've been growing. Well yea, all recessions end, and the growth hasn't been as much as it should have and people aren't back to work yet. You ask yourself is he part of the solution or part of the problem? And you look at his policies and ask did they help create jobs? Did Obamacare help create jobs in America? CROWD SAYS NO 12:15:13 Romney: How about Dodd Frank did that make it any easier for small banks to make small loans to small businesses? And then of course how about his energy policies, did that get more energy in this country? How about deficits? Did that encourage businesses to grow and expand in America? How about higher taxes and regulations, did that make it easier for the American people or businesses to hire people? No his policies did not get America to work. He instead focused on his liberal agenda and the American people are suffering because of it. He just doesn't understand and appreciate the power of free enterprise. Of free people pursuing their dreams. CROWD CHEERS 12:16:00 You do. I understand you do. I've had the fun of going across the country and seeing American people who are innovative, creative, whose ideas lift one another. I was in Las Vegas and met a woman who has a small business. She rents furniture to casinos and to conventioners that come to Las Vegas. She has these black sofas and these black coffee tables, and she was afraid that with the collapse of the economy, her business would go out of business and her employees would lose their jobs. So she did something creative. She taught them how to make furniture, not just rent it. And now they make those sofas and they make those coffee tables. And they sell them around the country. 12:16:41 I met another entrepreneur this is a woman who owns her own business. I said how did you get into business. She said well my husband lost his job and he took a class in upholstering. And she said because she was kind of the better business mind in the family, she decided to start a business of her own and she hired her husband as her first employee. And she's gone on to hire 39 other people who are upholsterers and now she has an upholstery business. I met a guy, a Russian immigrant, named Alexis Lukainav. He has back problem, looked at how we do surgery here, came up with an idea for a better way of using vetebro when people have back problems and began a little business to teach doctors how to use this technology and buy his techniques. Now that little business is called Newvasive and employees 1,300 people. This is America! That kind of innovation I think flows, I think it flows from the very beginning of the country when the founders said in the Declaration of Independence said that we were endowed by our creator with our rights, not by the government. We're the sovereign in this country., not the government. And among those rights they described were life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We would be free in this country to pursue happiness as we choose and people with dreams, with freedom, economic freedom, have helped build an America and this president is trying to substitute government for freedom and it will not work and we will stop it. CROWD CHEERS 12:18:24 I trust the American people. I have confidence in the ingenuity of the American people. He has confidence in boards and commissions and appointees and czars. He's substituting freedom and entrepreneurship and innovation with federal mandates and waivers and tax credits and guidelines and grants and guarantees. He's putting companies like Solyndra ahead of the free enterprises of the American people. It's time in this country to realize what it is that makes America great and it is the freedom of the American people who have dreams, who are not jealous and envious of others, who celebrate success and don't divide themselves from others based upon that. 12:19:11 I saw Marco Rubio the other day, we were at a rally (crowd cheers). He said something that will stay with me a long time - he said when I was a boy living poor in this country with my family, we saw some other homes, great big homes and fancy cars. He said I never heard my parents say why can't we have some of what they have. Instead my parents said aren't we lucky to live in a country where with education and hard work, there's a shot we have of earning that ourselves. That's the nature of America! We're a land of opportunity. 12:19:54 And so we're at a crossroads in this country. We're going to have to decide if we want to become Europe. With big government taking a larger and larger share of our economy and telling us how to live our lives. If I'm the president of the United States we're gonna stop this out of control spending, this prairie fire of debt, we must stop it to preserve the future for our kids CROWD CHEERS 12:20:17 If I'm the president we're gonna get rid of Obamacare, and return health care responsibility to people. I happen to believe that rather than seeing dismal days ahead where more Americans are thinking the future is dim for their kids, not bright, I happen to believe the future is going to be extraordinarily brilliant and powerful. That America's economy is going to come rushing back. That you're gonna see a resurgence in manufacturing and innovation in this country. And it's going to flow from policies that draw on the skills and capabilities of the American people. Not on government. And I'm going to make sure that we get this underway by a number of things - making sure we tame these deficits and reign in the size of government. And number two - we take advantage of our energy. I want to develop oil and our coal and our natural gas. There are bright days ahead, there are terrific days ahead. I have confidence in America. I love this country. I love America, I love the American experiment, I love what it proved to the world, I love the hope of the world that is resident in this country. I was able to almost on a day like this, in San Diego, on Memorial Day, and it was warm. And it was sunny. And I had a chance of seeing a number of veterans as well as members of our armed forces today. I introduced three members of our veterans team that were there from the Second World War. One of whom in particular I recall, he was a lookout on the USS Tennessee on the day of Pearl Harbor. And he said he looked into the eyes of a pilot flying an aircraft carrying armament that would come attack his ship. Locked eyes with him. And he was injured in the attack on Pearl Harbor. He went on however to serve for 33 years in the US Navy and I had him stand and receive applause from the audience. But you know I noticed as I saw these men and women who had served in that great war, men and women of the greatest generation that they're getting older. And there aren't as many of them as there were in the past. And they can't hold the torch of freedom as high as they held it in the past because of their age and their dwindling numbers. It's time for us to seize that torch for this generation and this state and these people. And this is a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not America's torch. But it's America's duty and our honor to hold that torch for the world. This is our time to life it, to hold it high, to make sure America remains the hope of the earth! We can do it on November 6th! I need your help! We need to take back America! We need to grow America's strength! We need to go back to work to provide the principles that make America the hope of the earth. Thank you so much!
1900 WH MS MAGA RALLY PATH2 FS24 74 2030 WH MS MAGA RALLY PATH2.2 FS24 80 CBS WHITE HOUSE POOL PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, GOV. PHIL BRYANT, R-MISS., SEN. CINDY HYDE-SMITH, R-MISS. [*] TRUMP: Hello, Mississippi, hello. Beautiful. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Well, I have to start by saying that 2020 is looking really easy, isn't it? (APPLAUSE) I think the fake news media back there is starting to get it, folks. I think they're starting. (BOOING) They're starting to understand what's going on. And I'm thrilled to be back in this great state, with thousands of proud, loyal, hard-working American patriots. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) In less than two years, we've achieved the biggest comeback in American history. That's what's happened. (APPLAUSE) The economy is booming. Wages are rising. And more Americans are working today than ever before. Today -- ever before. (APPLAUSE) Think of it. Now, just think of that. Today, we have more Americans working than we've ever had in the history of our country, right now, today. How great is that, right? (APPLAUSE) We're defending our Second Amendment, protecting religious liberty, taking care of our great veterans... (APPLAUSE) ... and rebuilding America's military like it hasn't been rebuilt ever before. (APPLAUSE) This week, we made history again when I announced that we are replacing the job-killed disaster known as NAFTA with a brand-new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. A good one. (APPLAUSE) And it's a good one. We're calling it USMCA. You're going to like that name. (APPLAUSE) That'll become a part of your vocabulary. USMCA. Companies aren't going to be leaving us anymore and firing everybody and sending their product back into the United States with no tax. That was what I wanted. (APPLAUSE) You know, Mississippi, when they leave and they go next door and they fire everybody and they build the product and send it back and sell it to the same people that were buying it before -- no, we don't want to do that anymore. No we don't want to do that anymore. It's not a good -- that's not a good thing to do. Although there is a group called globalists. They think it's just fine. Not fine. (BOOING) They're globalists. (inaudible) globalists. We don't like the thinking of the globalists. The USMCA is an incredible victory for our farmers, our ranchers, our factory workers, and our entire nation. (APPLAUSE) America is winning again, and America is being respected again, maybe respected like never before, because we are finally putting America first. (APPLAUSE) But exactly five weeks from today, all of this extraordinary progress is at stake. It is at stake. I'm not on the ballot, but in a certain way, I'm on the ballot, so please go out and vote. Go out and vote. (APPLAUSE) On November 6th, you will head to the polls -- hopefully -- in one of the most important congressional elections of our lifetime. The only reason to vote Democrat is if you are tired of winning. (BOOING) A Democrat takeover of Congress will plunge our country into gridlock and chaos like you haven't seen before. It'll come to a halt. And I have to tell you, all of those people, with your savings accounts and your money piled up in your bank, it's all -- a lot of it's going to disappear, and it'll disappear really fast. (BOOING) Your 401(k)s -- I stand up all the time with great Americans. "Sir, I'd like to thank you. My wife thinks I'm one of the greatest investors in the world. And two years ago, she thought I was a total loser, sir. Now she loves me so much." (APPLAUSE) "Because my 401(k)..." (APPLAUSE) "... has gone up 55 percent, sir, since you got elected! 55 percent!" (APPLAUSE) Ah, it's amazing. You can really get your wife to like you a lot when that happens. You've got to be really bad. I'll tell you. And that's happening. And it goes the other way, too. That happens. People are geniuses now. And we've helped. You know, we had probably -- and even the fake news would tell you -- the greatest victory in the history of this country in 2016. There's never been anything like that. (APPLAUSE) The people came from the hills and the valleys. They came from all over. And they voted, voted, voted. And they love Trump, and they loved us. Because it wasn't me, it was all of us. It was all of us. And that's what's happening. That's what's happening. (APPLAUSE) But it's all fragile. The Democrats will open our borders to deadly drugs and ruthless gangs. (BOOING) The Democrats -- and I say this -- and I've dealt with it -- the Democrats are the party of crime. And that's what it is, they're the party of crime. (BOOING) Radical Democrats want to tear down our laws, tear down our institutions in pursuit of power, demolish our prosperity in the name of socialism and probably worse... (BOOING) ... and abolish our borders in the service of globalism. There is nothing Democrats aren't willing to do, and you're seeing it day by day, and you've seen it more the last week than you've ever seen it before. (BOOING) And no one -- just think of this. No one under any circumstances is allowed to speak up if you're on this side of the equation. But guess what? We're speaking up like nobody has ever spoken up before. (APPLAUSE) They want to get the power that they so desperately crave that was taken away from them. All of the Democrats know and all they really know how to do is obstruct, resist, demolish, destroy and delay. (BOOING) They've been trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh since the very first second he was announced... (BOOING) ... because they know Judge Kavanaugh will follow the Constitution as written. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: We want Kavanaugh! We want Kavanaugh! We want Kavanaugh! TRUMP: You know, for 10 years, I don't know him, I never met him, but I'd been hearing there's this guy named Brett Kavanaugh who is... (APPLAUSE) ... who is like a perfect person, who is destined for the Supreme Court. I've heard that for a long time. And -- a lot of smart people. And first in his class at Yale. Top, top in his class at Yale Law School. He'd led, like, a life that's unbelievable. He's had no problems. They've never taken him out of restaurants. They've never -- this is like a person that everybody thought at the highest level on both sides, they said, "Someday he will be a Supreme Court judge." Right? (APPLAUSE) He will be a justice of the Supreme Court. (APPLAUSE) And all my life, I've heard that the most important thing that a president has to do as president is the appointment of a Supreme Court justice and... (APPLAUSE) And I disagree. I think war. I think our military. I think peace. I think those things are -- you know, those things are pretty important, right? That's pretty important. (APPLAUSE) They don't say that, but I say those things are pretty important. But I'll have to tell you, the appointment of a Supreme Court justice -- and I look at him, and I looked at the man that we appointed just before him, Justice Neil Gorsuch... (APPLAUSE) ... who was put through the paces, but nothing like what's happening now. It's just crazed. It's crazy. What's happening now, they had gang rape. A gang rape. (BOOING) Many times. Well, that turned out to be false. So many different charges. Guilty until proven innocent. That's very dangerous for our country. (BOOING) That's very dangerous for our country. And I have it myself all the time. But for me, it's like a part of the job description. (LAUGHTER) Let it happen to me. Shouldn't happen to him. Shouldn't happen to him. What he's going through: 36 years ago, this happened. "I had one beer." Right? "I had one beer." "Well, you think it was..." "Nope, it was one beer." "Oh, good. How did you get home?" "I don't remember." "How did you get there?" "I don't remember." "Where is the place?" "I don't remember." "How many years ago was it?" "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "What neighborhood was it in?" "I don't know." "Where's the house?" "I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "Upstairs, downstairs, where was it?" "I don't know. But I had one beer, that's the only thing I remember." And a man's life is in tatters. A man's life is shattered. His wife is shattered. His daughters, who are beautiful, incredible young kids -- they destroy people. They want to destroy people. These are really evil people. And then you see... (APPLAUSE) And then you see the people that are doing it. I know every one. I could tell you things about every one of them. Da Nang Richard Blumenthal. (BOOING) This guy lied about his service. He didn't just say, "Gee, I was in the service." No. He said, "I was in the Marines. Da Nang Province. Soldiers dying left and right as we battled up the hill." This went on for 15 years when he was the attorney general of Connecticut. I thought he was a great war hero. And then it turned out he was never in Vietnam. (BOOING) He was in the Reserves! (BOOING) And I watched him two days ago. I watched him saying, "We need the truth. If we don't have" -- and here's a guy who was saying people were dying all around him and he was never there. And then he cried. When they caught him, he cried like a baby. (LAUGHTER) Like a baby. (APPLAUSE) When Jimmy Swaggart tried (ph), it was nothing compared to Da Nang Richard. Nothing. Jimmy Swaggart was nothing compared to -- he cried, "Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so" -- he only lied for 15 years. And now we get something. And now he talks about lying. And this man's not lying. So Blumenthal is a fraud. He's a fraud. (APPLAUSE) And the reason he got elected is because in Connecticut it's impossible for a Republican to get elected. And I did well there. But you can't. He actually gave up the race. You'd thought he lost. You remember that? He, sort of, gave -- he stopped campaigning. It was over. And then he won by three points. And we have him in the Senate. And now he's this great honorable guy, because you know why? The fake news doesn't ever want to put that stuff on. (BOOING) They don't want to talk about it. They don't ever want to put it on. They're a bunch of fakers. And then you have Cory Booker, right? (BOOING) Cory Booker. Here's a guy who destroyed practically by himself the city of Newark, New Jersey. He was such a bad mayor. And see what he wrote himself about women. Check it out, folks. Check it out. Then he talks -- "How dare you treat a woman like that." Take a look at what this guy wrote. And I know about every one of them. I could go on and on. How about Feinstein? How about her? (BOOING) "We need more time for the FBI. The FBI has to do a more thorough search. We had another woman just reported by a sleazebag lawyer named Aviante (sic)." Sleazebag. Sleazebag. (BOOING) We have -- well, it turned out even NBC, who's as bad as they get -- even NBC couldn't shield her with that interview. Did you see that interview? This woman had no clue what was going on. No clue. And yet she made the most horrible charges against a number one in his class at Yale, perfect human being, great father, great husband. This is a great person. And people are saying, "Well, maybe it's true. And because of the fact that maybe it's true he should not become a United States Supreme Court justice." (BOOING) How horrible is this? How horrible is this? (BOOING) So this is an important time for our country. This is a time when your father, when your husband, when your brother, when your son could do great. "Mom, I did great in school. I've worked so hard. Mom, I'm so pleased to tell you, I just got a fantastic job with IBM. I just got a fantastic job with General Motors. I just got -- I'm so proud." "Mom, a terrible thing just happened. A person who I've never met said that I did things that were horrible and they're firing me from my job, Mom. I don't know what to do. Mom, what do I do? What do I do, Mom? What do I do, Mom?" It's a damn sad situation, OK? (APPLAUSE) But we better start as a country getting smart and getting tough and not letting that stuff right back there, all those cameras, tell us how to live our lives. (BOOING) Because they are really dishonest people. Not all of them, but damn well most of them. That I can tell you. (APPLAUSE) Fake news. So that's something to think about, right? That's something -- think of your son. Think of your husband. Think -- I've had many false accusations. I've had it all the -- I've had so many -- and when I say it didn't happen, nobody believes me. But it's me. It's my job description. "Mr. Trump, it's OK, you can say whatever you want." They can say whatever they want about me. It's fine, because we have the worst libel laws anywhere in the world. They can say anything they want, and we can't sue them, because if you're famous, you can't sue. Figure that one out. But to take people that are just outstanding and have had great lives, and that life doesn't mean a thing. And do you notice with the judge, they don't talk about his last 35 years? They don't talk about what -- everybody knows him. He's a very well-known and most highly respected person until the last couple of weeks, because they're destroying him and they're destroying his reputation. And we can't let that happen. We can't. Can't let it happen. (APPLAUSE) And I don't even know him, folks. I don't even know him. I met him for the first time a few weeks ago. I don't even know him. So it's not like, "Oh, gee, I want to protect my friend." I want to do what's right for this country. This is a very important time in our country... (APPLAUSE) ... OK? Very important thing. Very important time in our country. The Democrat Party has become too extreme -- this is an example of it -- and too dangerous to be trusted with power. That is why you must vote Republican on Election Day, and you have to go out and vote. (APPLAUSE) You know, I'm listening to commentators, and they say, "If Trump were running, he's going to beat everybody." They're saying that. You know, it's hard for them to admit that. And I certainly dream about all these people. Biden, the guy never had more than 1 percent in a poll when he was running for president, and then Obama took him off the trash heap, right? Biden -- I hear Biden wants to take me to the back of a barn. He would be in big trouble, I will tell you. Remember he said that? (APPLAUSE) "I'd like to take him." You know, with Biden, you go like this -- whew -- and he goes down. (LAUGHTER) Biden. (APPLAUSE) And the other ones. But they say that, "Donald Trump isn't running, so will the people go out and vote in three weeks?" You got to go out and vote. And they say, "But Donald Trump doesn't like Congress." I really do. I like a lot of the people in Congress. Some I'm disappointed in, but for the most part -- and I have to tell you something: We have the right ideas. We're making our country great again. We're doing the right thing. We need more Republican votes. They say we have a majority. We barely have -- if somebody has a cold and stays home, we don't have a majority. That's how bad it is. Republicans have to go out and vote. And they say if I was on the ticket, everybody would go, it would be a landslide. Even the fakers back there, they say that. And I'm not on the ticket, but I am on the ticket. Because this is also a referendum about me and the disgusting gridlock that they'll put this country through. Think of it. We have the greatest economy in history. We have a military that will soon be the strongest we've ever had. (APPLAUSE) Our country is doing so well. And then we have a Maxine Waters saying, "We have to get rid of him. We have to get rid of him!" (BOOING) Maxine Waters. And Nancy Pelosi. She's another beauty. (BOOING) Get out and vote! I want you to vote. Pretend I'm on the ballot. And don't worry, we'll be on the ballot in two years, and we will do a landslide like you haven't -- like you wouldn't believe. (APPLAUSE) A couple of the reporters I see back there, they said, "Oh, Trump is running." And I must say, one of them said, right after I announced, June 16th -- right after I announced, there was a Sunday morning show. And one of them said, "You know he's going to win, don't you?" And another one, who's back there now, who's looking very well, said, along with the host, "Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, you're only kidding. He's just doing this for fun." You think this is fun? Yeah, actually, it's sort of fun. I guess it is. (APPLAUSE) For me, it's fun. For me, it's fun. You know why it's fun? Because we're achieving our goals better than anyone thought possible. That's why it's fun. If I wasn't, it wouldn't be fun. (APPLAUSE) But this one particular reporter, she said, "Ho, ho, ho, you're only kidding, right? Ha, ha, that's so funny." And I'll never forget on election night, "Donald Trump is your next president, folks." (APPLAUSE) And it's driving them crazy. So, we're thrilled to be here tonight, and I am having a lot of fun. But it is true: I'm having fun because nobody ever would have believed in a million years that we would have accomplished what we've accomplished. (APPLAUSE) Nobody has accomplished more in two years. You take a look at the first two years of any -- nobody has even come close to accomplishing what we've accomplished. And I'm doing it for you, and we're doing it together, because this is a whole thing that has never happened in our country before. You know, it's interesting, when we first started, there were a lot of people who were showing up. And by the way, you think this is a big crowd in here? This place is packed, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) And if there was one empty seat, they would say, as the Washington Post did say -- the Washington Post came -- you saw that, right? -- came to an arena someplace four hours early and they hadn't started letting the people in yet. And he put a picture of an empty arena. There were tens of thousands of people outside waiting to come in. The Washington Post put a picture of an empty arena, and they put a caption to the effect, "Mr. President, not a very good crowd, is it?" (BOOING) And you know what happened? And they had a picture up of an empty arena like I was a -- I didn't even land for four and a half hours later. And when I landed, that place was just like this. It was packed with thousands of people outside. (APPLAUSE) Now, did they fire that reporter? No. Did they fire that reporter? No. Right? They -- isn't it incredible? Isn't it sad? And look what happened to Roseanne. Did they fire Roseanne? Yes. (BOOING) No, but think of it. Puts a picture of an empty -- like it had 5 percent. People were just starting to trickle in. And said, "Not a very good crowd, Mr. President." There was no games. You know what happened that night? People that were sitting on stairwells, people that couldn't get a seat, people that were here only cause the fire marshals were so incredible, that shouldn't have even been allowed to come in, with thousands outside, they said, "This is a fraud by the Washington Post." I was there. There were no empty seats. We set a record that evening for crowd attendance. Because we don't need much of a stage. Basketball, they need a big -- you're filled up with people, like it is tonight. And we barely got an apology. And he admitted he was wrong. You know where he did it? On his little Twitter account. (LAUGHTER) And that kind of dishonesty happens all the time. Happened at the inauguration. It happened at the inauguration. It happens all the time. These are very, very dishonest people. We are thrilled to be joined tonight by several great Republican leaders. And we're going to start with a friend of mine who is a very special man, very special. He's a great governor. Done a fantastic job. He called me. He built the African-American Museum. Called me. We went there. It was so beautiful. We had -- I was at the opening. We cut the ribbon! Governor Phil Bryant. Governor. (APPLAUSE) Thank you, Phil. Thank you, Phil. Should we bring Phil up here? He's been so -- come on. Get up here, Phil. Come, come, come. Come on, Phil, get up here. What a great governor he's been. (APPLAUSE) Look at this guy. Is he central casting or what? Is he -- look at this. He's central casting. But you know where he's really good? His heart and his brain. Great brain and great heart. Seriously. BRYANT: Thank you! Are we proud to have Donald J. Trump here in Mississippi? (APPLAUSE) All right, I don't want to get started, but I can tell you what. This man has done more as president of the United States in two years than any president that I can ever remember or ever studied about. He is a remarkable man that is making America great again! (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Thank you very much, Phil. Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves. Tate? Tate? Where is Tate? Thanks, Tate. Doing a good job. And Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. Delbert? Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And I want to thank your members of Congress that are here, because they've been warriors, they've been friends. They helped me with the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country... (APPLAUSE) ... the biggest tax reform, the great regulation cuts, which could be even more important, frankly, than the tax cuts, if you want to know the truth, because it means jobs. But you have some great -- Congressman Trent Kelly. (APPLAUSE) Trent, thank you. Gregg Harper. (APPLAUSE) Thank you very much. And David Kustoff. Thank you, David. (APPLAUSE) There's another warrior in the room. These are warriors. Look, the abuse they take, the abuse we all take, if you're not a warrior, you just go home, go to the corner, put your thumb in your mouth and say, "Mommy, take me home." (APPLAUSE) You got to be a warrior. And a guy who is a wonderful friend of mine and has always been there for me, Senator Roger Wicker. Roger? (APPLAUSE) What a great -- and Mrs. Wicker, thank you. What a great guy. And he's doing great. Get out and vote for him, anyway. He's winning by a lot, but get out there and vote. We love Roger. Finally, I want to introduce the person we are all here tonight to support, a true Mississippi patriot, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Come on up. Cindy, come up. (APPLAUSE) HYDE-SMITH: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. And I told him he would get a warm Mississippi welcome, and you did not disappoint. (APPLAUSE) Yes! We are the Hospitality State, Mr. President. And I tell you, it is such an honor to work with this man. Is he not the best president we have ever had? (APPLAUSE) This is wonderful. You know, early on, I was a supporter of then-candidate Donald J. Trump, and I was on his ag advisory committee. And now every time I walk onto the Senate floor, I want to help President Donald J. Trump. (APPLAUSE) It is such an honor to work with a man that, I'll tell you, he loves the veterans, he loves the military, and he loves our law enforcement, as well. (APPLAUSE) You know, this past week -- this past week in Brookhaven, Mississippi, my hometown, we had two officers shot down this past weekend. And I was able to tell him about that, James White and Zack Moak. And then the next day, we had a Mississippi Highway Patrol trooper, Josh Smith, shot down. And I'm just going to ask you to remember those people in your prayers as we continue on with this. We've had a tragic week in Mississippi with our law enforcement, but this man supports law enforcement 100 percent. (APPLAUSE) I just want to thank our great governor, Phil Bryant, for making me your U.S. senator, to appoint me to that, an opportunity of three lifetimes. Other than being the mother of Anna Michael Smith and the husband of Mike Smith, it is the greatest honor of my life. And what a treat to serve with Senator Roger Wicker. When I tell you he's been a friend, he has been a friend to me on the Senate floor, no doubt. I tell you, you know, when I was sworn in as your U.S. senator, Vice President Mike Pence, he put this pin right here on me, and he said, "Cindy, this pin will get you in any door in Washington, D.C." But I want you to know, this isn't my pin. This is your pin. This is Mississippi's pin. (APPLAUSE) We've got a lot of work to do in Washington, D.C. This man is leading the charge. We're going to get back on Air Force One, and we're going back to Washington, because you know what? We've got a Supreme Court justice to get confirmed! (APPLAUSE) We got to. So I'm going to ask for your prayers, also, for the Kavanaugh family. And I'll tell you tonight, my true prayer is God will continue to bless these great state (sic) of the United States! (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: Thank you, Cindy. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Thank you, Cindy. Great. You know we had a great friend who was senator, and did a fantastic job, and it was just his time. He called me, it was his time. And you know who I'm talking about, wonderful man. And he said, "You're going to have to appoint somebody." And I went to Phil. I said, "Phil, who's the best?" And Phil had no doubt in his mind. That's who he recommended. And since then, Cindy has voted with me 100 percent of the time. (APPLAUSE) She's always had my back. She's always had your back. And a vote for Cindy is a vote for me and make America great again. (APPLAUSE) And a vote for Cindy's opponent, Mike Espy, is a vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi... (BOOING) ... and the legendary low-IQ person Maxine Waters. (BOOING) That's why Schumer's PAC is funding Mike Espy with a lot of money. A vote for Espy is a vote for the Democrat agenda to open borders and for radical socialism. (BOOING) When Espy was in Congress, he even sponsored legislation alongside Nancy Pelosi to provide taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens. Oh, that's great. That's just what Mississippi wants. (BOOING) I don't think that works in Mississippi. Does that work? I don't think so. I don't think so. Your vote in this election will decide which party controls the United States Senate. It's very important. Very important. And that's a great woman. That's a great woman. Gotten to know her very well over the last number of months. If Democrats get control, they will raise your taxes, flood your streets with criminal aliens, weaken our military, outlaw private health insurance, and replace freedom with socialism. (BOOING) In a short period of time -- of course, I'll be doing lots of vetoes, just so don't worry too much -- they will turn America into Venezuela. How's that working out? (BOOING) And our country will never be Venezuela. We won't let that happen. If Democrats get 51 seats, the key Senate committees will be run by the far left Bernie Sanders, crazy Bernie. (BOOING) It's amazing that he wasn't more angry that the election got stolen from him, right? I don't get it. You know, he's always like complaining, complaining. He's jumping around. The hair's going crazy. The hair's going crazy. He's jumping like a lunatic. But he never complained about the fact that crooked Hillary cheated him out of the election. It's amazing. It's amazing. AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: You know, Bernie was on television recently. And he was screaming and ranting and raving. And I said to my wife, Melanie, who's now in Africa representing us, first lady... (APPLAUSE) I watched her get off that plane this morning in Africa. And so beautiful. And she was hugging and kissing children. It was beautiful to see. She's doing a great job as first lady, I will tell you. Really great. (APPLAUSE) And you think that's an easy job? That's not an easy job. That's a tough job. She's fantastic. But Bernie Sanders was ranting and raving and "We're going to this" and "Trump and Trump and we got to stop" -- what he's going to stop? Having a strong military? Having low taxes? Having borders? What's he going to stop? What am I doing? What's he going to stop? Having less regulation? But he's going to stop Trump. He's going to stop Trump. He's going to stop us left and right. He's ranting and raving. And the commentator looks at him and goes, "You know he's winning, don't you?" And Bernie just looked at him like this. It was like -- but I said to my -- you got to hand it to him. You know, he's out there. He's doing his thing, whether you like it or not. He's out there doing his thing, and you've got to hand it to him. But a guy like Bernie would be in charge of the Budget Committee. Patrick Leahy -- oh, he's never had a drink in his life. (LAUGHTER) Check it out. Look under "Patrick Leahy/drink." (LAUGHTER) "How dare you have a beer while you're in high school? How dare." "Patrick Leahy-drink" will be in charge of the Appropriations Committee. (BOOING) Bob Menendez -- you don't know about him -- will be in -- I'll leave him alone, because we can't cover too many of these characters, right? But I'm going to leave him alone -- will be in charge of Foreign Affairs. And the great Dianne Feinstein... (BOOING) ... will be in charge of the Judiciary Committee. No. Wasn't that great? Wasn't that great? Wasn't that something the other day? She was asked a simple question, "Did you leak the document?" -- wasn't that great? -- by John Cornyn. He goes, "You leaked the document." "No. What? No." "Uh, remember?" "No. Oh, no, I didn't. No, I don't think I -- well, wait. Did we leak the document? No." (LAUGHTER) "How about the aide?" "No, you idiot! No!" (LAUGHTER) "No, we didn't leak the document. We didn't leak the document. No, we didn't." That was the worst body language that I've ever seen. Oh, what a group. What a group. Holier than thou, aren't they? Holier than thou. You know the expression, right? What a group. Also at stake in this election is Medicare. Democrats in Washington want to raid Medicare to pay for their socialist agenda. They're going to destroy it. (BOOING) Republicans want to protect Medicare for our great seniors who earned it and paid for it, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) And we will always protect Americans with pre-existing location (sic). We're going to have to do that. Pre-existing conditions. We have to take care of pre-existing conditions, because it's just the way life is, folks. We have to do that. (APPLAUSE) And the Democrats are talking about it and they can't do it, because they have no plan. So just put it down. And some Republicans say, "Is that a Republican thing?" Whether it is or not -- and to me it is, and it always will be -- pre-existing conditions will always be taken care of by us. (APPLAUSE) Have to do it. We have to do it. We have to do it, and we want to do it. I want to do it. We're all going to do it. We're doing well. We'll take it from China. We'll take it from the European Union, who has taken advantage of us for years. We'll take it from Japan. We'll take it from our new, beautiful transaction, which is a fair transaction, and good for them, too, Mexico, Canada. We're going to have plenty of money coming in, folks, when we fix up these horrible trade deals. (APPLAUSE) So we're going to take care of pre-existing conditions. People that have a problem are going to be helped by the Republican Party from -- from the time I got elected, really. You look at what we've done with Obamacare. It's a disaster. We had it beaten. But I'll say it a different way than I have been saying it. We didn't get one Democrat vote. We had it repealed and replaced. A little shocked took place early in the morning. But the fact is, we didn't get one Democrat vote. We would have saved a trillion dollars -- think of it -- our country would have saved $1 trillion had we gotten that extra vote. We didn't get one vote from one Democrat. But we've pretty much dismantled it. And here's a nice story. We've managed it well. And your premiums have gone up very little by -- remember, they were going up 156, 201, 187, 116 percent? Now we have it down. But we're getting rid of it entirely. We're going to have great health care. (APPLAUSE) The new platform of the Democrat Party is to abolish ICE -- the brave, brave people of ICE. (BOOING) In other words, they want to abolish immigration enforcement entirely. That's what they want to do. Democrats also support strongly sanctuary cities of death. Sanctuary cities. (BOOING) Every day, sanctuary cities are unleashing vicious predators and bloodthirsty killers, like MS-13, into our communities. They go out and they hide out in sanctuary cities. Then they come into our cities and our towns. And then we send ICE in, and ICE has no problem. You know why? Because ICE is much tougher and much smarter than them. And ICE has done an incredible job. (APPLAUSE) And they grab them by the neck and they throw them the hell out of our country or they throw them into jail. (APPLAUSE) And you don't want that job. And you don't want that job. And you don't even want -- although maybe you could handle that job, right? But they do a fantastic job. And we have to cherish our law enforcement. And that goes for Border Patrol, that goes for ICE. We're setting records on the border on arrests. We don't want to do that. We're building the wall. It's going up. But getting money is brutal -- brutal. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! TRUMP: So we've started the wall. And we've done a lot in California and elsewhere -- San Diego. We're moving eastward, and we're covering a lot of territory. They gave us $1.6 billion, $1.6 billion, and another $1.6 billion. I want the whole thing, because we can do the whole damn wall, and we can do a great one in one year. (APPLAUSE) But getting money from the Democrats is tough, because they know that's a big issue for us. And they know we need it. Most of them voted for it in 2006. I don't know if you know that. Most of them. But, of course, you have to have a wall. You have people pouring across. They're tackling people. And then, of course, they have catch and release. You catch somebody. "Who is this person?" "It's a criminal." "Oh, that's OK. Catch, take his name and release the person." (BOOING) And the person they think will come back to court. We have the dumbest immigration laws in the whole world. Watch what happens over the next couple of weeks, folks. Watch. Watch. (APPLAUSE) And it's all because of the Democrats. Every Republican wants some change. But they stop you. The only thing they're good at -- they're lousy politicians. They're horrible in policy. They don't know what the hell they're doing. They're only good at one thing: resisting. They're good at sticking together. You rarely see them break up. They stick like glue. They stick. That's the only thing they're good at: delay and resist. Republicans believe America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not for criminal aliens. (APPLAUSE) If you want security, if you want a strong border, if you want to have a country that is a great, great, safe country, then you need to go out and you need to vote Republican. Have to do it. And everybody. (APPLAUSE) This election in November is about safety and it's also about prosperity. They're going to take your wealth away from you. They're going to take your wealth away. All of that we've done with the jobs and the salaries and the wages that are rising for the first time in 21 years, they're going to take it away from you so fast. Since the election, we have created over 4 million new jobs. Unheard of. Unheard of! Unheard of! (APPLAUSE) And lifted almost 4 million Americans off of food stamps. That's a big thing. (APPLAUSE) We've added nearly 600,000 new manufacturing jobs. You remember when the previous administration said, "Oh, you can't do manufacturing"? I said, "Really, who's going to build things?" They said, "You won't add any." They said you needed a magic wand, remember? A magic wand. We don't have a magic wand. We've got good policy. We've got good leadership. We have a lot of good leaders in our party. And you've heard this many times over the last three weeks: African-American unemployment has reached its lowest rate ever recorded -- ever! Ever! Remember "What do you have to lose?" What do you have to lose, right? "What do you have to lose?" I said. And people said, "Oh, that's not nice." But I said, "Wait, they have the worst crime rate. They have the worst schools. They have the worst homeownership percentages. They have the" -- I went through a list of 10 different things. And I looked up, and they've always voted for Democrats, the African-Americans, 95, more, percent. And I looked up and I said, "What the hell do you have to lose?" Remember? And now... (APPLAUSE) Not only do they have the lowest unemployment rate in history, but African-American poverty has reached its lowest rate also ever recorded. It's a great thing, right? (APPLAUSE) So -- and we've just started. We've just started. Remember, same true for Hispanic Americans, the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded. Same for Asian Americans, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded. Women, lowest unemployment rate in 65 years. (APPLAUSE) After years and years of working so hard, we finally put ourselves in a position where we can do things. And we can really do them. But we could do them an awfully lot better if we had more -- a real majority, not a majority of one, not a majority of literally if somebody's sick, it's like we have to postpone votes. We need a real majority, and we're going to do everything that you've been looking for for a long time. You know, with that being said, we've done so much. We've done so much. (APPLAUSE) We've just finalized the tremendous new trade agreement with South Korea, where it was a disaster. That was a Hillary Clinton catastrophe. Remember she said, "We are going to create 250,000 new jobs"? And she was right, for South Korea. It was good. (LAUGHTER) And we've just totally renegotiated it. We've made it good. And we've opened up new negotiations with Japan, who would not negotiate with the previous administration. You know why? Because they said, "No, we're happy. Why should we negotiate? We're not going to negotiate." Well, we said, "We want to negotiate." And with the European Union, "We want to negotiate." And they said... AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you! TRUMP: I love you, too. You're not my type, but I love you. (APPLAUSE) That was a strong guy, by the way, in case... (LAUGHTER) Because if that was a woman, I'm in big trouble. And you know what? I go, I hope you're a guy. Are you? So -- so the European Union and Japan, I said, "Listen, we lost $151 billion, with a B, with you." We lost $151 billion. Jean-Claude -- he's the head of the European Union -- I said, "Jean-Claude" -- he's tough and smart, smart, really tough. I don't think he likes our country too much, but I've told him that many times. Well, they were formed -- right? -- they were formed in order to take advantage of us. "So, Jean-Claude, for years, the Obama administration wanted to negotiate and you said, 'No, we're not going to negotiate.' I'm telling you, I want to negotiate." We lost $151 billion with the European Union. Many of us come from the European Union. I do. I do. Many of the people in the room, sounds so nice, European Union. And they're just killing us. So I said, "We have to negotiate." "Oh, yes, yes." Two weeks go by, we don't get a call. I call him up again, I say, "Jean-Claude! We got to negotiate." "Oh, yes, yes, yes. Oh, yes." Beautiful accent. I wish I had his accent. (LAUGHTER) I would have been president 15 years ago if I had his accent. And I said, "Jean-Claude, please, we got to negotiate! I can't take this, $151 billion we lose. You have barriers against our farmers. We can't sell farm products. You have barriers against our cars, and yet you give us millions of Mercedes and BMW and all these cars, they pour into our country. You have barriers and you charge us big tariffs for products. And you make it impossible for us to give you -- but you sell us so much. Jean-Claude, we have to negotiate." And he said, "Oh, yes, yes, yes." Two weeks go by. No negotiation. I say, "Jean-Claude, you don't have to negotiate anymore, Jean-Claude. I am going to put a 25 percent tariff on Mercedes Benz, BMW, and every car you send in to the United States." (APPLAUSE) "We're putting a 25 percent tariff or tax on every car, millions and millions of cars, that you send in to the United States." He said, "No, no, no, please! I will be there tomorrow morning." This was an evening. I get to my office. He's there. (LAUGHTER) I said, "Where did you come from, New York?" "No, no, no, I came from Europe." I said, "Let me know the name of that plane. That is the fastest plane." (LAUGHTER) And now they're dying to make a deal. You saw what's been going on with these deals. China! They're draining us. They're taking our money. They're rebuilding themselves. They're building a jet a day. They're building many, many bridges the size and bigger than, like, the George Washington Bridge. What are we doing? We're helping them. We've rebuilt China. They've taken so much money. I like President Xi, the head of China, but I said, "We can't do this anymore." So now we put $50 billion of tariffs on. And they said... (APPLAUSE) They said, "No, no, no, no, you cannot do that. If you go $50 billion, we'll go $50 billion." I said, "Wait a minute, we're already $500 billion behind. So if I go $50 billion, you go $50 billion, that means we're at the same place we started from. That's not what this is all about. We have to bring some balance. We can't do this." So they said, "No." So it's $50 billion at 10 percent. I increased it to 25 percent, and I put $200 billion on top of the $50 billion. (APPLAUSE) So now we have $250 billion at 25 percent. By the way, billions and billions of dollars. The fake news people back there, all those people with all those red lights... (BOOING) ... they don't want to talk about it. But all of that money, billions of dollars will be flowing in to our treasury. Many of the products that we're buying over there will be made in the United States because they don't want to pay the tax and there's no tariffs. (APPLAUSE) And I said, "If you attack our farmers, who I love" -- they're special. See, he's got the green hat on? "Make Our Farmers Great Again." Right? "Make Our Farmers Great Again." But they said, "You know what? The farmers love Trump. We'll attack the farmers by not buying" -- well, guess what? They're starting to buy again, aren't they? But I said, "If you do that, we're going to put an additional $267 billion onto your numbers. So we're going to have $500 billion and probably it'll end up $562 billion when you add it all up, including the little stars all over the place." And you know what? They want to talk. They want to make a deal. Then China's been hurt very badly over the last number of months. Their markets are down 30 percent. And our markets are up 55 percent since I became president. (APPLAUSE) And I hope we can make a deal with China, but honestly, who knows? But we're very happy where we are. Very, very happy. And I want to thank the farmers, because, you know, I watch the farmers. And they say -- and don't forget, the farmers have been going down like this for 20 years; long before I got here. We're going to bring those green caps. You're going to be so proud of me, OK? You're going to be so proud. (APPLAUSE) They want to talk. And at some point, they're talking. But I told them just recently, "You're not ready to talk yet. You're not ready." In all fairness, they've been making so much money. It's hard for them to say -- they're making $500 billion a year because we had -- ha, let's be nice -- we had presidents that it wasn't their thing. But it is my thing. (BOOING) Do you know how wealthy our country would be if they didn't have these really stupid deals all over the place, so many of them? And how about our military deals, where we protect rich nations and we don't get reimbursed? How about that stuff? That's changing, too, folks. (BOOING) We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? And I love the king, King Salman. But I said, "King, we're protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military." (APPLAUSE) "You have to pay." And Japan is going to also contribute. Japan -- we protect Japan. They pay us a small percentage. We protect South Korea. They pay us -- and by the way, we're doing great on North Korea, but South Korea. They got to reimburse us. They've got to reimburse us. (APPLAUSE) Republicans passed and I signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reform in the history of our country. We have cut a record number of regulations. Now, we got no Democrat support for any of this. This is what's driving our economy, those two things. We have approved a record number of affordable generic drugs. Watch what's going to happen to drug prices. (APPLAUSE) And to help critically ill patients get access to life-saving treatments, we passed what's called Right to Try. A person's terminally ill, they're going to die, and before me, if we had a drug that was really looking good or promising, we wouldn't give them, because we didn't want to hurt the person. They're going to die. And it is actually much more complicated than that. They've been trying to pass this for 45 years. Well, two months ago, I signed Right to Try. We have the greatest drugs in the world, the greatest drugmakers in the world. (APPLAUSE) I would watch wealthy people travel all over the world trying to find a cure. And poor people just went home. They had no hope. Now they have the right to try. If we have a drug that looks good but it's two years or three years or four years out -- and, by the way, we brought that number from 15 years, we think it's going to be down to four and in some cases three. Way down. (APPLAUSE) Scott is doing a great job. Scott, get that number down, Scott. And now we have that -- I love that. Right to Try, such a great name. Right to Try. You have hope. We also passed veterans' choice. Forty-four years they tried to do it. (APPLAUSE) Giving our veterans the right to see a private doctor if they've got to wait on line for weeks and weeks and weeks. Forty-four years! (APPLAUSE) And we passed the landmark V.A. Accountability Act. That's people that work in the V.A. that treat our veterans badly, and we couldn't do a thing about it, and now we can fire them so fast... (APPLAUSE) I just signed legislation -- and you think that was easy, getting that through the unions and civil service? That was a 48-year job. And your two senators helped me a lot, I will tell you. They helped me a lot. Thank you, Cindy. Thank you, Roger. (APPLAUSE) And your congressmen, by the way, helped me a lot -- in particular your congressman. I just signed legislation to completely rebuild our military, securing $700 billion, and then the following year $716 billion to purchase the finest planes and ships and tanks and missiles and submarines on the face of the Earth, all made in America, made in the USA. (APPLAUSE) And we have given our troops their largest pay raise in more than a decade. Isn't that nice? About time. (APPLAUSE) At my direction, the Pentagon is now working very hard to create the sixth branch of the American armed forces. It's called the Space Force. So you have the Air Force, you have the Space Force. Separate. (APPLAUSE) The Space Force. And that's what it's all about, folks. You look at what's happening. I'm not just talking rockets to the moon and to Mars. I'm talking about defense. I'm talking about -- that's where it is. It's in space. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, right? Space Force! (APPLAUSE) I withdrew the United States from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal. (APPLAUSE) And Iran is a much different country. They're trying to put out all the riots they have all over that country. You know, when I became a president, I looked there -- before I became -- I said, "How are you stopping Iran?" Nobody was able to tell me. And I did this and they have shattered, man. They have shattered. I got rid of that deal. How about we gave them $150 billion for nothing? We gave them $1.8 billion in cash for nothing. (BOOING) And we've recognized the capital of Israel and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. (APPLAUSE) And we won't even mention how well we're doing with North Korea. But when I came in there, too, they were going to go to war with North Korea. President Obama said it was his biggest problem. We sat before I took office. "What's your biggest problem?" "Biggest problem is North Korea. We were going to go with North Korea." We're doing very well now with North Korea. You don't feel that way anymore, right? (APPLAUSE) You don't feel that way anymore. And the fake news comes out and says, "He's giving so much." I haven't given anything. We got our hostages back, right? (APPLAUSE) We've got a lot and we're getting the remains of our great fallen heroes back. (APPLAUSE) There's been no rockets launched. There's been no missiles launched. There's been no nuclear tests. And we have a good relationship. And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is going over to North Korea next week. And we're working on a second summit. And it just feels good. Now, who knows, folks? Who knows? I can just tell you, when we came in, before I came in, and at the beginning when the rhetoric was tough, right, that rhetoric was tough, these people were saying, "Oh, he's going to get us into a war." Well, guess what? That worked out. That rhetoric was tough. And let's see what happens. But we're doing very well. We're doing very well. For years, you watched as your leaders apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America. (APPLAUSE) We are standing up for your values. We are standing up for Mississippi. We are standing proudly. We are standing up for your national anthem. (APPLAUSE) Right? (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: A lot of spirit. A lot of spirit. One of them said the other day, "You know, President Trump can't be beaten in 2020." That's driving them crazy. Oh! Who the hell's going to beat us? Look, who's going to beat us? If another president came in, and they said, "We're coming to Mississippi, and we're going to make a speech," you know how many people would show up? Really, 300, 400. You'd have a medium-sized meeting room at a hotel. Look at this place. Look at this place. Look at this place! (APPLAUSE) We're lifting millions of our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity. That's what's happening. But to continue our incredible momentum, you have to get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your coworkers, get out and vote Republican, vote for Cindy Hyde-Smith and vote for Roger Wicker. Got to do it. (APPLAUSE) A vote for Republicans is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation and more products made right here in the USA. (APPLAUSE) It's a vote to reduce crime, respect law enforcement and restore the rule of law. (APPLAUSE) It's a vote for strong borders, safe communities and thriving families, which you are. And a vote for Republicans is a vote to reject the Democrat politics of anger, destruction, chaos, and to come together as neighbors, as citizens and as Americans. To everyone in this room tonight, to every citizen watching all across our land, this is your time to choose. Very important time when you look at what's happening to Judge Kavanaugh. This is a very important time. It's time to choose whether we turn backward to the failure and frustrations of the past or whether we continue forward into the unlimited promise of our future. It's not up to the media or the pundits to decide your fate. It's up to you. The future is in your hands, as it was in 2016. That was a beautiful time. There has never been an election like this in our country's history. (APPLAUSE) You have the power -- just as you did in 2016 -- with your vote to same America from socialism and to save America from decay. It's up to you on November 6th to choose a future of patriotism, prosperity and pride. Loyal citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country, returning power to everyday Americans. (APPLAUSE) We stand on the shoulder of the giants of American history, the greatest, the toughest, the most courageous men and women ever to walk the face of the Earth. Our ancestors crossed the oceans, settled a continent, won a revolution, and fought to victory in two world wars. Think of it. Think of it. (APPLAUSE) Right? Think of it. American patriots defeated fascism, triumphed over communism, and delivered millions and millions and millions of people into freedom. These courageous patriots did not shed their blood, sweat and tears so that we could sit at home while others tried to tear down their legacy and destroy our proud American heritage, right? (APPLAUSE) Just like the pioneers and patriots who came before us, we are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, win, win. (APPLAUSE) We will not bend. We will not break. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will never surrender. (APPLAUSE) And we will always fight on to victory. Because we are Americans, and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. (APPLAUSE) And together, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again. Thank you very much, Mississippi. Get out and vote. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) END
1840 WH MS MAGA RALLY PATH1 FS23 73 2030 WH MS MAGA RALLY PATH1.2 FS23 79 FOX TRANSMISSION POOL PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, GOV. PHIL BRYANT, R-MISS., SEN. CINDY HYDE-SMITH, R-MISS. [*] TRUMP: Hello, Mississippi, hello. Beautiful. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Well, I have to start by saying that 2020 is looking really easy, isn't it? (APPLAUSE) I think the fake news media back there is starting to get it, folks. I think they're starting. (BOOING) They're starting to understand what's going on. And I'm thrilled to be back in this great state, with thousands of proud, loyal, hard-working American patriots. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) In less than two years, we've achieved the biggest comeback in American history. That's what's happened. (APPLAUSE) The economy is booming. Wages are rising. And more Americans are working today than ever before. Today -- ever before. (APPLAUSE) Think of it. Now, just think of that. Today, we have more Americans working than we've ever had in the history of our country, right now, today. How great is that, right? (APPLAUSE) We're defending our Second Amendment, protecting religious liberty, taking care of our great veterans... (APPLAUSE) ... and rebuilding America's military like it hasn't been rebuilt ever before. (APPLAUSE) This week, we made history again when I announced that we are replacing the job-killed disaster known as NAFTA with a brand-new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. A good one. (APPLAUSE) And it's a good one. We're calling it USMCA. You're going to like that name. (APPLAUSE) That'll become a part of your vocabulary. USMCA. Companies aren't going to be leaving us anymore and firing everybody and sending their product back into the United States with no tax. That was what I wanted. (APPLAUSE) You know, Mississippi, when they leave and they go next door and they fire everybody and they build the product and send it back and sell it to the same people that were buying it before -- no, we don't want to do that anymore. No we don't want to do that anymore. It's not a good -- that's not a good thing to do. Although there is a group called globalists. They think it's just fine. Not fine. (BOOING) They're globalists. (inaudible) globalists. We don't like the thinking of the globalists. The USMCA is an incredible victory for our farmers, our ranchers, our factory workers, and our entire nation. (APPLAUSE) America is winning again, and America is being respected again, maybe respected like never before, because we are finally putting America first. (APPLAUSE) But exactly five weeks from today, all of this extraordinary progress is at stake. It is at stake. I'm not on the ballot, but in a certain way, I'm on the ballot, so please go out and vote. Go out and vote. (APPLAUSE) On November 6th, you will head to the polls -- hopefully -- in one of the most important congressional elections of our lifetime. The only reason to vote Democrat is if you are tired of winning. (BOOING) A Democrat takeover of Congress will plunge our country into gridlock and chaos like you haven't seen before. It'll come to a halt. And I have to tell you, all of those people, with your savings accounts and your money piled up in your bank, it's all -- a lot of it's going to disappear, and it'll disappear really fast. (BOOING) Your 401(k)s -- I stand up all the time with great Americans. "Sir, I'd like to thank you. My wife thinks I'm one of the greatest investors in the world. And two years ago, she thought I was a total loser, sir. Now she loves me so much." (APPLAUSE) "Because my 401(k)..." (APPLAUSE) "... has gone up 55 percent, sir, since you got elected! 55 percent!" (APPLAUSE) Ah, it's amazing. You can really get your wife to like you a lot when that happens. You've got to be really bad. I'll tell you. And that's happening. And it goes the other way, too. That happens. People are geniuses now. And we've helped. You know, we had probably -- and even the fake news would tell you -- the greatest victory in the history of this country in 2016. There's never been anything like that. (APPLAUSE) The people came from the hills and the valleys. They came from all over. And they voted, voted, voted. And they love Trump, and they loved us. Because it wasn't me, it was all of us. It was all of us. And that's what's happening. That's what's happening. (APPLAUSE) But it's all fragile. The Democrats will open our borders to deadly drugs and ruthless gangs. (BOOING) The Democrats -- and I say this -- and I've dealt with it -- the Democrats are the party of crime. And that's what it is, they're the party of crime. (BOOING) Radical Democrats want to tear down our laws, tear down our institutions in pursuit of power, demolish our prosperity in the name of socialism and probably worse... (BOOING) ... and abolish our borders in the service of globalism. There is nothing Democrats aren't willing to do, and you're seeing it day by day, and you've seen it more the last week than you've ever seen it before. (BOOING) And no one -- just think of this. No one under any circumstances is allowed to speak up if you're on this side of the equation. But guess what? We're speaking up like nobody has ever spoken up before. (APPLAUSE) They want to get the power that they so desperately crave that was taken away from them. All of the Democrats know and all they really know how to do is obstruct, resist, demolish, destroy and delay. (BOOING) They've been trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh since the very first second he was announced... (BOOING) ... because they know Judge Kavanaugh will follow the Constitution as written. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: We want Kavanaugh! We want Kavanaugh! We want Kavanaugh! TRUMP: You know, for 10 years, I don't know him, I never met him, but I'd been hearing there's this guy named Brett Kavanaugh who is... (APPLAUSE) ... who is like a perfect person, who is destined for the Supreme Court. I've heard that for a long time. And -- a lot of smart people. And first in his class at Yale. Top, top in his class at Yale Law School. He'd led, like, a life that's unbelievable. He's had no problems. They've never taken him out of restaurants. They've never -- this is like a person that everybody thought at the highest level on both sides, they said, "Someday he will be a Supreme Court judge." Right? (APPLAUSE) He will be a justice of the Supreme Court. (APPLAUSE) And all my life, I've heard that the most important thing that a president has to do as president is the appointment of a Supreme Court justice and... (APPLAUSE) And I disagree. I think war. I think our military. I think peace. I think those things are -- you know, those things are pretty important, right? That's pretty important. (APPLAUSE) They don't say that, but I say those things are pretty important. But I'll have to tell you, the appointment of a Supreme Court justice -- and I look at him, and I looked at the man that we appointed just before him, Justice Neil Gorsuch... (APPLAUSE) ... who was put through the paces, but nothing like what's happening now. It's just crazed. It's crazy. What's happening now, they had gang rape. A gang rape. (BOOING) Many times. Well, that turned out to be false. So many different charges. Guilty until proven innocent. That's very dangerous for our country. (BOOING) That's very dangerous for our country. And I have it myself all the time. But for me, it's like a part of the job description. (LAUGHTER) Let it happen to me. Shouldn't happen to him. Shouldn't happen to him. What he's going through: 36 years ago, this happened. "I had one beer." Right? "I had one beer." "Well, you think it was..." "Nope, it was one beer." "Oh, good. How did you get home?" "I don't remember." "How did you get there?" "I don't remember." "Where is the place?" "I don't remember." "How many years ago was it?" "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "What neighborhood was it in?" "I don't know." "Where's the house?" "I don't know." (APPLAUSE) "Upstairs, downstairs, where was it?" "I don't know. But I had one beer, that's the only thing I remember." And a man's life is in tatters. A man's life is shattered. His wife is shattered. His daughters, who are beautiful, incredible young kids -- they destroy people. They want to destroy people. These are really evil people. And then you see... (APPLAUSE) And then you see the people that are doing it. I know every one. I could tell you things about every one of them. Da Nang Richard Blumenthal. (BOOING) This guy lied about his service. He didn't just say, "Gee, I was in the service." No. He said, "I was in the Marines. Da Nang Province. Soldiers dying left and right as we battled up the hill." This went on for 15 years when he was the attorney general of Connecticut. I thought he was a great war hero. And then it turned out he was never in Vietnam. (BOOING) He was in the Reserves! (BOOING) And I watched him two days ago. I watched him saying, "We need the truth. If we don't have" -- and here's a guy who was saying people were dying all around him and he was never there. And then he cried. When they caught him, he cried like a baby. (LAUGHTER) Like a baby. (APPLAUSE) When Jimmy Swaggart tried (ph), it was nothing compared to Da Nang Richard. Nothing. Jimmy Swaggart was nothing compared to -- he cried, "Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so" -- he only lied for 15 years. And now we get something. And now he talks about lying. And this man's not lying. So Blumenthal is a fraud. He's a fraud. (APPLAUSE) And the reason he got elected is because in Connecticut it's impossible for a Republican to get elected. And I did well there. But you can't. He actually gave up the race. You'd thought he lost. You remember that? He, sort of, gave -- he stopped campaigning. It was over. And then he won by three points. And we have him in the Senate. And now he's this great honorable guy, because you know why? The fake news doesn't ever want to put that stuff on. (BOOING) They don't want to talk about it. They don't ever want to put it on. They're a bunch of fakers. And then you have Cory Booker, right? (BOOING) Cory Booker. Here's a guy who destroyed practically by himself the city of Newark, New Jersey. He was such a bad mayor. And see what he wrote himself about women. Check it out, folks. Check it out. Then he talks -- "How dare you treat a woman like that." Take a look at what this guy wrote. And I know about every one of them. I could go on and on. How about Feinstein? How about her? (BOOING) "We need more time for the FBI. The FBI has to do a more thorough search. We had another woman just reported by a sleazebag lawyer named Aviante (sic)." Sleazebag. Sleazebag. (BOOING) We have -- well, it turned out even NBC, who's as bad as they get -- even NBC couldn't shield her with that interview. Did you see that interview? This woman had no clue what was going on. No clue. And yet she made the most horrible charges against a number one in his class at Yale, perfect human being, great father, great husband. This is a great person. And people are saying, "Well, maybe it's true. And because of the fact that maybe it's true he should not become a United States Supreme Court justice." (BOOING) How horrible is this? How horrible is this? (BOOING) So this is an important time for our country. This is a time when your father, when your husband, when your brother, when your son could do great. "Mom, I did great in school. I've worked so hard. Mom, I'm so pleased to tell you, I just got a fantastic job with IBM. I just got a fantastic job with General Motors. I just got -- I'm so proud." "Mom, a terrible thing just happened. A person who I've never met said that I did things that were horrible and they're firing me from my job, Mom. I don't know what to do. Mom, what do I do? What do I do, Mom? What do I do, Mom?" It's a damn sad situation, OK? (APPLAUSE) But we better start as a country getting smart and getting tough and not letting that stuff right back there, all those cameras, tell us how to live our lives. (BOOING) Because they are really dishonest people. Not all of them, but damn well most of them. That I can tell you. (APPLAUSE) Fake news. So that's something to think about, right? That's something -- think of your son. Think of your husband. Think -- I've had many false accusations. I've had it all the -- I've had so many -- and when I say it didn't happen, nobody believes me. But it's me. It's my job description. "Mr. Trump, it's OK, you can say whatever you want." They can say whatever they want about me. It's fine, because we have the worst libel laws anywhere in the world. They can say anything they want, and we can't sue them, because if you're famous, you can't sue. Figure that one out. But to take people that are just outstanding and have had great lives, and that life doesn't mean a thing. And do you notice with the judge, they don't talk about his last 35 years? They don't talk about what -- everybody knows him. He's a very well-known and most highly respected person until the last couple of weeks, because they're destroying him and they're destroying his reputation. And we can't let that happen. We can't. Can't let it happen. (APPLAUSE) And I don't even know him, folks. I don't even know him. I met him for the first time a few weeks ago. I don't even know him. So it's not like, "Oh, gee, I want to protect my friend." I want to do what's right for this country. This is a very important time in our country... (APPLAUSE) ... OK? Very important thing. Very important time in our country. The Democrat Party has become too extreme -- this is an example of it -- and too dangerous to be trusted with power. That is why you must vote Republican on Election Day, and you have to go out and vote. (APPLAUSE) You know, I'm listening to commentators, and they say, "If Trump were running, he's going to beat everybody." They're saying that. You know, it's hard for them to admit that. And I certainly dream about all these people. Biden, the guy never had more than 1 percent in a poll when he was running for president, and then Obama took him off the trash heap, right? Biden -- I hear Biden wants to take me to the back of a barn. He would be in big trouble, I will tell you. Remember he said that? (APPLAUSE) "I'd like to take him." You know, with Biden, you go like this -- whew -- and he goes down. (LAUGHTER) Biden. (APPLAUSE) And the other ones. But they say that, "Donald Trump isn't running, so will the people go out and vote in three weeks?" You got to go out and vote. And they say, "But Donald Trump doesn't like Congress." I really do. I like a lot of the people in Congress. Some I'm disappointed in, but for the most part -- and I have to tell you something: We have the right ideas. We're making our country great again. We're doing the right thing. We need more Republican votes. They say we have a majority. We barely have -- if somebody has a cold and stays home, we don't have a majority. That's how bad it is. Republicans have to go out and vote. And they say if I was on the ticket, everybody would go, it would be a landslide. Even the fakers back there, they say that. And I'm not on the ticket, but I am on the ticket. Because this is also a referendum about me and the disgusting gridlock that they'll put this country through. Think of it. We have the greatest economy in history. We have a military that will soon be the strongest we've ever had. (APPLAUSE) Our country is doing so well. And then we have a Maxine Waters saying, "We have to get rid of him. We have to get rid of him!" (BOOING) Maxine Waters. And Nancy Pelosi. She's another beauty. (BOOING) Get out and vote! I want you to vote. Pretend I'm on the ballot. And don't worry, we'll be on the ballot in two years, and we will do a landslide like you haven't -- like you wouldn't believe. (APPLAUSE) A couple of the reporters I see back there, they said, "Oh, Trump is running." And I must say, one of them said, right after I announced, June 16th -- right after I announced, there was a Sunday morning show. And one of them said, "You know he's going to win, don't you?" And another one, who's back there now, who's looking very well, said, along with the host, "Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, you're only kidding. He's just doing this for fun." You think this is fun? Yeah, actually, it's sort of fun. I guess it is. (APPLAUSE) For me, it's fun. For me, it's fun. You know why it's fun? Because we're achieving our goals better than anyone thought possible. That's why it's fun. If I wasn't, it wouldn't be fun. (APPLAUSE) But this one particular reporter, she said, "Ho, ho, ho, you're only kidding, right? Ha, ha, that's so funny." And I'll never forget on election night, "Donald Trump is your next president, folks." (APPLAUSE) And it's driving them crazy. So, we're thrilled to be here tonight, and I am having a lot of fun. But it is true: I'm having fun because nobody ever would have believed in a million years that we would have accomplished what we've accomplished. (APPLAUSE) Nobody has accomplished more in two years. You take a look at the first two years of any -- nobody has even come close to accomplishing what we've accomplished. And I'm doing it for you, and we're doing it together, because this is a whole thing that has never happened in our country before. You know, it's interesting, when we first started, there were a lot of people who were showing up. And by the way, you think this is a big crowd in here? This place is packed, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) And if there was one empty seat, they would say, as the Washington Post did say -- the Washington Post came -- you saw that, right? -- came to an arena someplace four hours early and they hadn't started letting the people in yet. And he put a picture of an empty arena. There were tens of thousands of people outside waiting to come in. The Washington Post put a picture of an empty arena, and they put a caption to the effect, "Mr. President, not a very good crowd, is it?" (BOOING) And you know what happened? And they had a picture up of an empty arena like I was a -- I didn't even land for four and a half hours later. And when I landed, that place was just like this. It was packed with thousands of people outside. (APPLAUSE) Now, did they fire that reporter? No. Did they fire that reporter? No. Right? They -- isn't it incredible? Isn't it sad? And look what happened to Roseanne. Did they fire Roseanne? Yes. (BOOING) No, but think of it. Puts a picture of an empty -- like it had 5 percent. People were just starting to trickle in. And said, "Not a very good crowd, Mr. President." There was no games. You know what happened that night? People that were sitting on stairwells, people that couldn't get a seat, people that were here only cause the fire marshals were so incredible, that shouldn't have even been allowed to come in, with thousands outside, they said, "This is a fraud by the Washington Post." I was there. There were no empty seats. We set a record that evening for crowd attendance. Because we don't need much of a stage. Basketball, they need a big -- you're filled up with people, like it is tonight. And we barely got an apology. And he admitted he was wrong. You know where he did it? On his little Twitter account. (LAUGHTER) And that kind of dishonesty happens all the time. Happened at the inauguration. It happened at the inauguration. It happens all the time. These are very, very dishonest people. We are thrilled to be joined tonight by several great Republican leaders. And we're going to start with a friend of mine who is a very special man, very special. He's a great governor. Done a fantastic job. He called me. He built the African-American Museum. Called me. We went there. It was so beautiful. We had -- I was at the opening. We cut the ribbon! Governor Phil Bryant. Governor. (APPLAUSE) Thank you, Phil. Thank you, Phil. Should we bring Phil up here? He's been so -- come on. Get up here, Phil. Come, come, come. Come on, Phil, get up here. What a great governor he's been. (APPLAUSE) Look at this guy. Is he central casting or what? Is he -- look at this. He's central casting. But you know where he's really good? His heart and his brain. Great brain and great heart. Seriously. BRYANT: Thank you! Are we proud to have Donald J. Trump here in Mississippi? (APPLAUSE) All right, I don't want to get started, but I can tell you what. This man has done more as president of the United States in two years than any president that I can ever remember or ever studied about. He is a remarkable man that is making America great again! (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Thank you very much, Phil. Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves. Tate? Tate? Where is Tate? Thanks, Tate. Doing a good job. And Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. Delbert? Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And I want to thank your members of Congress that are here, because they've been warriors, they've been friends. They helped me with the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country... (APPLAUSE) ... the biggest tax reform, the great regulation cuts, which could be even more important, frankly, than the tax cuts, if you want to know the truth, because it means jobs. But you have some great -- Congressman Trent Kelly. (APPLAUSE) Trent, thank you. Gregg Harper. (APPLAUSE) Thank you very much. And David Kustoff. Thank you, David. (APPLAUSE) There's another warrior in the room. These are warriors. Look, the abuse they take, the abuse we all take, if you're not a warrior, you just go home, go to the corner, put your thumb in your mouth and say, "Mommy, take me home." (APPLAUSE) You got to be a warrior. And a guy who is a wonderful friend of mine and has always been there for me, Senator Roger Wicker. Roger? (APPLAUSE) What a great -- and Mrs. Wicker, thank you. What a great guy. And he's doing great. Get out and vote for him, anyway. He's winning by a lot, but get out there and vote. We love Roger. Finally, I want to introduce the person we are all here tonight to support, a true Mississippi patriot, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Come on up. Cindy, come up. (APPLAUSE) HYDE-SMITH: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. And I told him he would get a warm Mississippi welcome, and you did not disappoint. (APPLAUSE) Yes! We are the Hospitality State, Mr. President. And I tell you, it is such an honor to work with this man. Is he not the best president we have ever had? (APPLAUSE) This is wonderful. You know, early on, I was a supporter of then-candidate Donald J. Trump, and I was on his ag advisory committee. And now every time I walk onto the Senate floor, I want to help President Donald J. Trump. (APPLAUSE) It is such an honor to work with a man that, I'll tell you, he loves the veterans, he loves the military, and he loves our law enforcement, as well. (APPLAUSE) You know, this past week -- this past week in Brookhaven, Mississippi, my hometown, we had two officers shot down this past weekend. And I was able to tell him about that, James White and Zack Moak. And then the next day, we had a Mississippi Highway Patrol trooper, Josh Smith, shot down. And I'm just going to ask you to remember those people in your prayers as we continue on with this. We've had a tragic week in Mississippi with our law enforcement, but this man supports law enforcement 100 percent. (APPLAUSE) I just want to thank our great governor, Phil Bryant, for making me your U.S. senator, to appoint me to that, an opportunity of three lifetimes. Other than being the mother of Anna Michael Smith and the husband of Mike Smith, it is the greatest honor of my life. And what a treat to serve with Senator Roger Wicker. When I tell you he's been a friend, he has been a friend to me on the Senate floor, no doubt. I tell you, you know, when I was sworn in as your U.S. senator, Vice President Mike Pence, he put this pin right here on me, and he said, "Cindy, this pin will get you in any door in Washington, D.C." But I want you to know, this isn't my pin. This is your pin. This is Mississippi's pin. (APPLAUSE) We've got a lot of work to do in Washington, D.C. This man is leading the charge. We're going to get back on Air Force One, and we're going back to Washington, because you know what? We've got a Supreme Court justice to get confirmed! (APPLAUSE) We got to. So I'm going to ask for your prayers, also, for the Kavanaugh family. And I'll tell you tonight, my true prayer is God will continue to bless these great state (sic) of the United States! (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: Thank you, Cindy. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Thank you, Cindy. Great. You know we had a great friend who was senator, and did a fantastic job, and it was just his time. He called me, it was his time. And you know who I'm talking about, wonderful man. And he said, "You're going to have to appoint somebody." And I went to Phil. I said, "Phil, who's the best?" And Phil had no doubt in his mind. That's who he recommended. And since then, Cindy has voted with me 100 percent of the time. (APPLAUSE) She's always had my back. She's always had your back. And a vote for Cindy is a vote for me and make America great again. (APPLAUSE) And a vote for Cindy's opponent, Mike Espy, is a vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi... (BOOING) ... and the legendary low-IQ person Maxine Waters. (BOOING) That's why Schumer's PAC is funding Mike Espy with a lot of money. A vote for Espy is a vote for the Democrat agenda to open borders and for radical socialism. (BOOING) When Espy was in Congress, he even sponsored legislation alongside Nancy Pelosi to provide taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens. Oh, that's great. That's just what Mississippi wants. (BOOING) I don't think that works in Mississippi. Does that work? I don't think so. I don't think so. Your vote in this election will decide which party controls the United States Senate. It's very important. Very important. And that's a great woman. That's a great woman. Gotten to know her very well over the last number of months. If Democrats get control, they will raise your taxes, flood your streets with criminal aliens, weaken our military, outlaw private health insurance, and replace freedom with socialism. (BOOING) In a short period of time -- of course, I'll be doing lots of vetoes, just so don't worry too much -- they will turn America into Venezuela. How's that working out? (BOOING) And our country will never be Venezuela. We won't let that happen. If Democrats get 51 seats, the key Senate committees will be run by the far left Bernie Sanders, crazy Bernie. (BOOING) It's amazing that he wasn't more angry that the election got stolen from him, right? I don't get it. You know, he's always like complaining, complaining. He's jumping around. The hair's going crazy. The hair's going crazy. He's jumping like a lunatic. But he never complained about the fact that crooked Hillary cheated him out of the election. It's amazing. It's amazing. AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: You know, Bernie was on television recently. And he was screaming and ranting and raving. And I said to my wife, Melanie, who's now in Africa representing us, first lady... (APPLAUSE) I watched her get off that plane this morning in Africa. And so beautiful. And she was hugging and kissing children. It was beautiful to see. She's doing a great job as first lady, I will tell you. Really great. (APPLAUSE) And you think that's an easy job? That's not an easy job. That's a tough job. She's fantastic. But Bernie Sanders was ranting and raving and "We're going to this" and "Trump and Trump and we got to stop" -- what he's going to stop? Having a strong military? Having low taxes? Having borders? What's he going to stop? What am I doing? What's he going to stop? Having less regulation? But he's going to stop Trump. He's going to stop Trump. He's going to stop us left and right. He's ranting and raving. And the commentator looks at him and goes, "You know he's winning, don't you?" And Bernie just looked at him like this. It was like -- but I said to my -- you got to hand it to him. You know, he's out there. He's doing his thing, whether you like it or not. He's out there doing his thing, and you've got to hand it to him. But a guy like Bernie would be in charge of the Budget Committee. Patrick Leahy -- oh, he's never had a drink in his life. (LAUGHTER) Check it out. Look under "Patrick Leahy/drink." (LAUGHTER) "How dare you have a beer while you're in high school? How dare." "Patrick Leahy-drink" will be in charge of the Appropriations Committee. (BOOING) Bob Menendez -- you don't know about him -- will be in -- I'll leave him alone, because we can't cover too many of these characters, right? But I'm going to leave him alone -- will be in charge of Foreign Affairs. And the great Dianne Feinstein... (BOOING) ... will be in charge of the Judiciary Committee. No. Wasn't that great? Wasn't that great? Wasn't that something the other day? She was asked a simple question, "Did you leak the document?" -- wasn't that great? -- by John Cornyn. He goes, "You leaked the document." "No. What? No." "Uh, remember?" "No. Oh, no, I didn't. No, I don't think I -- well, wait. Did we leak the document? No." (LAUGHTER) "How about the aide?" "No, you idiot! No!" (LAUGHTER) "No, we didn't leak the document. We didn't leak the document. No, we didn't." That was the worst body language that I've ever seen. Oh, what a group. What a group. Holier than thou, aren't they? Holier than thou. You know the expression, right? What a group. Also at stake in this election is Medicare. Democrats in Washington want to raid Medicare to pay for their socialist agenda. They're going to destroy it. (BOOING) Republicans want to protect Medicare for our great seniors who earned it and paid for it, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) And we will always protect Americans with pre-existing location (sic). We're going to have to do that. Pre-existing conditions. We have to take care of pre-existing conditions, because it's just the way life is, folks. We have to do that. (APPLAUSE) And the Democrats are talking about it and they can't do it, because they have no plan. So just put it down. And some Republicans say, "Is that a Republican thing?" Whether it is or not -- and to me it is, and it always will be -- pre-existing conditions will always be taken care of by us. (APPLAUSE) Have to do it. We have to do it. We have to do it, and we want to do it. I want to do it. We're all going to do it. We're doing well. We'll take it from China. We'll take it from the European Union, who has taken advantage of us for years. We'll take it from Japan. We'll take it from our new, beautiful transaction, which is a fair transaction, and good for them, too, Mexico, Canada. We're going to have plenty of money coming in, folks, when we fix up these horrible trade deals. (APPLAUSE) So we're going to take care of pre-existing conditions. People that have a problem are going to be helped by the Republican Party from -- from the time I got elected, really. You look at what we've done with Obamacare. It's a disaster. We had it beaten. But I'll say it a different way than I have been saying it. We didn't get one Democrat vote. We had it repealed and replaced. A little shocked took place early in the morning. But the fact is, we didn't get one Democrat vote. We would have saved a trillion dollars -- think of it -- our country would have saved $1 trillion had we gotten that extra vote. We didn't get one vote from one Democrat. But we've pretty much dismantled it. And here's a nice story. We've managed it well. And your premiums have gone up very little by -- remember, they were going up 156, 201, 187, 116 percent? Now we have it down. But we're getting rid of it entirely. We're going to have great health care. (APPLAUSE) The new platform of the Democrat Party is to abolish ICE -- the brave, brave people of ICE. (BOOING) In other words, they want to abolish immigration enforcement entirely. That's what they want to do. Democrats also support strongly sanctuary cities of death. Sanctuary cities. (BOOING) Every day, sanctuary cities are unleashing vicious predators and bloodthirsty killers, like MS-13, into our communities. They go out and they hide out in sanctuary cities. Then they come into our cities and our towns. And then we send ICE in, and ICE has no problem. You know why? Because ICE is much tougher and much smarter than them. And ICE has done an incredible job. (APPLAUSE) And they grab them by the neck and they throw them the hell out of our country or they throw them into jail. (APPLAUSE) And you don't want that job. And you don't want that job. And you don't even want -- although maybe you could handle that job, right? But they do a fantastic job. And we have to cherish our law enforcement. And that goes for Border Patrol, that goes for ICE. We're setting records on the border on arrests. We don't want to do that. We're building the wall. It's going up. But getting money is brutal -- brutal. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! TRUMP: So we've started the wall. And we've done a lot in California and elsewhere -- San Diego. We're moving eastward, and we're covering a lot of territory. They gave us $1.6 billion, $1.6 billion, and another $1.6 billion. I want the whole thing, because we can do the whole damn wall, and we can do a great one in one year. (APPLAUSE) But getting money from the Democrats is tough, because they know that's a big issue for us. And they know we need it. Most of them voted for it in 2006. I don't know if you know that. Most of them. But, of course, you have to have a wall. You have people pouring across. They're tackling people. And then, of course, they have catch and release. You catch somebody. "Who is this person?" "It's a criminal." "Oh, that's OK. Catch, take his name and release the person." (BOOING) And the person they think will come back to court. We have the dumbest immigration laws in the whole world. Watch what happens over the next couple of weeks, folks. Watch. Watch. (APPLAUSE) And it's all because of the Democrats. Every Republican wants some change. But they stop you. The only thing they're good at -- they're lousy politicians. They're horrible in policy. They don't know what the hell they're doing. They're only good at one thing: resisting. They're good at sticking together. You rarely see them break up. They stick like glue. They stick. That's the only thing they're good at: delay and resist. Republicans believe America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not for criminal aliens. (APPLAUSE) If you want security, if you want a strong border, if you want to have a country that is a great, great, safe country, then you need to go out and you need to vote Republican. Have to do it. And everybody. (APPLAUSE) This election in November is about safety and it's also about prosperity. They're going to take your wealth away from you. They're going to take your wealth away. All of that we've done with the jobs and the salaries and the wages that are rising for the first time in 21 years, they're going to take it away from you so fast. Since the election, we have created over 4 million new jobs. Unheard of. Unheard of! Unheard of! (APPLAUSE) And lifted almost 4 million Americans off of food stamps. That's a big thing. (APPLAUSE) We've added nearly 600,000 new manufacturing jobs. You remember when the previous administration said, "Oh, you can't do manufacturing"? I said, "Really, who's going to build things?" They said, "You won't add any." They said you needed a magic wand, remember? A magic wand. We don't have a magic wand. We've got good policy. We've got good leadership. We have a lot of good leaders in our party. And you've heard this many times over the last three weeks: African-American unemployment has reached its lowest rate ever recorded -- ever! Ever! Remember "What do you have to lose?" What do you have to lose, right? "What do you have to lose?" I said. And people said, "Oh, that's not nice." But I said, "Wait, they have the worst crime rate. They have the worst schools. They have the worst homeownership percentages. They have the" -- I went through a list of 10 different things. And I looked up, and they've always voted for Democrats, the African-Americans, 95, more, percent. And I looked up and I said, "What the hell do you have to lose?" Remember? And now... (APPLAUSE) Not only do they have the lowest unemployment rate in history, but African-American poverty has reached its lowest rate also ever recorded. It's a great thing, right? (APPLAUSE) So -- and we've just started. We've just started. Remember, same true for Hispanic Americans, the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded. Same for Asian Americans, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded. Women, lowest unemployment rate in 65 years. (APPLAUSE) After years and years of working so hard, we finally put ourselves in a position where we can do things. And we can really do them. But we could do them an awfully lot better if we had more -- a real majority, not a majority of one, not a majority of literally if somebody's sick, it's like we have to postpone votes. We need a real majority, and we're going to do everything that you've been looking for for a long time. You know, with that being said, we've done so much. We've done so much. (APPLAUSE) We've just finalized the tremendous new trade agreement with South Korea, where it was a disaster. That was a Hillary Clinton catastrophe. Remember she said, "We are going to create 250,000 new jobs"? And she was right, for South Korea. It was good. (LAUGHTER) And we've just totally renegotiated it. We've made it good. And we've opened up new negotiations with Japan, who would not negotiate with the previous administration. You know why? Because they said, "No, we're happy. Why should we negotiate? We're not going to negotiate." Well, we said, "We want to negotiate." And with the European Union, "We want to negotiate." And they said... AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you! TRUMP: I love you, too. You're not my type, but I love you. (APPLAUSE) That was a strong guy, by the way, in case... (LAUGHTER) Because if that was a woman, I'm in big trouble. And you know what? I go, I hope you're a guy. Are you? So -- so the European Union and Japan, I said, "Listen, we lost $151 billion, with a B, with you." We lost $151 billion. Jean-Claude -- he's the head of the European Union -- I said, "Jean-Claude" -- he's tough and smart, smart, really tough. I don't think he likes our country too much, but I've told him that many times. Well, they were formed -- right? -- they were formed in order to take advantage of us. "So, Jean-Claude, for years, the Obama administration wanted to negotiate and you said, 'No, we're not going to negotiate.' I'm telling you, I want to negotiate." We lost $151 billion with the European Union. Many of us come from the European Union. I do. I do. Many of the people in the room, sounds so nice, European Union. And they're just killing us. So I said, "We have to negotiate." "Oh, yes, yes." Two weeks go by, we don't get a call. I call him up again, I say, "Jean-Claude! We got to negotiate." "Oh, yes, yes, yes. Oh, yes." Beautiful accent. I wish I had his accent. (LAUGHTER) I would have been president 15 years ago if I had his accent. And I said, "Jean-Claude, please, we got to negotiate! I can't take this, $151 billion we lose. You have barriers against our farmers. We can't sell farm products. You have barriers against our cars, and yet you give us millions of Mercedes and BMW and all these cars, they pour into our country. You have barriers and you charge us big tariffs for products. And you make it impossible for us to give you -- but you sell us so much. Jean-Claude, we have to negotiate." And he said, "Oh, yes, yes, yes." Two weeks go by. No negotiation. I say, "Jean-Claude, you don't have to negotiate anymore, Jean-Claude. I am going to put a 25 percent tariff on Mercedes Benz, BMW, and every car you send in to the United States." (APPLAUSE) "We're putting a 25 percent tariff or tax on every car, millions and millions of cars, that you send in to the United States." He said, "No, no, no, please! I will be there tomorrow morning." This was an evening. I get to my office. He's there. (LAUGHTER) I said, "Where did you come from, New York?" "No, no, no, I came from Europe." I said, "Let me know the name of that plane. That is the fastest plane." (LAUGHTER) And now they're dying to make a deal. You saw what's been going on with these deals. China! They're draining us. They're taking our money. They're rebuilding themselves. They're building a jet a day. They're building many, many bridges the size and bigger than, like, the George Washington Bridge. What are we doing? We're helping them. We've rebuilt China. They've taken so much money. I like President Xi, the head of China, but I said, "We can't do this anymore." So now we put $50 billion of tariffs on. And they said... (APPLAUSE) They said, "No, no, no, no, you cannot do that. If you go $50 billion, we'll go $50 billion." I said, "Wait a minute, we're already $500 billion behind. So if I go $50 billion, you go $50 billion, that means we're at the same place we started from. That's not what this is all about. We have to bring some balance. We can't do this." So they said, "No." So it's $50 billion at 10 percent. I increased it to 25 percent, and I put $200 billion on top of the $50 billion. (APPLAUSE) So now we have $250 billion at 25 percent. By the way, billions and billions of dollars. The fake news people back there, all those people with all those red lights... (BOOING) ... they don't want to talk about it. But all of that money, billions of dollars will be flowing in to our treasury. Many of the products that we're buying over there will be made in the United States because they don't want to pay the tax and there's no tariffs. (APPLAUSE) And I said, "If you attack our farmers, who I love" -- they're special. See, he's got the green hat on? "Make Our Farmers Great Again." Right? "Make Our Farmers Great Again." But they said, "You know what? The farmers love Trump. We'll attack the farmers by not buying" -- well, guess what? They're starting to buy again, aren't they? But I said, "If you do that, we're going to put an additional $267 billion onto your numbers. So we're going to have $500 billion and probably it'll end up $562 billion when you add it all up, including the little stars all over the place." And you know what? They want to talk. They want to make a deal. Then China's been hurt very badly over the last number of months. Their markets are down 30 percent. And our markets are up 55 percent since I became president. (APPLAUSE) And I hope we can make a deal with China, but honestly, who knows? But we're very happy where we are. Very, very happy. And I want to thank the farmers, because, you know, I watch the farmers. And they say -- and don't forget, the farmers have been going down like this for 20 years; long before I got here. We're going to bring those green caps. You're going to be so proud of me, OK? You're going to be so proud. (APPLAUSE) They want to talk. And at some point, they're talking. But I told them just recently, "You're not ready to talk yet. You're not ready." In all fairness, they've been making so much money. It's hard for them to say -- they're making $500 billion a year because we had -- ha, let's be nice -- we had presidents that it wasn't their thing. But it is my thing. (BOOING) Do you know how wealthy our country would be if they didn't have these really stupid deals all over the place, so many of them? And how about our military deals, where we protect rich nations and we don't get reimbursed? How about that stuff? That's changing, too, folks. (BOOING) We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? And I love the king, King Salman. But I said, "King, we're protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military." (APPLAUSE) "You have to pay." And Japan is going to also contribute. Japan -- we protect Japan. They pay us a small percentage. We protect South Korea. They pay us -- and by the way, we're doing great on North Korea, but South Korea. They got to reimburse us. They've got to reimburse us. (APPLAUSE) Republicans passed and I signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reform in the history of our country. We have cut a record number of regulations. Now, we got no Democrat support for any of this. This is what's driving our economy, those two things. We have approved a record number of affordable generic drugs. Watch what's going to happen to drug prices. (APPLAUSE) And to help critically ill patients get access to life-saving treatments, we passed what's called Right to Try. A person's terminally ill, they're going to die, and before me, if we had a drug that was really looking good or promising, we wouldn't give them, because we didn't want to hurt the person. They're going to die. And it is actually much more complicated than that. They've been trying to pass this for 45 years. Well, two months ago, I signed Right to Try. We have the greatest drugs in the world, the greatest drugmakers in the world. (APPLAUSE) I would watch wealthy people travel all over the world trying to find a cure. And poor people just went home. They had no hope. Now they have the right to try. If we have a drug that looks good but it's two years or three years or four years out -- and, by the way, we brought that number from 15 years, we think it's going to be down to four and in some cases three. Way down. (APPLAUSE) Scott is doing a great job. Scott, get that number down, Scott. And now we have that -- I love that. Right to Try, such a great name. Right to Try. You have hope. We also passed veterans' choice. Forty-four years they tried to do it. (APPLAUSE) Giving our veterans the right to see a private doctor if they've got to wait on line for weeks and weeks and weeks. Forty-four years! (APPLAUSE) And we passed the landmark V.A. Accountability Act. That's people that work in the V.A. that treat our veterans badly, and we couldn't do a thing about it, and now we can fire them so fast... (APPLAUSE) I just signed legislation -- and you think that was easy, getting that through the unions and civil service? That was a 48-year job. And your two senators helped me a lot, I will tell you. They helped me a lot. Thank you, Cindy. Thank you, Roger. (APPLAUSE) And your congressmen, by the way, helped me a lot -- in particular your congressman. I just signed legislation to completely rebuild our military, securing $700 billion, and then the following year $716 billion to purchase the finest planes and ships and tanks and missiles and submarines on the face of the Earth, all made in America, made in the USA. (APPLAUSE) And we have given our troops their largest pay raise in more than a decade. Isn't that nice? About time. (APPLAUSE) At my direction, the Pentagon is now working very hard to create the sixth branch of the American armed forces. It's called the Space Force. So you have the Air Force, you have the Space Force. Separate. (APPLAUSE) The Space Force. And that's what it's all about, folks. You look at what's happening. I'm not just talking rockets to the moon and to Mars. I'm talking about defense. I'm talking about -- that's where it is. It's in space. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, right? Space Force! (APPLAUSE) I withdrew the United States from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal. (APPLAUSE) And Iran is a much different country. They're trying to put out all the riots they have all over that country. You know, when I became a president, I looked there -- before I became -- I said, "How are you stopping Iran?" Nobody was able to tell me. And I did this and they have shattered, man. They have shattered. I got rid of that deal. How about we gave them $150 billion for nothing? We gave them $1.8 billion in cash for nothing. (BOOING) And we've recognized the capital of Israel and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. (APPLAUSE) And we won't even mention how well we're doing with North Korea. But when I came in there, too, they were going to go to war with North Korea. President Obama said it was his biggest problem. We sat before I took office. "What's your biggest problem?" "Biggest problem is North Korea. We were going to go with North Korea." We're doing very well now with North Korea. You don't feel that way anymore, right? (APPLAUSE) You don't feel that way anymore. And the fake news comes out and says, "He's giving so much." I haven't given anything. We got our hostages back, right? (APPLAUSE) We've got a lot and we're getting the remains of our great fallen heroes back. (APPLAUSE) There's been no rockets launched. There's been no missiles launched. There's been no nuclear tests. And we have a good relationship. And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is going over to North Korea next week. And we're working on a second summit. And it just feels good. Now, who knows, folks? Who knows? I can just tell you, when we came in, before I came in, and at the beginning when the rhetoric was tough, right, that rhetoric was tough, these people were saying, "Oh, he's going to get us into a war." Well, guess what? That worked out. That rhetoric was tough. And let's see what happens. But we're doing very well. We're doing very well. For years, you watched as your leaders apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America. (APPLAUSE) We are standing up for your values. We are standing up for Mississippi. We are standing proudly. We are standing up for your national anthem. (APPLAUSE) Right? (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: A lot of spirit. A lot of spirit. One of them said the other day, "You know, President Trump can't be beaten in 2020." That's driving them crazy. Oh! Who the hell's going to beat us? Look, who's going to beat us? If another president came in, and they said, "We're coming to Mississippi, and we're going to make a speech," you know how many people would show up? Really, 300, 400. You'd have a medium-sized meeting room at a hotel. Look at this place. Look at this place. Look at this place! (APPLAUSE) We're lifting millions of our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity. That's what's happening. But to continue our incredible momentum, you have to get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your coworkers, get out and vote Republican, vote for Cindy Hyde-Smith and vote for Roger Wicker. Got to do it. (APPLAUSE) A vote for Republicans is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation and more products made right here in the USA. (APPLAUSE) It's a vote to reduce crime, respect law enforcement and restore the rule of law. (APPLAUSE) It's a vote for strong borders, safe communities and thriving families, which you are. And a vote for Republicans is a vote to reject the Democrat politics of anger, destruction, chaos, and to come together as neighbors, as citizens and as Americans. To everyone in this room tonight, to every citizen watching all across our land, this is your time to choose. Very important time when you look at what's happening to Judge Kavanaugh. This is a very important time. It's time to choose whether we turn backward to the failure and frustrations of the past or whether we continue forward into the unlimited promise of our future. It's not up to the media or the pundits to decide your fate. It's up to you. The future is in your hands, as it was in 2016. That was a beautiful time. There has never been an election like this in our country's history. (APPLAUSE) You have the power -- just as you did in 2016 -- with your vote to same America from socialism and to save America from decay. It's up to you on November 6th to choose a future of patriotism, prosperity and pride. Loyal citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country, returning power to everyday Americans. (APPLAUSE) We stand on the shoulder of the giants of American history, the greatest, the toughest, the most courageous men and women ever to walk the face of the Earth. Our ancestors crossed the oceans, settled a continent, won a revolution, and fought to victory in two world wars. Think of it. Think of it. (APPLAUSE) Right? Think of it. American patriots defeated fascism, triumphed over communism, and delivered millions and millions and millions of people into freedom. These courageous patriots did not shed their blood, sweat and tears so that we could sit at home while others tried to tear down their legacy and destroy our proud American heritage, right? (APPLAUSE) Just like the pioneers and patriots who came before us, we are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, win, win. (APPLAUSE) We will not bend. We will not break. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will never surrender. (APPLAUSE) And we will always fight on to victory. Because we are Americans, and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. (APPLAUSE) And together, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again. Thank you very much, Mississippi. Get out and vote. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) END
2100 WH NV PATH3 FS25 75 2300 WH NV PATH3 FS25 89 CBS TRANSMISSION POOL PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP [*] TRUMP: Hello, Las Vegas. How are you? How is everybody? We love Las Vegas. Thank you. Thank you. And I'm thrilled to be back in Nevada. (APPLAUSE) You always have to say that name just right. With thousands of proud, hard-working American patriots, the people of Nevada love our country, honor our values, and always respect our great American flag. (APPLAUSE) And except for a lot of the fake news that you see from these people back here... (AUDIENCE BOOS) ... this is an incredible time for our country. America is winning again. (APPLAUSE) America is being respected again. (APPLAUSE) Because we are finally putting America first again. (APPLAUSE) We have the best economy in our history. (APPLAUSE) And I have to tell you this, if our opponent got into office, which would have been a very sad, sad period of time.... (AUDIENCE BOOS) ... instead of your... AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: It is a pretty sad day, isn't it? Don't worry. It's all going to get better. It's all going to get better. (APPLAUSE) But if our opponent got into office, your 401(k)s, instead of being up 52 percent in a short period of time, would have been down 52 percent. That's what was going to happen. That's what was going to happen. That's where it was going. Wages, right now, are rising and poverty is -- you see it. Poverty is plummeting. Jobless claims just hit a 50-year low. Fifty. Five-oh. And the stock market today just hit another all-time high. (APPLAUSE) We're fighting every day for our factories, our ranchers, our great miners, our farmers, and we are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world. (APPLAUSE) And it's not by luck. We're rebuilding our military. We're crushing the tariffs. And we're taking care of our great veterans. We're taking care of our veterans. (APPLAUSE) First time in a long time. We've also just identified the first remains of our fallen warriors from North Korea, these incredible heroes, to now lay at rest in American soil. (APPLAUSE) A lot of progress being made on North Korea. Lot of progress. Do you remember, before I came in, it looked like we were going with war with North Korea? Now we made a lot of progress. Relationships are getting better and better. (APPLAUSE) And we have our hostages back. And there's no more nuclear testing. And there's no testing of missiles and rockets over Japan. We're doing well. And we're getting our remains back. Very important. We believe no American should be left behind. (APPLAUSE) So we have midterms coming up. And you remember when we had that great, great election, almost two years ago. Can you believe it? (APPLAUSE) And do you remember the tears from the fake news media, when it was obvious that we were going to win? (AUDIENCE BOOS) And you know what? They're still crying. Look at them. They're still crying. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) They're still crying. And let 'em cry. They don't know what the hell happened, but it happened, and that's why we're setting all-time records. That's why we're doing so well. But we have to get out for the midterms. Promise me, you got to get out for the -- don't be complacent. You got to get out for the midterms. You got to vote. (APPLAUSE) You got to vote. We need more Republicans. You know, when they say we have a majority, it's like this. It's like this. If somebody has a cold, we don't have a majority that day. It's like we have to have more Republicans in office. We'll get everything we want, so fast. We've got to have it. (APPLAUSE) So tonight, we are joined by some really terrific friends of mine and Republican leaders from the great state of Nevada, including two great candidates for Congress, Cresent Hardy, Cresent? Where's Cresent? And somebody that's been supporting me a long time, and he has shown such incredible stamina and loyalty and friendship, and we got to get him to win this race. Danny Tarkanian, Danny? (APPLAUSE) Thanks, Danny. What a great guy! Thank you, Danny. And, Danny, thank you for everything. You really are -- you've done a great job. Thank you, man. They're going to get you in. Vote for Tarkanian. Also, your next governor, a very popular guy in these parts, with a great family, Adam Laxalt. Adam? (APPLAUSE) And another friend of mine who really was outstanding, because, you know, I have a little -- to use an interesting word -- bias for this area. I love this area. You know the word bias? They've been talking about bias. Is there bias? Yeah, there was a lot of bias. You know that. But I have bias for this area and, also, for our great GOP chairman Michael McDonald. (APPLAUSE) Finally, I want you to please welcome the person that we're all here for tonight. Now, I have to say this. We started out, we weren't friends. I didn't like him. He didn't like me. And as we fought and fought and fought, believe it or not, we started to respect each other. Then we started to like each other. Then we started to love each other. And the fact is -- and the fact is, he has been a tremendous supporter ever since I won the election. He's always been there. We can count on his vote. I mean, Wacky Jacky will never vote for us, folks. Never. She's wacky. She's never going to vote for us. (AUDIENCE BOOS) You can count on his vote for Second Amendment, for tax reductions, for regulation cuts, for judges. Oh, look at our judges! Oh, what's going on? (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! TRUMP: You know, one of the reasons I was elected was because you believed that I was going to pick great Supreme Court justices. (APPLAUSE) And Brett Kavanaugh... (APPLAUSE) And I'm not saying anything about anybody else, but I want to tell you that Brett Kavanaugh is one of the finest human beings you will ever have the privilege of knowing or meeting. (APPLAUSE) A great intellect, a great gentleman, an impeccable reputation, went to Yale, top student, went to Yale Law School, top student. So we got to let it play out, but I want to tell you, he is a fine, fine person. (APPLAUSE) So, he's got tremendous support. I can tell you that. Tremendous. Just like Neil Gorsuch, who's now on the Supreme Court, has tremendous support. (APPLAUSE) So we'll let it play out. And I think everything is going to be just fine. This is a high-quality person. And a man that agrees with that, and right now, his vote is more important than mine, because he's got to help Brett get in. And I'll tell you what? He respects him just like I respect him, but with Dean, we can count on him. With Jacky, she's never going to vote for us. She may talk it. She even says, you know, a lot of the states like, where they like Trump, these candidates on the other side, they get up and they talk nicely about me, but they're never going to vote. They say, oh, Trump's wonderful, we like him a lot. You know, I won the state by like 34 points and they get up and they say, oh, we like him a lot. He's great. He's wonderful. But they're never going to vote for us, so it doesn't matter. I'd rather have them say bad things about me and give us their vote. They're never going to vote for us. Because they're voting for Nancy Pelosi. They're voting for... (AUDIENCE BOOS) They're for the new de facto leader of the Democratic Party, Maxine Waters. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And they're voting for cryin' Chuck Schumer. Cryin' Chuck. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Whereas your incredible senator, Dean Heller, is going to be with us all the time. (APPLAUSE) Come on up here, Dean! Come on up here, Dean. Dean Heller. HELLER: Thanks. Hey! (APPLAUSE) Boy, does this president know how to pack the people in one room? This is incredible! (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, I think he just turned Nevada red today. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, welcome to Las Vegas! (APPLAUSE) Home of the Running Rebels. Home of the Golden Knights. (APPLAUSE) And the future home of the Las Vegas Raiders! (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, we have 300,000 veterans in the state of Nevada. (APPLAUSE) They're in front of us, and they're behind us. And we're thrilled to have them with us today. They want to thank you for delivering a better health care system at the V.A. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, our veterans want to thank you for giving them the benefits and the support that they deserve. (APPLAUSE) And, Mr. President, we have thousands -- thousands of military men and women that serve here in the state of Nevada. They want to thank you. They want to thank you for funding our Armed Forces, so that they can do their jobs and serve our country. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, our military men and women want to thank you for the largest pay raise in the last 10 years. (APPLAUSE) But, most importantly, Mr. President, thank you for putting Nevada back to work. (APPLAUSE) Because of your administration, Nevada families have more money in their paychecks. Nevada families have more money in their pockets. And, Mr. President, because of this stock market that you just mentioned, they're doing better with their pensions and their 401(k)s. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, it's an honor to work with you and putting Nevada back to work. Thank you very -- very much, Mr. President. (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: OK. Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Dean. And Dean really is a -- a champion, and I can tell you, I work with him. He's a champion for our workers, our families, and for our veterans. And we have to keep him. He led the charge in Congress to pass the most significant veterans reforms in half a century, including the V.A. Accountability Act. You know what that is. (APPLAUSE) That means people that work in the V.A. are accountable. If they don't treat our veterans well, if they don't do a good job, if they're sadists -- and you have that -- if they steal -- and you have that -- we say, sorry, but you are fired! Right? (APPLAUSE) Before you couldn't do that. You couldn't do it. Now you can do it. That's been 45 years they've been trying to get it. It doesn't sound like much. It's everything. So much. And, most importantly, 46 years, V.A. choice, this is where a veteran has to wait long periods to see a doctor. No longer. They now go and see a private doctor if there's a line. They don't have to wait for 12 days, for 20 days, for 40 days. They go see a doctor. We pay for the doctor. And they get taken care of. They get taken care of. (APPLAUSE) And Dean has led the effort in Congress to fully fund Veterans Affairs. It's a big deal. And he's been really great. He really has. So I just want to say, there's been no better friend. We started off slow, but we ended up strong. I've had no better friend in Congress than Dean Heller. So, thank you. Thank you, friend. (APPLAUSE) We've got to elect Republicans. That means our great congressmen, potential congressmen, and we have to get Dean to fight for Nevada, to fight for our heroes, and to help us make things honest around here. You know what's going on. So we're going to drain the swamp. Drain the swamp. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! TRUMP: Early voting, so important. Early voting starts in exactly one month, October 20th. So you can vote early, but you've got to get out and vote. And remember this. Dean's Democrat opponent Wacky Jacky, Jacky Rosen, she doesn't get it. Jacky Rosen is bought and paid for by her donors, 100 percent. She doesn't even want to go to a debate. We think she doesn't want to debate. I said, hey, Dean, when's the debate? And he said, she won't debate me. That's not good. That's not good. Rosen doesn't represent Nevada's values. She represents the extreme liberal values of her out-of-state donors, funding almost 90 percent of her campaign. But even that, just so you understand, she's going to do whatever Pelosi and Schumer tell her to do, OK? It doesn't matter. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Every one of them, they come in and they say, oh, we want to be bipartisan. They never vote for us. Jacky Rosen voted no on tax cuts. You know that? She voted for the disaster, which is really being changed rapidly. You know, we got rid of the individual mandate, the most unpopular thing. (APPLAUSE) The disaster known as Obamacare. Jacky Rosen voted against Kate's Law. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And she voted in favor of deadly sanctuary cities, which nobody wants. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And Jacky Rosen voted against the V.A. Accountability Act. How do you do that? How do you do that? (AUDIENCE BOOS) So she, really, if you think about it, she voted for criminal aliens against veterans, for criminal aliens against citizens of our country. That's where she is. You don't want that. You don't want it. A vote for Wacky Jacky is a vote for the extreme agenda of those people, as Pelosi-Schumer-Waters is a vote for more taxes. Seriously. It's a vote for more taxes, more crime, and more onerous regulation, which stops everything from happening. You know, we cut regulations more than any administration in the history of our country, and I did it in less than two years. (APPLAUSE) And it's one of the reasons that you have all of those jobs. It's one of the reasons that you can now go out and look for another job if you're not happy, because everybody wants to hire you and you're getting higher wages for the first time in 21 years. (APPLAUSE) The new platform of the Democrat Party is radical socialism and open borders. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And I won't allow the United States of America to become the next Venezuela. That's what they want to do. (AUDIENCE BOOS) AUDIENCE: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: So we started the wall a year ago. We've done a lot. We've rebuilt a lot of sections of wall in San Diego and a lot of areas. We're starting a big, brand-new section. We spent $1.6 billion, then another $1.6 billion. Unfortunately, sadly, because of the Democrats' obstruction, only $1.6 billion -- sounds like a lot, but it's not when you're talking about what we're talking about -- $1.6 billion was just approved. I'm not thrilled, but after the election, they're all telling me were getting our wall the way we want it, so let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. Let's see if they produce. (APPLAUSE) In this election, and by the way, we want that wall. We want that wall. You know where I am. (APPLAUSE) I could knock it out, because I do that well. That's what I do well. I build. We could knock that wall out in one year if they gave us the funds. I'll tell you what, though, if you look at Schumer and these people, even though they know you need the wall, they all voted for the wall in 2006. They vote for border security. And then they found out, oh gee, maybe from their standpoint, they can't do that, but they all voted for it. Hillary Clinton voted for it, right? Remember her? (AUDIENCE BOOS) But -- but I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Everybody knows... AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: How is our Justice Department doing? (AUDIENCE BOOS) So they all wanted the wall. We're going to get the wall. But it would be a lot easier if you get Republicans in there to vote, please. OK? A lot easier. (APPLAUSE) Because their whole agenda -- on bigger things we can get. You see what we've gotten. We've got things that -- we got $700 billion to rebuild our military. We then got $716 billion to rebuild it second year, $700 billion and $716 billion. But their whole agenda, they know we want the wall. They want to oppose it. They want to obstruct it. They want to resist. You know the campaign? It's called resist. Honestly, they're lousy politicians. Their policy is terrible. But they're good at sticking together and resisting. That's all they can do. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And you are witnessing it right now, but we're going to be victorious. You watch. You watch. (APPLAUSE) It's all they're good at. Resist. You know, they see the signs, "Resist, resist." Ugh. (LAUGHTER) We're for building great economies. They're for resisting. That's what it's all about. But this election, you have to vote for candidates who really know what your heart says, what your values are. You have some great, great Republican candidates, and a lot of people think that I'm always angry at Congress. I'm angry at Democrats because of what they're doing to our country. (APPLAUSE) I'm angry at Democrats because of what they do to our country. Today's Democrat Party is held hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, socialist fanatics, deep-state bureaucrats, and their fake news allies. This is the big -- that's their best partner. (AUDIENCE BOOS) That's their best partner. The Democrat Party, their best ally is those people right there. (AUDIENCE BOOS) I can't tell you how dishonest and corrupt so much of the media is. I can't even explain it. Impossible to explain. Nobody would believe it. Nobody would. And I don't mean everything. You have some fine people. Some fine reporters. I know them. Fine reporters. Look, all the red lights are starting to go off. (LAUGHTER) You have some fine people and some wonderful, wonderful, professional reporters. But I watch the coverage that we get. And it is so unfair. We could have the greatest success, like, for instance, in North Korea, we're doing great. We're doing great, moving along. What do they say? There's nothing they can say. So they say he met with them. That's a defeat, because we met. They can't say anything else. We have the hostage -- they said he met! So many things they come up and then they say, oh, it's not moving fast enough. They've been covering these Democrats for decades, they haven't -- they haven't done a thing. I left. What did I leave, three months ago? We're doing great. But these are people that will take a great story and make it as bad as possible. They'll take an OK story and make it horrible. (AUDIENCE BOOS) So I cannot tell you strongly enough, that is the single greatest ally of the Democrats. Without them, they wouldn't be getting 5 percent of the vote. I'll tell you. It's true. It's fake news. Fake news. And you know, I have to say this, when I won the election, we won. I didn't win. We won. The whole thing, we won. (APPLAUSE) The New York Times, like, they apologized to their subscribers because they covered the election so badly, because their subscribers say, how could this happen? He got nothing but bad stories, because people don't read the New York Times, because it's a dishonest newspaper. It's terrible. But I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. When we won, they suffered. But I said -- I said -- I got one thing that I was -- in interviews, I say, you know the good news? I'll start now getting fair press. And it happened for about a week. And now they're worse than they ever were. But it doesn't seem to have much of an impact, does it? (AUDIENCE BOOS) Not much of an impact. So the resistance, to an extent, because of them, is filled with anger, because their policies have been exposed as failure. Real anger. The forces opposing us in Washington are the same people who squandered trillions of dollars overseas, who sacrificed our sovereignty, who shipped away our jobs, who oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. That's what happened to our country. And we're now recovering. We're bringing back our jobs. We're bringing back our companies. (APPLAUSE) In 2016, the American people voted to reject this corrupt globalism. Hey, I'm the president of the United States! I'm not the president of the globe. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: You voted to make America great again. We are making America greater than ever before. And it's happening before your eyes. (APPLAUSE) Bitter Democrats and their establishment cronies have spent every single day since 2016 trying to undermine the results of this incredible, historic presidential election that we won together. (APPLAUSE) So we want to keep it going. And we want to do it the easy way. So this election day, go out there and vote. You got to vote. Everybody's got to go out and got to vote. I want to give a victory speech. I want to give a victory speech on the evening of Election Day, which is coming up very quickly. We're going to be talking about America. We're going to be talking about the greatness of our country. We're not going to let people undo the incredible job that we've done over the last almost-two-year period. (APPLAUSE) So, don't forget, early voting, folks, early voting, October 20th. Now, we need -- we need in this election to do something special. I'm not saying there's ever going to be a time like we just went through. And a lot of people say that you're complacent now. You win the presidency and you're complacent. I don't think we're complacent. And I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I did. I'll tell you what I did. Last week, I said update it. I said update it. I want to show you -- I don't believe there has been any administration in the history of this country that has done more in two years -- and we're not even up to two years yet -- than our administration. (APPLAUSE) Look at this. So I said just write down some of the things. Each one, each one, point, point, point, four-and-a-half pages, almost 4 million jobs created since the election, more Americans are now employed than ever recorded before. Think of that. Today, more Americans are working than ever before. (APPLAUSE) We've created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs. Remember what President Obama said? You can't have manufacturing jobs anymore? (AUDIENCE BOOS) By the way, he's campaigning again. That's good news. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Because if that doesn't spur you onto work -- you know, when I was running, I swear, I think he campaigned harder than Hillary Clinton. And we won big, 306-223. Remember? There is no way, right? There is no way that Donald Trump gets to 270. No, we got to 306. (APPLAUSE) Look, manufacturing jobs, which he said you'll never have again, I'm saying why won't you have it? We're not going to make anything? These are the best jobs. You know, manufacturing, they're, like, the best jobs, the most important jobs. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years. (APPLAUSE) Economic growth, so they say, when I took this over, I'm telling you, it was a sick puppy. We were headed down. So last quarter, we hit GDP 4.1, adjusted upward 4.2 percent, right? Look. Point, point, point. (APPLAUSE) Look at this. New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low. You know what that means? Simple. That means people are working. They're working. You know this, you've been hearing, and now it's even better, African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. (APPLAUSE) What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? Remember? Ha. Remember, I said, what do you have to lose? People said, oh, that's not nice. I said, hey, I go through a chart, it talked about the highest crime rates, the worst education, the worst homeownership. I'd go through -- and I just looked up one night and I said, you've always been with the Democrats. Vote for me. What the hell do you have to lose? Remember that, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) Hispanic, any Hispanic here? I think so. Hispanic-American unemployment is the lowest rate in history. (APPLAUSE) Any Asians? Asian? Asian? Any Asian? Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded in our history. (APPLAUSE) You've heard me say this. Women's unemployment, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, recently reached -- I'm sorry -- only the lowest rate in 65 years. That's not as good. That's not as good as history. Soon -- this is important. Youth unemployment recently hit the lowest rate in nearly 50 years. So great. Under my administration, veterans' unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in numerous decades, whatever that may be. (APPLAUSE) Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps. I mean, how good is that? (APPLAUSE) Think of it. They live better, and it doesn't cost us anything. Right? How good is that? We have companies now under the pledge to America's workers, they're training, under our vocational programs, workers, there's never been anything like this. We have -- retail sales surged last month, up over 6 percent over last year. We signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in the history of the United States. (APPLAUSE) As a result of the tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. That's not bad. We got, through a little work and a little coordination, the United States bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. We got it. (APPLAUSE) That was us. We just got the U.S.-Mexico-Canada -- we just got the World Cup in 2026. We needed a lot of... (APPLAUSE) I told you about the record number in history of regulations, that's such a big deal. We enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions so they can now go and loan you money again. (APPLAUSE) Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in its history. And one of the things we did with the FDA is a thing called -- I love the name -- right to try. You know what that is? (APPLAUSE) It was that, if you were sick, terminally ill, and we had a drug in the hopper that looked like it was really working out, this country for 50 years would not let you use that drug. They'd say, no, it may harm you. Well, you're terminally ill, so they couldn't get -- and there was a reason. I'm -- not that easy. A lot of liability, a lot of everything, between the insurance companies and various different things, including government. I got it done. It's called right to try. So now, instead of if you have money -- if you don't have money, there's -- you just go to your room. If you have money -- I know people, they traveled all over the world begging for a cure. We have the greatest medical people, the greatest medicines in the world. Now you have the right to try, and it's going to work plenty. It's a big thing. (APPLAUSE) We just secured $6 billion for the new funding to fight the opioid epidemic, $6 billion. (APPLAUSE) You'll like this. We withdrew the United States from the job-killing, income-killing Paris climate accord. (APPLAUSE) That was costing our country. And we have the cleanest air now in the world. We have the cleanest water. Remember this. I'm an environmentalist. I want crystal-clean water. I want crystal-clean air. That's what we want. But I also want jobs to come to our country. So that was good. We secured a record 700 -- listen to this. We confirmed more court judges, think of this, than anybody. And we're going to get -- we just got Neil Gorsuch, I told you. We're going to get Brett. We've got great people. Look at this. We moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. (APPLAUSE) We're protecting -- remember they said you'll never get that. They said that about everything. You'll never get that, you'll never get elected, you'll never this. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is Donald Trump. Well... (APPLAUSE) Remember the tears? Crying, crying, oh. Crying, crying. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States -- this is on television -- and I say, oh, don't cry, please, I want to be happy. Don't cry. Now they're crying more than ever! Except you know they're torn. Number one, they're crying, but they're making more money than they ever made because of us, because their stocks are up. But you know what's going to happen with these -- I tell them, about six months after we start, six months before the election, they're going to endorse Donald Trump for president. You know why? Because if they don't, those broadcasting companies, the New York Times, all of those, they are going bankrupt so fast. So they'll be endorsing me. They'll be endorsing me. So I could go on for page after page after page. Look at that. Page after page. And to me a big thing. We're renegotiating the worst trade deals ever made by any country at any time. (APPLAUSE) So, Democrats, I had to bring that out, you know, just boom, boom, boom, why not? Democrats want to give welfare and free health care to illegal aliens funded by the American taxpayers. (AUDIENCE BOOS) How about this clown in California who's running for governor? Now, think -- just think. We get a lot of people from California that moved here, but how about this guy? Wait. He announces he wants open borders, that means just pour in, and then he wants to give them health care, education, everything. You know what's going to happen? California is going to have a billion people within a very short period of time. Now, I think -- and somebody has to ask, who's going to pay for this? And do you know how bad it's going to be? You talk about waiting on line for the vets, which we saw? You'll be waiting on line for 10 years. It's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Open borders, come on into California, all over the world they're going to be pouring into California. Republicans want to protect the safety net for the truly needy Americans, people that need help, not for illegal aliens that come in to our country illegally. And when it comes to health insurance, Donald Trump and Republicans will protect patients with pre-existing conditions. We're going to do that. We want to do that. (APPLAUSE) Democrats want to destroy Medicare with so-called Medicare for all. It's going to be bust before it even gets open. Robbing from our senior citizens -- you know that, it's going -- it's going to be one of the great catastrophes ever. The benefits they paid for their entire lives are going to be taken away. Republicans want to protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it and they paid for it for their entire life. They paid for it. The Democrat health care plan would force every American onto government-run health care and virtually eliminate all private- and employer-based health care plans. In other words, you're going to have really bad health care. It's going to cost a lot of money. Their plan would cost $32 trillion and require at least the doubling of your federal income taxes, and probably much higher than that. (AUDIENCE BOOS) The Democrats would bankrupt the safety net through totally unlimited and uncontrolled immigration. You will see crime like you've never, ever seen before. The policies of their party aren't just extreme. Frankly, they're dangerous, and they're crazy. So what I want you to do -- remember, Danny and Dean and these people, you're going to go out and vote, because we're going to take this country -- and we're almost there -- remember, it's make America great again, but very shortly we're going to be changing that logo to keep America great. (APPLAUSE) Keep America. And we're going to lower taxes. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: We're going to lower taxes. They want to raise your taxes. They want to double and triple your taxes. And we are going to save and we are going to cherish ICE, ICE. (APPLAUSE) Democrats want to open borders, which equals massive crime coming into our country. Republicans want strong borders, and we want no crime. So here it is. We're going to make our country stronger than ever before. We're going to make our country richer and wealthier, and in so -- you need that. Look at how well we're doing. We're not ever going to apologize to other countries for our great success or for our great country. (APPLAUSE) You now have a president who is standing up for America. (APPLAUSE) We're standing up for your values. We're standing up for Nevada. And we're standing up for our great national anthem. (APPLAUSE) So we're going to do things. And you know what I've been saying. We're going to start winning again. We're winning now much bigger than I ever thought at a much earlier level. Who would have thought this was going to happen? We thought it was going to happen, but not this fast. Remember this. All during our campaign, I said we're going to start winning again. And you're going to have your representative, Dean Heller, and you're going to go to him, we love this, don't we? And you're going to say, Dean, please see the president. Nevada is winning too much. We can't stand it. We just can't take it. And Dean is going to come to the Oval Office, he's going to say, Mr. President, please, sir, stop winning so much, the people of Nevada can't take it any longer. And what am I going to say? I'm going to say, sorry, Dean, we're going to keep it going. Look, here's the story. We really have turned it around. We're respected again as a country. Every time a person comes in to the Oval Office, a president, a king, a queen, a prime minister, they say, Mr. President, congratulations on what you've done with this country. It's true. (APPLAUSE) We've never seen anything like it. All the time, I mean, I mean all -- almost all -- I have to be a little bit -- otherwise, I'll get -- almost all the time, they say congratulations. Some of them are saying that they're emulating us, but most importantly, again, we are respected. We are really respected for what we're doing. And it's been a long time since our country has been respected. But we're respected again. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: So, I love this state. I love the people of this state. I was here a lot. I was here a lot. I was here a lot before I did this political thing. By the way, how did that work out? That worked out OK. (APPLAUSE) But, please, remember, it can be very fragile if you have the wrong people in Washington, D.C. It can all end very quickly. Bad things can happen to the economy very quickly. It doesn't take many bad decisions. And they will make all bad decisions. We can't let it happen. So I give you a pledge: We're going to work harder than ever before. We're going to work smarter than ever before. We are going to do things that nobody thought was possible. And that's already started. So, go out and vote. You're not letting me down. I'm never, ever going to let you down. Thank you very much. We'll be back very soon. (APPLAUSE) Vote for Danny. Vote for Dean. Vote for all of them. We need Republicans in Washington. We're going to keep it. Whether it's from Las Vegas to Reno, to Carson City, we need every Nevada patriot to go out and vote. Go out and vote. We will keep it going. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Good luck. END
2100 WH NV PATH1 FS23 73 2300 WH NV PATH1 FS23 87 CBS TRANSMISSION POOL PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 SPEAKERS: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP [*] TRUMP: Hello, Las Vegas. How are you? How is everybody? We love Las Vegas. Thank you. Thank you. And I'm thrilled to be back in Nevada. (APPLAUSE) You always have to say that name just right. With thousands of proud, hard-working American patriots, the people of Nevada love our country, honor our values, and always respect our great American flag. (APPLAUSE) And except for a lot of the fake news that you see from these people back here... (AUDIENCE BOOS) ... this is an incredible time for our country. America is winning again. (APPLAUSE) America is being respected again. (APPLAUSE) Because we are finally putting America first again. (APPLAUSE) We have the best economy in our history. (APPLAUSE) And I have to tell you this, if our opponent got into office, which would have been a very sad, sad period of time.... (AUDIENCE BOOS) ... instead of your... AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: It is a pretty sad day, isn't it? Don't worry. It's all going to get better. It's all going to get better. (APPLAUSE) But if our opponent got into office, your 401(k)s, instead of being up 52 percent in a short period of time, would have been down 52 percent. That's what was going to happen. That's what was going to happen. That's where it was going. Wages, right now, are rising and poverty is -- you see it. Poverty is plummeting. Jobless claims just hit a 50-year low. Fifty. Five-oh. And the stock market today just hit another all-time high. (APPLAUSE) We're fighting every day for our factories, our ranchers, our great miners, our farmers, and we are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world. (APPLAUSE) And it's not by luck. We're rebuilding our military. We're crushing the tariffs. And we're taking care of our great veterans. We're taking care of our veterans. (APPLAUSE) First time in a long time. We've also just identified the first remains of our fallen warriors from North Korea, these incredible heroes, to now lay at rest in American soil. (APPLAUSE) A lot of progress being made on North Korea. Lot of progress. Do you remember, before I came in, it looked like we were going with war with North Korea? Now we made a lot of progress. Relationships are getting better and better. (APPLAUSE) And we have our hostages back. And there's no more nuclear testing. And there's no testing of missiles and rockets over Japan. We're doing well. And we're getting our remains back. Very important. We believe no American should be left behind. (APPLAUSE) So we have midterms coming up. And you remember when we had that great, great election, almost two years ago. Can you believe it? (APPLAUSE) And do you remember the tears from the fake news media, when it was obvious that we were going to win? (AUDIENCE BOOS) And you know what? They're still crying. Look at them. They're still crying. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) They're still crying. And let 'em cry. They don't know what the hell happened, but it happened, and that's why we're setting all-time records. That's why we're doing so well. But we have to get out for the midterms. Promise me, you got to get out for the -- don't be complacent. You got to get out for the midterms. You got to vote. (APPLAUSE) You got to vote. We need more Republicans. You know, when they say we have a majority, it's like this. It's like this. If somebody has a cold, we don't have a majority that day. It's like we have to have more Republicans in office. We'll get everything we want, so fast. We've got to have it. (APPLAUSE) So tonight, we are joined by some really terrific friends of mine and Republican leaders from the great state of Nevada, including two great candidates for Congress, Cresent Hardy, Cresent? Where's Cresent? And somebody that's been supporting me a long time, and he has shown such incredible stamina and loyalty and friendship, and we got to get him to win this race. Danny Tarkanian, Danny? (APPLAUSE) Thanks, Danny. What a great guy! Thank you, Danny. And, Danny, thank you for everything. You really are -- you've done a great job. Thank you, man. They're going to get you in. Vote for Tarkanian. Also, your next governor, a very popular guy in these parts, with a great family, Adam Laxalt. Adam? (APPLAUSE) And another friend of mine who really was outstanding, because, you know, I have a little -- to use an interesting word -- bias for this area. I love this area. You know the word bias? They've been talking about bias. Is there bias? Yeah, there was a lot of bias. You know that. But I have bias for this area and, also, for our great GOP chairman Michael McDonald. (APPLAUSE) Finally, I want you to please welcome the person that we're all here for tonight. Now, I have to say this. We started out, we weren't friends. I didn't like him. He didn't like me. And as we fought and fought and fought, believe it or not, we started to respect each other. Then we started to like each other. Then we started to love each other. And the fact is -- and the fact is, he has been a tremendous supporter ever since I won the election. He's always been there. We can count on his vote. I mean, Wacky Jacky will never vote for us, folks. Never. She's wacky. She's never going to vote for us. (AUDIENCE BOOS) You can count on his vote for Second Amendment, for tax reductions, for regulation cuts, for judges. Oh, look at our judges! Oh, what's going on? (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh! TRUMP: You know, one of the reasons I was elected was because you believed that I was going to pick great Supreme Court justices. (APPLAUSE) And Brett Kavanaugh... (APPLAUSE) And I'm not saying anything about anybody else, but I want to tell you that Brett Kavanaugh is one of the finest human beings you will ever have the privilege of knowing or meeting. (APPLAUSE) A great intellect, a great gentleman, an impeccable reputation, went to Yale, top student, went to Yale Law School, top student. So we got to let it play out, but I want to tell you, he is a fine, fine person. (APPLAUSE) So, he's got tremendous support. I can tell you that. Tremendous. Just like Neil Gorsuch, who's now on the Supreme Court, has tremendous support. (APPLAUSE) So we'll let it play out. And I think everything is going to be just fine. This is a high-quality person. And a man that agrees with that, and right now, his vote is more important than mine, because he's got to help Brett get in. And I'll tell you what? He respects him just like I respect him, but with Dean, we can count on him. With Jacky, she's never going to vote for us. She may talk it. She even says, you know, a lot of the states like, where they like Trump, these candidates on the other side, they get up and they talk nicely about me, but they're never going to vote. They say, oh, Trump's wonderful, we like him a lot. You know, I won the state by like 34 points and they get up and they say, oh, we like him a lot. He's great. He's wonderful. But they're never going to vote for us, so it doesn't matter. I'd rather have them say bad things about me and give us their vote. They're never going to vote for us. Because they're voting for Nancy Pelosi. They're voting for... (AUDIENCE BOOS) They're for the new de facto leader of the Democratic Party, Maxine Waters. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And they're voting for cryin' Chuck Schumer. Cryin' Chuck. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Whereas your incredible senator, Dean Heller, is going to be with us all the time. (APPLAUSE) Come on up here, Dean! Come on up here, Dean. Dean Heller. HELLER: Thanks. Hey! (APPLAUSE) Boy, does this president know how to pack the people in one room? This is incredible! (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, I think he just turned Nevada red today. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, welcome to Las Vegas! (APPLAUSE) Home of the Running Rebels. Home of the Golden Knights. (APPLAUSE) And the future home of the Las Vegas Raiders! (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, we have 300,000 veterans in the state of Nevada. (APPLAUSE) They're in front of us, and they're behind us. And we're thrilled to have them with us today. They want to thank you for delivering a better health care system at the V.A. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, our veterans want to thank you for giving them the benefits and the support that they deserve. (APPLAUSE) And, Mr. President, we have thousands -- thousands of military men and women that serve here in the state of Nevada. They want to thank you. They want to thank you for funding our Armed Forces, so that they can do their jobs and serve our country. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, our military men and women want to thank you for the largest pay raise in the last 10 years. (APPLAUSE) But, most importantly, Mr. President, thank you for putting Nevada back to work. (APPLAUSE) Because of your administration, Nevada families have more money in their paychecks. Nevada families have more money in their pockets. And, Mr. President, because of this stock market that you just mentioned, they're doing better with their pensions and their 401(k)s. (APPLAUSE) Mr. President, it's an honor to work with you and putting Nevada back to work. Thank you very -- very much, Mr. President. (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: OK. Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Dean. And Dean really is a -- a champion, and I can tell you, I work with him. He's a champion for our workers, our families, and for our veterans. And we have to keep him. He led the charge in Congress to pass the most significant veterans reforms in half a century, including the V.A. Accountability Act. You know what that is. (APPLAUSE) That means people that work in the V.A. are accountable. If they don't treat our veterans well, if they don't do a good job, if they're sadists -- and you have that -- if they steal -- and you have that -- we say, sorry, but you are fired! Right? (APPLAUSE) Before you couldn't do that. You couldn't do it. Now you can do it. That's been 45 years they've been trying to get it. It doesn't sound like much. It's everything. So much. And, most importantly, 46 years, V.A. choice, this is where a veteran has to wait long periods to see a doctor. No longer. They now go and see a private doctor if there's a line. They don't have to wait for 12 days, for 20 days, for 40 days. They go see a doctor. We pay for the doctor. And they get taken care of. They get taken care of. (APPLAUSE) And Dean has led the effort in Congress to fully fund Veterans Affairs. It's a big deal. And he's been really great. He really has. So I just want to say, there's been no better friend. We started off slow, but we ended up strong. I've had no better friend in Congress than Dean Heller. So, thank you. Thank you, friend. (APPLAUSE) We've got to elect Republicans. That means our great congressmen, potential congressmen, and we have to get Dean to fight for Nevada, to fight for our heroes, and to help us make things honest around here. You know what's going on. So we're going to drain the swamp. Drain the swamp. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! TRUMP: Early voting, so important. Early voting starts in exactly one month, October 20th. So you can vote early, but you've got to get out and vote. And remember this. Dean's Democrat opponent Wacky Jacky, Jacky Rosen, she doesn't get it. Jacky Rosen is bought and paid for by her donors, 100 percent. She doesn't even want to go to a debate. We think she doesn't want to debate. I said, hey, Dean, when's the debate? And he said, she won't debate me. That's not good. That's not good. Rosen doesn't represent Nevada's values. She represents the extreme liberal values of her out-of-state donors, funding almost 90 percent of her campaign. But even that, just so you understand, she's going to do whatever Pelosi and Schumer tell her to do, OK? It doesn't matter. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Every one of them, they come in and they say, oh, we want to be bipartisan. They never vote for us. Jacky Rosen voted no on tax cuts. You know that? She voted for the disaster, which is really being changed rapidly. You know, we got rid of the individual mandate, the most unpopular thing. (APPLAUSE) The disaster known as Obamacare. Jacky Rosen voted against Kate's Law. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And she voted in favor of deadly sanctuary cities, which nobody wants. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And Jacky Rosen voted against the V.A. Accountability Act. How do you do that? How do you do that? (AUDIENCE BOOS) So she, really, if you think about it, she voted for criminal aliens against veterans, for criminal aliens against citizens of our country. That's where she is. You don't want that. You don't want it. A vote for Wacky Jacky is a vote for the extreme agenda of those people, as Pelosi-Schumer-Waters is a vote for more taxes. Seriously. It's a vote for more taxes, more crime, and more onerous regulation, which stops everything from happening. You know, we cut regulations more than any administration in the history of our country, and I did it in less than two years. (APPLAUSE) And it's one of the reasons that you have all of those jobs. It's one of the reasons that you can now go out and look for another job if you're not happy, because everybody wants to hire you and you're getting higher wages for the first time in 21 years. (APPLAUSE) The new platform of the Democrat Party is radical socialism and open borders. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And I won't allow the United States of America to become the next Venezuela. That's what they want to do. (AUDIENCE BOOS) AUDIENCE: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: So we started the wall a year ago. We've done a lot. We've rebuilt a lot of sections of wall in San Diego and a lot of areas. We're starting a big, brand-new section. We spent $1.6 billion, then another $1.6 billion. Unfortunately, sadly, because of the Democrats' obstruction, only $1.6 billion -- sounds like a lot, but it's not when you're talking about what we're talking about -- $1.6 billion was just approved. I'm not thrilled, but after the election, they're all telling me were getting our wall the way we want it, so let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. Let's see if they produce. (APPLAUSE) In this election, and by the way, we want that wall. We want that wall. You know where I am. (APPLAUSE) I could knock it out, because I do that well. That's what I do well. I build. We could knock that wall out in one year if they gave us the funds. I'll tell you what, though, if you look at Schumer and these people, even though they know you need the wall, they all voted for the wall in 2006. They vote for border security. And then they found out, oh gee, maybe from their standpoint, they can't do that, but they all voted for it. Hillary Clinton voted for it, right? Remember her? (AUDIENCE BOOS) But -- but I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Everybody knows... AUDIENCE: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: How is our Justice Department doing? (AUDIENCE BOOS) So they all wanted the wall. We're going to get the wall. But it would be a lot easier if you get Republicans in there to vote, please. OK? A lot easier. (APPLAUSE) Because their whole agenda -- on bigger things we can get. You see what we've gotten. We've got things that -- we got $700 billion to rebuild our military. We then got $716 billion to rebuild it second year, $700 billion and $716 billion. But their whole agenda, they know we want the wall. They want to oppose it. They want to obstruct it. They want to resist. You know the campaign? It's called resist. Honestly, they're lousy politicians. Their policy is terrible. But they're good at sticking together and resisting. That's all they can do. (AUDIENCE BOOS) And you are witnessing it right now, but we're going to be victorious. You watch. You watch. (APPLAUSE) It's all they're good at. Resist. You know, they see the signs, "Resist, resist." Ugh. (LAUGHTER) We're for building great economies. They're for resisting. That's what it's all about. But this election, you have to vote for candidates who really know what your heart says, what your values are. You have some great, great Republican candidates, and a lot of people think that I'm always angry at Congress. I'm angry at Democrats because of what they're doing to our country. (APPLAUSE) I'm angry at Democrats because of what they do to our country. Today's Democrat Party is held hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, socialist fanatics, deep-state bureaucrats, and their fake news allies. This is the big -- that's their best partner. (AUDIENCE BOOS) That's their best partner. The Democrat Party, their best ally is those people right there. (AUDIENCE BOOS) I can't tell you how dishonest and corrupt so much of the media is. I can't even explain it. Impossible to explain. Nobody would believe it. Nobody would. And I don't mean everything. You have some fine people. Some fine reporters. I know them. Fine reporters. Look, all the red lights are starting to go off. (LAUGHTER) You have some fine people and some wonderful, wonderful, professional reporters. But I watch the coverage that we get. And it is so unfair. We could have the greatest success, like, for instance, in North Korea, we're doing great. We're doing great, moving along. What do they say? There's nothing they can say. So they say he met with them. That's a defeat, because we met. They can't say anything else. We have the hostage -- they said he met! So many things they come up and then they say, oh, it's not moving fast enough. They've been covering these Democrats for decades, they haven't -- they haven't done a thing. I left. What did I leave, three months ago? We're doing great. But these are people that will take a great story and make it as bad as possible. They'll take an OK story and make it horrible. (AUDIENCE BOOS) So I cannot tell you strongly enough, that is the single greatest ally of the Democrats. Without them, they wouldn't be getting 5 percent of the vote. I'll tell you. It's true. It's fake news. Fake news. And you know, I have to say this, when I won the election, we won. I didn't win. We won. The whole thing, we won. (APPLAUSE) The New York Times, like, they apologized to their subscribers because they covered the election so badly, because their subscribers say, how could this happen? He got nothing but bad stories, because people don't read the New York Times, because it's a dishonest newspaper. It's terrible. But I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. When we won, they suffered. But I said -- I said -- I got one thing that I was -- in interviews, I say, you know the good news? I'll start now getting fair press. And it happened for about a week. And now they're worse than they ever were. But it doesn't seem to have much of an impact, does it? (AUDIENCE BOOS) Not much of an impact. So the resistance, to an extent, because of them, is filled with anger, because their policies have been exposed as failure. Real anger. The forces opposing us in Washington are the same people who squandered trillions of dollars overseas, who sacrificed our sovereignty, who shipped away our jobs, who oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. That's what happened to our country. And we're now recovering. We're bringing back our jobs. We're bringing back our companies. (APPLAUSE) In 2016, the American people voted to reject this corrupt globalism. Hey, I'm the president of the United States! I'm not the president of the globe. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: You voted to make America great again. We are making America greater than ever before. And it's happening before your eyes. (APPLAUSE) Bitter Democrats and their establishment cronies have spent every single day since 2016 trying to undermine the results of this incredible, historic presidential election that we won together. (APPLAUSE) So we want to keep it going. And we want to do it the easy way. So this election day, go out there and vote. You got to vote. Everybody's got to go out and got to vote. I want to give a victory speech. I want to give a victory speech on the evening of Election Day, which is coming up very quickly. We're going to be talking about America. We're going to be talking about the greatness of our country. We're not going to let people undo the incredible job that we've done over the last almost-two-year period. (APPLAUSE) So, don't forget, early voting, folks, early voting, October 20th. Now, we need -- we need in this election to do something special. I'm not saying there's ever going to be a time like we just went through. And a lot of people say that you're complacent now. You win the presidency and you're complacent. I don't think we're complacent. And I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I did. I'll tell you what I did. Last week, I said update it. I said update it. I want to show you -- I don't believe there has been any administration in the history of this country that has done more in two years -- and we're not even up to two years yet -- than our administration. (APPLAUSE) Look at this. So I said just write down some of the things. Each one, each one, point, point, point, four-and-a-half pages, almost 4 million jobs created since the election, more Americans are now employed than ever recorded before. Think of that. Today, more Americans are working than ever before. (APPLAUSE) We've created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs. Remember what President Obama said? You can't have manufacturing jobs anymore? (AUDIENCE BOOS) By the way, he's campaigning again. That's good news. (AUDIENCE BOOS) Because if that doesn't spur you onto work -- you know, when I was running, I swear, I think he campaigned harder than Hillary Clinton. And we won big, 306-223. Remember? There is no way, right? There is no way that Donald Trump gets to 270. No, we got to 306. (APPLAUSE) Look, manufacturing jobs, which he said you'll never have again, I'm saying why won't you have it? We're not going to make anything? These are the best jobs. You know, manufacturing, they're, like, the best jobs, the most important jobs. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years. (APPLAUSE) Economic growth, so they say, when I took this over, I'm telling you, it was a sick puppy. We were headed down. So last quarter, we hit GDP 4.1, adjusted upward 4.2 percent, right? Look. Point, point, point. (APPLAUSE) Look at this. New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low. You know what that means? Simple. That means people are working. They're working. You know this, you've been hearing, and now it's even better, African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. (APPLAUSE) What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? Remember? Ha. Remember, I said, what do you have to lose? People said, oh, that's not nice. I said, hey, I go through a chart, it talked about the highest crime rates, the worst education, the worst homeownership. I'd go through -- and I just looked up one night and I said, you've always been with the Democrats. Vote for me. What the hell do you have to lose? Remember that, right? Right? (APPLAUSE) Hispanic, any Hispanic here? I think so. Hispanic-American unemployment is the lowest rate in history. (APPLAUSE) Any Asians? Asian? Asian? Any Asian? Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded in our history. (APPLAUSE) You've heard me say this. Women's unemployment, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, recently reached -- I'm sorry -- only the lowest rate in 65 years. That's not as good. That's not as good as history. Soon -- this is important. Youth unemployment recently hit the lowest rate in nearly 50 years. So great. Under my administration, veterans' unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in numerous decades, whatever that may be. (APPLAUSE) Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps. I mean, how good is that? (APPLAUSE) Think of it. They live better, and it doesn't cost us anything. Right? How good is that? We have companies now under the pledge to America's workers, they're training, under our vocational programs, workers, there's never been anything like this. We have -- retail sales surged last month, up over 6 percent over last year. We signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in the history of the United States. (APPLAUSE) As a result of the tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. That's not bad. We got, through a little work and a little coordination, the United States bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. We got it. (APPLAUSE) That was us. We just got the U.S.-Mexico-Canada -- we just got the World Cup in 2026. We needed a lot of... (APPLAUSE) I told you about the record number in history of regulations, that's such a big deal. We enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions so they can now go and loan you money again. (APPLAUSE) Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in its history. And one of the things we did with the FDA is a thing called -- I love the name -- right to try. You know what that is? (APPLAUSE) It was that, if you were sick, terminally ill, and we had a drug in the hopper that looked like it was really working out, this country for 50 years would not let you use that drug. They'd say, no, it may harm you. Well, you're terminally ill, so they couldn't get -- and there was a reason. I'm -- not that easy. A lot of liability, a lot of everything, between the insurance companies and various different things, including government. I got it done. It's called right to try. So now, instead of if you have money -- if you don't have money, there's -- you just go to your room. If you have money -- I know people, they traveled all over the world begging for a cure. We have the greatest medical people, the greatest medicines in the world. Now you have the right to try, and it's going to work plenty. It's a big thing. (APPLAUSE) We just secured $6 billion for the new funding to fight the opioid epidemic, $6 billion. (APPLAUSE) You'll like this. We withdrew the United States from the job-killing, income-killing Paris climate accord. (APPLAUSE) That was costing our country. And we have the cleanest air now in the world. We have the cleanest water. Remember this. I'm an environmentalist. I want crystal-clean water. I want crystal-clean air. That's what we want. But I also want jobs to come to our country. So that was good. We secured a record 700 -- listen to this. We confirmed more court judges, think of this, than anybody. And we're going to get -- we just got Neil Gorsuch, I told you. We're going to get Brett. We've got great people. Look at this. We moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. (APPLAUSE) We're protecting -- remember they said you'll never get that. They said that about everything. You'll never get that, you'll never get elected, you'll never this. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is Donald Trump. Well... (APPLAUSE) Remember the tears? Crying, crying, oh. Crying, crying. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States -- this is on television -- and I say, oh, don't cry, please, I want to be happy. Don't cry. Now they're crying more than ever! Except you know they're torn. Number one, they're crying, but they're making more money than they ever made because of us, because their stocks are up. But you know what's going to happen with these -- I tell them, about six months after we start, six months before the election, they're going to endorse Donald Trump for president. You know why? Because if they don't, those broadcasting companies, the New York Times, all of those, they are going bankrupt so fast. So they'll be endorsing me. They'll be endorsing me. So I could go on for page after page after page. Look at that. Page after page. And to me a big thing. We're renegotiating the worst trade deals ever made by any country at any time. (APPLAUSE) So, Democrats, I had to bring that out, you know, just boom, boom, boom, why not? Democrats want to give welfare and free health care to illegal aliens funded by the American taxpayers. (AUDIENCE BOOS) How about this clown in California who's running for governor? Now, think -- just think. We get a lot of people from California that moved here, but how about this guy? Wait. He announces he wants open borders, that means just pour in, and then he wants to give them health care, education, everything. You know what's going to happen? California is going to have a billion people within a very short period of time. Now, I think -- and somebody has to ask, who's going to pay for this? And do you know how bad it's going to be? You talk about waiting on line for the vets, which we saw? You'll be waiting on line for 10 years. It's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Open borders, come on into California, all over the world they're going to be pouring into California. Republicans want to protect the safety net for the truly needy Americans, people that need help, not for illegal aliens that come in to our country illegally. And when it comes to health insurance, Donald Trump and Republicans will protect patients with pre-existing conditions. We're going to do that. We want to do that. (APPLAUSE) Democrats want to destroy Medicare with so-called Medicare for all. It's going to be bust before it even gets open. Robbing from our senior citizens -- you know that, it's going -- it's going to be one of the great catastrophes ever. The benefits they paid for their entire lives are going to be taken away. Republicans want to protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it and they paid for it for their entire life. They paid for it. The Democrat health care plan would force every American onto government-run health care and virtually eliminate all private- and employer-based health care plans. In other words, you're going to have really bad health care. It's going to cost a lot of money. Their plan would cost $32 trillion and require at least the doubling of your federal income taxes, and probably much higher than that. (AUDIENCE BOOS) The Democrats would bankrupt the safety net through totally unlimited and uncontrolled immigration. You will see crime like you've never, ever seen before. The policies of their party aren't just extreme. Frankly, they're dangerous, and they're crazy. So what I want you to do -- remember, Danny and Dean and these people, you're going to go out and vote, because we're going to take this country -- and we're almost there -- remember, it's make America great again, but very shortly we're going to be changing that logo to keep America great. (APPLAUSE) Keep America. And we're going to lower taxes. AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: We're going to lower taxes. They want to raise your taxes. They want to double and triple your taxes. And we are going to save and we are going to cherish ICE, ICE. (APPLAUSE) Democrats want to open borders, which equals massive crime coming into our country. Republicans want strong borders, and we want no crime. So here it is. We're going to make our country stronger than ever before. We're going to make our country richer and wealthier, and in so -- you need that. Look at how well we're doing. We're not ever going to apologize to other countries for our great success or for our great country. (APPLAUSE) You now have a president who is standing up for America. (APPLAUSE) We're standing up for your values. We're standing up for Nevada. And we're standing up for our great national anthem. (APPLAUSE) So we're going to do things. And you know what I've been saying. We're going to start winning again. We're winning now much bigger than I ever thought at a much earlier level. Who would have thought this was going to happen? We thought it was going to happen, but not this fast. Remember this. All during our campaign, I said we're going to start winning again. And you're going to have your representative, Dean Heller, and you're going to go to him, we love this, don't we? And you're going to say, Dean, please see the president. Nevada is winning too much. We can't stand it. We just can't take it. And Dean is going to come to the Oval Office, he's going to say, Mr. President, please, sir, stop winning so much, the people of Nevada can't take it any longer. And what am I going to say? I'm going to say, sorry, Dean, we're going to keep it going. Look, here's the story. We really have turned it around. We're respected again as a country. Every time a person comes in to the Oval Office, a president, a king, a queen, a prime minister, they say, Mr. President, congratulations on what you've done with this country. It's true. (APPLAUSE) We've never seen anything like it. All the time, I mean, I mean all -- almost all -- I have to be a little bit -- otherwise, I'll get -- almost all the time, they say congratulations. Some of them are saying that they're emulating us, but most importantly, again, we are respected. We are really respected for what we're doing. And it's been a long time since our country has been respected. But we're respected again. (APPLAUSE) AUDIENCE: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: So, I love this state. I love the people of this state. I was here a lot. I was here a lot. I was here a lot before I did this political thing. By the way, how did that work out? That worked out OK. (APPLAUSE) But, please, remember, it can be very fragile if you have the wrong people in Washington, D.C. It can all end very quickly. Bad things can happen to the economy very quickly. It doesn't take many bad decisions. And they will make all bad decisions. We can't let it happen. So I give you a pledge: We're going to work harder than ever before. We're going to work smarter than ever before. We are going to do things that nobody thought was possible. And that's already started. So, go out and vote. You're not letting me down. I'm never, ever going to let you down. Thank you very much. We'll be back very soon. (APPLAUSE) Vote for Danny. Vote for Dean. Vote for all of them. We need Republicans in Washington. We're going to keep it. Whether it's from Las Vegas to Reno, to Carson City, we need every Nevada patriot to go out and vote. Go out and vote. We will keep it going. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Good luck. END
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH TONY SNOW MR. SNOW: Questions. Q Tony, have you been in touch with the Iranians, or tried to contact them to try to get the release of those British sailors? MR. SNOW: No, the British are handling the communications. Q Are you making any point that they should be released or -- MR. SNOW: I'm not aware of direct communication -- again, as you know, we don't have direct diplomatic relations with the Iranians. But we certainly stand by our British allies. Q Was the President briefed on it? Has he talked to Blair? MR. SNOW: I don't think he has talked with Blair, and I am assuming he's been briefed on it, but I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't had an opportunity to speak with him this morning. Q Were they there legitimately, or is this -- MR. SNOW: The way the British have reported it is that the ship was moved from Iraqi to Iranian waters, by Iranian ships. And at that point the sailors were seized. That's really all I know. That's what the Ministry of Defense put out. Q Did the President respond to Fred Fielding, or did Fred Fielding have a conversation with the President? MR. SNOW: Let me put it this way, as you know, the issue of internal White House deliberations figures rather large in what we're discussing here. But if Fred Fielding has made a representation that he would take something to the President, you can take it to the bank that that happened. Q Okay. And then what was the President's response? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: I'm not even going to try to fake that one. Again, internal deliberations. Thank you. The President's position is pretty clear. Q And there's no change in it, no give? MR. SNOW: There is no change. It's a principled position, but it's one that we think -- look, what do you want? You want all the facts, and we're going to make the facts available. We think that this offer is a way to have an amicable and a serious and comprehensive look at the issue so that people can get at the answers. Q We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can't find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent? MR. SNOW: Well, the fact is what they're trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we're trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity -- I don't think you're going to find any case where there has been no allegation of impropriety, no specific -- Q It's not about -- MR. SNOW: -- any specific allegation of impropriety, suddenly to say, we're going to offer up internal deliberations. But we're doing this because we know there are concerns on the Hill and we want to address them. I think that this is -- I'm not sure that there are any situations for which there is a precedent for this. Q Even transcripts? MR. SNOW: For any of this. Q But, Tony, the idea of minutes goes back to the beginning of Western thought. Plato kept minutes on Socrates. What does Karl Rove have on Socrates? (Laughter.) MR. SNOW: Plato kept -- was that the case, or was it Aristotle who kept notes on Plato? Q Well, Plato also -- MR. SNOW: Inquiring minds want to know. This is Maimonides. Let's just start dropping philosophers' names. The fact is -- Q The point is -- MR. SNOW: No, here's the point, is we've set up a situation in which we think members of Congress and staffers -- this is open to members and staff, who are able to take notes, and we also believe that writing goes back to the inception of Western civilization, and the ability -- I'm not sure that they had recordings or transcripts, but they did have writing. There was writing. Q So you want everyone to come out with their own notes -- you know how often you challenge what we've said and what we've written down, that's how you want it to be recorded? MR. SNOW: Look, first -- Q Would that be different -- MR. SNOW: Let's please put this in perspective. Here's a decision made at the Department of Justice. Any documents, any deliberations, any key players, they're available. Now, if there are additional questions about White House involvement, as people say, any communication is going to be available, any. So as a consequence -- Q You just don't want a record of what they said. MR. SNOW: No, no, no. The record, in fact, is going to be available. So then if there are follow-on questions of a factual nature, they are going to be able to be answered. Q Available, but without a transcript? MR. SNOW: Yes. David. Q Follow on, on Maimonides. (Laughter.) I'm actually kidding. (Laughter.) To be serious for a second. It looks like the House is about to vote and pass, so I'd like to get your reaction to that, to follow up on that, after you do that. The President has said in the past, he's told the like to Senator Levin, keep the pressure on the Iraqis. That's not a bad thing when you call for some kind of accountability for the Iraqis and the message that the U.S. isn't there for an indeterminate amount of time. Is there something out of this approach, in either the House or the Senate, with regards to benchmarks or timelines, that the President thinks could be positive? MR. SNOW: Look, the President is going to veto this bill, and he's going to veto it because even though it provides some funding, it also puts handcuffs on generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates, and everybody else. What it says is that they're going to place conditions on the daily activities of our forces, and that is inappropriate. It is also going to place conditions on Iraqis. It's going to threaten to withdraw money from Iraqis -- whom we are trying to train up. And it's also going to provide less than the necessary funding for the very people who are doing what members of Congress say they want to do, which is to build democracy through provisional reconstruction teams and other means. And on top of that, you've got a lot of pork barrel spending. The President -- his position has been very clear, which is, please, you say you support the troops, support the troops; write a bill that is an emergency supplemental for the military, then if you want to talk about peanut storage or citrus farming or shrimp and menhaden, you can do that, just do it in the context of the normal budget process. The other thing the President wants to make clear is, right now what Democrats are doing is they're wasting time at a time when the clock is ticking. The Secretary of Defense yesterday made it clear that a number of things start happening on April 15th, when half the Congress is still going to be on vacation. These would involve curtailing or suspending reserve component preparations for rotations; it's going to slow the training of the people who are scheduled to deploy next, jeopardizing deployments; it's going to degrade the quality of life for soldiers and families at home stations, including upgrades for barracks, dining facilities, also recreational facilities; and it's going to stop the repair of equipment such as tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. These are serious things, and what you need to do is to understand that any attempt to sort of run the clock or to create a situation where having wasted a lot of time on a bill they know is not going to pass, they're then going to try to point fingers at the President for vetoing a bill at a time when the money is running out. Right now Congress needs to do the responsible thing, which is, get this charade over -- go ahead and make your PR point, and then do your job. Q Well, let me follow on that, because you say, if you want to support the troops, pass a different sort of bill. A majority of Americans, Tony, don't think that American sacrifice is worth this war. So how -- you could look at supporting the troops and be consistent with what the House bill does, which is to set a deadline to remove them. MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the American -- Q Why does the President -- if I can just finish -- why do you and this President have the corner on what it means to support the troops? MR. SNOW: I think if you ask the troops, "Do you think it's supporting you if we are going to cut off your ability in two-and-a-half weeks to repair your tanks, to fix your fighting vehicles, to be able to have your reinforcements in, to have rotations? Do you think that constitutes support?" My guess is they'd say "No." I think this is a pretty simple case, when you start cutting people off in the middle of an engagement. What you're really asking is, I think -- and correct me if I paraphrase wrong -- a lot of people want us out. And, yes, I mean, we'd like to be out. But we need -- the fact is we want to leave when we have, in fact, succeeded in the mission. I think you'll find that the folks in the military agree with that, too. So you can't have it both ways, if you're a member of Congress saying, "Well, we support the troops," and then, on April 15th, you begin to have consequences for the troops in the field, and by May 15th, you continue to have even more dramatic consequences, which the Secretary of Defense laid out yesterday. So this is sort of a fish-or-cut-bait time. Members of Congress have before them the challenge of making sure that the reinforcements continue to flow, and also the supplies to the men and women who are in the field continue to flow right now. Q But just a final one. Do you dispute the central aim of this bill, which is to reflect the country's will to get out of Iraq by a date certain? MR. SNOW: I think -- the problem is, if you're trying to sort of do the public opinion poll, you can read them a lot of different ways, based on the way you do the question. I think -- Q You can read American sentiment about the war a lot of different ways? MR. SNOW: Yes, because if you ask questions -- if you ask a question, "Would you want to leave without completing the mission?" People say "No." It really does depend on how you frame the question. But we understand that people don't like war. And the President doesn't like war, and we wish we could get out yesterday, but we can't. Q It's not that they just don't like war. They don't like how this administration is handling this war. Right? MR. SNOW: Well, yes, but on the other hand, if you ask -- if you take a look, for instance, at what has happened: a response in Baghdad security that so far has produced -- again, so far -- has produced positive results; you see that there has been a change in perception, a pretty significant one in the last month. And I think Americans are willing to stand by the troops. If you ask the question, "Should our commanders be able to determine the way to run the war?" The answer is, "You bet." If you say, "Should key battlefield decisions be made by members of Congress and their staff, as opposed to generals and those who serve under them?" The answer would be, "No." And so that's one of the issues. But fundamentally, David, these guys know this bill isn't going to pass. They're doing exactly what you say, which is trying to make a statement, but the statement they're making is, they're willing to waste time on a rhetorical point when the soldiers in Iraq, looking at their watches, are saying, what happens to us on April 15th? Q Tony, what's Fred Fielding doing on the Hill, if there are no negotiations with members of Congress? MR. SNOW: Well, you can have conversations, but they're not -- but there are not negotiations going on. That's -- Q So does that mean is -- is Arlen Specter wasting his time, then? MR. SNOW: You'll have to ask Senator Specter. I mean, what you -- again, I think you guys are so busy working on the brinkmanship scenario that you have to understand that everybody realizes that this is serious business. And what we believe is that we have made a highly unusual, if not unprecedented, offer of access to deliberations and every fact that you need, to be able to determine what went on and to figure out if you need to do anything else. And I can't imagine a more generous offer, but we've done it. And so, members of Congress, also, have to think this through. They've got a lot of other things on their plate. We're talking about it now. You've got supplemental vote today. You also have budget deliberations in the House and Senate. But Fred has made it clear that he's willing to talk with folks. Q On another matter? MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Secretary Gates' concerns about Gitmo. Did they reach the President? MR. SNOW: No. I received some guidance from the Secretary of Defense's office, which is that it never did reach the President. He had some concerns, and illegal issues were resolved. And he deferred to the Attorney General on the legal issues. And beyond that, I'm going to kick it all over to DoD. But it did not reach the President. Q Why is it that the President's stated desire to close Guantanamo Bay cannot be turned into some kind of plan of action? MR. SNOW: Because there are legal constraints, and those are the things that the Attorney General had made clear in terms of the inadvisability of putting Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. We have tried as best we can to move those who are in Guantanamo either to their home nations, or nations where they are wanted for other trial or justice dispensation. But we also have laid down the benchmark that you also have to be able to assure that they're going to be treated humanely. Very few countries want these people back, and, therefore, what you have to do is to work through a procedure where you do, in fact, bring them to justice. But the President made clear back in September that he would love to be able to shut it down, but unfortunately the circumstances do not presently permit. April. Q So, realistically, are you saying that Guantanamo Bay will not be shut down before the end of his presidency? MR. SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will. Q Tony, I have two. You said this morning that you're committed to giving Congress whatever they need. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q How can they know what it is that they need until they see it? I mean, aren't you pretty much predetermining their needs for them by deciding what they need? MR. SNOW: No. Think of it this way: Congress wants to know "whether there was a White House role." You would be able to determine that by examining any communication from the White House to the outside. So what we've said is, you got it. Do you want to know any conversation or any communication with the Department of Justice? Got it. How about U.S. attorneys? You can have that, too. Members of Congress? Yes. Anybody on the outside, we'll supply that, as well. So the fact is, that is completely responsive to the issue here. What's also interesting is, again, nobody in Congress has any specific allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing on the part of the White House. Instead what they're saying is, well, maybe there is. Well, that's not how you conduct an investigation -- but we're still understanding the need to get answers about this because they're curious. We're enabling them to find out every bit of communication that went from the White House elsewhere. That's all you need to draw your conclusions. Q They'd like to see what Harriet Miers and Karl Rove had to say to one another. MR. SNOW: I know, but that is immaterial, in the sense -- there are two things. Number one, you understand the confidentiality of an internal White House deliberations, and number two, that is an attempt -- that is not germane, because if that's not communicated to anybody, who cares? Q Well, I think a lot of people will care, depending on what they say. MR. SNOW: Well, they might care because, yes, they want to second-guess, they want to fly speck or they want to listen, just as a lot of people would be interested to find out what kind of things are going on right now between fundraising organizations and Democrats. But on the other hand, we respect their right to a certain amount of confidentiality in these deliberations because it's really what you do in terms of reaching out to others for action items that does matter. Q I have one other one. In a letter from the House Judiciary Committee, it said the -- this was the one yesterday -- "In the meantime, we ask that you ensure the preservation of relevant White House documents in defined in our March 9th letter." Should they have any concern about the preservation of documents from the White House? MR. SNOW: No. Q Tony, do you see any connection, however tenuous, between the Iran-British dispute now with the sailors and what's going on at the U.N. Security Council? MR. SNOW: I don't want to draw any conclusions. But, again, what is important is that the U.N. Security Council is working on another resolution with regard to Iran that says, look, don't move in the direction of developing nuclear weapons. And let's reiterate, because I don't think you can say it often enough, we want to support the Iranian people in everything they want, including the ability to have peaceful nuclear power. What we don't want is the opportunity for that government to destabilize the region by developing the capacity to have nuclear weapons. And the international community is perfectly united on this, and has been moving in a patient and careful manner to make its will known to the Iranian government. Q And what does the President hope for from Secretary Rice's trip to the Middle East? MR. SNOW: Well, at this point, Secretary Rice really is -- she understands that peace efforts are very important in the region. And so she's going to continue to reach out to all parties -- the Palestinians, the Israelis and Arabs -- to work for a solution that's going to lead to peace, a Palestinian state living side by side peacefully with Israel, and also a Palestinian state that meets the Quartet conditions of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel's right to exist, and also obeying all -- recognizing and obeying all previous treaty obligations. Q Including pushing Arab states, moderate Arab states to recognize Israel -- MR. SNOW: Well, again, I'm not going to -- I won't speak for the Secretary, but she is there to advance the cause of peace. Roger. Q Do we know anything more about the assassination attempt this morning on the Deputy Prime Minister -- the conditions, and who might have been responsible? MR. SNOW: No, we really don't. And, again, I think that's probably something the folks in Baghdad are going to have a little more detail. It takes a while for that to get back. But, again, it is very clear that what you've had is an attempt -- an example of the kinds of means the terrorists are going to use to try to unsettle democracy, and also the importance -- and it is ironic, at a time when we're talking about continuing to provide funds for our forces, when General Petraeus, who did not have a single contrary vote in the United States Senate says, I need reinforcements and this is what I need, for members of Congress to try to hamper his ability to carry out the plan that they've already seeming endorsed with their vote in support of him. Q Tony, just one question today, and it's from our fellow talk radio host, Roger Hedgecock, in San Diego. The President is under fire for firing Carol Lam as U.S. attorney in San Diego because she didn't prosecute drug smugglers and human smugglers, called coyotes. And the question, might the President consider firing Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for Southeastern Texas, for prosecuting law enforcement officers who appear guilty of doing nothing more than doing their job? MR. SNOW: Well, Les, once again, you've tried to draw me into an ongoing legal dispute. Q No, no, no, this is Roger Hedgecock in San Diego. MR. SNOW: Oh. Q That's his question. MR. SNOW: I see. Roger Hedgecock has tried to draw me into something that I cannot comment upon because there are ongoing legal deliberations in the case that he has cited, and therefore, I can't say anything. Alexis. Q Back to the production of documents. MR. SNOW: Yes. Q Clarification, is the President prepared as part of his offer to turn over all materials and emails that were created on the RNC domain, which is primarily -- MR. SNOW: As I said, all responsive documents will be provided. Q So he has the authority to tell the RNC to turn it over? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into the vagaries of document production, because that is an issue for lawyers to go into. But any documents that would be generated, that would be germane to the inquiry, would be provided. Q Whether or not they were created on this system here -- MR. SNOW: Like I said, I don't want to get into the technical issues. Q So Secretary Gates has now been persuaded on the need to keep Guantanamo Bay open? MR. SNOW: Well, it's not "now." It was really quite awhile ago. It is -- again, the Attorney General has made it clear over a period of time that there are very serious legal reasons why not to put Guantanamo detainees on continental U.S. soil. And so whatever ideas the Secretary of Defense may have had coming in, when they had the discussion, he deferred to the legal opinion of the Attorney General. Q And your prediction that Guantanamo will remain open throughout the rest of the President's term, what do you base that on? MR. SNOW: The fact that we have just begun a legal procedure that does take time, and in cognizance of the rights of those involved, there are still quite a number of detainees, and I am imagining that -- and I think it's pretty solid ground, but you can certainly contact the Department of Defense, which is coordinating military commissions -- it's highly unlikely that you can dispense with all those cases between now and the end of the administration. Q How much of the Attorney General's story is sort of getting in the way of the President's agenda? He was out in Kansas City to talk about energy, he's going to be talking about energy again next week, and the day -- on Tuesday was the day that the Fred Fielding letter, all of that, dominated the headlines. So how much is that sort of stepping on what the President wants to try and accomplish? MR. SNOW: I think it's stepping on his being able to get you guys to cover it. But it continues to be -- I don't think he's handcuffed at all. We've talked about a number of issues. And we have been encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation on a lot of issues. We talked earlier today, off camera, about immigration. Energy is an issue where there is substantial agreement between both parties on this -- same thing with education. Members of Congress understand that this is a time to deliver for the American people. And that's one of the messages that we've been trying to make clear in terms of this budget supplemental. What's going on today is rhetorical exercise. But you cannot supply the forces in the field with rhetoric. You need to supply them with the funding and the flexibility they need to get the job done. Conversely, a lot of these other issues -- as we've said, the ball is kind of in Congress's court on the issue of U.S. attorneys. We have made clear that we'll provide every fact that they need to make their decisions. And I haven't heard anybody say that there's a fact that they would be denied. And as a result, we think it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to do this and a way that would build confidence with the American public, because I think it would be good for people to see Democrats and Republicans getting together, working together and getting stuff done. So the President, I think, continues to work with members of both parties on these things. I think quite often the challenge is not getting through on Capitol Hill, because there are a lot of people who are committed in either party to these issues, and they're continuing to work them. But if you've got any advice on how we can lead the news with it, I'll accept all suggestions. Any others? Q Thank you. MR. SNOW: Okay, one last thing. There have been a lot of rumors about my health, so let me tell you what's going on. In a recent series of CAT scans and PET scans and MRIs, we have found a small growth in my lower abdomen. Blood tests are negative, PET scans are negative. But out of an aggressive sense of caution, I'm going to go in for surgery on Monday and have it removed. I'll be out for a few weeks, because it's still -- you know, they're going to cut me. And it will take me a little while to heal up. So I'll come back here a little lighter -- (laughter) -- in, oh, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe three or four weeks. Dana Perino will be handling the responsibilities from behind the podium. But for those of you -- and I appreciate the expressions that I've received from a number of people on this. But please do not leap to conclusions about this, because we don't know what this is. We know it's coming out, and I know I'll be back soon. And I'll miss you each and every day, especially when I'm sore and filled up with drugs. (Laughter.) Thanks. Q You're a very brave man. Q Where are you having it done, Tony? MR. SNOW: I'm not going to do that. Q You don't want the flowers and the cards? MR. SNOW: No, I don't -- I want my medical care-givers to be able to do their job without distraction. Q Tony, a question about this. You've been very open about your issues, health-wise. And as you know, we heard about Elizabeth Edwards yesterday. And so many other Americans -- I believe the stats are one in three in this country are affected by some form of cancer in their lifetime. What would you say to those who are trying to survive? MR. SNOW: Again, thank you, that is a great question. And first, let -- again, don't leap to any cancer conclusions about what's going on with me, because we don't know. But I'll tell you what -- and the reason I got choked up with Elizabeth Edwards yesterday is she is doing a wonderful thing. The one thing I have learned -- and I've had the great opportunity -- and it really is -- to be able to talk with and try to help out cancer patients. The biggest problem you have a lot of times with cancer is just flat-out fear. And when you're seeing Elizabeth Edwards saying, I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward, that is a wonderful thing, because once you decide that you're going to embrace life, you become a much better patient. And once you decide that you proceed with a sense of hope and optimism, people are going to rally to your side, and they do. And it's a truly wonderful thing. And so I certainly encourage everybody to send their thoughts and prayers to Senator Edwards and to Mrs. Edwards. And what she is going to do is going to provide a lot of encouragement and example that I think is going to help a lot of people, and that is a truly wonderful thing, and I congratulate her for it. Q Tony -- MR. SNOW: Oh, oh, here we go, thank you. We've been waiting for this moment. The President will make a statement to the pool on the Iraq war emergency supplemental at 1:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. There will be live pool coverage. Now we can end this. Thank you.
1905 WH MONTANA MAGA RALLY UNI FS1 84 LABELED AS ABC UNI DONALD TRUMP DELIVRES REMARKS AT A MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY IN GREAT FALLS MONTANA NOT BE COMPLETE AND FED OUT OF SEQUENCE. BEGINS AT 19:06 TRUMP: Well, thank you, Montana. What a place. (APPLAUSE) What a place. And it's great to be here tonight with thousands of proud, hard-working American patriots. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) And outside, you probably know what's going on. There are thousands and thousands of people. And we've decided from now on, we're going to put up screens and loud speakers so people can stay around. Because this happens all the time. (APPLAUSE) I said to my people why didn't you get a larger arena. We can't, right? We can't. But those are great people outside and I apologize. But there are thousands of them and -- yes. We really -- really love them. But you people know real estate better. You know real estate better. So it's pretty good stuff. And you're inside and I'm inside and we love each other and it's going to stay that way. (APPLAUSE) So we are thrilled to be joined by some great people. You just heard Steve Daines. He has been so helpful. He has been so helpful in Washington on the tax cuts and everything else. And I want to thank Steve and his family. They have been incredible for me in Washington. Thank you, Steve. I appreciate it. (APPLAUSE) And Steve and I are running again. You know, 2020 he comes up, so we're running together, Steve. And I want to thank Greg Gianforte. He's a member of Congress who has been 100 percent with us. Incredible success story. A lot of people don't know that but Greg is an incredible success and did a really good job and then he said he wants to give back. And Greg, you have been fantastic. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. (APPLAUSE) Montana Attorney General Tim Fox. Thank you, Tim. (APPLAUSE) Secretary of State, Corey Stapleton. Thank you, Corey. (APPLAUSE) Montana Republican Party Chairwoman Deborah Lamb. (APPLAUSE) Superintendent of Public Instructions Elsie Arntzen. (APPLAUSE) And finally, the person that we are here for tonight. A very special person, ran a incredible primary, wouldn't you say? Incredible? Anytime you win, it's incredible. But he did against some very tough and good competition. And hey, he's going to be your next senator from the incredible state of Montana. (APPLAUSE) Matt Rosendale. Come up, Matt. Come up, Matt. (APPLAUSE) ROSENDALE: Hello, Montana. (APPLAUSE) Do we have an incredible president or what? (APPLAUSE) We actually have a president who fights every single day for the people across this great nation. (APPLAUSE) And here at home, he's fighting for military men and women serving right here in Malmstrom Air Force Base and across the country. And for all our veterans and for our seniors, he's fighting for our folks working in the timber industry, and our energy production. He's fighting for our hardworking farmers and ranchers across the entire state. And you know he's fighting for our miners down in Butte and those coal workers in Colstrip who produce that beautiful clean coal. He's also fighting for everyone across our state who feels their voice isn't being heard, including the unborn. (APPLAUSE) And I will be that voice for you if you elect me to the United States Senate. And I will fight for you every day because I mean business about standing with President Trump to make America great again. (APPLAUSE) Because what's good for America is great for Montana. Today, I ask for your vote so that I can help President Trump continue his good work. Thank you, President Trump. Thank you, Montana. May God bless each and every one of you and the great United States of America. (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: Thank you very much. That was great. This is a really good man. This is a man that loves the people of Montana, loves the people of this country. It's time to retire liberal Democrat Jon Tester. And you're going to get on your side a real Montana fighter. You see it. You've been watching for the last six months, he is a tough cookie. He's a fighter. He's going to fight for you, Matt Rosendale. (APPLAUSE) So Jon Tester says one thing when he's in Montana. But I will tell you, I'm testament to it, he does the exact opposite when he goes to Washington. A vote for Jon Tester is a vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the new leader of the Democrat Party Maxine Waters. Where have they gone? Jon Tester voted no on repealing Obamacare. And even though we got a little surprise vote that evening, you all remember that evening somebody came in with a thumbs down after campaigning for years that he was going to repeal and replace. But that's OK because we, for the most part, have already done it. And we have great health care coming out and it just came out two weeks ago. And we got rid of the individual mandate and lots of other things. Sometimes we have to do it the hard way, but that's OK, too. Jon Tester voted no on tax cuts for Montana families. He voted no on cutting the estate tax or the death tax for your farms, your farmers, and your small businesses. Think of that one. Think of that one. But you got it anyway because we got it passed. So, on your farms, for the most part, you will have no estate tax or death tax to pay. You can leave your farm, you can leave your small business to your children or whoever you want to leave them, don't always leave them to the children. If the children aren't good children don't, leave them to somebody else. But you have no tax to pay, pretty good, right? Nobody thought that was going to happen. Tester voted against it. Jon Tester voted no on legislation to stop late term abortions. You wouldn't think it'd play very well out here. How did he get elected? I mean, I know -- I know a lot of people from Montana. You've got to explain that one to me. How did he get elected? All right. You can right your wrong in November, OK? You can right your wrong. Matt Rosendale. Jon Tester voted no on Kate's Law. You know what Kate's Law is. That's legislation named for Kate Steinle who was gunned down by a five-time deported illegal immigrant. You deserve a senator who doesn't just talk like he's from Montana. You deserve a senator who actually votes like he's from Montana. (APPLAUSE) Tester even voted no on enhanced vetting for refugees from terror-stricken countries. You believe this one? What's going on with that? The Democrats want open borders, which means lots of crime. We want tough, strong, powerful borders, and we want no crime and we're going to protect ICE. We protect ICE. They protect us and we protect them. (APPLAUSE) They protect us and we protect them. You saw that clown yesterday on the Statue of Liberty? You see the guys that went up there? I wouldn't have done it. I would have said let's get some nets and let's wait until she comes down. Just get some nets. Really? Yes. You see those guys -- the bravery of doing that? What a group. We protect ICE, and our border patrol, and our law enforcement, and our fire department. (APPLAUSE) And our fire department. We protect our people. Jon Tester opposed our travel ban to keep America safe, which, by the way, I'm proud to report that last week the Supreme Court of the United States just upheld the Trump travel ban. (APPLAUSE) And they gave us the authority to protect our nation, keep our nation safe -- to keep it safe. As you know, there's now a vacancy on the Supreme Court. And if you turn in Monday at 9 o'clock, I think you're going to be extremely with the selection, right? (APPLAUSE) And they're all great. They're all great. And I want to thank Justice Kennedy for his lifetime of truly distinguished service. And he had confidence in me. He left because he said you're going to pick somebody great, and so nice. So nice. Great man, great --a great gentleman. Jon Tester voted against Neil Gorsuch, the incredible justice who supports fully our Constitution. That's a hard one to vote against, isn't it? Tester opposed many of our amazing judges. And yet, I see Jon Tester saying such nice things about me. I say, yes, but he never votes for me. He never votes. And it's all -- I'd rather have him say bad about me but vote, right? Yes, Jon Tester voted for liberal Obama judges who tried to take away your Second Amendment, tried to take it away because Tester doesn't share your values. Jon Tester showed his true colors with his shameful dishonest attacks on a great man, a friend of mine. A man that I said, why don't you run the V.A.? You'd be great. Navy Admiral Ronny Jackson. (APPLAUSE) And a report just came out, and I should have brought it because I would have read it, but it's long but beautiful for Ronny Jackson. Secret Service are all over the place. And they wrote a report that what he said was so false and so untrue. Never happened. And they could have ruined -- they could have ruined -- could have ruined a lesser man. But Dr. Jackson -- I don't know do I -- should I call him "admiral" or "doctor" -- I'll call him both. Doctor slash Admiral. He's a doctor, he's an Admiral, his son is a top -- really a top, like a top, top student at Annapolis graduating this year. An incredible wife, incredible family. (APPLAUSE) You know I feel guilty. I feel guilty. Admiral Jackson was getting ready to leave service and he served many years admirably. Not a blemish. Perfect. Beautiful person. A lot of you know exactly. He actually said I was healthy. You know he's the one. (APPLAUSE) When the fake news started and said why isn't Trump giving the physical? Why? Dr. Jackson and his staff, they went out, they gave me a physical. That was a physical. (LAUGHTER) And when they said I'm very healthy, the news was devastated. They were devastated. They didn't want to hear that. They didn't want to hear that. But he's a great family man and -- and I said to him, I feel guilty. I said, hey, doc, why don't you run the V.A.? You're a leader, you're an Admiral, people admire you. He's an admired guy or I wouldn't have done it. Well, sir, I wasn't really thinking of that. I say, doc, you'll be great. Go ahead and do it. Sir, whatever your order, I will do. You know he's like, even if he didn't want to do it, he said that to me. (APPLAUSE) In fact, you're great First Lady said to me that same day, well, did he want to do it? I said I really don't know, he said he'd do it. But then when I thought about it, I don't know. But he said, if you ask, I will do it. But he didn't really want to do it. So I sort of feel guilty about this whole thing because what happened is he said, sir, if you would like me to do it I'll do it. Wasn't what he had in mind. I put him into the world of politics. How vicious is the world? But Jon Tester said things about him that were horrible and that weren't true. (BOOING) And that's probably why I'm here because I won Montana by so many points I don't have to come here. (APPLAUSE). You know a lot of people from states where we have these crazy big leads, we had 42 and 44 -- we won by 44 points over a Democrat. Over a Democrat. (APPLAUSE) We won -- won by 44 points over a Democrat. Now it was Crooked Hillary, but still she's a Democrat. (LAUGHTER) And -- yes. No, she gets special treatment. Sorry. Sorry. She gets special treatment under the Justice Department. CROWD: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! TRUMP: Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. She gets special treatment under the Justice Department. (BOOING) Anybody else in America -- how about that FBI agent? How about that guy? You think he likes me? You think he likes me? You think there was just a little bias there -- a little bias? Oh, did we catch them in the act. It's a rigged deal folks. It's a rigged deal. I used to say it. It's a rigged deal. It's a disgrace. And we go away on Monday. We appoint and go away, and I'll see lots of people. I'll see NATO and I'm going to tell NATO -- you got to start paying your bills. The United States is not going to take care of everything. (APPLAUSE) We're paying for anywhere from 70 to 90 percent to protect Europe, and that's fine. Of course they kill us on trade. They kill us on other things. They make it impossible to do business in Europe, and yet they come in and they sell their Mercedes and their BMWs to us. So we have $151 billion in trade deficits with the E.U. And on top of that, they kill us with NATO. They kill us. So we pay 4 percent of a huge GDP, which got a lot bigger since I became your president. (APPLAUSE) And Germany -- Germany which is the biggest country of the E.U., European Union, Germany pays 1 percent One percent. And I said, you know, Angela, I can't guarantee it, but we're protecting you, and it means a lot more to you than protecting us because I don't know how much protection we get by protecting you. And then they go out and make a gas deal, oil and gas, from Russia, where they pay billions and billions of dollars to Russia. OK, so they want to protect against Russia, and yet they pay billions of dollars to Russia, and we are the schmucks that are paying for the whole thing. (BOOING) So then -- and by the way, I have to say this. Since I came, which is a year and a half, almost $33 billion more is projected to be paid by those NATO nations, but it's not enough. Do they ever tell you that? No, no. But I will tell you, the Secretary General Stoltenberg is Trump's biggest fan. He says, those NATO nations are going like this, less money, less money. Why not? And when you started talking, it went like a rocket ship. Went just like a rocket ship. (APPLAUSE) So anytime I suggest anything -- so we've got $33 billion -- it's going to be a lot more money than that. But then they say, let's see, he's angry at NATO. I guess, yeah, he loves Russia. I love Russia. I will say this, I am meeting with President Putin next week and getting along -- let me tell you, getting along with Russia and getting along with China and getting along with other countries is a good thing. It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. (APPLAUSE) I would say for stupid people or for political people, because they're not stupid, all they are good at obstruction, good at resisting. You know, their whole thing there thing is resist, but every time it comes up -- I will say this, I'm going to have to ask them this question. How bad has it been since Trump has been in? Take a look at what's happened. Take a look we've just increased our military spending. We are at $700 billion. (APPLAUSE) We've become a nation that is exporting energy for the first time. We're exporting energy. (APPLAUSE) So many things. And you look at the money that NATO is getting now. They're probably saying in Russia, you know, if we did like this guy, we've made a big mistake. We'd rather have crooked Hillary Clinton. I think they would much rather have Hillary. But getting along with other countries -- and you're talking nuclear powers, in all fairness. Getting along is really a nice thing. It's a smart thing. We're going to beat everybody, we have the greatest military. We have now -- look we have now -- and hopefully, we'll never have to use it. The only way you're never going to have to use it? If it's so powerful, so good, so strong that nobody wants to play games, and that's what we are doing. We'll never have to use it. (APPLAUSE) And then of course, we have North Korea, where you noticed eight months -- so during the Obama administration, it seemed like a missile a week. I mean a lot of missiles going up, a lot of rockets going up, a lot of nuclear testing. They thought there was an earthquake the size of something they had never tested before. They said, where is it? Oh it's in Korea someplace. They said, why don't you check nuclear weapons. It was a nuclear weapon. So since the rhetoric stopped --we had very tough rhetoric. Wouldn't you say it was a little tough, right? So remember, they said, he's too tough. He's going to cause a war. It's too tough. Now they say he's too nice. Hes too nice. I got along very well with Chairman Kim. I got along well -- that's a good that I got along well. Now what hasn't happened in eight months? In eight months -- first of all, we got our prisoners back before I even went, right? (APPLAUSE) And I didn't pay $1.8 billion by the way, in cash. We didn't pay $1.8 billion, right? We paid slightly less than 1.8. We paid nothing. (APPLAUSE) And yet -- and yet it was a very smart deal for North Korea. Goodwill is very important. But we signed a wonderful paper saying they're going to denuclearize their whole thing. It's going to all happen. But now, you know, you're back -- I was back I think six days, "Why hasn't is started? Why?" I mean, these guys, like -- Obama was very close to going to war. You have 30 million people in Seoul. It's 30 miles off the border. And that's a tough border. Thousands of -- of cannons, they call them. These are big, big guns. I'm not even talking about nuclear. You could have lost 30, 40, 50 million people. You could have had a war like you haven't had in a long time. And guess what you have now? Eight months, no nuclear testing, no missiles, no anything. Mike Pompeo is over there right now. (APPLAUSE) And they -- they --they say, "He" -- meaning me, these guys, the crooked press, they are so dishonest. (BOOING) They are so dishonest. (BOOING) Fake news. They're fake news media. (APPLAUSE) So what do they say all the time? Because I didn't give anything up. What do they say all the time? They say, "He went there." I went there. I went to Singapore. We had a meeting. "By agreeing to meet" -- you know, they can't come up with anything else, like -- I didn't give, like Clinton and like Obama would have -- you know, Obama couldn't meet. Now they say, "Well Obama" -- Obama couldn't meet. They wouldn't see him. So I didn't have -- like Clinton, where they gave him billions and billions of dollars and got nothing. OK? So they couldn't find anything, so what did they do? They say, "He met." I met. That's what we lost, folks. He met. Now by the way, Obama would have loved to have met. They wouldn't see him. They wouldn't see him. One of the first question I asked when I was over there, they wouldn't see him. So I met. That's how we got beaten. That -- now they're saying it with Putin. "Well, Putin is highly prepared, and Trump, will he be prepared for the meeting?" (APPLAUSE) Trust me, we'll do just fine. We'll do good (ph). (APPLAUSE) Fake news. Bad people. (APPLAUSE) "Will he be prepared? Will he be prepared?" And I might even end up having a good relationship, but they're going, "Will President Trump be prepared? You know, President Putin is KGB and this and that." You know what? Putin's fine. He's fine. We're all fine. We're people. Will I be prepared? Totally prepared. I've been preparing for this stuff my whole life. They don't say that. (APPLAUSE) They don't say that. (APPLAUSE) And you really do, you really -- and I tell you what. Because I see it. I see the way they write. They're so damn dishonest. And I don't mean all of them, because some of the finest people I know are journalists. Really. Hard to believe when I say that. I hate to say it, but I have to say. But 75 percent of those people are downright dishonest. Downright dishonest. (APPLAUSE) They're fake. They're fake. They quote sources -- "A source within the Trump organization said" -- a source. They don't have a source. They never use names anymore. You know, in the old days, you have to use names. "Jim Smith said that Donald Trump is a bad guy." They don't do that anymore. They say, "A source within the administration." They make the sources up. They don't exist in many cases. Any time you say -- you know, I saw one of them said "15 anonymous sources" -- I don't have 15 people in the White -- I mean, forget it. (LAUGHTER) "Fifteen anonymous sources have said all sorts of stuff." These are really bad people. But here's the bottom line: we're here. How the hell did we get here? Really? How did (inaudible)... (APPLAUSE) How did we get here? So if you look at John Tester, he signed up for the Democrats' radical immigration agenda, which is "let them come in, and we believe they say, in sanctuary cities where they house the criminals and others (ph)" -- we believe in strong borders and no crime, it's very simple. (APPLAUSE) Strong border. We believe in coming into this country legally. We believe in coming in legally. (APPLAUSE) We believe in the merit system. So when you have a business and somebody comes in and honestly -- hate to tell you this, got to go with it -- we are doing so well. So many businesses are moving back to this country. So many car companies are coming back into Michigan and to Ohio and to Pennsylvania and to North and South Carolina. (APPLAUSE) We need people. We don't have the workers anymore. And by the way, that's something that's unique. You haven't heard that for a long time. Wages are going up. Right? But we need people. But who do we need? We need people that come in under the merit system. Under the merit system. A vote for the Democrats in November is a vote to let MS-13 run wild in our communities. (BOOING) To let drugs pour into our cities, and to take jobs and benefits away from our hardworking Americans, and we're not letting it happen. (APPLAUSE) Democrats want anarchy, they really do, and they don't know who they're playing with, folks. (APPLAUSE) I said it the other day, yes, she is a low IQ individual, Maxine Waters. I said it the other day. High -- I mean, honestly, she's somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe that. (APPLAUSE) "He will be impeached. I will impeach him." Even the Democrats are saying, "How are you saying that?" They don't want to use that word, because it gets the Republicans out to vote. They say, "Stay away from that word. Especially since he's done nothing wrong." That helps also, right? (APPLAUSE) There's no collusion. No collusion. After spending $22 million, it's awfully tough. And the House just left and they said, "There's no collusion." Can you imagine this? It's all a ruse. This was an excuse for the Democrats who lost an election, who actually got their ass kicked, 306... (APPLAUSE) 306 to 223 (ph), that's a pretty good shellackit (ph); 306 -- hey, we won states -- take Wisconsin, I just left Wisconsin. So we won -- in fact, we're building -- they're building -- friends of mine -- Foxconn, they make the Apple laptops and iPhones are incredible. They're -- we're going to spend -- they are going to spend, like, $11 billion, and this is going to be about a $15 billion plant. There will be nothing like it in this country, and frankly, outside of China, there will be nothing like it, but by the time it's finished, it'll top anything in China also. It's incredible. (APPLAUSE) It's incredible. But -- but $15 billion, 15,000 jobs to Wisconsin. But think of Wisconsin. Reagan had his big win. He won every state except for one, the great state of Wisconsin. I won Wisconsin. First time -- first time since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 (ph). (APPLAUSE) And we won Michigan. And we won Pennsylvania, North Carolina and South Carolina and Florida, we ran up that East Coast. You had a run up that East Coast -- winning the Electoral College is very tough for a Republican, much tougher than the so-called "popular vote," where people vote four times, you know. Much tougher. Much, much tougher. We had a great -- we had a great victory. But think of it. Not since Dwight Eisenhower, 1952. What an -- was that one of the great evenings? Was that one of the... (APPLAUSE) And I always say, because the ratings that they're getting are beyond belief. You know, the New York Times was ready to fold. It was going to close. And then I came along, unfortunately, and they -- they sell. But don't worry. Because ultimately, when I leave in 7 years from now... (APPLAUSE) Of course... (APPLAUSE) They'll fold. They will fold. (APPLAUSE) No, no, when you see the Times, how dishonest they are, when you see the Washington Post, how totally dishonest -- when we leave -- and I actually say this: they are all doing numbers that they've, like, never done. When I announce, they are going to endorse me. Because if I lose -- should I lose -- or if I don't run, they're out of business. Who's going to cover? They're going to cover Bernie? Hey, they're going to cover like sleepy Joe Biden? They're going to cover Pocahontas who was? Think of it (ph). Think of it (ph), she of the great tribal heritage. What tribe is it? Let me think about that one. Meantime, she's based her life on being a minority. Pocahontas -- they always want me to apologize for saying that and I hereby -- oh no, I want to apologize. I'll use tonight. Pocahontas, I apologize to you. I apologize -- to you I apologize. To the fake Pocahontas, I won't apologize. No, it's causing problems. You know that's name causing -- because now even the liberals are saying take a test. Take a test. You know, the -- I tell you, I shouldn't tell you because I like not to give away secrets but this one. Let's say I'm debating Pocahontas, right? I promise you I'll do this. I will take -- you know those little kits they sell on television for $2. Learn your heritage. The guy says I was born in Scotland, it turns out he was born in Puerto Rico. And that's OK. It's good, you know. Guy says I was born in Germany, well, he wasn't born in Germany. He was born someplace else. I'm going to get one of those little kits and in the middle of the debate when she proclaims that she's of Indian heritage because her mother says she has high cheekbones. That's her only evidence, that her mother said she had high cheekbones. We will take that little kit and say, but we have to do it gently. Because we're in the me-too generation so I have to be very gentle. And we will very gently take that kit and we will slowly toss it, hoping it doesn't hit her and injure her arm even though it only weighs probably two ounces. And we will say, I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test so that it shows you're an Indian. You know. (APPLAUSE) And let's see what she does. I have a feeling she will say no but we will that for the debates. Do me a favor, keep it within this room. Because I don't want to give away any secrets and the press is very honorable, they won't. Please don't tell her what I just said. Democrats are launching outrageous attacks against our incredible law enforcement and our ICE and border patrol. The new platform of the Democrat party, and by the way, I call it the Democrat party. It sounds better rhetorically, you know. I wrote best sellers, I guess I speak well. You know, we turned away thousands of people. They never say I'm a great speaker. Why the hell do so many people come? Why -- I don't think -- it's true, why do they come? Why? (APPLAUSE) Why, oh why, do they come? It's got to be something. I guess they like my policy -- maybe my policy. No, it's true. Have you ever noticed, you never hear that -- you never hear that. You never hear it. I mean, there's got to be a reason. I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records and we beat -- and I, by the way, I don't have a musical instrument. I don't have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ and lots of other people help him. You know we've broken a lot of records. We've broken virtually every record because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room for basketball, for hockey, for all the sports. They need a lot of room. We don't need it. We have people in that space, so we break all these records. But really we do it without like the musical instruments. This is the only musical, the mouth, and hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain, more important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important. But they -- do you ever notice -- do you ever hear something, they say -- you know we had a case last week we were in a great place in Wisconsin. And we had a tremendous crowd and we have like the choice of a 22,000 seat arena and in retrospect, we would have packed it and they would have sent away thousands of people. But the people said to me, very innocent people, they were great. But I hadn't met them. I said why didn't you -- they -- they filled up a 7,000 seat arena, walked away thousands of people, like over 20. and we would have filled -- and I said why didn't you use the bigger arena? He said, sir, we knew that if you had five vacant seats, empty seats -- see vacant just because I was in the (inaudible), I'll say use that term. If you had five empty seats, they would say Donald Trump was unable to fill the arena. And I said, you know what, you're right. How about the one from the Washington Post? They got there four hours early and the arena hadn't started even letting people in. So there was just a few people, you all saw that story, I hope. You all saw that story, right? They got there four hours, five hours -- this writer, sleazebag -- he didn't get fired. He said Donald Trump had an empty arena, except when I showed up, the place was packed and they had to walk away thousands of people. Right? (APPLAUSE) And I didn't see this story but you know who saw the story? The people that were in the arena and they went nuts. And they apologized but you know where they apologized? On Twitter. They didn't write -- they apologized but they had the story Donald Trump, not very good crowd tonight. And they show a totally empty arena that four hours later -- and by the way, hate to say it, take a look at the pictures for the inauguration. We had some monster crowd. Big, monster -- big monster -- but take a look at that. So they show an arena before the people started coming in. There were a few people, four or five hours ahead, and they apologized because it's a disgrace. But let me just tell you, the Democrats -- we call them the Democrat party. You know why? The Democratic party sounds too good. Sounds better, doesn't it? I always hate saying the Democrat party. A lot of people say you meant to say well actually their name is the Democrat party. The Democratic party sounds too good so I don't want to use it. OK? The new platform of the Democrat party is to abolish ICE. In other words, they want to abolish immigration enforcement entirely. That's what they want to do. They want -- they want everybody coming in. And you know the beauty with ICE -- they're so tough. When you have these MS-13 thugs come in, ICE goes in and wipes them out like nothing because they're much tougher. They wipe them out and they liberate towns and on islands (ph) and other places. You know its like -- it's like you're occupied. It's like a nation is occupying your country. So we're taking them out by the thousands. And if it weren't for ICE, we wouldn't be doing it. These are savage gangs, MS-13 and others. We will not stand for these vile Democrat smears against our law enforcement and that includes our great police. That includes our great border patrol. That includes our military where they're always fighting against funding for the military. We will always stand by, proudly, the heroes -- and they're our heroes on ICE and border patrol and law enforcement and on military. Every day I'm president, we will track down the gang members, drug deals, child predators and criminal aliens that we find. We will get them. We will throw the hell out of our country or put them in jail. (APPLAUSE) So this year -- in November if you want to save ICE and frankly, if you want to save your law enforcement, if you want to save your military, getting military funding -- we've got $700 billion, the biggest ever, then next year $760. We saved our military getting military funding from these Democrats is almost impossible. They don't want it, they don't care about military, they don't care about our law enforcement. They couldn't give a damn. You better vote Republican. We need more Republicans. (APPLAUSE) If you want to protect your family and your community, then you have no choice. You have to vote (inaudible), you have to vote for Republicans. If you want to have a country, if you want borders -- how about borders? Would it be nice to have borders? (APPLAUSE) CROWD: Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! TRUMP: And, yes, we are already building the wall. It started in California, in San Diego. $1.6 billion, we're asking for $5 billion. And I'll tell you what, it's -- it's brutal with these people. They don't want it. They -- they know it's the right thing to do but they think it will help me. It's not even the Republicans -- they think it'll help Trump. If we do it, it's good for Trump. Let's not do it. They're great Americans. Every day, we are keeping our promises. We've created 3.4 million jobs since Election Day, which nobody can even believe. (APPLAUSE) Nobody believes it. I always say if I would have said that on the campaign trail when I was here or anyplace else it would have been brutal. They would have said, how can you possibly say a thing like that, 3.4 million new jobs? Unemployment claims are at a 45-year low. (APPLAUSE) African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment have reached the lowest levels in the history of our country. Remember, what do you have to lose? Remember, what do you have to lose? People didn't like it when I said that. What do you have to lose? Guess, what, we're right. In fact, a new poll came out last week, we were up -- in like a week -- 10 points with the Hispanic community. Ten points. (APPLAUSE) Because they want to be safe. Unemployment among women is at the lowest level it's been in 65 years in, within a couple of weeks, history. Our economic policy can be summed up in three very simple but beautiful but beautiful words: jobs, jobs, jobs. (APPLAUSE) Since the election, we have lifted 3 million people off of food stamps. And, by the way, on a humanitarian basis that's a great thing. Do you how much money we save by doing that as a country? Three million people and it's going up fast. Wages, for the first time in 18 years are rising again. People can go out, they can actually choose a job and they have wages that are rising. And six months ago, Republicans passed the biggest tax cuts in American history, the biggest in American history. Everyone in this room is benefiting. (APPLAUSE) Everybody is benefiting. We slashed taxes for working families and saved our family farms. We saved family farms. As a result of our tax cuts, $300 billion poured back into the United States just in the first quarter of this year alone. And we're going to have a lot more than that. $300 billion came back, money that would have never been able to come back into our country. It's coming back, it's pouring back. I think the number's going to be $5 trillion, but $350 billion has already come back. Apple computer is spending $350 billion on new campuses, on new facilities. They're bringing back $350 billion. They're going to actually have -- probably, subject to the tax code, about $230 billion come back. Ninety-five percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future. That's the highest number ever. Think of it, 95 percent of anything, you don't hear that. (APPLAUSE) We also repealed, despite the thumb down at 2 o'clock in the morning, we also repealed the most horrible aspect of the failed Obamacare health care, it's called the individual mandate. So, it's gone. It's gone. Gone. (APPLAUSE) It's gone. And, you know, that was where you had to pay a lot of money for the privilege of not having to pay for bad health care. OK? One of the truly rip-offs, that was a big rip-off but we got rid of it. So all you people, how many people were you paying for not to have it? Lot of people, right? Yes, a lot of people. A lot people, they paid not to have health care. That doesn't work. We are allowing businesses to join forces to buy better health care for less money through association health plans. They just came out two weeks ago and they cross state lines. We're allowed to cross state lines, you're going to get very low prices for very (ph) good (ph) (inaudible) ... (APPLAUSE) Millions of people are already signing up. And after decades of waiting, we opened ANWR in Alaska for energy development. They've been trying to get that approved for 40 years. We've eliminated record numbers of job killing regulations. We've stopped cold the assault on our farmers, our ranchers, hunters (ph), energy producers, and our great and loving miners. We love our miners. (APPLAUSE) And we put our miners back to work, clean coal. We are proudly and strongly protecting our public lands for future generations. You see that. You see it all over. You see what we're doing. You see legislation. You see what's happening. We approved the Keystone and the Dakota Access pipelines right away, 48,000 jobs -- 48,000 jobs. We withdrew from the job killing Paris Climate accord, one of the most unfair deals. I said, boy, I'm going to get killed when I approve this one. When I sign off this, you know it sounds so pretty, right? The Paris Climate, who wouldn't do that, except it's horrible for us -- great for other countries but horrible for us. We took historic action to safeguard your constitutional freedoms, protecting religious liberty, defending the Second Amendment and confirming a record number of circuit court judges. (APPLAUSE) And we are bringing back our wealth from foreign countries. But, you know this, right? We are bringing back our wealth from foreign countries that have been ripping us off for years. For too long we watched, and we waited and we saw as other countries stole our jobs, cheated our workers, and gutted our industry. You look at all the places -- here? Yes, even here. But you look at some places, you look at some -- you go up to New England and you still see the -- the remnants where they moved down to Mexico under NAFTA, one of the worst deals that we're negotiating. And I have a feeling, they'll come along. We'll see. And if they don't, we'll actually do better. We'll actually do better. The United States of America was the piggybank that everybody was robbing. And let me tell you, our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies. We opened our country to their goods but they put up massive barriers to keep our products and our goods the hell out of their country because they didn't want that competition. And that's not free trade, that's stupid trade. We're not going to do that. We don't do that anymore. We have to have fair and reciprocal -- that being the more important word. We need reciprocal. They charge a 50 percent tax. We charge a 50 percent tax. Then we say, look, let's bring it to nothing, or I don't care one way or the other. Do whatever you want. And then, I'll have people complaining. They'll say -- it's incredible. So we have countries ripping us off for years. And then, when I say, well, look we're going to put tariffs on there because they have been ripping us. We have trade deficits. They have surpluses. That would be unbelievable. So, they have all of this and I say we are going to do something about it. And I'll get calls from some politicians. Oh, that's terrible. I say, no, you don't understand. We're going to make great deals. No, no let's just leave it the way it is. Please, just leave it the way it is. Leave it the way it is. I say, no, no. We have all the cards. We're the bank that everybody's stealing from. You saw with China, $50 billion and another $200 billion frankly is waiting. Nobody's ever seen this before because China, and I have great respect for President Xi and for China. You have to respect them. You have to admire them. Now, they'll say, Donald Trump loves China -- loves China more than he loves the United States. These people but -- so you have to be careful what you say. Because if I say that I do, I respect China, and I respect President Xi, but they've been killing us -- $507 billion dollars in trade deficits last year -- 507. Who the hell can lose 500 -- then you want to do something about it and you get attacked. Oh, that's not nice. That's not free trade. The war was lost on trade many years ago. You know when they were saying not a free trader. I said no, no. The war was lost but now we're going to win it and because we have all the cards. (APPLAUSE) But it's always helpful when you don't have the little ones sniping at your heels, because it's easier to negotiate when you have support. You don't have some senator that was forced out of office because he didn't like me saying bad things like, oh, we shouldn't be doing that against China; we shouldn't be doing that against so and so. We are in such a great position. Other countries are calling us. Do you know that if we knocked down the trade deficit, right, the trade deficit by just a little bit, 25 percent -- we can do that easily. That's easy. If we do that, we pick up one point in GDP. Does anybody know that? (APPLAUSE) That's three trillion dollars and that's 10 million jobs. That's just 25 percent. We pick up one point. And speaking of GDP, remember when I'd say it's going to go to 3 percent pretty quickly and all of this? Well now, The Atlanta Fed just predicted 4.8 percent. (APPLAUSE) Now, who knows. Who knows. Who knows. Who knows. I can only tell you that it's going to be a lot better than what you had with Obama. And if these people got elected, you would have gone down like you'd never seen anything go down. They wouldn't have taken the regulations off. They wouldn't have given you the tax cuts, the Democrats. You would have had an economy that was going to crash and burn. It was ready. And now we've got something that's a rocket ship. And every time I meet a leader of another country, which is often, they always start by saying, sir, I'd like to congratulate you on the incredible job you've done with the United States economy. (APPLAUSE) Japan. South Korea. Every time they say, I'd like to congratulate you. And others are -- they are actually studying what we've done. They're studying what we've done. But we have the greatest people in the world and we're doing good. You know, that -- those hats, those beautiful, beautiful hats, "Make America Great Again." (APPLAUSE) Soon to be changed to, "Keep America Great." (Inaudible). "Keep America Great." Soon to be changed. I can't use "Make America Great Again" for the second run, right? (Inaudible). They said, why the hell did you do it the first time? Right? It's called "Keep America Great," because what we're doing is incredible. It's incredible. We've created -- think of this, since the election, we've created in wealth, seven trillion dollars. Seven trillion. Seven trillion. (APPLAUSE) We're the fastest growing nation on an economy basis -- maybe it's for the big nations but I heard "nation" -- we're the fastest growing economically nation in the world. Think of that. (APPLAUSE) I add the big nation because they're probably back -- I don't know, maybe it said big -- whatever it is, we're doing really well. But we're one of the fastest, and I think we're actually the fastest growing. And we are certainly growing our military and growing our power and our strength, and we're taking care of our vets more than anybody's ever taken care of our vets. (APPLAUSE) Thanks to Republican leadership, America is winning again. We're winning. Remember I tell you the story, and America's being respected again all over the world. It's been a long time. We're respected. Somebody said, could you tell the winning story backstage. I said, they've heard it. But, Steve Daines -- great Senator -- comes up to me and I say, hi, Steve. (Inaudible) sir, the people of Montana, they're really tired, sir, of all this winning. (APPLAUSE) Too much. They can't take it anymore. They can't take it. We've got to slow it down, sir. They can't take it. I say, Steve, go back to the people. He's going more (ph). Go back to the people and say, I'm sorry, I cannot honor that request. We are going to win and win, and we're going to win more. (APPLAUSE) We are going to win like we've never won before. (APPLAUSE) Like we've never one before. Because We are finally putting America first. We're putting America first. And by the way, you know all the rhetoric you see, the Thousand Points of Light. What the hell was that by the way? Thousands Points of Light. What did that mean? Does anyone know? I know one thing: Make America great again, we understand. Putting America first, we understand. Thousand Points of Light, I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? And it was put by a Republican (inaudible). But We are indeed doing things for this country like nobody believed possible. We're rebuilding our economy. And at the same time, we are restoring our security. We have people flooding our borders like they haven't flooded ever before. They're doing an incredible job, but we've never had a rush like this. That's because people want a piece of our action. They want to come into our economy. They want to come in. The problem is, you have to come in legally. You have to come in through the legal (inaudible). Sorry. (APPLAUSE) All of that money that we've secured for our military, all of that I've directed the Pentagon to begin a process of creating a sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces called the Space Force. (APPLAUSE) You have the Air Force, you will have the Space Force. (APPLAUSE) You know, people are so excited by that. You know, it's not just sending rockets to the moon and rockets to mars. This is also a military imperative. In fact, in Russia, they said, we consider that very threatening, and others did, too. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And you know, if it's a part of the Air Force, the Air Force is going to focus on the Air Force. We need a separate branch, and we're working on that. It's called the Space Force, which is very exciting. (APPLAUSE) And people love it. People love it. They get it, and they love it. We passed a landmark V.A. accountability law that everybody said could not be passed. I won't blame the unions, and I won't blame civil service. But let's assume they had a little blame. Everyone said, it couldn't be passed, has not been able to be passed for 45 years, and we just got it passed, V.A. accountability. So now you can fire people when they don't do a job. (APPLAUSE) We can fire when they don't do it. (APPLAUSE) You're fired. You get them the hell out. They're not taking care of our vets, we fire them. They are out of there (inaudible). They're out of there. (APPLAUSE) And the other thing that we just passed a few weeks ago, and you've heard me talk about this, I've always said, you know, our greatest people, they're the greatest people, the vets. They've protected us. Some of them have suffered greatly. And we weren't taking proper care of them. They were waiting in line for 12 days. How about anybody in this audience, go to their doctor, say I'm sorry, can't see you for 12 days. Even if you have, like, a bad cold, you have something. People were going in with nothing much, and they were coming out six months later. They can't see a doctor. They were coming out with a terminal illness that could've been corrected easily. And I said, why are we sending people who can wait for these long periods -- just send them across the street to a local doctor. (APPLAUSE) Get taken care of, and we pay the bill. (APPLAUSE) And everybody said, we've been trying to get that passed for 40 years. I got it passed three weeks ago. (APPLAUSE) I am good at getting things passed. Remember we had repeal and replace passed except for one person, and all of the Democrats I have (inaudible) say. One person plus all of the Democrats. We got no Democrats -- including Tester. He wasn't there for us. President Trump is a great man. He's a great man. I really got a vote for us. Got a vote for us. We also believe that American foreign aid dollars should promote America's interest and values. We don't need to send your hard-earned money to countries that vote against the United States consistently in the United Nations and other places. We don't need (inaudible). (APPLAUSE) Remember with Israel; remember when we had two votes on something having to do with Israel. I said we're watching; with all the aide we give all these countries, we're watching. We ended up getting 68 votes. We didn't do anything. Because they're ripping us, they're taking our money, they don't even vote for us because they didn't respect our country, but now they respect them a lot more. And in many cases, they're not getting that money anymore, too. We stopped it. (APPLAUSE) Instead of apologizing for America, we are standing up for America, and we are standing up for our great American flag. (APPLAUSE) Hey, how about the NFL? Look, I don't want to cause controversy. You're right, USA is right. I don't want to cause controversy, but how about they passed this stupid thing. You don't have to do this anymore. If you don't respect the flag or if you don't like the country or whatever it is, just go into the locker room. Just go into the locker room. I think in many respects, that's worse. Isn't that worse than not standing? (APPLAUSE) You know? I think that's worse. So they say go into the locker room. So OK, the Anthem's getting ready to play, they run into the locker room, then they come back out. You know what? That doesn't play. That doesn't play. It doesn't play. (BOOING) I actually think, in many ways, it's worse. I heard this thing, I think; they were so happy the owners. This commissioner, where this guy comes from I have no -- they're paying him $40 million a year and their ratings are down 20 percent. But you know why their ratings are down? Yes, the flag. But they're also down because people find politics. In other words, hitting Trump, incorrectly, but hitting Trump. They find that to be much tougher, meaner and more interesting than watching a football game. They actually do. And they're watching the cable networks instead of watching football. They're down 20 percent since this whole thing started with the flag and the Anthem. Washington tried to change us, but instead we are actually changing Washington. We've had a big impact (ph). (APPLAUSE) And now we need Matt Rosendale in the Senate to continue our fight to drain the swamp. We're going to get it done. We need to work every day from now until the election, for your family, for your community, your country, for your constitution. And this November I need you to get your friends, get your colleagues, get your neighbors and get your ass out to vote. Is that OK? Get your ass out to vote. (APPLAUSE) Vote for Matt. They're going to say, oh, That was not presidential. Watch. That was not presidential. Did I ever tell you how easy for me it would be for me to be presidential, you know. Like we're all -- me, you, we're really smart people. I have, by the way, the most loyal people in the world, they're the smartest, they're the toughest people. (APPLAUSE) They're the greatest people in the world. But they'll something like that's not presidential. And what I say, acting presidential is so easy for me, would be -- it's much easier than what I do. Much easier. And sometimes I have to do it. You walk up to the microphone, right. Good evening ladies and gentleman of the great state of Montana. (LAUGHTER) You have to put a little emphasis right? This is wonderful to be with you tonight. Thank you for being here. Goodbye. (APPLAUSE) Now, the people of Montana, they know. They know. Loyal citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country. Returning the power where it belongs, to the people. (APPLAUSE) CROWD: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Our proud American ancestors crossed oceans, scaled mountains, defeated empires and built the modern world with their own two hands. They were brilliant. This state, the State of Montana was forged by incredible pioneer men and women who braved the call and tamed the wilderness to build a beautiful life, right out here in the open. And I did look at those skies, you know, I heard so much about ... (APPLAUSE) ... your sky. I heard so much about your skies. I flown (ph) in and I looked at those skies. Not seeing pollution is a wonderful thing, right? (APPLAUSE) Those are beautiful skies. These Montana pioneers were tough, and they were strong, and they were brilliant. They didn't have a lot of money, they didn't have a lot of luxury, but they had faith, they heart, they had grit and they had each other. They had each other. And, above all else, they loved their families, they loved their country, and they loved their God. (APPLAUSE) We stand on the shoulders of American patriots who knew how to fight and they knew how to win. You talk about winning, they knew how to win. (APPLAUSE) And with your help, your voice, and your vote we are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning. And the truth is, you will never ever get tired of winning, never. (APPLAUSE) We won't back down. We won't give in and we will never ever surrender. We will never ever quit. We go forward to victory. (APPLAUSE) Because are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. (APPLAUSE) We are one people, we are one family, and we are one glorious nation under God. And together, we will make America wealthy again. (APPLAUSE) Soon, we will make America strong again. We will make America safe again and we will make America great again. Thank you, Montana. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) END