United States 1958, 1950s American Family Fishing Trip
Washington, United States may 1958: 1950s American family fishing from a small boat, captured in nostalgic vintage footage.
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Various Subjects
Religious Centenary / Family Rosary Crusade Rally
Religious Centenary: several shots of landing barge carrying Bishop James Hill of Victoria, accompanied by war canoes crossing Cowichan Bay. Several shots of Cowichen, nuns watching arrival. Shot of Bishop being rowed ashore in war canoe, being assisted out of canoe. Sequence on ceremonial dances by Cowichan, intercut with Bishop Hill watching. Group shots of Cowichen in traditional dress. Sequence on Bishop Hill celebrating high mass, attendance. Shot of confirmation of several Cowichen children. (25/05/1950)
Unissued / unused material. <br/> <br/>German newsreel. <br/> <br/>American High Commissioner for Germany, John McCloy in Homburg with his family. <br/> <br/>GV McCloy with two children John (11) and Ellen (7) in garden. CU McCloy and children feeding pigeons. CU McCloy. Back view McCloy and children. LS McCloy and children meet Mrs. McCloy - he kisses them, pan to McCloy waking away. MS John McCloy Jr. on pony. MS Mrs. McCloy in sun parlour and John Jr. enters on pony. <br/> <br/>Doors open to reveal McCloy family playing chess. CU pan John McCloy Sr. and John Jr. playing chess. CU hand moves piece. CU McCloy makes move. CU John Jr. makes move. CU hand moving piece. GV family seated around chess table. CU McCloy. LS McCloy family get up and walk away from table. <br/> <br/>According to dope sheet track includes natural sound of McCloy family talking in German over chess sequence. Unfortunately soundtrack is missing. <br/> <br/>Date on dope sheet is 24/10/1950. <br/>
Japan Remains - Remains of US Korean war dead finally on their way home
TAPE: EF02/0704 IN_TIME: 23:40:05 DURATION: 2:21 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Yokota Air Base - 20 August 2002 SHOTLIST: 1. Close up of US Air Force plane arriving 2. Wide shot of plane with honour guards 3. Close up moon 4. Casket draped in UN flag being unloaded by UN soldiers 5. Wide shot of unloading caskets 6. Close up of bagpiper 7. Casket being carried to hangar for memorial service 8. Close up of soldiers saluting 9. Wide shot of ceremony at hangar 10. Veterans saluting as the casket passes 11. Close up of caskets covered with UN flags 12. Wide shot of ceremony while "Taps" is being played 13. Various of officials saluting 14. Veterans laying wreath 15. Cutaway of soldiers 16. Wide shot of veterans saluting 17. SOUNDBITE (English) Commander Tom Schneider, US Air Force, United Nations Rear Command in Japan "There are many thousands of missing soldiers from the Korean war which means that there are many thousands of families that have their relatives - that they don't know where they were. So this ceremony honours the commitment that these soldiers gave to their country and for freedom and for the freedom of South Korea. And it also gives a little bit of closure to those families." 18. Wide shot of caskets 19. Close up of veterans wreath STORYLINE: Remains recently unearthed in North Korea and believed to those of seven American soldiers missing in action from the Korea War were repatriated on Tuesday to the moan of bagpipes and the crack of a 21-gun salute. A bugler blew taps as the caskets, draped in powder blue United Nations flags, were carried by full-dress military honour guards under a full moon and into a hangar at Yokota Air Base on the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan. A US Air Force cargo plane had picked up the remains in Pyongyang earlier in the day. The remains were flown to Yokota Air Base because it was a staging point for the UN forces that backed South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War. Flags of the nations that sent troops, including Turkey, Thailand and Great Britain, flanked the caskets at Tuesday's hangar ceremony. On Wednesday, the remains are scheduled to be flown to the US Army's Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii for forensic examination. The remains were recoveries during the first of three searches scheduled this year in North Korea by US teams with help from the North Korean army. The second search is scheduled to start August 24 and end one month later. The final search will be in October. Six of the seven remains were recovered near the Chosin Reservoir. The area was the scene of fierce battles in November and December 1950, when the First Marine Division was overwhelmed by a surprise Chinese army assault and was forced to withdraw under fire. Elements of the Army's Seventh Infantry Division also fought there. The seventh set of remains was recovered along the Chongchon River near the junction of Unsan and Kujang counties, about 60 miles (100 kilometres) north of Pyongyang. The area was the site of battles between the US Army's First Cavalry and 25th Infantry Division and Chinese forces in November 1950. More than 81-hundred US troops remain unaccounted for from the 1950-53 Korean War. Since 1996, searches by US teams have recovered 159 sets of remains, of which 13 have been identified positively. Pentagon officials have estimated that the Chosin area eventually could yield about the remains of about one-thousand American servicemen.
Paula Jacques and the tribulations of her youth
An American flag flies in front of a home in a suburban neighborhood in Kansas during the 1950s.
eating - food - American family eats in boat
Death of noted US Senator Robert Taft in 1953
Fashionable family at home shows a 1950's American family lifestyle
Vintage suburban American family and fashions in 1950s. Man by the fireplace in a room. His wife seated, wearing a white top and dark colored skirt. Man's sister chats. Woman wearing new dress lights up a cigarette. Husband shows a new jacket whose lining matches the wearer's tie. Mother plays with his baby. Family in the United States relaxes. Location: United States USA. Date: December 9, 1954.
AFP-147ES 16mm
01:00:00:00 DUBBED FROM NARA DVD // National Archives 200UN Vol 25 Rls 425 // 01:00:10 Lebanon shipwreck / 01:01:24 Floods and snow strike Europe / 01:02:40 Korean war US Soldiers arrive in San Franci ...
United States 1958, 1950s American Family Fishing Trip
Washington, United States may 1958: 1950s American family fishing from a small boat, captured in nostalgic vintage footage.
Bridgeman Images Details
Entertainment Daily: An American Rhapsody - Nastassja Kinski talks about this film based on a true story
TAPE: EF01/0582 IN_TIME: 13:45:16 DURATION: 3:52 SOURCES: APTN/Paramount Classics RESTRICTIONS: No re-use/re-sale of film/video/tv clips without clearance DATELINE: L.A., August 2001 SHOTLIST 1. Film trailer 'An American Rhapsody' (Courtesy of Paramount Classics) 2. SOT Nastassja Kinski - "I knew a lot about the political situation, I knew what has happened to people in general, similar things. To actually talk to the person that was that person, that child who it happened to, it was wonderful to be able to do that." 3. Film clip 'An American Rhapsody' 4. SOT Nastassja Kinski - "When she left it's like you don't really know if it was going to work out, if she is ever going to see her child again so that was absolutely... I think you get to have strengths when you have to because they probably would have been killed or put in jail or seperated from their children." 5. Film clip 'An American Rhapsody' 6. SOT Scarlett Johansson - "It was easy for us to fall in to the mother daughter relationship. I think the hardest thing for us was to act like we despised each other because we really got along so well. It would be like we were cuddling and then it would be action and then it would be arraugh!!." 7. Film clip 'An American Rhapsody' 8. SOT Nastassja Kinski - "I{f anyone asked me I would say no absolutely not but yet if it's the survival of your whole family, maybe, if that was the plan and it was solid as it could be, we all have to survive." 9. Film clip 'An American Rhapsody' NASTASSJA KINSKI BREATHES LIFE INTO COLD WAR Nastassja Kinski's new movie, An American Rhapsody has had its fair share of publicity in the run up to its North American release today (August 10th). It opened the prestigious Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic - its world premiere - and then had a high profile North American premiere for it's US release. Nastassja Kinski attended both events. The movie tells the true-life story of filmmaker, Eva Gardos, who directed the film. It relates her early childhood separation from her parents. Her family was forced to flee Hungary during the Cold War, and left the young Eva (played by 6-year-old Hungarian Kelly Endresz-Banlaki) behind for the first six years of her life. Eva grows up on a farm in Hungary with a couple she thinks are her parents until a red cross worker whisks her off to Los Angeles where she is confronted with the full force of American 1950s consumerism. Years later the teenage Eva (Scarlett Johansson) is a troubled woman. In the conformity of 1950s America her parents have insisted they deny their past and while Eva looks and acts like any other all American teenager, a part of her still yearns for the Hungarian farm where she spent her formative years. When she attempts to go back, things come to a head with her mother. Gardos, an experienced film editor, made her directing debut with "An American Rhapsody" which has won critical praise for its screenplay. Award winning actress Nastassja Kinski ("Paris, Texas," The Claim, Tess, Cat People) portrays the mother tortured by the separation from her daughter. Kinski, who is also a mother, says she identified closely with the role, and the plight of many whose families were displaced and sometimes never reunited. Scarlett Johansson ( The Horse Whisperer, Home Alone 3) enjoyed the experience of working with Nastassja Kinski. For actor Tony Goldwyn (Bounce, The Sixth Day, Kiss The Girls), who plays Eva's father, "An American Rhapsody" represented a unique challenge: The film required him to learn and deliver a portion of his lines in Hungarian, an experience he described as "a trip." Reviews so far have been mixed, ranging from "An absorbing and heartfelt memoir of immigrant life" to accusing Gardos of turning "a poignant tale of displacement into melodrama." An American Rhapsody goes on limited release in the USA from 10th August. FILM CLIP DETAILS American Rhapsody Paramount Pictures 1 213 956 5000
Family members having breakfast in rural America in 1950s.
A film titled 'The family' shows husband and wife and family members in America in the early 1950s. A woman hanging clothes outside rural or small town house. Boy looks out of window when called by mother. Interiors of the house. Wife talks with husband while having tea at breakfast table. They are joined by an older woman (grandmother), the boy and a girl. Family talking and having breakfast. Girl shows newspaper to father. Man leaves to go to work. Women in homemaker or housewife roles of the time doing their routine household work in house and helped by the boy in the family. Location: United States USA. Date: 1951.
Darius Rochebin’s 20H: [January 22, 2023 program]
1950s Home Movies African American Family Parade
Unissued / unused material. <br/> <br/>West Berlin organises plebiscite for free voting by East Berlin, Germany. <br/> <br/>LS people walking along street. CU sign - "You are leaving the American Sector", pan to man posting bill just inside Russian / Soviet sector. Pan from people walking along street up to banners on building. MS people queuing outside shop. CU price labels on food. MS pan down from poster to hands posting envelopes in ballot box. MS sacks full of votes being taken into office for counting. MS votes being poured from sack. CU hands holding old ration card which signifies approval. MS ration cards being sorted. CU ration cards of family with note attached. <br/> <br/>Date on original dope sheet is 12/10/1950. <br/> <br/>
1950s Los Angeles recreation
Los Angeles - Pacific Coast Highway - PCH - Santa Monica pier - roller coaster - beach acrobats - Knott's Berry Farms - children panning for gold - facade of western town - families ride on wagon - man wearing Native American headdress - rodeo practice - bison or buffalo in pen - swans in park - La Brea Tar Pits - Rose Garden - Southern California - recreation
News Clip: Ft. Woth City Council ; No Negroes Enroll at Wichita Falls
Video footage from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany two news stories. The first is about the Fort Worth city council's decision regarding giving continued police protection to an African American family who moved into a home on an all-white street. Second is a story about the lack of enrollment of African American students in Wichita Fall's schools, despite the recent integration of the school system.
Various Subjects
VOLUNTEERING: Archival footage: Alaskan earthquake 1964, people at shelters/Albert Schweitzer and volunteers in Africa in 1950s, primarily medical/volunteer firemen 1950s/Debbie Reynolds talks about being Girl Scout volunteer, Girl Scouts volunteering/CU "American Cancer Society" and "Volunteer" pins/WWII canteens, volunteers, celebrity volunteers in "Stage Door Canteen"/Peace Corps volunteers in 1960s (mostly stills)/Red Cross volunteers in the 1930s from "Red Cross Reel"/WWII celebrity volunteers from "Show Business at War", mostly entertaining, but also cooking, etc./1923 flood relief/community volunteering, 1950s, a husband and wife learn to contribute to their community/Depression-era soup kitchen/Ben Turpin volunteers in soup kitchen/Jackie Coogan, celebrity child star from Chaplin films, volunteers/volunteer hangs poster (former politician--who is this guy?)/WWI Liberty Bonds (war bonds), war stamps, women's society benefit for hospital/WWI Red Cross volunteers/the first Boy Scout troop, Boy Scouts from all over the world/WWII volunteers, mostly women (I think in Canada), host families for soldiers, women swim teachers, nuns volunteering in schools/WWII volunteers digging people out of rubble (civilians), The Salvation Army/Cary Grant, Shirley Temple and Myrna Loy in PSA for Tuberculosis stamps/Depression-era volunteers dig trench to irrigate farm (long, dramatic, fictional sequence from "Our Daily Bread")/WWII volunteers, British War Relief Society, Salvation Army, Britain thanks America for their help during the war/WWII Hollywood Canteen, stars mix with soldiers