<br/>GV accused Kikuyu in compound at Githinguri. SV Mr McConville, Pathe News cameraman, talking to Superintendent Aubry, Kenya Police C.I.D. Chief of Uplands District North of Nairobi. GV courthouse. SV Ascari at ready with rifles in lookout. SV towards Mr Justice de Lestang inspecting Ascaris. CU an Ascaris sergeant. SV pan, de Lestang inspecting Ascaris. MV counsels for defence and prosecution talking outside court. CU Miss K. P. Hurst the first practising woman barrister defence in Kenya, & CU.
<br/>LV advocates in court. CU advocate. SV photographs of atrocities being sorted. SV pan, atrocity photographs. SV officer issuing identity number cards. LV Kikuyu in compound. SV accused Kikuyu. LV assessors of which three will be chosen to assess evidence. CU pan, assessors with peculiar ears. CU pan down from bowmen to bow and poisoned arrows.
<br/>SV Miss K.P. Hurst entering compound. SV Miss K.P. Hurst receiving documents from prisoners. SV women witnesses seated on ground. CU woman witness. CU another female witness LV prisoners entering court room. Mau Mau thug in court room. LV prisoners in dock. CU pan to a staring eyed prisoner. Pan across to barristers. CU Mr Justice de Lestang.
<br/>SV exterior King George VI Hospital. GV interior corridor of hospital. GV pan, ward with Kikuyu victims. SV doctor testing victim's chest. CU male victim with feeding pipe up nose. SV doctor, nurses and orderlies attending to victim with mutilated posterior. Pan as doctor leaves bed to attend to next victim. CU doctor. CU male patient in bed. CU gun and hat on bed, pan up BV of officers. CU female victim in bed. SV two officer taking statement from victim. CU back view officer writing. SV nurse putting sling on child with broken arm. CU child having sling fastened round neck.
<br/>LV nurses talking to blood donor waiting in corridor. SV nurse. Pan to Kikuyu blood donor. CU donor, pan down to arm CU donor, pan to orderly. MV donor arm, pan down to blood running into bottle. CU blood running into bottle. GV doctors attending patients ward. SV nurse (coloured) feeding coloured baby. CU nurse. CU baby sucking at bottle. SV McConville with two nurses standing by victim's bed. CU female victim.
<br/>LV nurses and kiddies in children's ward. CU small child with bandaged head. Pan to another child & SV. SV mother lying in bed with baby which has badly burned face. CU badly burned face of baby.
<br/>CU Mau Mau thug in court room. LB prisoners in dock. CU pan to a staring eyed prisoner. CU manacled hands. Pan up to old prisoners with beard. Pan across to another prisoners. SV Mr Justice de Lestang. GV court room and prisoners in dock.