16:39:12:00,Telephone industrial on progress of phone system (previews the semiconductor), UPA-style animation explains wireless communication and development of vacuum tube, CU newspaper headline "Transcontinental Telephone Line Completed", Boardroom with CEO talking about transcontinental telephone line, Boss explains meaning of the word "telephone", Myron Healy challenges cost of calling coast-to-coast, Animation depicts five conversations on one line, 1,2,3,4,5 moves across screen, Animated feedback amplifier distorts voice, word "Hello" goes through wires, Coax cable (live and animated), Inventor of coax around boardroom table, Men lay coax cable, Early television camera, TV tower rises into sky, Animated radar generates waves and strikes plane, "500", "1200" and "1800" beamed out to plan (animated), Animated snow over waves, Old man looks at cut out hollow pipe, Wave pipe, Men graphic multiplies and moves around screen (animate), Animated phone lines 1, 3, 10, 21, 45, 4900, Phone operator makes connection, makes calls (a smiling blonde), Modern phone switching system, Man walks up to huge switching system, Lights on board, Man dials rotary business phone, Manufacturing switching site, Machine takes calls (relay station), Ext. Bell Labs with flag flying (NJ), Bell Research scientists at work, Scientist at chalkboard, Scientist in chemistry lab and at chalkboard, Vacuum tube lights up (animated), "?" over "X" box (question mark and the letter X), Silhouette of man picks up natural semiconductors (sand, etc.) on table, Spinning disc in chemical experiment (NEAT), Large bell jar over experiment, Wave on testing equipment (1st transistor), Bell scientist wins Nobel Prize (award ceremony), Experimental Bell Switching Center (electronic), Pretty woman puts on glasses, Satellite spins in void, 1930s Paramount truck on location for shooting (neat), Man makes disc recording, record spins, Early television system (dramatization), Buzz bomb tracked by radar, Antarctic research lab, missile takes off (GREAT), Missile take off (great), Pretty woman sits with dummy's head on top of hers, she wears headphones (very weird), raises hand, Strange looking chamber with woman in middle, Hand holds early memory chip, Computer tapes spin in big machines, Man holds long rod called optical Mazer, Early picture phone, Early 1960s version of picture phone use with housewife talking to butcher who shows off meat, Echo satellite takes off, Man on phone, Animation of how satellite works from "Cal to NJ", Man prepares satellite, Rocket goes into space (nice and long), Satellite antenna (big), Man looks into microscope, sees atom, Man "thinking" hard, Tube lights up with scientist looking on, Animated world connected by phone lines, Animated Earth beams radio waves to colonized moon and beyond, Bell Systems logo